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Dewey Readmore

Dewey: There's a Cat in the Library!

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The story of Dewey the celebrated library cat is now available for the youngest of readers in this new, fully-illustrated picture book adventure.

When Librarian Vicki Myron finds a young kitten abandoned in the Spencer Library return box, she nurses him back to health, deciding then and there that he will be their library cat, and naming him, appropriately, Dewey Readmore Books. Dewey loves his new home, but once he discovers the littlest library visitors-who like to chase him, pull his tail, and squeeze him extra tight-Dewey begins to wonder if he's truly cut out for the demands of his new job. In the end, he is triumphant as he realizes that helping people big and small is what he is meant to do, and that by sharing his special brand of Dewey love, he can be the best library cat of all.

40 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2009

About the author

Vicki Myron

8 books346 followers
I was born in Spencer and grew up on a farm south of Moneta, Iowa—a town that no longer exists. I graduated from Hartley Iowa High School and moved to Mankato, Minnesota where I worked, married, had a daughter and went to college. I have a bachelor’s degree from Mankato State and a master’s from Emporia State University, Emporia, Kansas. In 1982, I returned to Spencer, Iowa to begin working at the public library. In 1987, I was named Director of Spencer Public Library and I served in that position for 25 and ½ years. I retired in 2007 to write this book. I currently reside in Spencer.

I love George Orwell, Frederick Feikema, and the Harry Potter series for fiction. I read all of Torey Hayden’s books about abused children and many other non-fiction writers. I rarely read fiction these days unless it is a truly special book.

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292 (3%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 271 reviews
Profile Image for Sarah BT.
773 reviews45 followers
March 9, 2011
Oh Dewey. Your story was cute to start but now I'm a bit sick of you. You, like your canine counterpart Marley, have turned into a let's see how much money we can make off this animal marketing venue.

This picture book featuring Dewey might appeal to Dewey fans or cat lovers, but that's about it. I didn't really learn anything about Dewey's life, the story doesn't flow, and it really does read like a "let's see what else we can turn this Dewey story into it and milk it for all it's worth" type of book. The book starts out OK but then it turns into random snipppets about Dewey and doesn't ever really have a cohesive plot. Honestly, I'm not even sure how this made it onto the Show-Me Readers list, other than the fact that it takes place in the library. But there isn't much of a lesson typically found in books on the list.

Needless to say, I was very disappointed in this book.
Profile Image for Alicia.
38 reviews
November 11, 2009
Dewey: There's a Cat in the Library is a gorgeous picture book based on the true story of Dewey Readmore Books. Dewey is a orange colored kitten who was left in a public library's book drop one night. When Vicki, the librarian, returns to the library in the morning to find a cold and dirty Dewey in the book drop, she cleans him up and decides to keep him at the library, as the library's cat. The story follows Dewey as he explores the library, gets to know the library's patrons, and learns to be the best library cat that he can be. The story's illustrator, Steve James, paints beautiful and soft, realistic illustrations of Dewey and the children at the library.

I was so excited to see this story in picture book form. I had checked out the original "adult" story, also written by Vicki Myron, but didn't have the time to read it before it had to be returned. I enjoyed this adaptation of Dewey's story. This would be a wonderful library storytime book for preschool and school-aged children. Especially in a library setting children will identify with a story set in a library.
Profile Image for C.  (Comment, never msg)..
1,464 reviews188 followers
January 18, 2023
Dewey: There’s A Cat In The Library!” 2009, has special provenance for me. My Mom was a wonderful Mother and animal lover, who just like me, considered our cats her kids. She was enchanted when she heard that a librarian in Iowa, USA rescued a cat and wrote about her adored public figure. Vicki Myron’s books were treasured presents from me. When Mom arose to the afterlife in 2020, they came home with me and I am gradually savouring them too.

Beautifully brought to life and complemented by illustrator Steve James and edited by Brett Witter, the world acquaints Dewey at a children’s pace and viewpoint. We meet the newly rescued orange tabby kitten in wary exploration when everything was formidable, his excited discovery when his new environment appealed to him, and share in his relief and pleasure when he feels at home and well loved, as all animals and people deserve to be.

When we encountered a grumpy veterinarian, my orange tabby saved the day by squeezing inside her jacket, like Dewey did for a shy girl herein.

I give both children’s books 4 stars. I know books with artwork on every page need scenes to be described briefly. They are unlikely to be cohesive stories, however these ones could have been more streamlined. I appreciate that most of the space is saved for the visual art to literally colour in the emotions and action. The warmth of all these kitty experiences is absorbed and felt delightfully by his readers.

Public places do not suit all animals. It was important that we were shown Dewey became a library cat because he liked the role. My favourite words are:

“The kitten came out of the sink orange and purring”.
“I’m going to keep you” said Vicki, who already loved him.
Profile Image for Tarissa.
1,464 reviews86 followers
May 1, 2022
Love it! Dewey is so cute! A must read. Especially if you've already read the original Dewey book, this children's story will make more sense if you have the backstory. Why not read this one to your kids?
Profile Image for Gisela Hausmann.
Author 41 books364 followers
February 3, 2022
Because I am working on a book with animal characters, I decided to listen to the audio edition of "Dewey."

Though Dewey was and is "famous around the world" I had never heard of him or Spencer, Iowa; I picked the book because I am a cat lover. The more I was smitten, enchanted, and happy with reading this book.

I picked a great book. Vicky Myron does a wonderful job in describing Dewey's character, movements, habits, fur, eyes, purrs, actions, and personality, as well as connecting it to Dewey' human fans, reluctant fans, and other bystanders. She also serves as Spencer, Iowa's greatest ambassador, Vicky Myron's wonderful descriptions of city and region caused me to make a mental note to visit the town.

Anybody who loves cats and books will love this book. Extra praise for Susan McInerney, whose wonderful voice and reading enhanced this book even more.
Profile Image for Tracy Bye.
14 reviews4 followers
July 8, 2013
Audience: Primary (Pre-K through 2nd)
Genre: Fantasy Fiction
Pre-Reading Strategy: K-W-L

This is an instructional reading strategy that is used to guide students through a text. Students begin by brainstorming everything they Know about a topic. This information is recorded in the K column of a K-W-L chart. Students then generate a list of questions about what they Want to Know about the topic. These questions are listed in the W column of the chart. During or after reading, students answer the questions that are in the W column. This new information that they have Learned is recorded in the L column of the K-W-L chart.

1. Choose a text to Pre-read to the students to get their ideas about the topic flowing.
"Every night, people left books in the return box of the library in the small town of Spencer, Iowa. Funny books, big books, truck books, pig books - they left them all.
But one night,
On the coldest night of the year,
Someone left a strange surprise...
A tiny kitten."

2. Create a K-W-L chart on the board.

3. Ask students to brainstorm words, terms, or phrases they associate with the topic. Tell me everything you know about cats, the library and cats in the library. Ask questions like "what made you think of that?" to prompt more detail. Record these responses in the Know part of your chart.

4. Move on to the Want to Know column of the chart. Students make a list questions of what they want to know about the library and cat. Example questions...What do you want to know about cats and the library? What do you think you will learn about cats and the library from the book we are going to read? What would you like to learn more about the library? Cats? Do cats belong in the library?

5. Read the book to the students.

6. In the Learn part of the chart, answer the questions they generated in the Want to K ow part of the chart. This is the new information they learned from reading this book.
Profile Image for Peacegal.
10.9k reviews107 followers
May 3, 2011
What’s good about it:

Dewey is a rescued cat. A scrawny, dirty kitten left in a library book drop, Dewey is adopted by the librarians and lives out his days among the bookshelves.

The book offers some very basic information to children about the proper way to greet and pet a cat. Dewey describes his feelings when he is pet “the wrong way” (against his fur) and carried upside-down by an overeager child.

What’s not so good:

Dewey is shown playing with rubber bands, which are especially dangerous objects to a cat if accidentally ingested.

The book is corny as all get-out. The illustrations are cutesy, soft-focus scenes, and the text comes with an extra helping of melted cheese. (It actually ends with the word “purr-fect.”) This likely won’t bother the tiniest tots, but older kids will no doubt roll their eyes at the hokiness and adults will be cringing.
Profile Image for Dolly.
Author 1 book665 followers
February 7, 2012
I've read the book Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World by Vicki Myron. I really liked that story and I was excited to share it with our girls. This book is a short, and highly anthropomorphic, version of that tale. The illustrations are great and our girls loved that the story is true. Our oldest is in third grade and her teacher encourages her to read more nonfiction books. This story certainly helps show that not all nonfiction books are crammed with boring details and facts. We enjoyed reading this story together.
Profile Image for Karina.
835 reviews59 followers
March 16, 2021
I’ve been wanting to read this book because I knew this cat personally, and now that I have a child and the animal of the week in the curriculum is “cat”, I had to get it :) We all liked it. Alex doesn’t talk yet but he made signs for “book”, and “cold” in appropriate spots, and looked with interest at the pictures of the cat, and brought over another book featuring a cat showing he understands.
Profile Image for Jennifer McEvoy.
400 reviews5 followers
May 6, 2024
Picked up this book at my library because it had a cat on it and it’s based in Iowa so why not?! It was such a cute, short read! 😻😻
Profile Image for Heather McC.
975 reviews8 followers
January 15, 2018
A five star rating for my favorite library cat. Dewey was a friend to everyone, and managed to teach proper library etiquette when necessary. Great for storytimes or for a community helpers unit. Myron's illustrated version of the 'Dewey' book is a great starting place for young readers who want to know more about the cute library mascot.
Profile Image for Siv30.
2,545 reviews158 followers
February 1, 2016
18 לינואר 1988 היה יום קר טיפוסי לאיווה. בלילה שלפני הטמפרטורה ירדה ל- מינוס 10 מעלות מתחת לאפס, בהתחשב ברוחות שאין דבר שיעצור אותן במישורי איווה, ��בי�� להניח שהקור החודר הורגש גם בבוקר. בבוקר הגורלי הזה מצאה ויקי מיירון , המנהלת של ספריית ספנסר,הפתעה בתא ההחזרה של הספרים . גור חתולים ג`ינג`י שזכה לשם דיואי והיתר נכתב בדפי ההיסטוריה (או במקרה הזה, בדפי הספר שכתבה ויקי מירון). ואני תוהה מה הפך את הספר הזה לרב מכר היסטרי בארה;quot&ב? בוודאות ומקריאת הספר אין מדובר בספר מופת. נהפוך הוא, מדובר בסיפור קטן של אם ואישה חד הורית שחייה לא סגו בשושנים. היא מצליחה למנף את ההזדמנויות שניקרות בדרכה לכדי משהו משמעותי ומהותי, כדי לשפר את תנאי החיים שלה. אבל, ההצלחה, גם זו הכי קטנה עולה לה במאמצים רבים ובמחיר אישי. גם אחרי שדיואי נכנס לחייה, המצב לא השתפר. ויקי מיירון היתה צריכה להילחם על מימוש החלומות שלה. ואולי זה סוד ההצלחה של הספר? לקראת סוף הספר היא כותבת את הדברים הבאים : ;quot&דיואי החל את חייו בתנאים צנועים (מתוך סימטה אחורית באיווה), הוא שרד אסון (תיבת ספרים קפואה), הוא מצא את מקומו בעולם (ספרייה בעיירה קטנה). אולי זו התשובה. הוא מצא את מקומו. הוא מצא את מה שאהב. מטרתו בחיים היתה להפוך את המקום הזה - קטן, נידח וצנוע ככל שיהיה - למקום טוב יותר לכולם;quot& (194-195) ניתן בקלות רבה להעתיק את הדברים ולשייכם לויקי מיירון. היא החלה את חייה בתנאים צנועים, שרדה יותר מאסון אחד ואפילו כמה אסונות קולוסליים, מצאה את מקומה בעולם ומטרתה היתה להפוך את המקום הזה למקום טוב יותר לכולם. הסיפורים האישיים של ויקי נוגעים ללב ובחלקים מהם מצאתי עצמי בוכה. אולי ההצלחה שלו נעוצה דווקא בנוסטלגיה שהספר מעורר. בעידן הטכנולוגי, שבו פוגשים אנשים בערך רק מבעד למסך הוירטואלי. בעידן של אורות ניאון מרצדים וכלכלה קפיטליסטית דורסנית, שדות תירס מוצפים בשמש חמימה מתבדרים ברוח וספריה, הם סימבולים לעבר שיש בו איזו וודאות ונחמה. ;quot&מדף אחר מדף ושורה אחר שורה של ספרים. אולי עטיפותיהם צבעוניות יותר, האמנות שבהם אקספרסיבית יותר והאותיות נראות אחרות, אבל באופן כללי הספרים נראים כמו שנראו בשנת 1982, ובשנת 1962, ובשנת 1942. וזה אינו עומד להשתנות. הספרים שורדים למרות הטלביזיה, הרדיו, הקולנוע, כתבי העת והעיתונים...הם ישרדו גם את האינטרנט;quot&. הספר כולל חלקים נרחבים של היסטוריה פרטית/קולקטיווית אמריקאית. לטעמי הקטעים האלה כתובים מצויין ומהווים שבירה של חלק מהרצף הבלתי נלאה בתיאורי דיואי ועיסוקיו. כפי שאתם מבינים, עקב אכילס של הספר נעוץ בתיאורים הבלתי פרופורציונליים של חייו של דיואי ומעשיו. כן, אומנם מדובר בספר מונוגרפי על החתול, אבל דיי, מעלליו פשוט חדלו לעניין אותי בשלב מסויים. כשהבנתי שהנה מגיע עוד פרק על בעיית האכילה/חירבון של דיואי, פשוט ריפרפתי. אין הרבה פרקים שעוסקים רק בסדר יומו של דיואי, אבל אלה שכן, פשוט הגדישו את השאה אצלי. בשורה התחתונה אפשר ומומלץ לקרוא את הספר בדילוגים המתבקשים. ;quot&דיואי;quot&, ויקי מיירון הוצאת מטר, 2008, 252 עמ`
Profile Image for Laurie.
868 reviews
February 4, 2014
Publishers Weekly (September 7, 2009)
This genial if cutesy adaptation of the authors' bestselling Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World gets an energetic boost from James's digitally rendered art. Animal-loving readers will be charmed by the realistic, closeup depictions of young library patrons and their tender (and sometimes not-so-tender) interactions with Dewey, who is based on a real-life feline adopted by Myron after it was abandoned in the book drop of her Iowa library. The narrative becomes overly precious, though, when it ventures inside Dewey's head: " 'Babies are wonderful,' Dewey thought. "Cute and SMELL-icious, too." And as he joins story hour he thinks, "Wowzy whiskers, this looks fun." Despite being manhandled by some young patrons, the cat confides to his toy mouse that he is determined to help people ("I'm ninety-two percent convinced that that's the reason I'm around") and makes good on his promise by cheering up a sad girl who's reading alone. He then proclaims himself a "REAL library cat," which (the story concludes, on a well-worn note) "felt... purr-fect!" Ages 3-6. (Sept.) Copyright 2009 Reed Business Information.

School Library Journal (September 1, 2009)
K-Gr 2-This heartwarming picture book is based on the authors' adult title, Dewey (Grand Central, 2008). It describes how on a cold night Myron found a tiny kitten in the return box at Spencer Public Library in Iowa, and the feline's impact on the library community. Dewey Readmore Books overcame unpleasant encounters with young children who picked him up upside down or petted him the wrong way and settled in, "happy" to help people. The realistic illustrations, done in vibrant watercolors, bring the tale to life (the orange cat's expressions are priceless). The story moves along swiftly, and will be a hit with readers requesting animal books.-Beth Cuddy, Seward Elementary School, Auburn, NY Copyright 2009 Reed Business Information.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Linden.
31 reviews
February 12, 2014
"Dewey: There's a Cat in the Library!" was a sweet book written by Vicki Myron. I thought this book had a lot of great qualities to it that would make it a nice book to have around a classroom for individual choice reading times. The illustrations were realistic, colorful, adorable, and helped lend a hand to the story itself. I would recommend this book to anyone who has younger readers around. The story starts with a librarian finding a kitten in the return box at a library. She scoops him up, gives him a bath and decides to let him stay as the library cat. Dewey, the library cat, gets himself into many adventures around the library and meets many people along the way. Near the end of the story Dewey decides to make a job out of being a library cat and fulfills many duties as well as helping cheer up the guests who come to read. This heartwarming book tells the tale of a kitten who wants to help out and how he makes a friend a long the way.
Profile Image for Eva-Marie.
1,680 reviews132 followers
January 4, 2011
3.5 - We read this yesterday and Julia liked it well enough. I've had Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World since it came out and still haven't read it although I really, really want to get to it soon.
It was nice being able to show my Dewey to Julia and explain to her that this cat is real, this woman and library are real and that this really happened. That this book came from a real experience. Who knows, maybe she'll absorb my love for non-fiction.
Profile Image for bella.
332 reviews28 followers
August 21, 2012
I have had the adult version of this book on my shelf for a long time, Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World.

I spotted the picture book version at the library recently and grabbed it. My 4yo twin boys absolutely loved reading this story. We have two cats of our own, and they loved seeing the things that Dewey got up to in the library, and how he helps the people that visit the library.

One of my boys was absolutely silent during the entire reading, in awe of the beautiful Dewey! This kind of awe is usually reserved for super hero books, so I take this as a sign of a awesome book!

I loved reading this story and I will definitely be re-reading it again and again.
Profile Image for Heidi-Marie.
3,855 reviews86 followers
June 28, 2010
If Marley can make it in the children's lit world, then so can Dewey! The book does well in bringing up some of the experiences Dewey had which are related in Myron's "full-length" nonfiction book. But I missed the other details which were in the bigger book. Like why it's funny that Dewey always found a rubber band. So while I prefer the bigger book, we HAVE to add Dewey (a library cat) to our children's library!
Profile Image for Alicia.
7,256 reviews141 followers
December 28, 2011
Maybe it's because I'm a librarian of course, but it was a sentimental story of a cat left in the book return at a public library and the librarians and staff adopt the cat, who they name Dewey Readmore Books, as their library cat. He takes his job seriously by helping people, including kids feel good, It's purr-fect.
Profile Image for Kasey Fernandez.
131 reviews
August 19, 2017
This is such a sweet picture book to read with Kinders! The characters are relatable and there are many examples of how to behave in the library and how to behave around animals. Love it!
Profile Image for Stephanie H (My Bookish Itinerary).
252 reviews53 followers
January 14, 2018
Overall, I found this to be a cute story. I like that it is based off of real life. Dewey: There's a Cat in the Library is a story about a cat that someone has dropped off at the library on a really cold night. The librarian finds the cat the next morning and takes care of him. She instantly falls in love with the cat and decides that it will be a library cat.
Dewey starts off doing what normal kittens do but in a library. He interacts with the people and likes it when they pet him, but only when they do it the correct way. After walking in on Story Time filled with children who all went crazy over there being a cat in the library, Dewey decides it is time for him to do his duty as a library cat. Helping patrons that come to the library and helping shelve books. He even helps cheer up a sad child.
This story is cute. It kept my girls very entertained. They loved reading it. I really liked the different aspects of the library that the book included. I also really loved his full name. I would recommend checking this story out, especially if you have a child or children that love cats!

This review, as well as, Cutie Pie and Cutie Pie #2's thoughts can be found on my blog: My Bookish Itinerary
20 reviews
July 23, 2020
Dewey: There's a Cat in the Library! is a picture book by Vicki Myron and Bret Witter that was published September 15, 2009. This story is intended for an audience of young children between the grades of pre-k and second grade. This story is based off a true story that the author had experienced. The kitten, Dewey, was left in a book drop off at a public library and the librarian, Vicki, nurses him back to health. The kitten gets to explore the library and he becomes the library's pet. Overall, I rated this book a three out of five stars. Even though the illustrations were bright and really good, I do not believe the book was interesting enough for a young reader. Most of the book would be too wordy for a child that is in Pre-K or Kindergarten. I personally do not believe the story flows; we do not have any background from where the kitten came from. I believe that this book could be used as a read aloud during story time at school during library class. The students could imagine what it would be like to have a cat as a pet in their own library.
March 12, 2024
This was a book about a cat who was dropped in the book box and then she became a library cat. I liked how this cat talked about how kids should be petting them and how she is a library cat not a cat in the library. She wanted to make that clear. I thought that this book was an excellent way to show students how to act with a cat and I also liked that there were lots of different ways that words should have been read like quietly or loud.
Author: Vicki Myron
Illustrator: Steve James
Publisher: Little Brown Books for Young Readers September 15, 2009
Profile Image for Zayd Tarjuman.
51 reviews
February 22, 2022
This is a good book for kids who want to read about Dewey but in a good small story. I could not stop talking about this at my home so my little brother wanted to know more. He got this book and started reading it and love it. I do like it but it could have been better. Once whoever reads this book grows up, I think they should read the big book because it is better. But again, this is a good book.
Profile Image for Lana Kamennof-sine.
772 reviews27 followers
January 23, 2023
I'd known the story of Dewey but this children's picture book was a lovely way to share the story with children. Written from the kitten's perspective from being found in a book return in the winter to adjusting to not only Library spaces & routines but to the patrons of all ages. Would like to think that the young ones hearing, or reading this story would also assimilate the life lessons it offers like learning to adapt to circumstance in order to minimize discomfort & move forward.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 271 reviews

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