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Well, that certainly sucks!

We freed Talvath, then we lost Talvath. And the bastard took Bram with him. For all we know, he’s back in Hell building an army to destroy my library. According to Balthazar, Silvaria and Dorian are on their way back to the US now that he’s liberated a large sum of money from their bank accounts. Kaine and the Paranormal Investigation Bureau will be waiting for them.

I know Silvaria though. She thinks she has a god under her control. She’s going to want Reyson at the bank with her. I swear to Lilith, if she breaks my library, I’m going to kill her twice. I’m going to let Reyson and Balthazar get creative, then if Bram ever comes back, I’ll unleash him on what’s left over.

No one messes with my library.

384 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 30, 2021

About the author

J.B. Trepagnier

112 books764 followers
USA Today Bestselling Author JB Trepagnier is secretly 30 feral cats in a trench coat and combat boots writing romance with a shared feral cat hive mind.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 91 reviews
Profile Image for Lindsay.
204 reviews280 followers
July 13, 2022
Initial thoughts (12/28/21): I am glad that the page length is longer than the other two books because it needed it. It also needed some more editing. Some of the writing seemed rushed and I'll be honest the steam was actually kinda too much. Just too many scenes of it, I mean in this book you get 2 scenes of Full review to come soon. 3.5 stars.

Final review (1/27/22): I feel like I have been in a writing slump… I just haven’t had the will to sit down and write a full review but I will not leave December’s books unaddressed and I want to read the new book in this universe - Disabling Relics for Dummies. I tend to do character analysis in my reviews for the heroine and the dudes but I’ve already done it with the first two books -Chaos and Discord. . For my opinions on characters check out those links.

I quite liked it but I had issues so I am rounding down instead of up.

I preferred this over Discord but much of the plot was focused on an aspect of hell society that made me question my prior love, enjoyment and respect of the world building in the Scorchwood Supernatural Penitentary series. The enslavement of the hellhounds was a main focus of this plot and how it was done angers me. A large chunk of this book was focused on the liberation of the hellhounds and I lost interest not in the social oppression but how they were freed. Basically Lilith went on a press junket and I spent the whole time thinking… “witch… goddess, you’ve spent thousands of years not helping them but suddenly you care because of Ripley… yeah, I don’t buy it.” Further, supposedly slavery was ended in Hell in a day. That is terribly unrealistic… further, in a matter of a week hellhounds have an organized representative system? I will acknowledge not everyone is a poli sci fanatic like myself but it would have taken no work for J.B. Trepagnier to reframe the time of this book for the representative change take atleast months.

To conclude, let’s talk about the plot that should have been the focus of the story because it was built up from book one. Dorian Gray his plans is so idiotic and implausible but some how successful? Or close too? If the author wanted him to be a side plot then she should have destroyed him in the second book. I’m supposed to believe that Reyson couldn’t have just insinerated him? That a**hole managed to I wanted more from Dorian Gray who would have been an epic literary villain!!!

This book has a lot of smut. I can’t remember the exact breakdowns of the scenes but there are 3 bisexual men in this harem. If you want more details on the sexy stuff I wrote about it above in my initial thoughts. Basically after 3 books and even within this one, the smut is just repetitive. I can reread a scene if I wanna relive it, I don’t need the character to redo “the scene” later on.

Overall, I will definitely read more from J.B. Trepagnier but the premise of this series definitely outshone the execution and each of the books feel like they need more editing. I’d rather wait longer for a book than have repetitive writing.

Pre read thoughts (12/19/21): This is next up on my December TBR. I should start it soon though based on the ratings I may be in for a disappointment :( I like a little plot Chaos in the books I read so it might work out.

Pre publication thoughts (11/16/21):
Looking forward to this release on the 29th. Not sure why Goodreads has it labelled as having released in August? I really hope this gives a strong conclusion to the series but leaves enough plot alive for the spinoff for her twin. Which comes in late December!
Profile Image for Caitlin.
444 reviews9 followers
December 18, 2021
*3.5 stars

I did enjoy this conclusion to the series, however it wasn't quite as strong a finale as I hoped. I felt a little bit let down by the conclusion to the Dorian Gray story arc, it felt a little too convenient. This is the longest in the series by 100 or so pages, but it still felt a bit rushed at times and there were more errors than typical for J.B. so I think it needs another round of edits. Perhaps it would have worked a little better for me if it was stretched to a 4 book series and the plot developed a little more for a more satisfying ending. It was smuttier than the previous books in the series though, which was fun.
Profile Image for Cat Hoffpauir.
1,715 reviews185 followers
March 24, 2022
4.5 stars.
This was a pretty good end to the trilogy.
Of course these characters will most likely pop up again in the Museum of the Profane series that’s with Ripley’s sister Ravyn, but they definitely got their HEA in the end.

I enjoyed the plot and all the problems they faced through the series. It was super interesting unraveling all the god and hell stuff that they were faced with.

But I’ll be honest. The writing in this was getting a bit too rambling about halfway through and I mostly just stuck around for the group activities at the end.
There was a lot of spelling mistakes or words in the wrong order or just extra ones where they shouldn’t be. Plus there was a lot of explanations and speeches and summaries that just felt a bit tedious after a while.

I still enjoyed reading this series though. If nothing else, there was some creative and steamy sex scenes that I really enjoyed.

I had a good time, but I’d still recommend ‘Monster Whisperer’ from this author, over this.
Profile Image for Cas ✨.
652 reviews7 followers
March 20, 2022
I really love how this all tied up and the HEA that basically everyone minus the bad guys got. However, I *really* wish it had been edited better; there were a lot of misconfigured sentences and missing words that were really distracting and pulled me out of the world because I had to read the sentence multiple times to understand what was being said. I hate taking a star off when I love the plot and the characters so much but it was hella distracting and frustrating. The overall writing felt a bit more rushed than the first two too, so I don’t know if it was a deadline thing or what but I really hope someone goes through with a better comb at some point.

Back to the story — it couldn’t have tied up more perfectly. I am so happy that the Hellhounds were freed and given new lives, I am even happier that May got the position as the Hellhound spokesperson and her two mates. Bram being able to go back with Ripley & her other men was what I was hoping for and that happened too. Reyson finally got his knot 😂 I kinda wish the Felix & Gabriel scene hadn’t been exactly the same as the previous one, especially given how kinky Ripley is and all the possible scenarios they could’ve done but that’s nitpicky preference rather than an actual complaint.
I didn’t like that Lilith was so secretive but in a way it makes you appreciate how open Reyson is. I love that Balthazar has some insecurities but they get addressed in a real way towards the end. I love that Gabriel & Lucifer connect and have a mutually beneficial relationship and that Kaine went out of his way to make things better for Gabriel’s family.
The way Dorian was killed was poetic justice, I saw some reviews complaining about it and I disagree wholeheartedly. There was literally no other punishment that would’ve suited his arrogant, vain ass. Pink glitter cloud included lol.

I can’t wait to read Ravyn’s story next! And I will probably check out Kaine’s daughters too. The world building was excellent and I liked the characters a lot.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Eliza.
698 reviews6 followers
January 6, 2022
Totally loved this ending of the Library of the Profane Trilogy. Ripley and her crew of men are fantastic and know what they are doing. I love the multiple points of view and all the other characters met along the way. This story did a fantastic job tying up loose ends and setting up the Museum of the Profane series. I loved the humor, steam, and occasional plot twist in this work.

Five out of five stars.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
September 25, 2023
Dorian Grey finally gets what he deserves and boy was it satisfying. Things really got intense once Ripley turns up in hell and I loved how the guys were ready for anything to get her back. While the overall story moves almost too fast, I can't complain because this end was everything the story needed and more. Ripley and the guys take running the library very seriously but more than that they all refuse to let Dorian win. With a couple of epilogues I was beyond happy to see everyone living their HEA but I def wanna read the Museum of the Profane series with Ripleys sister. Something about a nerdy heroine who loves her job of historical artifacts and books that makes them immediately likable.
Profile Image for Christy Bailey.
645 reviews23 followers
February 1, 2022
Great ending!

Wow, what a great story this turned out to be!!! I am so glad I finally read this, and now I can't wait to see what else is in store for the other characters in this setting. If you haven't given this series a try, you are missing out!!!
December 6, 2021
This book was well thought out. I love this series and am sad to see the end. I appreciate how everything I wanted to happen happened, and then some. Because all of this is in the book it is a bit lengthy but I didn’t mind.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for (ti) Racconto di un libro .
95 reviews1 follower
July 2, 2023
Recensione in italiano
Devo dire che l'ho preferito ai primi due, probabilmente perché finalmente abbiamo un po' di risposte e inizia l'azione vera e propria. Non che non ci fosse negli altri due ma probabilmente avrebbe potuto inserirli in un solo libro, tagliare le scene inutili che hanno allungato tutto e andare direttamente a questo libro conclusivo!! Ci sono stati comunque alcuni problemi: la serie è incentrata sul dio del caos che viene riportato in vita non si sa da chi (spoiler: si capisce alla terza pagina 😂😂) e sulla nostra eroina che insieme al suo harem deve salvare il mondo. Ora, capisco il bisogno di contesto, capisco l'importanza da dare alla liberazione della schiavitù nel mondo dei demoni, ma il libro è incentrato tutto su questo tranne l'ultima parte dove in pochi capitoli si risolve tutto... praticamente ha iniziato una serie in un altra 🤷‍♀️ per non parare del fatto che la dea che ha creato il mondo dei demoni (Lilith) è rimasta a guardare per tutto questo tempo i segugi infernali resi schiavi e quando Ripley si interessa alla situazione lei finalmente si sveglia?
Alla fine di questa presa di potere torniamo a Dorian Gray, un idiota narcisista che ha ideato piani poco plausibili ma che in qualche modo hanno successo... e lo sconfiggono in un modo così rapido e indolore che ti viene da chiedere, perché il dio del caos non lo ha schiacciato al primo libro? In conclusione, se le consideri due storie diverse ( Dorian Gray e il dio del caos da un lato e il mondo dei demoni e la liberazione dalla schiavitù dei segugi infernali dall'altro) non è stata una brutta lettura. Le scene di sesso invece rimangono superficiali e ripetitive, solo perché è un harem non significa che tutti devono andare a letto con tutti, con le stesse posizioni e scene copiate e incollate.
A presto, S.

English review
I have to say I preferred it to the first two, probably because we finally get some answers and the real action starts. Not that it wasn't there in the other two but he probably could have fit them into one book, cut out the unnecessary scenes that stretched everything and gone straight to this concluding book!!! However, there were some problems: the series is centered around the god of chaos who is brought back to life by no one knows who (spoiler: you can tell on the third page 😂😂) and our heroine who together with her harem must save the world. Now, I understand the need for context, I understand the importance to be given to the liberation of slavery in the demon world, but the book is all about that except for the last part where in a few chapters everything is resolved...she basically started a series in another 🤷‍♀️ not to mention the fact that the goddess who created the demon world (Lilith) has been watching all this time the enslaved hellhounds and when Ripley takes an interest in the situation she finally wakes up?
At the end of this takeover we return to Dorian Gray, a narcissistic idiot who has devised implausible but somehow successful plans--and defeats him in such a quick and painless way that you have to wonder, why didn't the god of chaos crush him in the first book?
In conclusion, if you consider them two different stories ( Dorian Gray and the god of chaos on the one hand and the world of demons and liberation from the bondage of hellhounds on the other) it was not a bad read. The sex scenes on the other hand remain superficial and repetitive, just because it is a harem does not mean that everyone has to sleep with everyone, with the same positions and scenes copied and pasted.
See you soon, S.
94 reviews1 follower
February 5, 2022
**This is a review of the series. This review will be posted for all three books. NO spoilers**

Starting off, I liked the books. I like the storyline and I liked the characters (besides maybe Lilith. I'm not that forgiving and she should have stepped up way sooner). It was interesting and compelling while successfully merging some serious and funny moments. It’s nice reading about people who are free in who they are. It makes that much more entertaining when they shake the view of people with a stick up their asses.

With that said, there were definitely some editorial mistakes that were very annoying. It didn’t help that it got worse with each book released.

Main problem? The typos. There would be words added that were in the middle of a sentence that should have been. There were also quite a few words that had the wrong verb tense attached to them (ex. smile, smiled, vs smiling). The most common mistake seemed to be the author combining two different formats for a sentence. Ex. The dog went to fetch the stick. vs The dog fetched the stick. This gets turned into The dog went fetched the stick. This happened way too much in the last book.

There was also this repetitive nature in the books. The same thing was said again and again, word for word. Straight up copy and paste. It takes away the fluidity of the story when I go “Wait. Didn’t I just read that? Word for word?” Yes, people tell the same story over and over again, but each time it’s told, there is always something a little different. No one says the same thing word for word unless they’re reading from a script.

And the last thing is becoming one of my BIGGEST pet peeves when reading rh books. I can't tell who’s saying what sometimes! For whatever reason, the author doesn’t clarify who is speaking. Like a page will look like this

“blah blah blah”
“blah blah blah”
“blah blah blah”
“blah blah blah”

With no mention of who’s speaking! It should look like this

“blah blah blah”, said Ripley.
Bram said “blah blah blah”
“blah blah blah,” said Felix.

Or one of the many different ways there is to do that. I don’t know why so many authors (especially rh authors), don’t specify when they have five characters conversing at once. If it’s just two characters speaking, then fine. Whatever. One speaks then the other speaks. But that’s not what happens! It’s so annoying!
Profile Image for Toubob.
340 reviews8 followers
December 2, 2021

There were a lot of plot points that were cheesy, overly simplified, glossed over, and plain ridiculous.

Dorian Gray’s plan was idiotic and wouldn’t be remotely plausible. The whole series was about Dorian Gray and yet the climatic resolution with him happens in an overly simple, unimaginative way. I think it probably was less than a chapter and yet realistically the FMC and her harem could have easily dealt with Dorian at any time after the first book.

The author spends a good chunk of the book dealing with the freeing of the hellhounds. I’m glad that they are freed but I wasn’t interested in Lilith speaking to this group and then speaking to another group and on and on. The timing/pacing of all of the meetings, press conferences and other things happen in a really short period of time. The timing was to unrealistic to be believable, especially when freed slaves are at some of the things. The slaves were like freed that morning and were kept at different locations in hell. So even rounding up and transporting everyone should have taken some time. But a little later in the day at a press conference some were presented as being chosen by the rest of the freed slaves to represent them. When did all the freed slaves get together to choose representation? Many of the freed slaves were horribly abused and wouldn’t have known any of the other hellhounds unless they were owned by the same demon. Yet the representatives are quickly organized, chosen and then are presented on stage to a room full of demons to witness something Lilith did.

So many choices, actions didn’t hold up to any sort of logical reasoning.
Profile Image for Seragrime.
117 reviews1 follower
January 23, 2022
I adore this series and characters but honestly this entire book is a disappointing mess.

First let's start with the errors. I get that some mistakes can slip though to the final manuscript but the sheer amount, types and frequency makes this feel like a rough draft that was quickly rushed out.

And I get that readers get pushy and authors are sure to feel the pinch but honestly, this book nearly ruined the whole series for me. Not only where there grammatical errors, but some sentences were awkwardly structured and things were outright repeated. This is a book about a librarian, those kinds of mistakes just really rip you out of the story.

Secondly this entire plot line and the pacing was awful and felt rushed to cram it into a trilogy instead of letting the story dictate the length of the series.

One of the men didn't even get included in the sexy times until this book and even then, it was over the halfway mark. He was poorly and knocked out and instead of being near him everyone left to either party or for sex. You couldn't help but feel that had it been ANY other mate the FMC would have been sitting bedside. Which really read badly as this also happened to be the character that was a literal slave. You can't focus his arc on his plight and then treat him less than you would the others.

There was great relationship growth between the other characters, some really good bonding scenes but again they were weirdly jammed between plot points.

It really felt like this series would have been better served if this book focused on and resolved the Gray arc and a 4th focused on the group settling in and making it work without having some exterior pressure forcing closeness the bond. Its one thing to cling together in a crisis, its another to chose love when confronted with someones quirks and living habits, especially when you gotta balance a lot of big personalities and needs.

This bit is 100% a me thing, but I hated the inclusion of the epilogue. While I'm grateful the author didn't throw kids into the mix (my #1 pet peeve in romance) for the active storyline, I'd wish they just left the possibility of coming back and adding to the series someday.
Profile Image for Miriam.
621 reviews10 followers
December 11, 2021
It was a satisfying conclusion to this series. Just as the books before, I really enjoyed it. And something actually happened, in the form of action, unless the other books.

Though, it doesn't mean all was fair enough. It was the longest of the three books. But still, it was rushed. It's ok for me, because this was what I'm searched for and why I chose the book. But I claim it would have been better if there were a lot more details and a more elaborate plot. 

Like the books before, a lot of things just fell in place. Without much inconvenience. And the action was cut short, too. The whole series is mostly a telling of the inner monologues of the main characters and what they think/want to do or planning to do. As I said, this book has the most 'action'. But not that much. And the villains are round up fast. At around 50 - 60 %. The last 40 % of the book are aftermath and what happens with hell. And the end of the villains are a short part, too. 

But as I said, for me, it's okay. Because I wasn't in search of something heavy. And I still loved the characters and all the funny and smutty moments. And there are plenty of them. Furthermore, the epilogue promised a lot of future stories. If there will be more, I will read it. 
Profile Image for Kimberli.
282 reviews
January 29, 2024

Contrary to a lot of reviews, I actually liked this series until this book. It's not that this book was awful, but I felt that it was unnecessary. This book finds Riley in hell because she was kidnapped. What bothered me about this book is that this book made the plot turn into solving hell's problems. Demons and hellhounds were definitely part of this series' plot, but I felt like it was unnecessary to be all about hell. It almost felt like it was just "filler" writing.

Another thing that bothered me about this book was that I couldn't always tell who was speaking and I really hate trying to figure out who is saying something. Sometimes this was because the author didn't specify who was talking when there was a group conversation. Other times I felt like it was grammatical. Which brings me to the grammatical errors in this book. There were some errors in the previous books, but this one was particularly bad. I don't get hung up on grammar in books for the most part because I understand you don't always catch everything. But the errors in this book sometimes had me reading lines over and over again trying to figure out what was being said. That's a bit extreme in my eyes.

I still feel that this series is worth reading. It's quick and fun.
Profile Image for Mysty Sinclair.
277 reviews2 followers
November 29, 2021
I have been waiting for this book for ages. When I read that it was longer than the first two books in this series, I thought "how much longer could it be?" It was quite long. And I am so happy about it. There were moments that honestly felt that needed to be spent longer on and that was exactly what we got. There were historical moments being had in the book and not a single page was spared. I was so happy that Trepangnier gave more time for some of these characters because I felt that it was opening even more doors for the Profane universe that she's building. We got to see glimpses of it from her other works but this was just a blast to read. This book took me days to read and I regret nothing. I took my sweet time reading this because there was just so much that I didn't want to miss. Plus most of the characters did have moments where they could reflect on things and we got small glimpses of them dealing with things. Moral of the story, I loved this book and I plan on re-reading this series again in the near future. I even did a whole blog post on the book, so check that out if you want to read more of my thoughts.
Profile Image for T..
872 reviews21 followers
December 2, 2021
3.5 Stars

I borrowed this via KindleUnlimited before I was given this ARC from Booksprout in exchange for an honest review.

This is the third book in the Library of the Profane series by JB Trepagnier. Besides me being obsessive about my series reading, I highly recommend you read Chaos (Book 1) and Discord (Book 2) before this one.

As I said in my review of the first two books, Ripley is a witch who runs the Library of the Profane. Now Ripley and her tribe are trying to prevent a war while still investigating a couple of the book’s villains. Their hellhound is MIA and besides being worried, they miss him!

In case you didn’t realize, this is a Reverse Harem series. While the first two books were ‘mild’ in comparison, this one is so hot I thought it would melt my Kindle! So, Reverse Harem – check. A lot more lovemaking and plain old smexy time – check. I do love the series. This book is also longer than the first two, which in many ways was great since we really got to know the characters. I was just a tad disappointed because it seemed rushed in a few spots. I am a huge fan of Ms. Trepagnier and have loved most of her series. This series and book are SO worth it!
5,788 reviews30 followers
December 22, 2021
Time for the final showdown, but where are all the players? There are no neat divisions here and our heroine really can't stand chaos.

This is book three and the conclusion of the series. I do not recommend starting here.

This is a paranormal reverse harem romance with a magical library as the major set piece. The story is generally well written and easy to read, although book has two flaws in this regard. First, there seem to be more minor grammatical errors than usual (such as missing or wrong words). Second, and more importantly, there is a lot going on as everything comes to a head, so it occasionally required a bit of extra concentration to figure out who is doing what to whom. There is a lot of action in this one as well as a lot of steam as all of the loose ends are wrapped up. Overall, it was a good finale to a great series.


I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout for review purposes.
Profile Image for MsRHReviewer.
523 reviews5 followers
March 26, 2022
A wonderful series, and perfect endings!

This book wrapped up everything WONDERFULLY! There are no loose threads whatsoever, except those that imply to the next series involving Ripley's sister.

There was one point in this book that had me chuckling out loud while one of the bigger characters involved in the threat our team was facing was being dealt with.

There was no sudden conclusions or endings for anyone. Everything was dragged out JUST enough to leave me satisfied, even with some twists. The book then carried on with what happened after the Dorian Gray issue was resolved (rather than just ending it there), and gave a fast forward into the future to the lives of the main characters. (This may or may not make sense, I'm trying to keep things vague enough to give NO spoilers!)

This was an awesome series, and I'm curious now to see how Ravyn does with her artifacts coming to the museum from the Aether Sisters!
Profile Image for Maddie.
162 reviews25 followers
May 15, 2023
OK, so I have some thoughts. I actually liked this series. I am never expecting much from books like this, It wouldn't be suitable for everyone, but it was enjoyable for me. Honestly, I don't think this needed to be stretched out into 3 books, I think it could have been done in one or even two if the author wanted a little more detail. Three was just overkill, they were really short and it felt like it took forever to finish this plot because it was stretched out over the course of three books, and no subplots for each book to separate them. I really enjoyed the epilogue and I may end up reading the other books in this world, I don't know yet. I do wish that we got more about the actual library because it was a super interesting idea. I also didn't realize that humans were unaware of the supernatural until the middle of book 3, I think I would have liked it more if humans knew and the supernatural was a normalized thing.
Profile Image for Sasha.
399 reviews8 followers
December 8, 2021
Not good

I didn’t like this one as much as the other ones. This series went from 4 stars to 1. When I thought about it, three things stuck with me.

One, I felt like there was a lot of unnecessary details, that did nothing to increase the plot line. I could have easily sliced off at least a third of tho book and felt that I did not miss a thing.

Two , the repetitiveness. I hate when the same things are constantly repeated. I also hate when you say the same thing in three different ways. I have it. I can always flip back if I forget.

Third, the balance of sex and storyline. This definitely was more sex than story. The other two books were more balanced. The storyline was dragged out, which made it worse.

If this was a shorter book, it would have continued to be a 4 star wonder, but I was bored and irritated…so one star it is.
144 reviews
December 3, 2021
Oh yes!

Okay I've loved this series since the beginning. Of course its also one by one of my favorite authors. Ripley is no where near what you think a librarian would be but then what kind is when the library is named ,"The Library of the Profane" . This series will tick all your lists. And now I am sure her twin sister is going to get her own series plus one of the non harem guy's adopted child also already has one out AND the babies sill get in on the action!!! That my friends is great writing and continuity at its best. I know the last almost two years has been hard on everyone but our fave authors were going thru it too and they still worked hard for their fans. Thank you so much.
Profile Image for Wendy K..
172 reviews
July 17, 2024
And everyone lives Happily Ever After.

Ripley and her men venture into Hell and all help save the day. Well, Ripley may or may have wanted to go the way she did, but it happened. After all of the research and mystery, they finally figured it all put and helped bring down some bad people. They also helped save the Hellhound population in Hell and released all of them from their bonds of slavery.

Ripley and her men continue to love one another and they all work so well together. Reyson and Ripley head up this little family they have created and it is beautiful. I really like how they all connect and enjoy one another without judgements. I feel like I should mention because I don’t think I did before, but there is MM in this book. Lot of variations in the Spicy Scenes and it brings them all closer together.

I really enjoyed this trilogy and will look into the connections stories in the future. I definitely recommend.
Profile Image for Suzanne.
265 reviews1 follower
December 4, 2021
A great ending to a great series full of magic, computer hacking, sexy scenes and liberating enslaved Hellhounds.
There is an evil egotistic Dorian Grey and an evil egotistic Demon. They do not care about what they do, they think they deserve what they trying to get.
Lilith and Lucifer gets involved.
Gabriel connects with Lucifer.
I love what happens to Dorian Grey and the Demon that helped him.
I love May and the Hellhounds.
I love the ending. Ripley has stopped saying it is not going to happen to Reyson.
I can not wait for Ravyn books.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
194 reviews1 follower
December 5, 2021
I have loved each book from the Library of the Profane series but I think this is my favourite. So much happens, just when you think you know what is going to happen and how its going to end, it flips and take a totally different spin.

I have cried, laughed, ugly cried and laughed so hard I nearly pee'd. Yes its that good. JB Trepagnier has an amazing way of writing. Its completely encompassing and so hard to put down.

If you love magic, all things supernatural, good overthrowing evil and a beautiful happy ending, you won't be disappointed.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
39 reviews
March 6, 2022
I will start by saying I really did enjoy this whole series, buuut I felt so let down by the "climax". The build up from the first two books made it seem like there would be an epic battle or something... I kept waiting for Ripley to unleash some super awesome battle magic since they talked about it so much in the series. I understand they had the god of chaos on their side, but man that was a lot of build up of repeatedly saying she was trained by the best battle mages during her time at the academy. The real conflict of the story was pretty much over by 40% of the book. While I usually enjoy an ending that wraps up stuff nicely and doesn't just end right after the last battle this one just seemed the drag on for longer than necessary. It did have some nice steamy scenes, that is usually just a bonus for me as I don't have to have that for me to enjoy a book. All in all the series was fun and I will probably read it again, but man I just was wanting more from this last book.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Maria.
2,475 reviews90 followers
April 10, 2023
I don't know what happened in this book. It was just a hot mess. The only reason I'm not giving this lower stars is because I absolutely adore Ripley and the guys. They all are amazing characters! Ok, so now to the stuff that made me dislike the book. The overall plot from the last two books ended up being sidelined. And the resolution was a letdown. Though I did like the freeing hell plot of this one, it all felt rushed. A whole day, it took for something that should have taken months. I also loved the spicy scenes, but it ended up being way too much and took over. I definitely want to read more by this author, but this ending was a little disappointing. 
Profile Image for Samantha.
556 reviews4 followers
January 9, 2022
I admit, I was nervous, but I shouldn’t have been

I have really enjoyed this series and the world created. I couldn’t see how it could wrap up and still feel fulfilling. The personalities of the characters were fun and well developed. The sexy was perfect as well, spicy but plot enhancing. If you aren’t a fan of bisexual man on man action you may wish to skip a few pages, I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t find that delicious, but to each their own. A really nice wrap up and I will be reading more by this author and hopefully in this world!
132 reviews1 follower
January 18, 2022
This is the third and final section to this reverse harem, paranormal, continuous series. This is the first part that will be dedicated to other miniseries in the same world. In this final section of the series, our witch heroine has been kidnapped and taken to hell. The hunt for Dorian Gray is still on, and the demon trader is finally revealed. Social inequities, absentee gods, and love and a new family coven are all explored in the conclusion of this series.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
173 reviews
March 23, 2022

I didn’t love this series, but I didn’t hate it. The overall premise was great, but the execution was shaky. I found myself skimming a lot because the book was just so so. There was also a lot of repetitiveness. The same details were mentioned over and over in every POV. For example, it was mentioned that Felix was kinda of an ahole at least a dozen times in the last book. Dorian being a crappy lay was brought up so many times. The relationships weren’t very tight, but they were ok. Overall the story arc didn’t have any plot holes and was well thought out
Displaying 1 - 30 of 91 reviews

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