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For a decade, I’ve hated the supernaturals who owned my world.

I hunted them.
I killed them.

And now, in the most grand twist of fate—I am bonded to one of them.

Oh, the irony.

Being a supernatural bounty hunter isn’t exactly a popular job. But after the magic wars, there aren’t many things a human can do that will put food on the table.

Thankfully anything my right hook can’t handle, my guns can.

Or so I thought.

When a demon summoning runs awry, the being that comes into this world changes everything.

I’m not sure if he’s truly a demon or a god, but one thing I do know is that he’s after me. I’d like to see him try.

I’ve got a promise to fulfill, and I’m not backing down.

The only way out of this is his death or mine, and I’ll do anything to survive.

Even if that means making a deal with the devil.

If you can’t get enough of books by Ella Summers, Annette Marie, Shannon Mayer, Deborah Wilde, K.F. Breene, Jeaniene Frost, Kelly St. Clare, and Linsey Hall then dive right in to the dangerous depths of New Chicago. Beware of headstrong heroines with snark. These ladies don’t bark. They bite.

332 pages, Paperback

First published October 1, 2020

About the author

Kel Carpenter

63 books1,851 followers
Kel Carpenter is a master of werdz. When she’s not reading or writing, she’s traveling the world, lovingly pestering her co-author, and spending time with her family. She is always on the search for good tacos and the best pizza. She resides in Maryland and desperately tries to avoid the traffic.

For subrights or media and film inquiries, please reach out to kel@kelcarpenter.com.

To keep up with Kel and her books, join her Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/thecrowsnestr...

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 504 reviews
Profile Image for Mikky.
870 reviews233 followers
January 23, 2021
Originally posted at:

You may be getting tired of me saying this but... OMG, I'm pleasantly surprised I didn't know this would be this good! I really enjoyed the world the author started building in this novel. There was just the right amount of information given as it became relevant. There were minimal info-dumps. Everything was action-packed and suspenseful!

Piper is a strong person but it's obvious she's hanging on by a thread in certain aspects. She's been running herself ragged trying to figure out how to "fix" a certain situation and she's putting herself in increasingly more danger as time goes by. I loved her sass and how much of an a**hole she is for the sake of being one. It's not every day we get a female protagonist who isn't the villain with that kind of personality. I also liked how picking between the guys wasn't a priority for her and how she had much bigger fish to kill before that even crossed her mind.

I'm just confused about the guys. I'm so used to reading novels about soul mates being good and perfect that I don't know what to think with this one. Both aren't really viable options. It's clear they would rather dominate her than help her grown and evolve with her in the future. At this point, I'd like nothing more than Piper killing them off and living happily ever after by herself.

The ending was interesting. Things have escalated to a degree that would seem impossible to solve. I'm looking forward to learning how the author is going to maneuver Piper and Nathalie out of this situation.

My Favorite Quotes:

"The magic does not lie. People do."

"I was driven by guilt. Unending, all-consuming guilt."

"I made choices, and now I had to live with them. Even if it destroyed me."
Profile Image for Al *the semi serial series skipper*.
1,659 reviews791 followers
September 20, 2020
***ARC received from the author in exchange for a honest review***

Call the churches! I have something miraculous to report. 2 for 2 in reading good books this fine Sunday evening. Seemed impossible last week.

Before I get into my review I just want to stan the Dark Maji series by this author. If you haven't picked it up you totally should, Piper reminded me of Quinn. I was skeptical about this one even though I was in the author's arc group but I had tried reading another of her books after I finished the aforementioned series but I couldn't get into it, I thought this one was going to go the same way. Thankfully it didn't.

Piper is a bounty hunter in New Chicago, a world that was decimated and reformed after the Magic Wars. She takes what ever bounty she can get , impossible as they might be. One of those impossible mission implodes and the repercussions of failing the mission comes back to bite her.

I liked the book, I could connect to the character, loved that she was likable but also a un-apologetically ruthless. I liked Ronan as well, especially as we got to see him POV, though we didn't see it much, I liked that he was as ruthless as she was.

The book was kind of short, shy of 200 pages on my laptop and I am kinda sad because I want more, I guess I'll just have to hope my luck doesn't run out.
October 17, 2020
So, huh. I think I went into this with too high of an expectation. It was an okay read. Piper was a strong, badass heroine and she grabbed your attention even from the first chapter by her skills. Ronan, on the other hand, was one possessive strong demon, crazy for Piper. My only critic about him was that he was BARELY in the book!

I do like the idea of this world but I don't think we got a proper introduction or worldbuilding since I was left confused for most of the times. Maybe we'll get them in book 2.

How about the character development? What development? We just went ahead in the story and got told what happened to her in the last 10%. Even with the story being told in first person POV, I was left hungry for more informations about her and the world around her.

There were also things that happened that I didn't quite like. Especially the whole thing in the end with

Colour me confused. I don't think I will continue reading the next one, until I have friends that could vet it first before I pick it up.
Profile Image for Noi .
466 reviews323 followers
September 11, 2024
"I can be your salvation, but you will be our damnation if you do not let me... I can be a patient man because you are everything. Or you will be. If I have to chase you for a thousand years, I will."

Well, it had an interesting story but also I didn't love it and some stuff was problematic. I don't know if I want to keep reading the series 😅
Second read: September 11, 2024
I'm re-reading because my library added all 4 audios and I was curious.
First read: January 29, 2021
Profile Image for Kel Carpenter.
Author 63 books1,852 followers
November 27, 2020
Touched by Fire is the first book in the Demons of New Chicago series. This is an Adult Urban Fantasy series set in a modern post apocalyptic world. It is NOT an RH series. It is slow to mid burn.

This does not mean it's YA. It means there is not instant sex.
When there is, it is explicit. So don't read this if you're looking for clean urban fantasy.

Each book is a full length novel (300+ pages).

If you'd like to see teasers, ARC opportunities, and connect with other readers, please join Kel's Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/kelskrew

If you loved it, please consider leaving a review on Amazon.
If you didn't love it, well, my books aren't for everyone. Odds are if you don't like cursing, snarky, gun-toting heroines that can take care of themselves and growly alpha males that need their ego taken down a notch, then this probably isn't for you.
Profile Image for Montzalee Wittmann.
4,863 reviews2,300 followers
June 8, 2024
Touched by Fire
By Kel Carpenter
The book starts great and stays at a good pace. Good supernatural with magic, witches, werewolves, vampires, and demons. But when it gets to the romance, it is this that's unconvincing. Of all the fantasy, the romance is the hardest to believe! 😂
I did enjoy the rest.
Profile Image for Denisa.
1,313 reviews319 followers
December 17, 2022
I really, really liked this series

I've already read this author before and have been looking for other series. I was really happy to see that this series is just as much fun as the previous one!

A fast-paced plot, really fun characters, and a great writing style. The world-builder is pretty good and the story behind it all is engaging.

I'm definitely going on with this series.
Profile Image for Meg loves to read.
258 reviews21 followers
December 9, 2020
I really hate giving such an average review to new authors. But I do so to help encourage change and begin conversation.

This book has a really cool concept - bounty hunter chick on the run after a job goes wrong. It has everything you want for urban fantasy - a strong female lead, a great sidekick, high stakes environment, and some steamy tension with a hot demon.

But why does this book fall short? My biggest problem was with the main character - piper. The author wanted her to come off as this tough chick that’s been through a lot in life. But instead of being a little rough on the edges piper came off more as an annoying b****. She is so mean to everyone the entire time and it got kinda old.

My other problem was the pacing. Sometimes it felt too fast and other times it felt slow. I think the author has created a fantastic world, perfect for the urban fantasy genre, but the pacing of the book made it hard to really get into.

All in all - I would try this author again and I hope she continues to write stories, but maybe tries a couple different things with future books. Can’t wait to see how this author grows.
Profile Image for Tee.
120 reviews56 followers
December 1, 2020
2.5 stars.

Cliffhanger! Aw, yuck!😡🤢

Cliffhangers automatically tick me off, but this takes the cake.

The book ended at the start of what should have been a conversation. Why that conversation was important, I don’t know. The reader doesn’t know which character entered the room, who the character was or why he or she was important to the plot. The book literally ended without giving me any reason to care about the next book.

I’m not even sure if I can, in good conscience, call the end of this book a cliffhanger. Cliffhangers are supposed to draw readers in. They are supposed to make you want to know what happens next. This one made me so confused. Like did the publisher forget a page or two?

As to the plot... sorry just kinda boring and repetitive. Some stuff got my attention, like a seemingly bad ass FMC whose response to problems was to plug em full of bullets and see if they stayed dead. However, I was over that real quick. The complexity of the FMC felt forced. Damn did the author beat me over the head with her prejudice against magic.

I liked the friend, don’t remember her name now, but besides her all the characters fell flat.

Which reminds me, the author had this bouncing first person POV. Usually that helps with character build, and sometimes, I’m a fan. (Well when it’s done effectively or right). In this book, I was so not a fan. The bouncing POV barely introduced a new perspective, and it didn’t do much for character development either, cause nothing of the characters were truly depicted. Too many things were told with no descriptions or even narration. One character was crazy and cruel, one possibly evil and possessive and possibly a god, both of them apparently super hot. That’s about it.

I love paying attention to character development cause most humans (even supes🤪) have complexities. I really enjoy seeing how authors depict the multi-faceted aspects of humanity in a running plot. I consider it a success when I can pull out the image of the characters from the book not just in looks but through tendencies, figuring out how they might make certain decisions or if they have certain inclinations, or even how they could possibly respond, what drives them, what they like... those kinds of things. It’s so corny but I’ve made friends, crushed on and detested many a character like this. It’s one of the pleasures of reading books and immersing myself In strange worlds.

All this to say, if I were to somehow find myself in the world of this book, it would be very empty with characters as props or robots with very very restrictive functions. And I did find myself in the world. It was boring.
Profile Image for Soph .
244 reviews37 followers
November 8, 2020
Whhhyyy do I started books in series that are u finished!
I loved it, I am dying for the second ! Highly highly reccomend.

✨multi supe ❤️❤️❤️
✨non RH- paranormal romance
✨warrior MC
✨well written female friendships
✨enemy to lover dynamic

Highly highly highly reccomend ! 10/10
Profile Image for Clarabel.
3,535 reviews50 followers
March 21, 2022
L'histoire ? Piper Fallon est une chasseuse de primes. La meilleure de Chicago. Elle traque les créatures surnaturelles sans scrupule et n'a jamais fait mystère de son aversion pour la magie. Or, au cours de sa dernière mission, la mercenaire dérape et parvient à s'enfuir en kidnappant une sorcière tout en échappant in extremis à un démon. Balayez tout ce que vous pensiez de cette nana ou de son parcours et également de son passé. Dix ans d'une existence volent en éclats. L'indétrônable Piper doit maintenant se planquer et se confronter à ses erreurs de jeunesse.

Pertinente ou hasardeuse, la mise en place de ce tome 1 permet une lecture entraînante et très divertissante. J'ai apprécié aussi que le roman compte moins de 300 pages. Ça se lit vite et c'est agréable de suivre le rythme qui ne souffre d'aucun chichi. Parmi les personnages, seule Nathalie a éveillé en moi un soupçon de sympathie. L'héroïne répète trop souvent que c'est une connasse. Précision inutile. Et les prétendants masculins sont des butors. Hmm. Sinon, il n'a aucune romance dans ce tome. Il y a certes quelques tentatives et autres approches. Du moins, les pions se placent sur l'échiquier. Stratégiquement ou non. C'est le flou absolu. #slowburn #soulmate - À prendre ou à laisser.

Je reste, pour le moment, curieuse de connaître l'évolution de cette série, qui dodeline encore entre le très bon et le discutable. Mais je vais surveiller tout ça pour décider si je deviens fan ou non. RDV en Octobre : La meilleure défense, c'est l'attaque.

Profile Image for Amber.
18 reviews2 followers
December 30, 2023
Here are my pros and cons to this story.
*spoilers ahead*
-Piper (Pip) doesn’t feel fully fleshed out as a character. It seemed more like the author spent most of her time using bygone late 90s stereotypes than coming up with fresh new ideas. Omg she wears leather she must be a hard ass. She doesn’t show affection or emotion and as a woman that’s the only way to show she’s tough! Does the author not realize these overdone tropes can be detrimental if not done right? It made the main h very unlikeable most of the time. It got to the point where I was honestly rooting against her.

-For instance, how many times does she need to threaten to shoot people? We get it you’re “badass”. But threatening everyone around you just because you have a gun doesn’t make you tough or cool. It actually makes you look scared and weak. It makes the character look like she can’t handle herself without the authority of a weapon. Once she teams up with the witch I nearly threw the book after the third time of threatening to shoot the only person HELPING her. As well, The opening scene of shooting people for no reason was gross and honestly made no sense. It made her seem like she didn’t know what she was doing despite the constant reminder from other characters that she was somehow the best in the “business”.

- Her bias of supernaturals honestly really didn’t make sense. At least not to the extreme she had. She literally said herself that she was looking for power going so far as desperately trying to get turned by vampires and werewolves. So when the witches use her and she finally gets the power she wanted she... suddenly resents it? The thinking behind this wasn’t fully fleshed out. It would have made more sense had she not been seeking power and been duped into the witches plans. Otherwise it makes her look childish and not relatable. Characters need to own up to theirs decisions. Not blame others for it.

- 99% of the trouble Pip finds herself in is of her own making. The opening scene is Piper confronting a warlock in a bar and knocking him out in front of all the other “supes”. The apparent “professional” and “#1 hunter” somehow didn’t know better resulting in her shooting up a bar.
Later, the demon is called because she is too immature to do a job correctly and selfishly decides to let the coven summon the creature for her own personal gain. Then cries she’s the victim and let’s a girl die because of it.
Nearly every decision she makes is half baked and given to the reader as though we’re too incompetent to realize no normal, mature thinking adult would make these choices. At least not the character we’re force fed to believe piper is, yet her actions show otherwise.

-Also, and I’m going to make this short. The Lucifer trope is wayyyyy over played. Stop putting “Lucifer”in every time angels/demons/underworld is mentioned. It’s not unique.

-Ronan was a great H. He’s sexy, dangerous, alpha and everything you look for in these stories.

-The plot has potential as long as the author doesn’t keep up with the stereotypical tropes already there and perhaps comes up with some more unique ideas.

-If you’re looking for a quick, brain numbing romp this will be a great few hours to spend on.

-No sex. Honestly, for some this might be a turn off, as it’s supposed to be romance, but this probably was the sole reason i finished this book. It let me wonder what might happen in the next book.

⭐️ Star
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Rhiannon Chillingworth.
800 reviews188 followers
October 5, 2020

I really liked this a lot! The author's Dark Maji series is one of my fa ourite recent reads, so I had pretty high hopes for this book, and luckily wasn't disappointed.

Piper managed to own the dark anti hero persona without being obnoxiously arrogant or a characterure, which can often be the way if author's don't get the balance right with draker heroines. She is consumed by guilt and disgust at herself and, while also harbouring a shameful secret from the world, she has only relied on herself for a long time.

After accidently taking part in a demon summoning after a bounty hunter job gone wrong, she finds herself hunter by her ex boss, who thinks she betrayed him by not stopping the summoning and who just so happens to he Lucifer, to also being perused by the summoned demon who believes she is his atma, or soul mate. Well, Piper wants to escape both of them and, along with a kidnapped witch turned ally, she tries to hatch a plan.

I think what impressed me the most with this book is that the friendship between Piper and Nathalie was the more central relationship developing than Piper and Ronan. There's still a slow burn romance going on, but the emphasis is on her growing bond with Nathalie and that was just so damned refreshing, as too many authors make the female MC so super special that all other women are either birches it whores. So massive kudos to the author for that.

If you like Urban Fantasy then this is a really decent first book in a new series I would urge you to try.
Profile Image for Angela (Angel's Book Nook).
1,634 reviews926 followers
November 27, 2022
Touched by Fire is book one in the Demons of New Chicago by Kel Carpenter.

I’m pleasantly surprised with this book find. I had a lot fun and didn’t know it would turn out so good. I really enjoyed the world-building. The author gives use just the right amount of information to not bog us down or dump information on use. The characters are entertaining, engaging, and lots of fun. The story is a fast-paced suspenseful Urban Fantasy.

Piper is a kick-ass strong heroine. I enjoyed her sass and personality. She runs herself ragged trying to fix the situation she finds herself in. She’s not had an easy life and its even less easier now; because she had a job to do and well it didn’t go as planed and know the consequences are disastrous.

We meet Nathalie a witch and Piper must learn to trust her. I liked their budding friendship. Piper needs a friend and alley.

Now there is a possible romance, but it’s not a priority for Piper. There could be two possibilities and neither are really a great option for our strong willed heroine. We have her boss who puts a claim on her, but nope that shouldn’t happen. Then we have Ronan, a demon, who is sexy as he is mysterious. It seems the story is going like the fated mates, but theirs questions and surprises. Who knows what will happen in the romance department.

Touched by Fire was a terrific surprise. It’s not a happy Urban Fantasy, but leans more towards the dark; due to our heroine who’s tortured. I enjoyed the fast-paced action and look forward to diving into book two.

Rated: 4 Stars

Profile Image for Melliane.
2,065 reviews347 followers
February 16, 2021
Mon avis en français

My English review

I had heard about the author because of another series and when I discovered this first volume, I was curious to find out more. I’m glad I went into this first volume, because I had a really good time.

Piper has never had a very easy life and it’s even less easier now. Her last mission to kill an entire coven before he could summon a demon didn’t end well. And the consequences will be castastrophic! Indeed, she lets the coven summon the demon in order to get the answers she has been looking for for so long. But nothing happens as planned: the members escape and the demon is determined to hunt her down: he wants her! Ronan is as sexy as he is enigmatic, but one thing is for sure, she doesn’t want to fall into his hands, whatever deal he offers her. I’m really very curious to learn more about her. I’m sure he has a lot of surprises in store for us.

Forced to ally herself with Nathalie, one of the members of this coven, she will have to learn to trust him in order to get out of it, even if it will be far from easy. I really liked to see their friendship build up in spite of everything.

It was really a very good surprise. The novel is quite dark, but that’s because our heroine is quite tortured and I was completely carried away by the story. I can’t wait to dive into volume 2 and find all the characters!
Profile Image for Kay ❣.
553 reviews79 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
February 5, 2022
Dnf 25%
It starts out strong but the heroine (and basically all the characters) are flat. Let me guess, she's secretly ultra powerful, but you won't find out what her abilities are until the end of the book.

Chapter 2 is full of exposition, and the following chapters are a whole lot of "telling" without showing anything. Please remind me once again how badass she is for literally no reason. 🥱😴
Profile Image for Jessaca Willis.
Author 29 books239 followers
January 12, 2021
I used to love urban fantasy, and then I got really tired of the overly wrought snarky MCs. They just didn't feel real to me. So, I was a little hesitant to pick this series up, but from the first page I was so glad I did!

Piper definitely fits the mold for the snarky, brooding, standoffish female badass you find in urban fantasy stories, but her character was done so well that it never bothered me. She always felt real and genuine, not just some girl that an author was trying to cram into a trope. I believed her backstory and the impact it on her life. I loved the details that you learned about her sad history with witches and demons, and how those unfolded! I just really, really loved her!

This series also has the fated mates trope, which is another that can be hit or miss for me. The verdict is still out on how the love will play out in this series (and even if it wasn't, I wouldn't be spoiling it here), but as things are going now, I'm finding the sexy scenes tantalizing and I'm intrigued to see where this story goes. I could be way off, but I kind of think Piper might surprise us all and pick someone who isn't even technically her love interest in this book, but time will tell :)

Lastly: I listened to the audiobook, and OH MY GOODNESS! Kel Carpenter chose the perfect voice actors for Piper and Ronan! Like, I almost couldn't even tell they were being narrated, it just felt like the characters were talking to me about their lives! Loved them so much!

Haunted by Shadows came out last week and you better bet that I'm starting reading it tonight!!!
Profile Image for S..
Author 37 books4,271 followers
July 20, 2021
A good start to this series! Can’t wait to read more. :)
Profile Image for Lauren.
471 reviews36 followers
April 11, 2024
I had trouble starting this, I set it aside for a while, came back, and absolutely loved it! So much so, I ran to Amazon to get the second book and realized it was a bit out of my current budget. So, off to my wish list it went. I love this story, and I love the characters. I want more!! If anyone wants to donate the next Kindle books to me... 😆
Profile Image for Francesca.
2,251 reviews147 followers
March 13, 2022
2,5/5 Je n’ai pas accroché, ni à l’intrigue ni aux personnages (l’héroïne m’a fait ni chaud ni froid). Pas vraiment de romance.
Profile Image for Eve.
709 reviews15 followers
January 25, 2022
This was interesting enough, there were definitely some really good aspects. On the whole I’d say that I’m pretty underwhelmed but curious enough to want to see where this goes. Some of the things that happened in this book were a tad uncomfortable and seemed unnecessary BUT we shall move past that for the sake of curiosity.
Profile Image for Lianne Pheno.
1,217 reviews77 followers
March 25, 2022

Un début prometteur. L’ensemble fonctionne bien, avec des personnages charismatiques.

Dans un monde devenu brutal depuis la révélation de l’existence des surnaturels qui ont pris le pouvoir sur les humains normaux, Piper Fallon est une chasseuse de prime. Elle travaille pour un maître très puissant qui la paye pour éliminer les problèmes.
Et ça convient parfaitement à Piper qui déteste les surnaturels et est ravie de pouvoir être payée pour éliminer les plus dangereux.

Et surtout Piper a un secret, elle recherche en fait un antidote à un sort qui a affecté un de ses connaissances. Du coup elle utilise ses chasses pour interroger de façon brutale tout les mages qu’elle doit éliminer avant de s’en débarrasser.

Quand sa nouvelle mission est d’arrêter un groupe de mage qui cherche à procéder à l’invocation d’un démon, elle est en joie. En effet le sort qu’elle cherche à annuler a aussi été porté lors d’un événement de ce genre, il y a une 10ène d’années.

Du coup au lieu d’arrêter l’invocation dés le début, et de tuer tout les mages, elle les laisse entamer l’invocation en espérant en apprendre plus avant de faire son boulot. Mais évidemment les choses ne vont pas se passer comme elle avait prévu. Non seulement le démon est vraiment invoqué alors qu’il n’aurait jamais du, mais aussi du coup une grande partie du cercle de mages réussi à s’enfuir dans la nature avant qu’elle puisse réagir …

Son maître n’est vraiment pas content d’elle. Il lui donne deux jours pour retrouver tout les membres du cercle, les tuer, et renvoyer le démon chez lui. Malheureusement elle a été blessé dans la bataille et quand elle arrive enfin à se lever, les 48h sont déjà écoulées …
Maintenant c’est elle la pourchassée …

Soyons clairs : Oui, il y a certains éléments dans le livre qui peuvent faire un peu peur pour l’évolution de la série vers des territoires que je n’apprécie que très peu. Mais comme pour l’instant ça ne s’aventure pas dans cette direction je laisse à l’autrice le bénéfice du doute et je croise les doigts.

Mais en dehors de ça je dois dire que j’ai bien aimé ce premier tome. Certes ça ne révolutionne pas le genre, certes on est en territoire connu. Mais ça fonctionne bien et c’est l’essentiel. Le monde est très dystopique, ce qui amplifie l’empathie qu’on peut avoir envers les personnages et les situations clairement injustes. J’ai bien aimé voir le personnage principal commencer à agir pour renverser le système.

Le personnage de Piper est agréable à suivre. Surtout qu’une partie de l’intérêt de ce premier tome est justement d’en découvrir plus sur elle et sur son passé. Pourquoi hait-elle tant les mages et les autres surnaturels, comment une « normale » peut-elle se mesurer à eux de cette façon, comment a-t-elle atterrit la en tant que chasseuse de prime … Plein de questionnements qui ont leurs réponses avant la fin du tome.

Au final une petite lecture plaisir qui change les idées, et qui donne envie de lire la suite.
Profile Image for Nicole (FearYourEx).
411 reviews61 followers
January 3, 2021
This book was such a quick, fun read! I love the mystery and intrigue we started with about Piper and slowly having to unravel everything about her character as we read on. The tidbits about gods an the devil were also an interesting take, but similar to what I probably would've done if I wrote a book. Nathalie was also an interesting character and we still don't know her layers yet. And I'm already very intrigued by Ronan and Lucifer. Definitely recommend!
Profile Image for thebooksuccubus.
434 reviews38 followers
September 30, 2020
Piper's world is about to be turned on it's axis. She has been on the hunt for answers for a long time and being a bounty hunter has its perks for getting answers outside the law. But when she unexpectedly comes in contact with the one who has the answers and he gets away can she trust someone when she is been a loner for so long. She has to put her faith, and life in someone else who has just as many secrets as she. All the while she now has a demon on her trail saying he is her soulmate oh how fate has a sense of humor. How long can she deny all the truths she keeps from the world and the ones she even keeps from herself. Filled with two bada** chicks who can hold there own and quick wit. And this Ronan demon hot as hellfire.
Profile Image for Jody McGrath.
380 reviews54 followers
February 12, 2023
DNF 57%

It started good, but the fact that the author kept dangling clues about the plot instead of telling the reader anything drive me nuts. I’m done.
Profile Image for Jay Sprenkle.
134 reviews
January 16, 2022
The author promised, but didn't deliver.

The book begins with a sympathetic character. A human like you and me, in a bad situation, at the mercy of powerful magical forces that care nothing for her. Yay! Good start.

Then there's a line about hiding her powers and not shape changing. Wut? Humans don't have powers, or shape change. Okay, moving on...

She then gets offered a job to stop a coven from performing a demon summoning. Demons hurt lots of people and are very difficult to banish. She accepts it. There's a pretty stern warning delivered if she takes the job she'd better not fail. Or else.

She doesn't stop the witches before they bring the demon over. Of course. The demon is HOT. Of course. She fights it using her telekinetic throw bodies across the room power. It escapes. Of course.

She begins hunting for it. She finds one of the witches partying at night club. I always go out for public sex after summoning a demon. You know how *hot* it is when your plans fail, your evil minions are killed, and you've unleash evil on the world! The guys the witch is messaging her bits with will be a problem so our sympathetic, down on her luck, human protagonist calmly murders all three because they're inconvenient. There's blood splatter and brains.

I quit reading there.
217 reviews
December 4, 2022
Should have read the reviews.
Protagonist has no redeeming qualities that I can find and the actual plot makes no sense. She allows a demon to be summoned so she can bargain to save her sister, but when the demon appears to want the MC (I.e. she actually has something to bargain with), the MC decides that she’s actually not going to bother with bargaining to save her sister after all. She’s just going to run. Knowing that the demon is now the _only_ way to save her sister. Great. So we’ve got an MC who murders people because they’re inconvenient, is a bigoted hypocrite and is either a coward or a fool.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Miriam.
385 reviews4 followers
January 16, 2021
Full disclosure I did not give this book a fair go.

The blurb put me off because of the tone of it (brassy, bravado in place of bravery, trying too hard to be tough) but I decided I'd try anyway because I am a sucker for UF written by a woman and featuring a female MC. The blurb might not be the authors fault, you know?

Anyway. The tone didn't change, the MC was all of the above and then some (racist, misogynist and triggerhappy), and I gave up.

The end.
Profile Image for Darcy.
13.5k reviews514 followers
November 12, 2022
This one sounded interesting as I went into it, yet I was bored while reading. I kept stopping to do other things, each time it was harder and harder to go back to the book. I just didn't connect to this one at all, it wasn't for me.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 504 reviews

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