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Love in a Time of the Zombie Apocalypse Universe #1

Love in a Time of the Zombie Apocalypse

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After Voldemort, there was this. The clock is ticking to create a cure to the unimaginable horror that currently grips the world. Hermione finds herself unwillingly allied with the most hated man in Wizarding Britain.

1293 pages, ebook

First published January 1, 2012

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7 books48 followers
Fanfiction author

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Profile Image for Angie Cox.
452 reviews4,251 followers
November 28, 2022
2.5 ⭐️ Interesting story concept but I didn’t like the execution

Word Count: 355,715 | Chapters: 84

Trigger Warning (18+): Violence, gore, death of side characters, attempted sexual assault, non-consensual medical procedures


After Voldemort, there was this, a zombie apocalypse. The clock is ticking to create a cure to the unimaginable horror that currently grips the world. Hermione needs to find a cure, and the only person who can help her is the most hated man in Wizarding Britain - Draco Malfoy.

Post War AU | Zombie Apocalypse | Scientist Draco | Researcher Hermione | Action | Slow Burn | Enemies To Friends To Lovers | Loss of Virginity | Eventual Smut

My Thoughts:

I read this because it was finally complete and everyone said it was god-tier. But it just wasn’t for me. It reminded me of a TV show where once one conflict ends, another pops up to create more drama and suspense. This story felt never-ending at times.

I wasn’t a fan of the writing. Structurally it was fine but the lack of inner dialogue or addressing character emotions/decisions hinders my understanding of the characters. After reading 350,000+ words, I still don't feel like I quite understand Draco and Hermione on a deeper level.

Plus, the changing POVs messed with the flow. If it had just been Draco and Hermione's POV it would have been fine but it was between a bunch of different side characters like Ginny, Harry, and Blaise. Their POVs did add to the story, but I feel like the story could have been told in a simpler way.

Also, there were a ton of typos. I can usually overlook this, but it happened so frequently that I found it irritating.

The storyline is very interesting though. A lot of thought went into this and it’s obvious with the intricate plot details and world-building. I mean who would ever have thought of zombies and wizards! It’s sort of genius.

The romance ended beautifully but how they got there was confusing. I truly didn't understand when/why/how Draco started falling for Hermione and vice versa. We're essentially just told that it happens with zero explanation. Sometimes I totally got Draco and Hermione's connection but then a conflict would present itself and one of them would pull away for reasons that hadn’t been discussed or weren’t fully fleshed out. This is where I wish there had been a more immediate focus on understanding the emotions and logic of these characters. But the last 14 chapters of the story solely focus on Hermione and Draco cultivating their relationship after the zombie apocalypse so there's a deep dive into their personal and relationship problems. However, everything else beforehand, I felt like I had to come to my own inferences or just accept the reality of things just because the author says so, not because it makes sense.

The last 14 chapters are essentially a very long epilogue. Is it necessary? No. But if you loved the story and want to see Draco and Hermione deal with life after the zombie apocalypse then you'll probably enjoy it. I just thought it was out of place because chapters 1-70 focus on them finding a cure, fighting zombies and sociopaths, and staying alive, but chapters 70-84 show life afterward where Draco and Hermione play house and keep Draco from jail. The tone was just different.

While the story wasn’t my cup of tea, I can see why others enjoy it. I also want to commend the author, RizzleWrites, for completing this story after 10 years. It's obvious how much love and care went into this story, and I know many readers are grateful for their dedication.

My Current Dramione Fanfic Rankings

⭐ = Must-Reads
🌶️ = Best Smut

Novels (150,000+ words):

1. Manacled - SenLinYu ⭐
2. Remain Nameless - HeyJude19 ⭐🌶️
3. Cruel and Beautiful World - Lena Phoria
4. The Disappearances of Draco Malfoy - Speechwriter ⭐
5. Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love - thisisselfcare ⭐
6. Various Storms and Saints - ViridianAtNight
7. Isolation - Bex-Chan ⭐
8. Bring Him To His Knees - Musyc 🌶️
9. The Auction - LovesBitca8 ⭐
10. All You Want - SenLinYu 🌶️
11. Breath Mints / Battle Scars - Onyx_and_Elm 🌶️
12. The Right Thing To Do - LovesBitca8
13. Beginning and End - MightBeWriting
14. The Gloriana Set - ThebeMoon
15. Love In A Time Of The Zombie Apocalypse - RizzleWrites
16. All The Wrong Things - LovesBitca8
17. Hunted - Bex-Chan
18. The Fallout - EveryThursday (DNF)

Novellas (less than 150,000 words):

1. Hot For Teacher - MotherOfBulls ⭐🌶️
2. Apple Pies and Other Amends - ToEatAPeach ⭐
3. Thirteenth Night - Nelpher ⭐
4. Sex Ed - MrBenzedrine89 🌶️
5. Still Life - monsterleadmehome
6. A Second Look - RiverWriter
7. The Best Of Me - MrsRen
8. Silencio - AkashaTheKitty
9. Wait and Hope - MightBeWriting
10. Between Certifiable and Bliss - HeyJude19
11.Atonement - Lunamionny
12. Incomplete - Niffizzle
13. Love and Other Misfortunes - SenLinYu
14. An Indefinite Amount of Forever - MotherOfBulls (sequel)
15. Making Amends - slytherin_prince27
16. Proximate - In_Dreams
17. The List - AureliaBlack90
18. The Cherry Pit - rubykrishna (DNF)
19. The Erised Effect - Ada_P_Rix

Short Stories (less than 50,000 words):

1. Movements, Contrived and Improvised - HeyJude19 ⭐
2. Best Shot - AccioMjolnir ⭐
3. The Library of Alexandria - SenLinYu ⭐
4. The First Rule of Fight Club… - LadyKenz347
5. Until The Ink Runs Dry & Indelible Ink - AccioMjolnir
6. Break For Me - Ada_P_Rix 🌶️
7. Call It What You Want - HawthorneWhisperer
8. Under The Wings of The Shadow - AccioMjolnir
9. The Watergaw - smokybaltic
10. Amends - thelashjedi
11. Write For Me - Ada_P_Rix
12. Ties That Bind - TattoosAndHighHeeledShoes
12. Amateur Cartography - worksofstone
13. Blood Rights - uselessenglishmajor
14. Big Dick Energy - louiseob
15. Jammed - Ada_P_Rix
16. One and Done - PacificRimbaud

One Shots (less than 15,000 words):

1. Your Lonely Calls To Me - SenLinYu ⭐
2. The Unbearable Tedium of Romance - smokybaltic
3. For Her - dirtymudblood
4. Because You’ll Like it - BedtimeFantasies 🌶️
5. Stupid Games - SenLinYu 🌶️
6. A Patient Man - LadyKenz347
7. Between Pages - DarkoftheMoon
8. An Unlikely Companion & An Unlikely Family - happy_valley
9. Potions, Perfume, and Apples - ellywolf111
10. Les Pelerins - PacificRumbaud
11. Like A Dagger To The Heart - hxllowsandhorcruxes
12. Fantasy - krissyxkat 🌶️
13. Head over Dragonhide Thigh High Heels - rubykrishna
14. Coming Down - nikitajobson and raven_maiden
15. A Matter of Practicality - OlivieBlake
16. Mistletoe - CatmintandThyme
17. Elevator - its_banannaz
18. Preface - ephemeraltoxic
19. Red or Green - SenLinYu
20. Friends - poppyclocks
21. Familiar Faces, Worn Out Places - LovesBitca8
22. The Art of Seating Etiquette - inadaze22
23. Self-Preservation - SenLinYu
24. Height - SenLinYu
25. Minimal Risk - Galfoy
26. The Seduction - SenLinYu
27. Chasing For Keeps - In_Dreams
28. The Labyrinth - AccioMjolnir
29. Who Am I To You? - ViridianAtNight
30. Knee Socks - trix_of_bella
31. Quiver - Keii_sha
Profile Image for Soph .
244 reviews37 followers
July 29, 2021
How did she fall in love with him SO FREAKING QUICKLY!!?!!??
Profile Image for Jess.
128 reviews
February 8, 2022
I lowkey hated this entire fic but the line “Once more, Granger. With feeling.” will live rent free in my head forever.
Profile Image for Leonie.
251 reviews35 followers
October 23, 2022
[3.5 / 5; 1st half 4-4.5 / 5, 2nd half: 2.5-3 / 5]

Before I dive into the review of “Love in a Time of the Zombie Apocalypse” grant me a second or two to explain why this was such an unusual choice for me. First of all, I read the Harry Potter novels extremely young, I grew up on waiting for the next one to be published and then actually reading it in one sitting on a school night (oh, choices were as regrettable back then). As a kid I loved them, as young teen I’d already outgrown the hype and the world itself, which is such a shame. I moved on to other fantasy worlds, high fantasy as I would call it today, quick and started to look down a bit on the HP-world. Add in a highly problematic author and I ditched the whole world for myself. I never read any Fanfic set in this universe prior to this one.
Secondly, I never enjoyed Zombies as key players or a virus turning people into Zombies as an apocalyptic setting. It just was not my kind of thing, so far.
Lastly, I never liked Hermione nor Harry in the original works.
So me picking up a Fanfic, set in the Harry Potter universe, fighting a zombie apocalypse and focusing on Hermione? That was the least predictable choice I could have made. The one thing contradicting it? I’ve always been a Draco and a Slytherin girl, so … that might have outweighed it?

Going into this read I had no idea what to expect at all. I certainly did not count on it drawing me in as quickly. I just accepted the new reality of the apocalyptic setting of their world, I fell back in love with my boy Draco so fast it’s embarrassing. In this fic, he is portrayed as a scientist and I enjoyed this so much, I can’t put it into words. It put the essence of Slytherin and the Draco I remembered together so well that it was perfect to me. His studious attitude, the scientific approach to everything (yes, especially emotions) … that fit so well.
Hermione had to grow on me a little. I expected her to be a little more … morally gray from the start, but she did develop into a character I was able to enjoy. Harry grated on my nerves for a while, but also grew to be a friend to Hermione, whose interactions I mostly enjoyed.
Some of the side characters were wonderful and I loved to see them and hear their stories. We had numerous antagonists in this story, sometimes very detailed and well-sculpted, some with a rather vain and superficial display.

There were a few plot twists I didn’t see coming at all. That much I definitely need to admit. This fic made me suffer at times and it was hard, let me tell you. I did shed a few tears at one point, and I think some of the other situations intended to leave the reader a mess kind of went a bit over my head. I related a lot to Draco and I loved how detailed his depiction was, how many layers to his personality were to be uncovered. Sometimes there were scenes that just left a mild aftertaste though.
While I do understand that one of the main plotlines was necessary for the way this fic evolved, it did make me loose interest increasingly fast after being about halfway through the fic. The jump in terms of timelines really fortified this feeling of impending boredom to me and it felt like the author needed a break there, too.
So, the first half of this had me on the edge of my seat. I enjoyed it heaps; truth be told. Loved the dynamics between Draco and Hermione, the scientific approach to finding a solution and the side characters.
Domestic life had its moments, but as I’m neither a fan of pregnancy tropes nor the family kind of trope I had a bit more of a hard time with the second part of the fic. I need to admit, though, the manor and the soft moments in there, too, were able to get to me at parts. The story just lost a lot of momentum past the 2/3 mark, and I was not really invested in the outcome anymore.
The last few chapters especially felt like they were dragged out to torturable lengths because the author was not able to really let go of the story (understandably so).

Based on this I’m having a hard time finding an appropriate rating for this fic. The first half I’d rate a solid 4/5, maybe even 4.5 because it dragged me in and didn’t let me go for most of the chapters. The second half really left much to be desired for me, personally, which is why I might end up rating that a 2.5 to 3 out of 5. I’ll settle on a 3.5 for the whole fanfic, but it’s not entirely representable.

One thing I need to add before I am done: I am thankful and probably will remember this fic for it for a long time, because it opened a new world of reading for me, as I do enjoy zombie-settings now and it showed me how much more there is discover in the HP-universe that is not written by the original author. And for that, I’m massively grateful.
Profile Image for Rn.
82 reviews
September 6, 2021
“Once more, Granger. With feeling.”

“If I had the means to do it, I would take you from this place whether you wished to go or not. I would leave your friends. I would leave Zabini and his little boy. I would abandon the chance of creating a cure. And I would do this without a second glance back, without a second thought. I would see this entire fleet sunk to the bottom of the sea, with innocent Muggle women and children, and all our fellow wizarding citizens still aboard. I would do that if it meant we could walk away, unconditionally. These are my priorities. I am not Amarov, but that does not make me one of you. I will never be one of you.”

“I forgive you, Draco. For...everything. It was my fault, too. Please. P-please say...you’ll forgive me?”

No response, just unrelenting thrusting, his fingers dug so forcefully into the soft flesh of her bottom that if his nails hadn’t been short and blunt, he would have broken skin. 

“I love you so much,” she said in a rush. “I won’t let anyone take you. Are you hearing me, Draco? I’ll always protect you. I’ll keep you safe. I’m yours and you’re mine.”

“Does that mean I win?” She waggled her eyebrows at him.

Draco stared at her as if she terrified him. “Hermione Granger. I can assure you that in any game you think you’re playing with me, you will always win.” He put his face into the crook of her neck, and she felt him shudder. “You undo me. I don’t recognise myself when I’m with you sometimes...”

“In a good way or bad way?”

“Good...bad. Both.”

THAT 5 CHAPTER EPILOGUE OWNS ME!! Part 5 is absolutely everything.
Profile Image for Ashton Reads.
974 reviews264 followers
December 30, 2022
This was SO good! It gave me major The Walking Dead vibes but then add in an unhinged Draco who is obsessive about keeping Hermione alive despite thinking he’s unable to care. There was nonstop action in the first half, and then finally we got some of the more intimate psychological content in the second half. Beware that the author does not hold back with the character deaths, so get attached to any of them at your own risk (minus Hermione and Draco of course. This is a romance, after all).

My only complaint was that after Draco did SO much self-work at the end to try and process his feelings and trauma, I had hoped Hermione would too. Considering the trauma responses she was having to him, I don’t understand why she didn’t go to therapy as well and show some of her own self-growth. But other than that, this was AMAZING! It even took my least favorite trope and did it in a way that I was still 100% invested and didn’t want to put this fic down! The domestic moments omgggggg so adorable! And there was the perfect amount of humorous moments too that had me actually laughing out loud (something I don’t do often while reading).

If you’re a fan of Dramione but haven’t given this a try, I honestly don’t know what you’re doing. Go read it! Immediately!
Profile Image for Stephanie Yost.
228 reviews5 followers
June 3, 2022
I think Manacled ruined me for Dramione fanfics and now nothing compares.
This one was good, fun in the beginning, kind of dragged on and lost my interest later on. Draco/ Hermione relationship took some time to grow on me. It felt a bit like one crisis after another and my interest waned.
Update: I listened to this a second time around on Spotify on the ETL echo podcast. I enjoyed the dark, unapologetic Draco who puts Hermione above all else more the second time, especially with the knowledge that he inspired high reeve Draco from manacled. It was violent, gory and intense. It wandered a bit… and was excessively long.
Profile Image for Sha.
193 reviews69 followers
January 31, 2023
Updating this review since there is some criticism I want to address. :)

The following review is part of a comment I posted on Tumblr (hence, the direct addressing of the author), the author Rizzle was so kind to answer this and add our conversation to the endnotes of the very last chapter.

You can find this comment, and her answer here. (only on desktop)


I’ve read a couple of very good fics and then ever so often stumbled upon your fic. And I must say the „Zombie“ part was always a turn-off for me since I have NO interest in Zombie stories, movies, etc. But then I saw ETL Echo did the audio version and I told myself, if they do this, this must be a good story. Needless to say, it took me 3 days and 3 sleepless nights to finish this epic story. I couldn’t stop reading. I really couldn’t.

I am flabbergasted by the world and plot you created. I had no idea how massive your world would become while reading. I was in shock, awe, wonder… It was intense from the very first minute. The OCs?? I always have a difficult relationship with OCs. I sometimes feel they take too much space in FFs without contributing to the story­­­–but you used them wisely. You planted them evenly in your story and gave them enough background, room, and plot to shine but all to give our MCs the room to unfold their story. Needless to say, the Cowboy and Anatoli will forever have a special place in my heart.

Never felt a chapter like a boring filler chapter, you always managed to end on a cliffhanger. It was amazingly well-paced, I don’t know how you managed it, looking at the massiveness of the overall story.

A few words about Harry. I love the way you portrayed him. You really stuck to his personality. Even tho he was not the protagonist of your story you still gave him what he deserved: his hero arc. I loved that you refrained from bashing his character in terms of making D look better or making H into some kind of hero, because she isn’t the typical hero, same goes for D. That was always Harry and he got his moments of recklessness, and bravery. I admire this about your writing!

The way you portrayed the relationship between H and D is BY FAR the best ETL story I’ve ever read. It felt natural, authentic, and never cheesy or cringy. H and D are in a way two people who are quite the same and happen to just stand at the very opposite of a problem. And in your story, they slowly find a way to build a relationship with all the flaws and the roughness that comes along when you fall in love during times like these. You incorporated the theme of „wants“ and „needs“ very early into the story and kept coming back to it. Because in the end, this is what people face in times of crisis. The conflict between want and need, and you manifested this into both H and D, from chapter 1 until the very last chapter.

So instead of reading LIATOZA merely as an action-dystopia-romance fic (it was way too poetic for that!!) I read it more as a parable on human conscience and H and D as allegories for want and need (I would need to dig deeper into my hypothesis on this though). The quality of your writing is something I only read in world literature canon, and I might wanna add as a Slavic literature major, I’ve read a fair share of epic novels.

The smut in your story is something I really wanna point out to every writer out there (who doesn’t just wanna write a quick pwp or something because we love those too). You embedded the smut so beautifully, and poetically. Often, smut scenes or chapters stand out in lengthy stories, they often don’t fit the narration style or feel kind of out of character in the world they happen in. Not with you though! The way you write intimacy is always, I repeat ALWAYS, very plot-driven. Even the very explicit, almost too rough smut serves the purpose of portraying characters and character development. It never felt out of place or weirdly (and all of a sudden) too explicit. It always matched the tone of the chapter, your pacing, and your plot.

I wanna mention how much I adored your narration style. Your narrator is somewhat unreliable, they have the best insight into H but they give us also glances into other characters, which is of course necessary to explain what happens at all these different spots where your story takes place. It was a wise decision because it ensured you didn’t have to retell everything in H’s presence so the readers knew what was happening. BUT! You didn’t fall into the trap of giving us complete insights into a typical, let’s say, Draco's POV.

Many writers use multiple POVs to tell us every little thing, VERY explicitly, to the point where they simply retell everything just from the other side of a room, and with that also taking away the uncertainty, the mystery. And I believe it is hard to not fall into this trap and just disclose everything but you championed this! I love how to very last chapters you still, kind of, feel uncertain about Draco’s true beliefs and this is why your story deserves every bit of praise and love.


I understand where some people's frustration stems from, I however, enjoyed the way their relationship developed a lot. A LOT LOT. :) You really have to pay attention to the very small details that disclose how they (especially Draco) feel about one another.
Draco's only interest is Hermione. From the moment he realizes that there is something between them, til the very end.

My Dramoine recommendations
in no particular order

Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love (DMATMOOBIL) by isthisselfcare
Secrets and Masks by Emerald_Slytherin
Remain Nameless by HeyJude19
The Fallout by everythursday
Timeless by alexandra_emerson
Measure of a Man by inadaze22
Room Serviced by pir8fancier
Love in a Time of the Zombie Apocalypse (LIATOTZA) by rizzle
The Auction by LovesBitca8
Breath Mints / Battle Scars by onyx_and_elm
Manacled by SenLinYu

The Right Thing To Do by LovesBitca8
Graveyard Valentine by Bex-chan
Wait and Hope by mightbewriting
Revert by suprntral lvr
Seek and Find by serpent_and_sage
From Wiltshire, With Love by Mistresslynn
The Politician’s Wife by pir8fancier
The Disappearances of Draco Malfoy by Speechwriter
Profile Image for Brina.
371 reviews83 followers
April 14, 2023
In my perspective, the book is in two parts: pre cure and post cure.

- amazing, i was on the edge of my seat the WHOLE. TIME. I could not put it down.
- 5/5
- check tags: horror, assault, violence, blood, etc.

- interesting in the sense that movies/books never show that part HOWEVER, boring af. I could not finish this book fast enough. After the HYPE, the TENSION, the ACTION in the first part, this felt incredibly dull.
- the first part lacked smut in my opinion and apparently the author felt the same as we had smut aplenty in this part and it was *not* good. Sex is used as a form of violence and manipulation and can we give these characters something healthy for once? For Christ Sake. I understand the trauma, but even this was far-fetched.
- i'm giving this part a 2/5 - out of respect for the effort that *I* put into it.

- it's at least relevant to the story. But beware that kids are an important part of the story. (I usually find it irritating when that happens but here it's fine.)

- Akin to GoT, do not get attached. Everybody dies.
- Love this Draco. "I'm a bastard born from hell but I put Hermione on a pedestal and don't you date touch her or I'll pluck your eyes from your corpse" vibe. Lovely (genuinely).
- Hermione is brilliant but it was exhausting to see her go. Second part did not do her justice. Still, loved her.

Truly encourage all types or authors to know when to take their curtsey and let the curtain fall. This fic was 20 chapters too long, and by the end it felt irrelevant and frustrating, which is sad considering how much fun I had in the beginning. I am utterly exhausted.

This would give us an average of 3.5 but the first part is 70% of the fic so I'll give it 4/5.
Profile Image for Javi Cofré.
34 reviews1 follower
February 11, 2022
I've mixed feelings with this fic. I liked it, but I only loved the last 20-15 chapters. I never understood how Hermione and Draco became in love with each other. That's never showed. At the very begging, they don't have interactions, only like 2-3? Then, Draco leaves to Amaro's armada and we learn that he leaves to protect Hermione and that Hermione is avoiding going after him because that will brake her? Then, they're on the ship together and Hermione talks about a relationship? What? When did that happen madam? So at this point it's about 40 chapters and we still don't see any romance at all but somehow they're in love with each other??? So they have sex like twice in a range of 50 chapters, the first time being really uncomfortable because she admitted she loved him and he's drunk and leaves her alone. Now we found out she's pregnant (this doesn't bothers me) and suddenly Draco is having a break down because he's so in love with her? But hooooow, when? Well anyway. This story has many loops, some are understandable (like the 8 months on Grey's military base), others I don't understand much (like the two years after Orion is born, she could have written some things that happened to understand their relationship) and others I don understand AT ALL (like the very first month on grimmauld, we could have understood better how they started to like and love each other). I feel like this fic was annoyingly long, the plot was cool and we'll written but the romance was none existing during 4/5 of it and the one few scenes that we got didn't have a background. I really don't understand how Hermione loves this Draco, he's very violent and impulsive, he does NOT express his feelings at all (not until the VERY end), although at the end he's different and trying. Anyway, I liked it but if I ever read again, I will only read the last 20 chapters.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Morgan.
363 reviews11 followers
January 13, 2022
Update: Read Chapters 79-81 and I just want to say no. Just no. This story started out so well and it turned into shit. Changing it to a 2 star rating. I mean Lucious' sex dungeon? no.

Do yourself a favor and read Manacled instead. Malfoy at least acts like the damaged Death Eater he is.

Original review:
I am so torn on how to rate this story. There's a ton of elements that I liked but there were some big issues I had with it, too. Unfortunately, too much key character traits were missing, along with a severe lack of magical element. The story was too long and DIDN'T EVEN WRAP UP. Seriously... this story took me days to read and I didn't even get to see whether or not Malfoy goes to jail at the end AND it ended with NO satisfaction whatsoever, he basically gets cold because he learned how to have feelings and empathy. Give me a break. 3 stars only because of the zombies.

Profile Image for Dean.
286 reviews5 followers
April 24, 2022

I gave it a good shot. I tried. It's an excellent premise and the character interactions were great, but as with most of the ZA settings, plot and pacing is always the hardest part to keep going esp if the environment is your antagonist. But I stuck with it. Until the massive time jump. Then everything just went off the rails and Draco and Hermione were acting very very OOC and I just couldn't.

Do yourself a favour and read other fics. There are much much better ones out there.
Profile Image for TJ ☾.
739 reviews1,732 followers
November 24, 2022

"You will never see her or speak to her ever again, you son of a bitch. And she doesn't need to be a killer," Draco said, before pistol-whipping Amarov. "She has me."

death eaters say the most romantic things, i don't make the rules

the concept itself was creative and the dialogue was good, but something about the story and the progression of draco and hermoine's feelings didnt flow properly for me. i never felt that connected to the story as a result
Profile Image for Jessica.
252 reviews4 followers
July 18, 2023
This was just phenomenal. Absolutely everything I could have asked for. Magic, zombies, research, enemies to lovers all my faves in one story. I loved the way this spanned years and just felt like such and epic story. The ending was also everything I could have asked for without sugar coating a literal apocalypse. Ugh. Why aren’t there more books like this?!?!
Profile Image for azka.
63 reviews51 followers
July 6, 2022
LOVED THEIR ROMANCE! i think this might be one of my fav dramoine fanfics?? the scientific bit of finding a cure and all the action kind of went over my head🙈🙈but i still loved it!
Profile Image for Paula Hernandez.
612 reviews33 followers
August 1, 2022
First off, AO3 has a fucking fantastic (if a little confusing) tag system.

Yet, not one of these tags were added:
- trauma bonding
- unwanted pregnancy in FMC
- non consensual permanent medical procedures in pregnant person
- traumatic pregnancy
- dangerous pro-life mentality: baby > mother
- explicit torture
- graphic and traumatic MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH. (They did tag: no one is safe. But I don’t think that’s enough )
- baby/toddler zombies (I know, also expected, but there are graphic depictions of dead babies and toddlers)

Yet, these tags were added:
- non-consensual fruit molestation (idk why this one pissed me off so much but I hate it)
- flirtatious southern gentleman
- purebloods in therapy

It’s funny, sure, but where are the missing tags????? You can add funny tags after you made sure all of the important tags are added.

TAGS ARE IMPORTANT. I use the fucking filters for a reason

Still, I will admit it is a incredibly well written story. The plot got a little crazy at the 50% mark but it’s a zombie apocalypse and so I guess it’s ok.

I hated this Hermione, she was entitled and ironically she was also self-sacrificing to an unbelievable extent. I hate hate hate when the FMC is soooooo pretty and sooooo interesting that every male in her vicinity automatically falls in love with her. Pls stop.

Draco was… there. I didn’t hate or love him. He was like the Walmart version of the High Reeve (from Manacled).
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Erica (EricaEreads).
145 reviews12 followers
July 22, 2024
Listen. Was this fanfic two (maybe three) fanfics in one? Yes. Did we need all those epilogues? Probably not, but I still enjoyed the heck out of them. Are there times it walked the line between epic plot-twist and jumping the shark? Oh yes. Was the writing quality and pacing inconsistent. For sure.

Do I care? Not a bit.

What makes this fanfic a cut above all other Dramione fanfics is that...Draco and Hermione are not OOC. Like, at all. In part because the author made the choice to have this start several years after Harry's triumph over Voldemort and with a lot of (pardon my language) fucking shit going down in the interim between that defeat and the zombies' appearance. Which made this wild ride feel the closest to canon of any Dramione fic I've read.

Check content warnings before reading. The biggest ones for me are: graphic violence, explicit sex, death, and...like...just that zombies are unsettling and the author did not shy away from that AT. ALL.
Profile Image for Stephanie Shepherd.
135 reviews5 followers
November 9, 2022
DNF at 68%

I liked it! The DNF does not reflect that I didn't, I was just getting a little tired and wanted to move on to something else. The main zombie plot had been concluded by this point, so if the size intimidates you, there are natural places to stop.

I loved how unique this fic felt. Very much unlike any other that I've read. Think World War Z + magic.
Profile Image for Cátia Prazeres.
19 reviews1 follower
February 20, 2022
Althought i liked the story/plot, it was too WAY long… i couldn’t blame Draco for Thinking Hermione wasn’t in her right mind… sometimes the pace was super slow, and sometimes it was super fast. It gets a 4⭐️because at it’s core it is a good story, long but good.
Profile Image for Kate.
72 reviews
February 29, 2024
this was a great plot but one of the most frustrating dramione romances i’ve read 😭 i know they say it’s a romance subplot but even so the amount of angst is never ending in this fic. if u like pain u will like this lol.
Profile Image for Devon Tarantino.
Author 2 books17 followers
February 13, 2022
Beautiful, action-packed, work of art. Don’t let the fanfic aspect deter you, this is a novel worth reading! Both heartbreaking and uplifting, all around amazing read!
Profile Image for Jenny.
10 reviews
September 17, 2024
⭐ 4 stars

It was honestly really well written though at some points I felt it was a bit dragged especially the long ass epilogue which didn't seem to finish 😭, but I really like the addition of Draco getting therapy for all that trauma cuz dang if there's one person who needed it, it was him. It took me a little longer than most ffs but the plot was really engrossing, the character of Draco was a little different from how it's normally portrayed in fanfictions so I didn't really dislike it or anything but I'm not quite sure how I feel about him as a character. But overall it was a fun read, I don't really read zombie apocalypses so this was quite different from the normal genre lol but it was well done. The only reason I'm not giving it 5 stars would be because it wasn't that special of a fic yk like one that you simply can't get over or just constantly need more of, tho I don't think 4 stars is bad at all. The romance though was a little weird like I definitely wanted more of a slow burn, angst from Hermione's side and denial from her side too, like she really liked him and obviously her feelings were complicated but I'd say the execution of her side of romance was not executed properly it could've been done better and I could've definitely done with desperate groveling from Draco.
Profile Image for Brooke.
1,248 reviews74 followers
October 23, 2022
This was super good. I read probably more than half of it in one night and then it took me a month to read through actually more than one month for the rest. But it was really enjoyable I just love these characters and how she can you change the characters. I do have to say the time jump kind of threw me off because I wasn’t really expecting that. I’m so happy I found this and finished it because I read it when it wasn’t complete it devastated me so I haven’t completed it like five years later makes me so happy.
Profile Image for Paola.
892 reviews39 followers
September 21, 2023
Such a long read, but I'm really impressed by the author, this was definitely a very original Dramione fanfiction.
Draco is a dark and complex character and Hermione is a strong and very clever heroine, they made an explosive couple.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 393 reviews

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