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Aisling Grey #1

You Slay Me

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The author of The Corset Diaries returns to the realm of the paranormal in this sexy, funny romance that pits Seattle-based Aisling Grey against Drake Vireo, a seriously handsome Parisian dragon in human form. In her job as courier, Aisling is to deliver a precious demonic artifact to a Mme. Deauxville in Paris, but she finds Madame freshly dead, surrounded by a circle of ash. The artifact is then stolen by the fast-talking Drake, who claims that Aisling is no mere courier but in fact a demon lord and his destined mate. Determined to play detective, Aisling summons up a demon only to find herself saddled with one, in the form of a slobbering Newfoundland who wants to go walkies. Drake wants to show her the way dragons mate, and then bodies seem to pile up all over Paris, making Aisling a corpse magnet and top suspect. It's going to take every screwy new ally she's got to solve this murder and adjust to her new life in a strange new world.

353 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published September 7, 2004

About the author

Katie MacAlister

102 books5,939 followers
For as long as she can remember, Katie MacAlister has loved reading. Growing up in a family where a weekly visit to the library was a given, Katie spent much of her time with her nose buried in a book. Despite her love for novels, she didn't think of writing them until she was contracted to write a non-fiction book about software. Since her editor refused to allow her to include either witty dialogue or love scenes in the software book, Katie swiftly resolved to switch to fiction, where she could indulge in world building, tormenting characters, and falling madly in love with all her heroes.

Two years after she started writing novels, Katie sold her first romance, Noble Intentions. More than thirty books followed during the years after Noble's publication. Her novels have been translated into numerous languages, been recorded as audiobooks, received several awards, and placed on the New York Times, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly bestseller lists. She also writes for the young adult audience as Katie Maxwell, and for the mystery world as Kate Marsh.

Katie lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and dogs, and can often be found lurking around online.

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Profile Image for K.T. Katzmann.
Author 4 books103 followers
January 3, 2018

In honestly, I have to admit that I threw this book across the room at page 176. This is an act I have not performed since I read Mercedes Lackey's The Silver Gryphon, which was to packing luggage as MST3K's "The Lost Continent" was to rock climbing.

I did not finish this book, but after a week of my wife giggling at my grumbling before it became a thrown missle (damage: 1d2), I feel qualified enough to say...

Aisling Grey is a quirky, funny woman who I pictured as "Veronica Mars"-era Kirsten Bell. I liked her the moment she arrived in Paris, intent of delivering a golden dragon statue for her uncle. Soon, three events happen generally simultaneously. One, she finds her customer ritualistically murdered. Two, she learns that she can do...
 photo YsbKHg1_zpsdbdwuvi8.gif

She's apparently a natural demon summoner. That's what she thinks is, eventually, at least. After all, very few people sit her down and explain things; they just assume she's in the know, and she has to fake it. Funny stuff.


And we meet the book's male lead, Drake Vireo.

Drake is a dragon, a thief, and an overbearing misogynist who spent the rest of the book commiting creepy assaults, stealing Aisling's statue, claiming her as his mate, and refusing to help her.

That's just in the next thirty pages after his introduction. Also, no matter how gross he is, Aisling can't stop think about having sex with him.

Drake kills the book for me in any scene he's in. I like Aisling. I like her supporting cast: the intrepid, fearless Parisian cabbie and her talking dog demon. If those three were solving mysteries, I'd read the whole series.

Instead, imagine this scene as the standard for Drake encounters.

Perky Girl: Help me! You ruined my life!
Dark Dickhead:No. By the way, I consider you my possession now.
Perky Girl: Dammit, I hate you!
Dark Dickhead: I'm hot, though.
Perky Girl: (Bites her lip) He's so hot!

I should be loving Aisling's struggle. Her luggage is burnt to a crisp, she's got no passport, she's framed for murder, and she rolls up her sleeve and gets down to mystery solving. I want to read about her adventures!

But the only scene I liked with Drake was when she kicked him in the balls, eye-gouged him, and bludgeon him into unconsciousness in the space of one paragraph. I should mention that event happened in his gorgeous mansion where every detail earned a comment from Aisling, because Drake is the avatar of every World of Darkness character that ever had a background written by a 13-year-old.

I should sum up my feelings for Drake.

Dark Dickhead: You are my mate, my possession. I will protect you at all costs.
Perky Girl: Can I have this statue that my professional life depends on back?
Dark Dickhead: No, I like it. It really ties my living room together. That drink you ordered is poison to humans, by the way.
Dark Dickhead: I didn't want to contradict you.

When they have dream sex, Drake drops the rule that he must firstly possess his lovers dragon-style. I get excited, thinking we were about to see really kinky interspecies sex with a fun sense of humor. Spoiler alert: I'm pretty sure Drake uses the "dragon-style" line on every girl just to get them to let them do hair-yanking doggystyle.

Of course, this guy is the soul of chivalry.

Dark Dickhead: I smell gold on you. I demand you show it to me.
Perky girl: :crosses arms over blouse to hide necklace: Are you going to steal it?
Dark Dickhead: Maybe. I dunno. If I have to reach in and grab it, I'm definitely keeping it.

Then I hit page 176.

Aisling is finally pressing Drake for info. She's done a damn good job of staying on her toes so far, and she's ready to hold his ass to the fire until she gets answers. As she questions Drake, not allowing him any evasive answers, he declares, "I warn you, I do not like my women dominant,"


After locating where the book had landed, I flipped to the end to see if Drake had been incinerated in a demonstrable fireball of punishment. Dammit, but no.

I want to read Katie MacAllister's other books. I want to give her a shot again. I just will not return to this series until I hear that Drake Vireo was hit by a falling airplane engine.
Profile Image for Emily May.
2,089 reviews314k followers
July 3, 2011
I honestly cannot believe I found this book so enjoyable! It's been sitting on my shelf since those long ago days before I'd read a million and one different paranormal romance and/or urban fantasy stories. I bought it back when I was rather new to the genres and I used to be all "sexy vampires, quirky heroine, supernatural mystery - what more could you possibly want from a novel?" Since then I've come to realise that a whole lot of the PNR/UF world is kind of, well... shite.

But I have been surprised here today. I read this as a buddy read to go with my July Pick It For Me challenge and I have Mountain Kat to thank for finally getting me to give in to this book. It's a really fun, sexy and entertaining read. For me, it just stood out amongst so many others of its kind that I've read because everything worked: the strong heroine, the sexy hero guy, the mythology, the humour... and it even had a talking demon dog. I can't lie here, the novel completely had me the moment we were introduced to a talking demon Newfoundland called Jim. It's less ridiculous than it sounds in the actual novel, I swear.

Aisling is a great character; she's the girl you want to be friends with but also the girl you want fighting on your team. Even though she had the hots for Drake ever since he sauntered in all his dark and sexiness, she still doesn't take any crap from him. Drake's this dragon guy in human form that everyone fears because of his power but Aisling refuses his advances with a swift knee to the groin, a poke in the eye and a good whacking round the head with a solid gold and priceless artifact. But all is made up later against the wall ;)

I really enjoyed Katie MacAlister's balance of witty banter and humour with the well-developed mythology going on behind it all. It's also one of very few PNR/UF novels that made me think "must acquire next book now!" I've missed that feeling... Anyway, this book won't be for everyone but it definitely rang my bell. I mean, come on, a talking demon dog called Jim!
Profile Image for Choko.
1,375 reviews2,660 followers
October 7, 2017
*** 3.44 ***

A Buddy Read with my family @ BB&B

Another Wednesday, another UF read for our little group. This is an older series we decided to tackle because we needed something lighter and fluffier these days. Real Life has been difficult for many of us and our reading should not make it even harder... This is why, a series about a ditsy female who is aware of her not so impressive brain power and doesn't claim any, who stumbles upon a murder while trying to make a delivery and gets tangled up in the Dark Esoteric Underworld of Paris, seemed like a good idea. And for the purpose we embarked on reading it, it fit perfectly. However, we forget easily that books meant as a light distraction are often just that and when our usual reads are of more complex nature, the light and fluffy could feel a bit to light 😀.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed getting to know the clueless Aisling Gray, a delivery girl on her first day at the job, tasked with getting a priceless artifact from Seattle, USA to Paris, France. The only other thing we know about her is that she has a surfer ex and her hobby is reading about Demons and Magic, in "it-is-kind-of-cool" sort of hobby-like way. So imagine her horror to find the intended recipient of the artifact in a demon-summoning circle and a gorgeous mysterious stranger steals the package right out of her hands. Then the 🚨 turns out and makes her the prime murder suspect... Her time in Paris doesn't resemble anything she would have wished it to be...

On top of police chases, we get to meet some Dragons! in human form, weakens, demons, a very cool taxy driver, and the best character of them all Jim, the talking Newfoundlander 🐶! I was ready to adopt him after his first sentence, it was love at first sight /sound... He completely saved the book for me and the main reason I plan to continue with the series. As I said, it lived up to the expectation of being light and fluffy 😇.

Now I wish you all Happy Reading and many wonderful books to come! 📚
Profile Image for Maria Dimitrova.
745 reviews146 followers
October 6, 2017
Light and fluffy buddy read with the Wednesday UF Group of BB&B.

If you like smart and assertive female leads this book is not for you. If you like adult talk (and by that I mean not using toddler words) this book is not for you. If you like to skip eyerolling until your eyes hurt this book is not for you.

Aisling Grey almost made me bash my head in. The poor woman is a natural disaster and I wonder how she's managed to survive to her late 30ies. She's clueless but at least she's aware of it. However, there's a chance she will improve because she knows she's ignorant as fuck.

The rest of the cast mostly made up for how annoying Aisling was. Mostly Jim - the best demon sidekick ever! I adore him and he (I refuse to call him it because it's apparent he identifies as a he) is the reason why I will give the second book a try.
Profile Image for Jo.
957 reviews229 followers
October 6, 2017

Buddy read with the fantastic UF Wednesday group over at BB&B because we need something light and fluffy for a change.

Something flashed deep in his dark green eyes. "Are you unwell? You aren't going to vomit on me, are you?"
"That wasn't on my list of planned activities for the afternoon, no, but if you really insist, I suppose I could try for a hairball or something."

Aisling Grey’s first job as a courier should have been easy but Aisling seems to be a magnet for trouble and the supernatural. When trying to deliver the package to the client in Paris, she finds said client dead and hanging from the ceiling, a circle of ash on the floor and a sexy stranger who steals her package before she can get answers from him. Things only get worse when the police arrives shortly after, Aisling becomes their prime suspect and the only way to prove her innocence is to find Drake Vireo the stranger who stole her package, retrieve it and find the person who murdered her client.

For the most part I really liked Aisling. She’s hilarious and feisty and I loved that there were times she really stood up to arrogant Drake, even kneeing him in the balls which made me cheer so hard. But she had a few TSTL moments or maybe she just really has the worst bad luck which manages to get her into impossible and hilarious situations. It also really annoyed me when she acted like a hormone on legs around Drake. Yes he’s supposedly sexy but why does she get all weak at the knees over him? Nothing he did or said made me interested at all in him as her love interest.

As a romance reader, as soon as there’s any mention of a possible romance my heart perks up right away but I had problems with Aisling and Drake. First of all he’s a jerk and arrogant (which normally doesn’t bother me too much as long as he changes towards the heroine or she doesn’t let him get away with said arrogance, unfortunately it didn’t really happen here) and I hated how he didn’t care that Aisling was placing herself in danger while trying to prove her innocence. Also I know expecting them to have deep feelings for each other would be ridiculous seeing as they’ve just met but still I needed more than just mere lust which was all we got from them. Hopefully things will develop into more with the next book.

"Whoa, would you look at my package!" Jim stopped next to the door, doubled over as it looked at its groin. "I'm a demon studmuffin! The babes are going to love me—oh yes they are!”

My favorite character of the book was definitely Jim, the demon dog Aisling summoned. He used to be a servant of the demon lord Amaymon but after pulling a joke on him that went unappreciated he was pretty much left masterless. I loved his strange sense of humor, how he slobbers over everything and the sarcastic banter between him and Aisling had me laughing so hard. I also really liked Rene, the taxi driver who was more than willing to help Aisling in her quest for answers.

The world building and plot was really good with Aisling finding out she’s a Guardian, a keeper of Hell, a wyvern’s mate and trying to prove her innocence to the police.

This book was entertaining and if it wasn’t for Drake and the lukewarm romance that did absolutely nothing for me, I would have rated it higher. I like the way this author writes, how hilarious Aisling and Jim was and I’m looking forward to seeing what will happen with them next.

Profile Image for Robin (Bridge Four).
1,781 reviews1,590 followers
October 9, 2017
2.75 Gates of Abbadon Stars

Read with Buddies Books and Baubles because after some heavy emotional reads you just need something silly.

This is a book you really have to be in the mood to totally turn off your brain and that little thing you carry around and call common sense and just go with it.

I’m not sure that my brain is ever this turned off but overall it isn’t a horrible story it just has a TSTL heroine in it. I struggle with those. Hopefully this book is just to show us how far the heroine is going to come in the end, but so far she make with absolute worst choices. Good thing there is a funny demon dog and a Dragon to keep my interest peaked.

Aisling Grey is a courier and recently divorced. She knew nothing about the supernatural world she is about to be thrown into but when the woman she was supposed to deliver an artifact to is dead on her arrival she learns that everything she thought she knew about the world and her place in it was wrong.

So this series has potential but this particular book had so many little pet peavey things for me. But as always let’s start with the good.

JIM!!!! The Demon Dog Aisling Accidently Summoned.

He is the comic relief and the first to point out that all of her plan sorta suck and almost get them killed.
“...but I forgot that I've been bound to the Forest Gump of Guardians. Lucky, lucky me.”


“You’re not related to the Three Stooges are you? ‘Cause I could swear this escape scene is one of theirs.”

Then there is the fact that the love interest is a Dragon. YES a dragon. I really am a sucker for most things with Dragons in them. They are one of my favorites and even better when they have a human form. I will even give props to the fact that even if it is announced that Aising is the Dragon’s mate she isn’t really having it and pretty much says that it is not happening. She might turn into a hormonal, wanton fool when Drake is close by but that doesn’t mean she is going to be stuck with him.
"You are too arrogant for your own good. I officially
de-mate you.
Go away. I never want to see you again.
Except maybe tonight.
Naked. Your place. But after that, no more.”

But now to the bad. Aisling was so ridiculous. She just ran around and bashed through so many different bad scenarios. I have a really hard time with TSTL heroines and in this she should have been dead at least three or four times. I don’t know if it is better or worse that she knows how clueless she is.

As for the who done it, that was pretty easy to figure out for the most part. Although, I did second guess myself a couple of times.

So pluses for Jim the Demon Doggie companion and Drake, minuses for Aisling herself and that is huge because she is the MC. Hopefully as she grows into maybe learning anything about what a guardian is and does she will be better.
Profile Image for Beth F.
404 reviews366 followers
January 2, 2009
Aisling Grey, the heroine of this series, is a ditz. She's also a Guardian and a wyvern's mate. Don't worry if you don't know what that means--Aisling doesn't either.

Generally speaking, I can't stand ditzes. But every once in awhile one crosses my path who I can't help but love. I had a very lovable ditzy friend in college. And another nice ditz is dating someone I know (and hopefully he marries her someday). From a bookish standpoint, Bridget Jones is another fantastic ditz. And if you've read and enjoyed Karen Marie Moning's Fever Series, you probably love that ditzy MacKayla Lane just as much as I do.

Aisling Grey is also a lovable ditz.

And the fact that she has no idea WTF is going on works extremely well for the first novel in this series where demons, mages and dragons who look like incredibly sexy human men are a fact of life. So the reader learns about this world at the same time as the main character (a wyvern is a dragon and a Guardian guards a portal to hell, among other things, by the way...)

Aisling is 31-years-old, newly divorced, strapped for cash and working as a courier for her uncle's company, which deals in rare artifacts. Her first assignment is to deliver a dragon statue to an eccentric woman in Paris. But when Aisling arrives at the woman's house, she discovers that her contact has been murdered in a bizarre demon ritual. And as if that wasn't bad enough, the priceless dragon statue was stolen by a handsome man. Aisling then hits a very slippery slope downwards into the Otherworld of Paris, finds out she's now a murder suspect and conjures her first demon.

I'm glad this was the first book in a series and I'm very much looking forward to Aisling's antics in the following books!
Profile Image for Steven.
1,154 reviews429 followers
October 6, 2017
3.5 stars

This was a fun little romp. The best character was definitely Jim. The story was slightly predictable, but the fun levels overrode some of that for me so I enjoyed it. I like the world. I like Drake. I love Jim. I really like Rene. I'm curious for more about the Guardians.

Thus, overall, a decent read. Not bad for light and fluffy PNR.
Profile Image for Kathi.
752 reviews18 followers
January 2, 2022
"Feuer und Flamme für diesen Mann" ist der 1. Band der "Aisling Grey" Reihe von Autorin Katie MacAlister.

Ich habe den ersten Band schon einmal vor ein paar Jahren als E-Book gelesen, die Reihe dann aber nie weiterverfolgt, obwohl ich die Bücher der Autorin eigentlich ganz gerne lese. Deswegen habe ich mir nun das Hörbuch gegönnt. Das Buch bekam damals nur 3 Sterne von mir, ich fand es aber trotzdem sehr unterhaltsam. Generell höre ich die Bücher von Katie MacAlister aber irgendwie lieber. Das ist auch bei der "Dark Ones" Reihe so.

In vielen Rezensionen wurde die Sprecherin kritisiert, weswegen ich keine großen Erwartungen hatte. Im Endeffekt wurde ich aber positiv überrascht. Ich finde die Sprecherin durchaus passend.

Für meinen Geschmack könnten die Charaktere noch etwas mehr Tiefe haben. Das Hörbuch hat mich ansonsten aber richtig gut unterhalten, deswegen vergebe ich auch 4 Sterne.

Wer lockere Urban Fantasy mit Drachen, einer kleinen Prise Krimi, etwas Erotik und viel Humor sucht, kann hier bedenkenlos zugreifen. Für mich ist das eine Wohlfühlgeschichte, bei der man ein wenig miträtseln, aber nicht großartig nachdenken muss.

Hier folgen noch ein paar Infos zum Hörbuch:
10 Std. und 6 Min. / Ungekürzte Ausgabe
Sprecherin: Julia Stoepel
Ich würde der Sprecherin 4 - 4,5 Sterne geben.
Verlag: Audible Studios
Profile Image for Alisha.
206 reviews96 followers
August 3, 2010
"You are too arrogant for your own good. I officially de-mate you. Go away. I never want to see you again. Except maybe tonight. Naked. Your place. But after that, no more."~Aisling Grey

A charming little start to a series, this book was. Though I must admit that the heroine at times had me thinking "oh geez." A flighty, silly and at times maddening lady, she also brings just the right amount of humor and heart to the book through her thoughts and responses to numerous unfortunate events....namely, being repeatedly framed for murder!

The supporting cast (usually my favorite aspect of a book of this nature) was great. Jim the talking demon-dog sidekick was such a kick, with his particular brand wry (and dirty? lol) humor. I'm glad he's there to (humorously) point out some of Aisling's behavior. ^_^
Drake, the love interest, is another great addition, bringing a much needed balance to Aisling's antics. He's not a perfect person, however (a good thing in my book), and provides a wonderfully mysterious aspect to Ms. Grey's life. A wonderfully sexy aspect, too. (tee hee)

Now, there were parts of the story (more in the first half) that seemed a bit too cliche to me, particularly the series of events leading up to and immediately following the first murder pinned on Aisling. As the tale progressed though, so too did the feeling that the book was a bit unique. As a first book, that's good enough for me because it means there's hope for subsequent books. ^_^

Speaking of subsequent books, I so enjoyed the story's end (which indeed made it clear that there's lots of fun ahead) that I went out the next morning and got book two.
Profile Image for Nicole R.
992 reviews
September 30, 2012
Please, slay me. Put me out of my misery.

Aisling Grey has been sent to Paris as a courier to deliver a valuable gold dragon statue to a woman; however, when she arrives at the woman's apartment, the woman is found murdered and her statue is stolen - by Drake Vireo. Aisling is now stuck in Paris, the main suspect for murder, and is determined to steal the statue back from the incredibly sexy Drake, who happens to be the powerful leader of the green dragon sept, present at a series of murders but claims his innocence, and is determined to seduce Aisling (you can guess to whether she puts up much of a fight on that one). She is joined by a collection of odd characters including Amelie, a healer; Rene, a taxi driver; and Jim, a demon dog.

This book was just not good, I don't know any other way to state it. The lead character was annoying, her attempts at humor failed miserably and she came off and a rambling idiot; the storyline was convoluted at best and so painfully single-minded that I was begging for a small side storyline; and the supporting characters were all pretty much the same person with a different name. Yeah, the lead male was sexy but other than that had few redeeming characteristics and sexy can only take you so far. Jim was by far the best character, his snarky sense of humor was the only dialogue that got the smallest of smirks from me.

Needless to say, I will not be continuing this series.
Profile Image for Briar's Reviews.
2,068 reviews547 followers
September 4, 2017
Katie MacAlister first book in a riveting series is golden for romance/fantasy lovers everywhere.

It's hard to believe You Slay Me was one of the first books in Katie MacAlister's giant dragon universe (does it have an official name? All of the series within this universe? It probably does...). This book was the first of many cute, sexy, fantasy filled books focusing on dragons. And it's safe to say - it's fantastic! This is one of my many guilty pleasures that I keep on my shelf for when I'm having a rough day. It always makes me smile because it's so sweet!

Katie is a funny writer - she's not super serious, and that's what makes this book work. It's out of the ordinary (obviously, it has dragons and all sorts of crazy creatures in it) and totally addicting. It's fast paced, full of ooey gooey romance, completely silly and filled with sexy men. It's solid chick lit!!

I can definitely see some readers having faults with it - the book doesn't take itself seriously. It's full of funny tropes and understands that it's a lighthearted, romance novel. But for me, it's everything I want in more in a romance novel. I want happy endings, sexy scenes, hot men, quirky jokes and strong, sassy leads. Drake is a bit of a jerk, even I'll admit that, but I like how his character progresses. I'm not sure how else Katie would have introduced these two in the realm of what this universe is, to be very honest.

So, overall, I love it! I'm kinda annoyed I haven't been able to get to the very newest 2017 book yet because these books always make my day!

Five out of five stars.
Profile Image for AH.
2,005 reviews384 followers
April 22, 2011
You Slay Me had me giggling right from the first page. The book had some hilarious situations that could only happen to a young, English speaking American in Paris. Our heroine Aisling Grey arrives in Paris and learns some extremely useful expressions from her cabbie Rene:

”J’ai une grenouille dans mon bidet.”

(I have a frog in my bidet).

I chuckled at all the uses of franglais – when French words are interchanged literally with English words, effectively changing their meanings: “The elevator does not march.” and “I did not wish to derange you.” Living in my part of the world, we hear this kind of thing regularly and it always amuses me.

I loved the scenes between Aisling and Drake. Their attraction was so primal and they were very sexy together. The love scenes were hot and steamy. Dragons do have interesting mating rituals. I enjoyed the banter between Aisling and Drake. At times, Aisling seemed absolutely clueless so it made their interactions much more entertaining. I loved how smug and self-assured Drake behaved around Aisling, even when she denied that she was attracted to him.

My favorite character was Jim. Jim was a demon in the body of a Newfoundland dog. It was refreshing to see the world from a dog demon’s perspective. Jim added many moments of comic relief as well.

I can’t wait to read the next book in the series.
April 25, 2011
4.5 Stars

Aisling is such a fun heroine. She reminds me a bit of Stephanie Plum. She's kinda clueless at the beginning, gets sucked into a paranormal world she had no idea existed, and she had always been a part of.

I enjoyed the storyline a lot, it was very different. And for someone not used to reading books about dragons, I loved this one. It may have something to do with the extremely delicious green dragon Drake. He is sexy!

But, the book wouldn't be the same without Aisling's sidekick. A demon she summons, better known as Jim! I LOVE JIM! I want my own Jim, and I want a book of Jim quotes!

This book had me laughing out loud literally so many times people were giving me weird looks and probably thought I had mental issues.

Excellent start and I'll be reading the next book soon! Can't wait!
Profile Image for Phrynne.
3,653 reviews2,485 followers
May 21, 2014
I read this book because I needed a title beginning with y for a book challenge and this one popped up. I am so glad it did because it was a thoroughly lighthearted and amusing piece of entertainment. The story line seems fairly stereotypical for this genre - tremendously good looking man who is actually something other (in this case dragon but it could have been vampire, were wolf, fairy etc) meets ditzy, beautiful girl with powers she does not know about yet. Sounds familiar? However this author writes witty dialogue rather well and when she adds a demon dog into the mix it all becomes very amusing. I enjoyed it very much and hope to find time to read the next book in the series soon.
Profile Image for Leah.
1,210 reviews348 followers
May 5, 2017
I was recommended this book a long time ago, but I never felt the burning desire to pick it up and read it. It sounded interesting, but nothing I needed to rush out and buy. Until recently when my bestie was reading the series and I was laughing my ass off at the things she told me. Dude, I'm glad I picked it up.

I love Aisling. Even if she is an idiot a lot of the time. I mean, really, girl, you do lots of stupid shit. But it's pretty hilarious, so I forgive your ridiculous tendencies. Aisling makes me laugh. She's just too cute! And Drake, well, I am in love with Drake. You may be thinking, "How can you be in love with Drake after reading this book? He's barely in it, silly!" Well, I will tell you. My love of Drake is an accumulation of what I read in this book on my own and everything I know about him from this series and the other related series. He is adorable.

The side characters are also great. Jim is hilarious. What more is there to say? He makes me laugh. Pal and Istvan don't have much of a role, but they are Drake's redheaded bodyguards. What's not to love? Rene, adorable man. I loved the silly French phrases that he taught Aisling, and that he was always there for her when she needed him.

The reason that this book is four stars instead of five for me is because Drake was barely in it. The book is qualified as paranormal urban fantasy (or whatever the hell it's called), and the romance part of the story was pretty lacking. If he had been in it more, I probably would have given it five stars. Four and a half at the very least. As it is, I look forward to reading more about the developing relationship between Aisling and Drake.
Profile Image for Candace.
932 reviews
August 9, 2017
It's been a while since I read this one but I remember it. I love the Aisling Grey series. Katie MacAlister writes wonderful, humorous stories. Aisling Grey is a hoot! Drake is to die for. :-)
Profile Image for Jane Stewart.
2,462 reviews925 followers
September 28, 2010
I hated this. Throughout the book, I couldn't wait to get done with it.

The heroine Asiling and her demon sidekick a dog say mean things and use sarcasm toward almost everyone throughout the book. Not once did I find the sarcasm funny, witty or entertaining. It felt like someone telling unfunny jokes. Some readers might enjoy this type of humor. I do not.

The heroine does stupid things which I didn't like. She starts out believing she is a normal human. Others tell her that she is a guardian with powers, but no one tells her anything about those powers. She gets a spell book to tell her how to summon a demon. Instead of following the recipe, she decides to use substitute products and says "I'm sure it'll be good enough" (page 86). This annoyed me. Later she issues a public challenge to someone but has no idea of the rules which she later learns means to the death. At other times when attempting something magical that she's never done before, she will say something like "I am a professional. I have power. I can do this" (page 315). Her "faking it attitude" annoyed me. This author also used one of my hated pet peeves, described below.

One of my pet peeves: Aisling is delivering a package to Aurora. No one answers the door so she walks in and sees Aurora dead with a dagger in her chest. Aisling stumbles and grabs the dagger, which she is holding as the police arrive and see her. She is now the main murder suspect.

Another stupid thing: She sees a bad guy in Drake's home. She incorrectly assumes that the bad guy works for Drake. As a result she believes Drake is the murderer, which is not true. She runs away from Drake and plans to expose him. Later, she claims Drake is innocent, but I didn't see anything happening to change her mind.

Drake is a dragon in human form. Aisling is the only person who can receive and send his fire which proves she is his one mate. They have sex a couple of times, she is drawn to him, but in the end, she leaves him. He says "You are my mate. You cannot deny fate." She says "I make my own fate. See you around." She leaves the country. This is not the traditional romance novel happily ever after. This is the first book in the Aisling Grey series. I assume they will get together eventually, but I'm not going to buy any more of those books to find out.

Sexual language: mild. Number of sex scenes: two. Setting: current day Paris, France. Copyright: 2004. Genre: paranormal romance.
Profile Image for Lisa Kay.
924 reviews533 followers
March 7, 2012
Effrijim: AKA Jim
[image error]

★★★★✩ (This is a review of the audiobook.) Who knew Barbara Rosenblat had so many funny voices? There is a “Newfie” in this book that she anthropomorphizes with a hilarious “woe is me” tone in his voice – oh, excuse me, a Newfoundland, as Jim prefers to be called! This first in the Aisling Grey, Guardian series is a hoot! Ms. Rosenblat sounds completely different than she does in the Amelia Peabody Mysteries.

Still, I enjoyed this book more than I should have and laughed at all the silly set-up scenarios that contribute to all of Abaddon and the Paris Otherworld chasing after Aisling. Of course, maybe this is worth squabbling over:

I have no idea if Ms. Rosenblat’s French and Hungarian accents are spot-on or not, but I loved listening to them, both male or female. I’ll definitely continue with the series on audiobooks. . .

You Slay Me (Aisling Grey Guardian, #1) by Katie MacAlister Fire Me Up (Aisling Grey Guardian, #2) by Katie MacAlister Light My Fire (Aisling Grey, Guardian Series #3) by Katie MacAlister Holy Smokes (Aisling Grey Guardian, #4) by Katie MacAlister Death's Excellent Vacation by Charlaine Harris
Profile Image for Shannon .
1,215 reviews2,405 followers
March 11, 2008
After a bit of a slow start, we're drawn into a world alongside the bemused and often confused Aisling ("Ashling") Grey, where mages, witches, dragons in human form, demons and all sorts of other creatures and people pretend to be "normal".

Arriving in Paris to deliver a priceless artifact called an aquamanile, Aisling quickly finds herself a murder suspect and the artifact stolen by a very sexy man called Drake. Whom she later finds out is the wyvern (leader) of the Green Dragon sept. Who is also her eternal mate. On top of all that, everyone keeps calling her a Guardian, and she's just managed to summon a very cheeky demon called Jim, who appears in the shape of a Newfoundland dog.

Aisling reminded me a bit of Betsy from Mary Janice Davidson's Undead series, but thankfully she's much less annoying. She mentions at one point that she's not very bright, and that's true. She can be a bit slow. She's independent and resourceful, but also very stubborn, and comes across as rather loud. For all that, it's a quick, often amusing read, and the chemistry between Aisling and Drake is all fire - which is just as well, since the two have to support the entire series. Drake reminded me somewhat of Quinn from the Riley Jensen Guardian books, but without the committment phobia.

I worried that Jim would also drive me mad, but strangely he didn't. He's the kind of side-kick character that would normally have me sighing and rolling my eyes, but I became very fond of him. I even started to like Aisling, who gets less annoying as the book progresses - and now that I'm reading the second book, Fire Me Up, I'm definitely warming to her. On top of that, aside from lots of typos, it's a well written paranormal romance.
Profile Image for Amy.
2,805 reviews562 followers
January 29, 2019
One of those books that is terrible and terribly addicting at the same time. I did not expect to giggle as much as I did. The main character is an idiot who constantly goes around making poor life decisions but she does it with enough pizzazz that you can't help liking her anyway. And while I want to say that having a main character who acknowledges her own stupidity does not excuse said stupidity, it certainly made it easier to swallow. To describe the dragon love interest would involve me using very colorful, very negative language and I don't like swearing in my reviews. I found him only barely tolerable. The only reason I kept reading as their relationship progressed (if you can even call it progression) is because Aisling dismisses him so easily. He's...arm candy, basically. And while I disapprove of his existence, the lack of angst made me shrug and keep reading.
Okay, honestly, the lack of angst and the absurd humor of the book kept me fairly well addicted. No cliff hanger but I really want to know what happens next, gosh darn it.

(Almost forgot to add, I want to be BFFs with Renee)
Profile Image for Becky ♡The Bookworm♡.
681 reviews71 followers
August 16, 2017
This book was hilarious! I thoroughly enjoyed it and laughed aloud many, many, times. It shouldn't have taken me as long as it did to get through it, but every time I picked it up, I had another challenge book to read that took priority. Now that it's finished, I could easily start over and enjoy it the second time just as much!

So far I think Jim is my favorite character, although Aisling is also a lot of fun. Her relationship with Drake was interesting and I can't wait to see what happens between them in the next book!
Profile Image for Alissa.
647 reviews99 followers
August 23, 2019
I really liked this one, I thought it was a quick paranormal romance read and instead it was a pleasantly readable story with over-the-top characters, a smattering of romance (smut, and humorous at that) and it’s never boring even in the weakest plot points. Genuine fun.

"And you're one of Amaymon's servants?"

Surprisingly, it looked away and gave an embarrassed doggy cough. "I was."

"Was?" I pounced on the word. "Was? As in ... was?"

"You're a regular Einstein, aren't you? Yes, was, as in Amaymon kicked me out of his legions because of an unfortunate incident when a leviathan tried to mate with him." I just stared at it. Jim made an annoyed face. "It was just a joke! But try telling that to one of the princes of Hell. They have absolutely no sense of humor."

"Oh, great." My shoulders slumped. "You're a delinquent demon. A Hell dropout. A demon without a cause."

"No one asked you to summon me," Jim said with dignity. "I'm just out of favor for a bit. I'll be back, just as soon as Amaymon can sit down again."
Profile Image for Ridley.
359 reviews345 followers
November 8, 2009
Frustrating read. I like the world and the secondary characters, but I hated the heroine and did not enjoy continually watching her make a complete ass of herself.

That sort of thing can be funny, a la the Pink Panther movies, but it requires the author to stick to it. I can't be expected to point and laugh at the boob at one point and then take her seriously at another. I think the first person narrative was also inappropriate. If I'm supposed to connect with her, don't make her an utter fool. Rather than laugh with her, I was cringing and skimming ahead.

Also, for something billed as "paranormal romance," it lacked romance. Aisling scarcely interacts with Drake in the book. There's no connection between them beyond the lazy Fated Mate trope.
Profile Image for Summer.
1,382 reviews329 followers
June 26, 2010
I actually read this series back when it was first being published but I've forgotten a lot of it. While I still liked the series it's definitely paranormal romance, and for the most part that genre anymore is not my cup of tea. I've read Katie MacAlister's more recent Silver Dragons series and liked it but I found myself skimming through a lot of You Slay Me. If you're a fan of PNR I'd definitely recommend the series, but it was a little too light for me.
Profile Image for Kededra.
140 reviews4 followers
March 26, 2016
Is it weird to say I thoroughly enjoyed watching Aisling continuously make a complete ass of herself?

Because I did.

There could have been a little bit more depth behind the characters, but the world MacAlister created was refreshingly different.
Profile Image for Randee.
915 reviews34 followers
April 25, 2018
I wish I could have a dragon (in human guise) as a boyfriend. Dragons are the coolest creatures imaginable. I had this book on my TBR for a couple of years. The premise sounded like it could go in either direction; very, very good or very, very silly. Fortunately, it exceeded my highest expectations. Not only did I find it humorous (and, of course, interesting) but I also found it very erotic in the parts where Aisling and her mate-for-life dragon are 'frisky' with each other. I don't need convincing that a dragon would make for the sexiest of sexy lovers. The most humorous relationship is between Aisling and Jim. Jim is a demon Aisling has called forth from the otherworld in the guise of a black, Newfoundland dog. Their acerbic repartee is worth the price of the book. There are 3 more books in the series and I notice the last one was written in 2007. I hope the author has not abandoned the series.
Profile Image for Suz.
2,289 reviews73 followers
July 26, 2018
It was cute. A bit silly in spots and there were a few tropes that are not among my "must read" list (fated-mate *shudder*) but over all it was light and easy and cute. I'm going to listen to the next.
Profile Image for Poppy Minnix.
Author 8 books114 followers
March 24, 2021
This cracked me up. It was my type of over-the-top zany heroine humor and voice that was a joyride to listen to (audiobook).

I really enjoyed Aisling's rejection of the fated/mated trope and am looking forward to continuing the series.

I did get antsy halfway through to know what was going on, because Aisling's internal conversation was secretive about the who-done-it mystery she was working to solve, so that popped me out of POV a bit, but everything came back in the end with a well-thought-out antagonist and tension-filled stand off.

Highly recommended for paranormal romance readers who like wrecking ball protagonists, a light side to a murder mystery, and heroes who get a little help from newly made, just-as-wacky friends.

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