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Broken Hearts Academy #1

Heartbreak Prince

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Soulmates. I believe in them. I was lucky enough to have two of them at one point.

The only problem. My soulmates happened to be twin brothers.
Caiden was the light to Jackson's dark. And after all that I had been through, the light was what I thought I needed.

When I chose Caiden, I lost Jackson.

Feeling like half a person after Jackson left, I barely survived when tragedy struck and I lost Caiden too.

It took me years to admit to myself that I had chosen wrong from the beginning. I’m ready to admit it to Jackson...only problem, he hates me.

I’m ready to fight for my happily ever after.

But there’s a reason they call him the Heartbreak Prince.

240 pages, Kindle Edition

Published March 23, 2020

About the author

C.R. Jane

84 books3,163 followers
I'm a wife, mother, and author! Writing has always been a passion for me, and publishing my first series is a dream come true. I drink too much caffeine, never sleep, and my imagination is always churning out ideas. Eva and her men have been in my head for awhile, and I'm so glad to finally take you with me on this journey!

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Profile Image for ❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books.
2,414 reviews9,954 followers
September 5, 2020
24993460-SX540 a
MY REVIEW AND OTHERS: can also be found on my blog:

HEARTBREAK PRINCE: is the first full length bully romance book in the series 'Broken Hearts Academy', by C.R. Jane. Spoken in 'Dual Perspectives.'

A riveting angsty page-turner which got its hooks into me as soon as I started reading..It had everything a romance reader could ask for.

One look at the cover..Ok I lied..A few more looks and drooling over the cover, one read over the synopsis made me drop everything to read this as soon as it landed on my kindle. I've only discovered this author very recently but she fast became a fan of mine when it came to delivering something a little bit different. I loved how the author weaved this tale, it flowed perfectly, I connected with the storyline wholeheartedly and became so immersed in the story I fell over that cliffy head first yelling at the author to hurry up and deliver the next instalment!!


Twin boys as different as chalk and cheese, Caiden & Jackson are new in town, when they see a group of kids picking on a small girl they came in like knights in shinning armour and laid down their swords and defended her, bonding them to her, protecting her from that point onwards and they became the three musketeers doing things together.

It didn't take these boys long to fall in love with Everly, she loved them back, one more so than the other, but like every love story they never run smoothly, there's always complications. And there is a rocky road for these three characters.

I loved our heroine, she was just so likeable and was easy to relate to, instead of having one soul mate at such an early age (eight-in third grade) she was lucky enough to have two who completely fell at her feet. One loved too much that it became a dangerous controlling obsession leaving me with a funny taste in my mouth. He stole the first kiss by default, whereas the other was given what mattered the most. He drew me in like no other. Silent, watching, waiting until the right time to strike.

I had everything crossed that they would get what they deserved, an HEA to rival all HEA's but sadly that's not the path this book took, Jackson has laid blame at Everly's feet over something that was out of her control and he's taken his bullying tactics up a whole new level.

Now that waiting game starts for the next book.

Profile Image for Carla Bulian.
1,471 reviews432 followers
September 30, 2020
I will like more if the female character became less pathetic 🤷🏻‍♀️
Profile Image for K. Webster.
Author 203 books14k followers
March 24, 2020
Heartbreak Prince took me by surprise! I didn't expect all the emotions to come jam-packed in this bully romance! C.R. Jane hooked me from the start as I desperately devoured every morsel she dropped regarding this messy love triangle of sorts. It's too complicated to call it a love triangle, but it's something. You're not sure who you're truly rooting for, just that you want them to find their happiness. Jane may have done me dirty at the end leaving me raging over a massive hangover, but I was grinning nonetheless because the storytelling was amazing! I cannot wait to see where she goes from here to complete this duet! Five HEARTBREAKING GIMME MORE stars!
Profile Image for Emily Cromwell.
213 reviews120 followers
October 17, 2020
This story just consumed me!!! I read the blurb and thought it sounded good and after the first chapter I instantly knew I was hooked. I kept telling myself “one more chapter” over and over again, and here I am now at 1am as I just finished reading it in one sitting. And my jaw is on the floor after that cliffhanger. WHAT!!! Okay yup I’m diving into book two now.
March 29, 2020
Everly is best friends with twin brothers Caiden and Jackson. Both love her and she gets with Caiden but he turns into an abusive psycho and crashed his car on purpose when he realizes she broke up with him and slept with Jackson. He’s in a coma. Flash to present and Everly is now going to some weird high school/college hybrid (so weird; just make it a college!). Jackson hates her and blames her for the accident. Someone does creepy stuff to Everly including throwing a snake at her showering and locking her in a closet. She finally tells Jackson that she is done with him and surprise surprise, Caiden wakes up.

My biggest issue was the weird high school/college hybrid. No way would high school juniors and seniors get to live on campus and hang out with college kids. The book should have just been set in a college. It’s mentioned that Jackson is bipolar but won’t take his meds. Not sure why Jackson has the right to blame Everly. I don’t know if I’ll read the next.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
132 reviews57 followers
September 17, 2020
This duet kicked my ass!!! It was so unexpected my jaw dropped! I’ll admit I saw “Academy” and the cover and did NOT expect it to be what it was! Serious mental health issues are depicted in this duet so if you have triggers TAKE IT SERIOUSLY! But if you don’t this is a SERIOUS must read!!! Amazing work from C.R. Jane !! 🔥
Profile Image for BLuvsBooks.
622 reviews113 followers
April 8, 2020
“They were my greatest loves, and my worst mistakes.”

A new adult bullymance story involving twin brothers and a girl they both love.
I have become more discerning in choosing this trope because their are so many and I am thrilled I took the chance on this one.
It is told in a unique and different way that had me engaged from the first chapter.
Each character was different and purposeful. The plot was intriguing and left me asking questions and wanting more.
I loved this new to me authors writing and they way she seamlessly wrote past and present and dual POV.
That cliffhanger though!!!

Can’t wait for Book 2!

“Desperate love was dangerous.”
Profile Image for Shyralf.
1,377 reviews66 followers
October 29, 2020
5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Stars! Perfection! High school/ college bully, best friend to lover, enemies to lover. So good, twins in love with the same girl. Loved every angst filled moment of it. Definitely recommend.
Profile Image for Soph.
210 reviews5 followers
February 22, 2022
k so this was acc quite good. like it was short so they just got on with the plot but it didn't seem unreasonable with the character development and even tho the cliffhanger was v predictable i'm still pumped to see what happens.
Profile Image for Cierra McCauley (Cierra's Corner).
815 reviews31 followers
March 27, 2020
AHHH!!! I loved this book so HARD! You are not ready for this book! Heartbreak Prince is Hell on the Heart! 4% in and I just knew Jane was going to wreak me! I tried to prepare myself but it didn't help! This book is so unexpected and raw. It really packs an emotional punch that hits you right in the feels. You feel it in the back of your throat and in your chest as your heart cries out and your eyes well up. Heartbreak Prince will consume you and obliterate you! You feel it so deep in your bones. Caiden and Jackson were so much to Everly, the three shared a special bond until that moment when everything changed. I loved the way this story was written, we get past and present, it all flows smoothly and has you hanging on every word. Jackson really makes you hate him, you scream and yell and then he just takes your heart without you even realizing it. Jane really knocks you on your a>> by shedding light on a very important issue! I'm trying to stay vague because I don't want to give anything away, This book NEEDS to be read. Everything that Everly and Jackson go through is so heartbreaking! My soul is still weeping for these star-crossed lovers! This is a book I won't be getting over any time soon. The characters are stuck in my head and I'm dying to know what's going to happen now. Heartbreak Prince is part one in the Broken Hearts Academy Duet, book 2, Heartbreak Lover is coming this July. I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Alayna Angel.
204 reviews36 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
July 14, 2023
Not a psycho obsessed H ⚠️MANWHORE⚠️
Profile Image for Becca - beckys.bookish.life.
219 reviews23 followers
November 8, 2020
I was totally hooked on this from the opening line - “I lost my virginity to an angel...but my first and last kiss was with the devil. And that’s everything you need to know about me”.

I really enjoyed seeing how a friendship between twins Caiden and Jackson and their best friend Everly morphed from friendships to relationships and how those relationships effected all their lives individually.
The flashbacks were done so well with only small pieces being given slowly to build the suspense in what led up to the accident with Caiden and Everly.

I really seem to love torturing myself at the moment with books with cliff hangers so will be picking up book two very soon! 💜
April 10, 2021
This was my first book by this author, and to be honest I’m not sure how I stumbled onto her.

Heartbreak Prince pulled me in the very first chapter. Everly just wants to keep her head down, work hard, and go to the college that was connected to Rutherford Academy, she was thriving for a better life than she had growing up.

Jackson is a player on the football field and off, and not the type to hand his heart over, he’s the guy that all the guys want to be friends with, and the girls would do anything to have a chance with him.

This book goes between the past and the present which I’m not always a fan of but this author pulled it off brilliantly. With that being said, you learn that the connection that Everly had with Jackson and Caiden started at a young age.

Jackson and Emery have a connection that is magnetic, a pull between them that makes them gravitate towards one another without even meaning to, but after not seeing one another for 2 years and mountains of pain, blame, and hate between them the moments are filled with hate filled tension that they can’t seem to get past.

I loved the twists and turns, and the parts from the past that are well placed to bring things into perspective and answers some questions while at times bringing more questions to swirl around in your head.

The thing is, I love bully romance but generally the heroine has a spine and goes head to head with the anti-hero, that wasn't the case in this book. Everly basically bowed down to Jackson, and never once did she stand up for herself or put him in his place. She was wishy washy, in her head she knew what she needed to do, but when it came to it she was weak.
Profile Image for Nikolette Hathaway.
91 reviews2 followers
November 29, 2021
Whew I didn’t like this book. It has several aspects that I don’t like in romances. And I kind of didn’t realize until I was too far in and invested. It ended on a cliffhanger so now I’m invested for the next one.

1. It’s set in a high school. I HATE this. I didn’t realize it at first BC there were a bunch of flash backs and the time line was murky to me. I would have never read it had I realized. Truly do not want to read romances about children and it really weirds me out.

2. This is so unhealthy. First, In the flashbacks, she dated Caiden and he was possessive and mean and abusive. Like punch her in the face abusive. And then Jackson is literally torturing her in the present for being responsible for his brothers accident. Which she isn’t.

It’s also just hilarious these are children. Like so much drama. “Have you ever made friends with your sins” like calmmmmmmmm down please.

Hate it but I’ll still finish the next book. Lol
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
514 reviews77 followers
September 1, 2020
You know how sometimes you hear about a book and you're like "meh I might read it one day" ? But then you hear, that it's written by an incredibly talented author and you're instantly salivating to get your greedy paws on it? That's totally what happened here!

Lordy , C.R. Jane does not disappoint in this thrilling and heartbreaking story.

The pace of the book is great - it's not so fast you don't have time to connect with the characters - and not so slow, you have to read through a lot of tedious unimportant stuff. The feels, however, OMG the feels..... your heart will break for these people, who are created so wholesomely that they feel more like three dimensional people, than "just" characters.
May 5, 2020
Heartbreak Prince was everything I thought it would be, but also so much more! I’m so glad I took a chance on it.

The relationship that exists between twin brothers Caiden and Jackson and their best friend Everly is stunning to watch as it morphs from childhood best friends to teenage love. There is a first love there between all three parties, but there is also so much more hidden beneath the surface.

Jane’s writing was expertly done between past and present, Everly and Jackson. I grew addicted to the story and couldn’t turn the pages fast enough. I cannot wait for book two!
Profile Image for Roselyn_Reads.
395 reviews21 followers
September 15, 2020
Heartbreak Prince is the first of two books in C.R. Jane's Broken Hearts Academy Duet. This was an intriguing quick read about twin brothers and the girl they both fell in love with.

Everly had a tough childhood in an unstable home, but she did whatever she could to survive. She was the girl all other kids picked on. When she was 8 years old, when new to her school twin brothers Caiden and Jackson came to her defense after witnessing her being bullied. They became her champions; her protectors - or so it may appear that way. The brothers were like night and day; one shinned as bright as sunlight, while the other was engulfed in darkness. One loved with tenderness, while the other loved with anger. One whose demons were exposed, while the other was a monster in disguise.

The story takes place over a span of few years, where the friendship between the three remained intact until tragedy tore them apart. Throughout the story we see the progression of Everly, Caiden and Jackson's relationship become a tangled web of feelings and emotions of hidden truths and exposed lies. Protectors become tormentors feeding on your insecurities to manipulate your way of thinking and seeing things. Sometimes become so blinded by the rays of the sun that we fail to see the truths hidden in the dark.

WARNING: This books ends with a cliffhanger. The second book, Heartbreak Lover, comes out September 17th.
Profile Image for Charlotte Witney.
1,810 reviews47 followers
September 30, 2020
I liked the mystery behind this book, I was constantly guessing about the circumstances and what could have happened leading up to the current situation that these characters had found themselves in. It was nice to see the main character with a mental health issue in the book and see his outbreaks and thought process throughout the book. It was refreshing compared to other romance's.

As a bully romance goes this had all the pulling and throwing with the H/H's emotions and would have definitely given the reader whiplash at times. I actually really like the love triangle, which normally I can give or take. the downfall for me was the stiltedness of the story. I didn't feel a flow from one scene to the next it seemed to jump and this could have been because I couldn't connect to the heroine. Her reasoning didn't seem to be justified, there wasn't any build-up to the why she was doing, she was just doing it and then wondered why it failed. But it happened that quickly in the book that I couldn't get attached to what was happening, just came across as flippant at times.

It was an enjoyable bully romance read and a great starting point for the rest of the series.
Profile Image for Amanda.
128 reviews17 followers
March 14, 2023
- 3.5 Stars -

My first CR Jane book and I wasn’t sure what to expect. But I had looked at a few of her books and this duet was one of the highest rated, so I went for it! Finished it in less than 24 hours.

The writing was fast, and the story was interesting. It’s dual narration and set in the present with flashes back to the past so the reader can understand what happened one fateful summer that changed the lives of so many of these characters.

The FMC is entering a new prestigious academy following 2 years of trauma and rehabilitation after a terrible car accident where she almost lost her life due to injuries. But she’s entering the academy knowing her former flame and best friend is the super football star of the school. But their relationship turned sour after the mysterious events of the summer when the accident occurred.

This is a bully romance read, especially when it comes to school bullies and terrible pranks. This deals a lot with mental and emotional trauma. I did find that the ending was slightly predictable, it had to happen in order to even have a second book.

Overall, a super easy and entertaining read!
Profile Image for Teelah.
326 reviews5 followers
April 12, 2021
4.5 stars. A good one. I’m even liking the h, despite her occasional spinelessness. On to the next one.
Profile Image for Amara.
598 reviews57 followers
September 22, 2020
Good story!

I kinda love this but hated it at the same time until the very end when a certain someone woke up. Cus yeah, I like them crazy.
Profile Image for M Mendes Bookstagram.
708 reviews47 followers
September 18, 2020
OMG…this book was so intense and so well written. It’s really hard to get lost in a book when there are lots of grammatical errors. I definitely did not have any problems with this book. I comment C.R Jane as this book had a it all. I didn’t have any problems with grammar, storyline, or story being incomplete (not enough information or not stopping with a cliffhanger when it would have been better to continue as story was too short). Heartbreak Prince has all the twist and turns that keep you hooked and the ending while a cliffhanger (good kind) was done in such a way that you know you need to read the next book ASAP!! I loved this story about Everly, Jackson, and Caiden. I am so vested in this story that I am behind Everly hoping and praying she finds her HEA. Jackson and Caiden both so different from each other and you get the sense of who they are and their characters’ personalities and morals. I am convinced this is one of the best books I have read. I am very highly recommending Heartbreak Prince and will tell you that you don’t want to miss out on Heartbreak Prince or Heartbreak Lover (may not have read yet but I know it will be epic just from cliffhanger alone). This duet is a MUST READ!! I am going to be checking out more books by CR Jane as soon as I am done with Heartbreak Lover as I can tell by her voice as a writer that she will be a fave! Hope you enjoy as much as I did. Just be prepared for lots of surprises and feeling so many emotions. Don’t start reading thinking you will read a little just before you bed or in between things as you will not want to stop reading it and will either be up all night or late for anything else you need to do! So make sure you have time to read and finish it. 😂🤣
Profile Image for darkromance_girly.
601 reviews60 followers
March 23, 2020
Everly has been bullied all her life after her father did the unthinkable and left her and her mom alone. her mom no longer cares about her and so she is basically on her own. when Caiden and Jackson move to her town she finds her knights in them.

it was definitely intriguing how the author wrote about Caiden's accident in a way that left breadcrumbs making you want to know exactly what happened but not giving you the exact details. this story was so unexpected from where i thought it was going.

this book definitely sucked me in from the beginning and i literally couldn't get enough. the twists and turns in here definitely had you surprised. this story is chaotic and heartbreakingly beautiful and i loved every moment of reading it! my emotions were definitely all over the place while reading!

you guys definitely need to read this because i highly recommend it!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 347 reviews

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