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Just One Wish

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Seventeen-year-old Annika Truman knows about the power of positive thinking. With a little brother who has cancer, it's all she ever hears about. And in order to help Jeremy, she will go to the ends of the earth (or at least as far as Hollywood) to help him believe he can survive his upcoming surgery.

But Annika's plan to convince Jeremy that a magic genie will grant him any wish throws her a curveball when he unexpectedly wishes that his television idol would visit him. Annika suddenly finds herself in the desperate predicament of getting access to a hunky star actor and convincing him to come home with her. Piece of cake, right?

Janette Rallison's proven talent for laugh-out-loud humor, teen romance, and deep-hearted storytelling shines in a novel that will have readers laughing and crying at the same time.

272 pages, Hardcover

First published January 17, 2009

About the author

Janette Rallison

57 books1,884 followers
Check out my awesome book trailers!
My Unfair Godmother:
My Fair Godmother: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=up1jF8...
Just One Wish: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oP1Nce...
My Double Life

Janette Rallison has five children who keep her well supplied with plot ideas, sometimes even making cameo appearances in her novels. She likes to write romantic comedy because there is enough angst in real life, but theres a drastic shortage on both humor and romance.

Playing the Field was named Society of School Librarians International Best Book Award Honor Book, and both Alls Fair In Love, War, and High School and Love, Life, and the Pursuit of Free Throws were included on YALSAs Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults list. Fame Glory, and Other Things on My To Do List, was just chosen for IRAs YA Choices list for 2007


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,133 reviews
Profile Image for Cara.
290 reviews731 followers
August 26, 2016
How far would you go to accomplish an impossible wish? Annika Truman will not take no for an answer for the wish she wants to grant, and will see just how much it takes to pull off a miracle.

It all started when Annika said that Jeremy, her six-year old brother who has cancer, could wish for anything he wanted and her genie would give it to him on the spot. Annika is sure he's going to ask for the new Teen Robin Hood action figure, which she had to fight Black Friday crowds to get. She's totally not expecting that his wish is to meet THE Teen Robin from the television show. Right away Annika knows she will do anything to get Teen Robin to come see her brother. It can't be that hard...right?

Now even if some of the situations seem implausible, I didn't care in the least. I loved the character of Annika and how even if she's crazy for trying to do this, her friend Madison does what she can to help. I was surprised about how much time was spent actually "meeting" Steve, the actor who plays Teen Robin. Made sense though, I mean it had to near impossible to get in and get his attention. My favorite part would have to be the road trip, and how much we learn of what makes Annika and Steve tick.

Like I mentioned before, even if some of the events seem hard to believe, I think that was part of the whole idea. It was Annika who had to believe that something good could happen, and not her brother Jeremy who she thought needed it. What really stood out to me was Annika's pure determination and belief that she could pull this off. We all need a little reminder that sometimes the impossible can happen.
Profile Image for Lily.
470 reviews240 followers
June 6, 2022
Edit: June 5, 2022 is National Cancer Survivor Day, and I thought I'd recommend this book just in case anyone wants to read a book about cancer for that day. romcom + a beautiful story = Just One Wish!

Another amazing book by Janette Rallison! I thought this was going to be a simple romantic comedy like My Fair Godmother was, but there were also more serious topics and spiritual questions involved. The main character's 6-year-old brother has a serious form of cancer, and this solemnity is beautifully mixed in with more humorous scenes throughout (such as Annika buying animals, pretending she's some animal keeper, and sneaking onto a movie set!). And then I cried near the end of the book. 🥺 And that's a good thing! To me, a book that can affect a read to that level is a book worth reading. (It's totally not because I'm sentimental! 😂)

More than recommended.
Profile Image for Tiffany.
991 reviews
September 26, 2011
What a fun, fun and moving story. Here is a quote I loved!

"Yesterday you asked me what the purpose of life is. I've thought about that ever since. I think it's to do good no matter what life throws at you, to not let the pain turn you bitter. It's something we have to learn, something we have to make ourselves become."

I would love a sequel to this one! Maybe it would lose some of it's charm with a sequel but it doesn't change the fact that I still would like a sequel.

September 2011

I read this book to my family. I just love this story it is sad, moving, funny and very very enjoyable. Thanks Janette!
Profile Image for Katie.
248 reviews68 followers
December 10, 2009
Just One Wish, while I wouldn’t put it on my favorite list, was incredibly cute and entertaining to read. The adventure of Annika trying to get in touch with Steve Raleigh, and the mishaps that follow were so easily laughable.

But while I enjoyed it, I was kind of disappointed at the same time. It was such a short book- I had it finished in one sitting of about an hour & a half’s length. The time span of the story also ranges around two to three days, that’s it; so it wasn’t surprising that we didn’t really get a feel for the story before and after Steve Raleigh entered the picture.

The speed of the story bothered me as well. The rush of the plot was perfectly fine, since it’s what the story called for, but I didn’t like the rush of the characters. Steve and Annika became involved entirely too quickly for my liking.

I think what I was most saddened with was the ending. I didn’t expect that, not at all. With all of the light-heartedness and fluff, it was kind of a heavy blow to heart. It’s realistic, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think it fit with the rest of the story at all.

But aside from the rushed characters and quick plot flow, I really enjoyed it. With the humorous, quirky journey of Annika, I could easily see this becoming a successful DCOM on Disney Channel. This is another one of those books that you save for a rainy day. It’ll definitely put a smile on your face!
Profile Image for Nitzan Schwarz.
1,091 reviews226 followers
June 2, 2016
To read more reviews and fun things go to my blog; Drugs Called Books!

I am very conflicted about this read.
First, I thought I wouldn't finish this book. The first half of the story drove me crazy, and I considered just stopping. But then the second half was quite good, so I thought I'd be giving this higher stars, but then--no, ending came and I both liked and hated it. Regretfully, in the end I could just really say "It was Ok". I know many people liked this but for me this was just... Well, see for yourselves:

I actually typed down my complaints as I read the first half, which went like this:

Things were a bit boring and much unrealistic, which made me be a bit… anti. I thought this was going to be a really cute read from the summery, but for the first half it just wasn't.
Then came the second half (with Steve) and things started happening. It started getting good—then it ended. Nothing felt closed;

I know this is meant to be somewhat of a realistic ending (which is preposterous, in my opinion, as most of the events in this story are quite farfetched), but while it was cute (the whole "I won't tell Robin's-girlfriend-what's-her-name" part) I couldn't believe that's where the author chose to end this. It was somewhat… bitter. I wanted more.
Profile Image for Amy.
2,805 reviews563 followers
January 9, 2019
2019 Review
Not sure I would give this one 5 stars on my re-read. But, in the spirit of preserving original ratings, I'll keep it.
The book really does a good job mixing YA fluff with an intense and often emotional plot line. Annika's affection for her brother and the family's response to his cancer feels believable and genuine. But because it feels so real, the YA romance between Teenage Girl and Teenage Boy feels somewhat...less real.
But hey! I'm a sucker for these celebrity romance things. So it works.
What actually fits the most awkwardly, I think, is the heroine's ability to immediately size people up. Her intuition makes things almost too easy at times. She almost always knows what she can get away with and reacts accordingly.
I like that the ending leaves things somewhat unresolved. It is both heartbreaking and hopeful.
Glad I now have this one on my Kindle. I suspect I will re-read it more often.

2012 Review
Love, love, loved this book. SO ADORABLE!

The plan was full-proof. Annika has one wish, and that is for her six-year-old brother to make it out of surgery alive and healed from his brain tumor. If he at least thinks he will get better, surely he will. So she invents a genie. A genie of the three wishes sort, and she offers her brother two of the "remaining wishes." Everything would go so well. Her brother would ask to have his surgery go well, and for a Teen Robin Hood action figure. After all, he's been after one for months...
But things don't go right. Instead of asking for a Teen Robin Hood action figure, her brothers asks for the real Teen Robin Hood to come give him an archery lesson. And Annika will do anything to make her brother's wish come true...
Including driving to Burbank California, dressing as a nun, breaking into a filming studio, and begging Steve Raleigh - the Teen Robin Hood actor - to come to make her brother's wish come true.
If you could have just one wish, what would you do?

This book was so adorable. I love Annika's relationship with her younger brother. I love her attitude, her desperate need to heal her brother and control the situation. And her eventual breakdown as she realizes, there are somethings she can't control.
I love Steve Raleigh. Yeah, he's sort of a dork and maybe even a jerk and kind of a player with very little to reccomend him apart from a handsome face and a desire to do what the real Robin Hood might, but I love him anyway. I have to say, I like Rallison's way with guys. He too goes through a learning experience, with his own family and with Annika.
And, honestly, I hope their relationship works out xP
The portrayal of sibling love, the measures a sister will go for her brother, the intuitiveness. I loved it.
There is a lot of making out and maybe the plot is a tad of a stetch (president of her archery club - very convenient!) but I loved it anyway. I totally reccomend it. Yes, its sort of fluffy. But it is...beautiful and emotional fluff. The sort of fluff that reminds you to go hug your little brother and be grateful the little pesk is around.
Plus, I happen to majorly love Robin Hood, have a secret facination with all books dealing with snobby Hollywood starlets (StarStruck anyone?), and a complete respect for the awesomeness of Janette Rallison's writing.
Throw in a great story about siblings, love, the purpose of life & death, and keeping your family close and I'm sold.
Highly reccomended as delightful, sweet, and thought-provoking fluff.
Profile Image for Fena.
3 reviews
September 23, 2010

i couldn't put down the book. at all. i literally finished it in 46.5 minutes (yesh i counted), and re-read it countless times before i had to return it to the library.

but in any case.
fan-girl moment aside, this book was... just... wow.

the plot seems pretty much simple, really, yet like the rest of Janette Rallison's stories, they hold a deeper meaning that questions the basis of human character. in a way.
which is basically why i love her books so much.
(well, that plus the fact that her writing style rocks and her plotlines are always ridiculously appealing. to me.)

basically 17-year-old Annika Truman, the protagonist of this story, would do anything for her 7-year-old brother Jeremy, who is stricken with cancer. literally ANYTHING, to help him believe that he can survive his upcoming surgery.
hence she tries to convince him that a genie would grant him any wish - only to find out that his one wish was for his television idol - Robin Hood (well... kinda. a modern, teen version of him, in any case) - to visit him.
so from that point on, the plot basically revolves around Annika travelling all the way to Hollywood to drag said actor back home, complete with detours (of sorts), disappointments, and unexpected love. kinda.

Annika is, quite simply, a lovable, funny, headstrong protagonist. her plight (and her relationship with her family) makes her easy to relate to, and her actions understandable.

sure, it pretty much broke my heart over the whole Jeremy bit (no he did not die, if that's what you're wondering. not yet, anyway), but everything else was just... perfect.
the plot rose to it's climax and resolved itself almost seamlessly.

In a whole, Just One Wish was a total perfect read. Heartwarming and beautiful, with just the right mix of romance and humor, strengthened with the unmeasurable love between family, and a wish.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sylvia.
Author 10 books69 followers
February 5, 2010
Ooh.. buku yang sangat sedih :( I want to cry...

Buku ini diawali dengan kisah yang lucu, kocak dan alur yang cepat. Seru banget membayangkan petualangan Annika dan sahabatnya dalam rangka memenuhi permintaan sang adik. Jeremy, adiknya yang masih usia 6 tahunan, menderita kanker. Kenapa ya belakangan buku yang saya baca temanya kanker? And they are good books, too!

Anyway, ceritanya nih Annika mo ngasih hadiah kejutan buat Jeremy, berupa boneka Robin Hood remaja. Saat itu film Robin Hood remaja sedang booming dan Jeremy sukaaa banget sama Robin Hood. Jadi dibelilah boneka tersebut untuk diberikan ke adiknya. Usahanya juga gila-gilaan dan seru banget.

Sebelum ngasih hadiahnya, Annika nyuruh Jeremy make a wish, karena dia yakin Jeremy pasti pengen boneka Robin Hood. Tapi ternyata, Jeremy minta ketemu sama Robin Hood betulan! Dan dia ingin diajarin cara memanah. Robin Hood betulan? Yang di tipi? Annika jadi pusing.

Akhirnya dengan tekad bulat dan nekad abis, Annika madol sekolah dan pergi ke Hollywood untuk menemui si Robin Hood di tempatnya shooting. Ternyata gak gampang ya buat ketemu artis dan meminta mereka dateng ke rumah sebentar aja buat nengokin anak sakit? Karena Annika dan sahabatnya ternyata mengalami berbagai hambatan dan disinilah petualangannya jadi seru.

Setelah bertemu dengan sang Robin Hood, ternyata aktor ganteng itu pun nggak mudah dibikin terharu dan sulit banget membuat dia percaya cerita Annika. Berbagai cara Annika tempuh agar Steven (sang Robin Hood) mau ikut pulang dengannya sebelum Jeremy di operasi tumor.

Endingnya... hiks. Bagus banget, tapi gak tega nyeritain di sini. Nangis dulu yaa? gak, Jeremy gak mati kok di ending cerita, tapi.. hiks mending baca deh. Bye.
4 reviews
July 18, 2012
I like this book because she did everything she could just to make her brother happy. Even though it made her sick to travel, she went to California to find Robin Hood to visit her sick brother in Maine . But she never gave up, not even a bit. She tried and tried to reach her goal to make her brother happy. But at the same time, she was scared that her brother would die.

I really liked this book because she was very determined to fulfill her brother's wish.

I really want you to read this book. It was very touching to me.To tell the truth, when I START to read a book it really changes me and the way I read books . So it's good to read books even when you are not in school . IT REALLY HELPS BECAUSE I AM A VERY SLOW READER .THAT'S WHY I HATE BOOKS. BUT NOW I REALLY LIKE TO READ.
Profile Image for Reign.
179 reviews29 followers
December 30, 2017
Reread 10/14/16 (for the nth time)

There are just books that will stick to your heart, that no matter how many times you read it, you won't get over it. This is one of my mood lifter books (together with I've Got Your Number) ever since. I will always feel happy finishing this regardless of how crappy my mood is. The plot is ridiculous and unreal, which makes it memorable for me. I just love this. ♥
Profile Image for Lauren.
1,029 reviews103 followers
March 16, 2009
Before starting this, I had extremely high expectations. Since, for one, isn't the cover so cute? Plus, Janette's previous books have been great, so I was hoping this would be the same deal. Luckily, it was a darling book. Though, it had a quite a few flaws.

First off, I loved the characters. Annika was a strong teenage girl that I admired a ton, because of how far she would go to make all of her brother's dreams come true. Plus, the relationships she had with her parents, best friend, and brother were cute and real. Relationships that were perfect, but still flawed. Lastly, I loved how Annika could still have a wicked sense of humor in a time of such pain. By the way, the others such as Steve, Madison, and Jeremy were once again fun people to read about and made the story flow quite nicely.

Though, the plot wasn't all that great. For the first part, it was basically all talk and no action, which made it extremely hard to get through. Luckily, after 140 pages it quickened up with the action and dialogue between the characters. Making it an okay book overall.

( Minor spoiler ahead) The other thing I didn't quite like about the plot was that it sometimes seemed like this could NEVER happen in real live. Since, what security guard would actually let two teenage girls on to a TV set. Plus, it really surprised me when Steve basically dropped all of his plans to go see Annika's brother, because what Hollywood actor or actress would do that in real life? Probably none. Though, even with these unrealistic details, Just One Wish was a still cute book. (end of spolier)

Overall, Just One Wish is a was a quick read that I suggest to fans of Janette's previous books or people who liked Meg Cabot's Teen Idol.

Grade: B-
Profile Image for Darius Murretti.
418 reviews62 followers
August 26, 2018
This is my first Janette Rallison book and I think I have found a new favorite author !!!

Our protagonist : 17 year old Annika Truman, a gifted empath and president of her high school archery club , is not used to losing and, generally, will stop at nothing to get what she wants. When her little brother, Jeremy, is diagnosed with cancer, she does feel a loss of control, but it’s nothing compared to her desire to help Jeremy fight the cancer (and win). As he faces surgery in a week to remove the tumor, all Annika wants — desperately — is for him to come through OK. To help him (and her), she invents a “genie” that will grant three wishes. All she expects him to ask for is an action figure from his favorite TV show, Teen Robin Hood, but what he really desires is for Robin Hood to come and spend a day teaching him archery.

Being the loving (and determined) sister that she is, Annika decides that Jeremy must have his wish, thus beginning a series of implausible (and possibly impossible), yet (at turns) hilarious, romantic and embarrassing, events. Annika drives to Burbank (and living in Henderson, Nevada, makes it a convenient four hours away) to find the 19 year sold actor who plays Robin hood in Jeremy's favorite TV show , and convince him to come with her to see Jeremy in his Robin Hood costume before Jeremy goes into surgery.

The book is thoroughly enjoyable in a fluffy, romantic-comedy sort of way. But there’s also depth in the book — Annika’s love for and devotion to her little brother, as well as her struggles with mortality and infinity — that makes it less fluffy and more believable than it could have been.

I own this book in my audible library and will diocinitly be listening to every few years
Profile Image for Michelle.
212 reviews
October 14, 2008
Seventeen-year-old Annika is determined to grant her little brother's wish before he has brain surgery to remove a cancerous tumor. Will she be able to convince the gorgeous young actor who plays his favorite TV character to visit six-year-old Jeremy? Annika is smart, strong, and funny. She is devoted to her brother and mad at God for making him sick. It is a sad, serious situation but Annika has an entertaining, romantic adventure along the way. The ending will tug at your heart.

I loved it! I did not want to put it down.

If you liked Drums, Girls & Dangerous Pie then you should definitely read this book. Anyone who has had a loved one with cancer may appreciate and relate to what Annika is going through.
Profile Image for Mina.
100 reviews
July 1, 2017
It was incredibly cute and entertaining to read. The adventure of Annika trying to get in touch with Steve Raleigh, and the mishaps that follow were so easily laughable.

But while I enjoyed it, I was kind of disappointed at the same time. The time span of the story also ranges around two to three days, that’s it; so it wasn’t surprising that we didn’t really get a feel for the story before and after Steve Raleigh entered the picture. And little Jeremy broke my heart. I was hoping the surgery would succeed, but cancer always wins the battle.
Profile Image for Melanchallina.
201 reviews125 followers
May 25, 2017
Джанет Рэллисон "Всего одно желание"

10 из 10

YA, драма, современный любовный роман
POV: от первого лица, женский
Геометрия чувств: прямая
Отличительные черты: герой-знаменитость, смертельное заболевание одного из героев

Позвольте мне признаться, я просто ВЛЮБЛЕНА в эту книгу. Я знакома с Джанет Рэллисон по любительскому переводу «В любви, на войне и в школе все средства хороши», и еще тогда для себя отметила автора. Но если «В любви…» милый и простой роман, то «Всего одно желание» куда сложнее. Да, эта книга милая, забавная и легкая, но моментам иона очень трогательная и грустная, должна признаться, что пару раз у меня даже наворачивались слезы на глазах.

Книга простая, без замудренных поворотов сюжета, но как же, черт возьми, она трогает!

Здесь замечательные герои, оригинальная (пусть и нереалистичная) история, милая, совершенно неопошленная романтика и щепотка драмы. Здесь история семьи, дружбы, взросления и умения принимать жизненные трудности.

Отдельно про героев. Они чудесны, все до одного. Живые, забавные, но каждый со своей историей. Я восхищена Анникой, ее безграничной любовью к брату, ради которого она отправилась в другой город, ее решительностью схватить кумира молодежи и притащить к себе домой. Она ни на минуту не задумалась о том, чтобы сдаться.

Стив. Хороший, славный Стив. Мне понравилось, что он нетипичный для романов бэд бой. Он просто парень, со своими проблемами и жизненными сложностями. Он не суперзвезда, а просто хороший парень.

Очень здорово, что помимо истории Анники и ее брата, автор очень умело вплела историю Стива и его семьи. А также мне понравились «сказки» героини, интересный ход, который позволил читателям лучше увидеть чувства героини, что творится у нее в голове.

Джанет Рэллисон удивительна! Я поражена, как умело она сочетает забавные, трогательные и романтические линии. Все эти эмоции и чувства были идеально сбалансированы, согласитесь не каждому такое удается.

Рэллисон показала читателям, что никогда не надо сдаваться, но… но порой не все зависит от нас. Порой мы бессильны. И это нормально, мы просто должны это принять. Идеальный конец.
Profile Image for Sequoia.
370 reviews2 followers
October 18, 2014
There are some books which you forget. There are some books which you remember. This book is neither one of those. It will sear itself on your soul.

I won't repeat the book blurb as you've probably already read it. However, here's what the blurb doesn't tell you. Annika is one of the strongest heroines in literature. The amount of dedication (or desperation) she has for her brother is of epic proportions). If you have issues with your family, as most of us do, her strength will make you reconsider your lack of desire regarding a reconciliation. She is tough, she is strong, and she is a force to be reckoned with. At the same time though, she is also weak, filled with basic human weakness at our inability to control our surroundings to the point of desperation. Her little brother has cancer and the rawness of that eats at your heart.

Steve, I loved him too. He was a down to earth actor and you can't help but love him all the more for it. He balances Annika so well, I was rooting for them from the get go.

Now, how was the book? I was DYING of laughter. OMG... this book is SO GOOD. Hands down, in the top 5 best heroines I've ever read about. How on earth can Janette make this book so unbelievably realistic, while at the same time so unbelievably ridiculous and hilarious? The absolute absurdity regarding the situation at hand and what Annika does to fulfill her goal is just... Make sure to go to the bathroom. You will pee your pants. If you don't believe me, fine. Read this book without relieving yourself. You'll find yourself mid book having to go... And bringing the book with you because it is impossible to physically detach yourself from it until you finish it.

Yet, the ending was so fitting. It was one of the most hilarious, yet realistic books regarding a very sad topic I've ever read. It's the kind of book you think of for hours after you finish it. The kind of book that you google "books like" on Google. The kind of book that seems so ridiculous yet realistic, so hilarious yet sad, so... I'm at a loss for words. I have a reading pace of 100 books per year, and this one ends in my top 5. Do yourself a favor and read it. It is AMAZING.

WOW... Standing ovation amongst thunderous claps. Full country standing ovation. THIS is the kind of book that needs to be turned into a movie. THIS is the kind of book all other books grow up wanting to be. THIS is a book you will never forget.
Profile Image for Kathy * Bookworm Nation.
2,108 reviews660 followers
November 11, 2014
I usually avoid sad books or books that have sad topics, but I love Rallison’s books and trust that even though it’s a sad topic it will be handled well. This is a really sweet read, Annika is having a hard time accepting her little brother has cancer and might not make it. She will do anything to tip the odds in their favor, including kidnapping a celebrity to make his wish come true. I loved how Annika was so determined and not willing to give up. She feels powerless to really do anything to help her brother and so latches on to things she can do. It’s really a sweet love story between brother and sister. Our hunky Steve Raleigh wasn’t too shabby either, he was actually pretty great. I really liked him and thought the romance was totally swoony! They had great chemistry and some cute moments together. Definitely helped to lighten the mood. I thought the story had some great messages and even though its sad, it has a lot of hope as well.

Rallison was able to mix in laughter, sadness, romance and adventure all in one book. I think everyone would enjoy this book; it was one I had a hard time putting down.
April 14, 2015
I'm trying to get back into the groove, and for me, nothing beats a reviewing slump like a bad(ish) review.

Well, 'ish' because it's not kill-it-fire bad or my-eyes!-my-eyes! bad. Just...bad. I know I'm not making a lick of sense, but bear with me here, please.

Annika Truman's little brother has cancer, and she is running around like a lost chicken trying to satisfy him so that he stays positive and doesn't lose hope. She's done it all, even wrestled with a rude, grumpy man for an action figure at 5 in the morning. But it reaches the limit when her brother asks for the impossible: To meet Robin Hood. Okay fine, not Robin Hood as in the historical figure, but Robin Hood from the popular TV show. Or should I say, the actor from the popular TV show.

And so begins a completely madcap, completely crazy and slightly over-the-top road trip that should have gone wrong 7 ways from Sunday, but because it's YA, somehow becomes possible in just 2 days.

Let me repeat that, 2 days.

I can't even paint a picture in 2 days.

Anyway, so here we meet superstar, Steve (let's pretend I don't get the picture of a balding middle-aged man when I hear the name Steve and I'm fine) who I didn't get for even a single sentence. His past is so blurry and he refuses to share information with Annika when he expects her to spill about her life. He is shown to have many daddy issues, but we learn nada of it. Everything about him is so uncertain and so...confusing, and not in a good way. For the most part, he was like a stranger to me, as a reader, throughout the book, not a love-interest.

Because I love Janette Rallison and I love her writing style, it's not a complete loss, but such a disappointing book from such a great author makes me a little depressed.
Profile Image for Sara Grochowski.
1,142 reviews602 followers
August 15, 2009
When I picked this one up I was looking for a cute, fluffy read with some possible romance. And I got it - in ways - but I feel like I got a lot more from this book as well.

The plot centers around a scheme to get the actor who plays Teen Robin Hood to come visit the main character Annika's brother before he has surgery for his cancer. Jeremy, Annika's brother, is only six, so right off the bat that makes this novel a little heavier. The plot is, for various reasons, a bit far-fetched, but Rallison really surprised me: she made the scheme believeable. I could actually see Annika getting the famous Steve Raleigh to come visit her brother.

I think the reason that I believed the plot was Annika's characterization. She was a really great character - full of spunk and confidence. Not that she didn't have her moments of weakness, moments that made her even more realistic and relateable.

There was romantic plot line as well. I think you can imagine pretty much how it went - and, again, not very realistic. But with Annika anything seemed possible, so I believed it.

Janette Rallison is an amazing storyteller. She blended heavy and light story lines together perfectly - the heavy tones were touching and the funny, romantic tones balanced well.

Ratings (Out of 10):
Plot: 10
Characters: 10
Writing style: 10
Romance: 10
Originality: 10

Total: 50/50 (A)

I'm definitely going to look for more of Janette Rallison's books. Just One Wish was a quick and satisfying read! I definitely recommend it!

Profile Image for Andreia Silva.
Author 15 books115 followers
March 10, 2013
Apesar de ainda estarmos em Março estava já a desesperar por ainda não ter encontrado nem lido nenhum livro que me arrebatasse e que merecesse aquelas 5 estrelas, que tenho por vezes dificuldade em oferecer! Sou o que se pode chamar de forreta na classificação de livros!E, finalmente, encontrei um livro que as merece todas!

"Just One Wish" é um livro YA mas que não é, de todo, superficial ou fútil ou recheado de hormonas adolescentes com todas as suas parvoíces inerentes! Nele conhecemos Annika que a única coisa que mais quer no momento é fazer o irmão de 6 anos com uma doença terminal, feliz! Para tal, parte numa viagem maluca com a melhor amiga em busca do herói de Jeremy!

À parte do irrealismo da questão, de uma miúda de 17 anos pegar no carro e ir atrás de uma estrela de televisão (pelo menos seria-o em Portugal), o livro está muito bem escrito e muito bem pensado e passa ao lado do leitor que no fundo, seria uma história contemporânea com escassas probabilidades de acontecer!

A Annika, a personagem que narra esta história não é uma típica adolescente, não é irritante e, muito menos, é a melhor em tudo aquilo que faz! As aventuras que ela teve até conseguir alcançar o seu alvo, literalmente, são imensamente divertidas! E, este livro, é uma conjugação de uma história divertida mas comovente! O final é de partir o coração, inclusive os corações mais duros e mais fechados! É impossível não nos emocionarmos com os últimos momentos do livro!

Uma leitura fluída mas carregada de simbolismos e de ensinamentos! Altamente recomendado!
Profile Image for Mith.
285 reviews1,115 followers
August 31, 2011
Every now and then a book comes along which is sweet and funny and heart-warming, and you're zipping through the pages smiling to yourself, laughing at the protagonist's antics (where she either has a snake draped around her neck because she's pretending to be an animal wrangler or is forced to play a pretty nun in a popular teen TV show as she is confused for an extra) and going "awww" at the cute romance blossming between the protagonist and the hot male lead in the above mentioned TV show, feeling all warm and gooey and at peace with the world because you can practically smell the happy ending a few pages away, when along comes a (figurative) fist and PUNCHES YOU IN THE GUT.

But you STILL love the book despite the tears and the snot because it is THAT GOOD.

This is one of those books.
Profile Image for Kim.
142 reviews31 followers
February 29, 2012
I really don't see the point of authors trying to emphasise on the lack of Mary-Sue element in their books by bombarding the (of course) perfect female lead with tonnes of embarrassing mishaps and situations. For me, some of them don't work well- some end up portraying the sheer bimbo that lurks within the empty girl's soul, while others end up portraying an unrealistic ideals and expectations of the idealistic male lead/knight in shining armour that will never, ever tread the earth that we live in.
Normal (but pretty) girl v.s. hot teen superstar. Heard of it before, right?
Fortunately, this book does not let the Annika, the female protagonist end this book up on my "Whiny Women Brainless Bimbos" shelf. In fact, though she goes through some cringe-worthy situations (trust me), Annika's reactions and decisions only illustrate the sheer determination and courage she possesses. Her stubbornness and insistence, though sometimes annoying, are laudable, and her sheer adoration for her young cancer-ridden brother deserves a standing ovation. I loved how this book focuses on the sibling relationship between brother and sister rather than the romance between the male and female leads like most books do which normally end up as some sort of chick-lit or fan-fiction anyway.
On the whole, a beautiful, enjoyable read, which possesses some certain amount of depth that reminds readers what truly matter in life.
Profile Image for Angela.
612 reviews52 followers
July 18, 2010
This book was everything I thought it would be and more. I couldn't put it down - I literally finished it in a couple of hours.

The main character- Annika- was very easy to relate to and understand. Probably because I found out pretty quickly that I had more in common with her than just the alikeness in our names. She is an amazing character- very strong and her devotion to her brother is admirable. There should be more people like that in the real world.

The story itself was unbelievably amazing- it was laugh-out-loud funny but also with a deeper meaning and with something to learn from it. The author truly does a great job in writing a book that is funny and smart but also deep and about real problems- like cancer and family problems, not about silly stuff like prom dates.There is also a love story but it is not the main idea of the book- another thing I loved about it. I also especially loved the ending, which was marvellous - definitely the best ending this book could have- it made the whole story a hundred times more realistic and believable.

Overall an unbelievably amazing book everyone should read.I know I loved it.
Profile Image for Erica (storybookend).
403 reviews288 followers
May 27, 2010
*smile* I loved it. It was a quick, fun read. The scenes just flow perfectly into the next. I read it straight through; I couldn’t put it down. Not because it was gripping or thrilling, but because it was fun and the writing was fluid. The plot was completely unbelievable, but it was fun and intriguing. There were parts that had me laughing out loud or just smiling idiotically; my sister kept telling me to be quiet. The beginning was chaotic, and things would happen that I don’t think would really happen in real life. But it almost seemed real with the way Rallison made Annika’s character. She’s spunky and determined, and loves her little brother immensely. I think that Steve was too perfect, but he was nice and sincere, and really was just a normal guy. I kind of want a sequel to see how Annika and Steve’s relationship turns out and to see what happens with her brother. But it doesn’t need a sequel because it ended perfect. It was tender and sweet, and I was smiling again, not at the fun of the plot, but at the sweetness of it.
Profile Image for Chryselle.
51 reviews18 followers
November 16, 2012
I read this in under 2 hours! I couldn't put it down.

It was very entertaining and although this would never ever happen in real life, like most YA novel plots don't, and although it's way OTT, I continued reading it because it was funny and the characters are very likable! I didn't want to stop reading because I wanted to know what's going to happen next. :)

For a YA chick lit, this definitely deserves 5 stars.
Profile Image for Lillian Jillian.
40 reviews9 followers
December 23, 2009
Loved this book. It was a tear-jerker. Choked on 256. So vibrantly layered and emotional. I loved to see the characters develop and would loathe to have it be ruined by a sequel. Janette has inspired me along with 675,000 readers to 'keep climbing'. I am still cloudy-visioned as I post this review. The characters in this story are realistically starving for life.
Profile Image for Kristen.
1,711 reviews45 followers
November 24, 2014
11/23/14 - Such a fun read, it dealt with some serious issues with her brother of course, but what an amazing sister she is. And of course, I'm a sucker for celebrity books. :o)

6/4/10 - This was a super cute book. I actually started it at 10 last night and couldn't put it down till I finished it at 1.

Moral Note: It had a couple of innuendos - not too bad.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,133 reviews

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