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Stop Self-Sabotage: Six Steps to Unlock Your True Motivation, Harness Your Willpower, and Get Out of Your Own Way

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Award-winning psychologist and TV personality Dr. Judy Ho helps you stop the cycle of self-sabotage, clear a path to lasting happiness, and start living your best life in this must-have guide.

Have you ever had a deadline for a big work project, only to find yourself down to the wire because you spent too much time on social media? Or gotten excited about meeting someone new, only to convince yourself he isn't really interested? How many Januarys have you resolved that this is the year you're finally going to lose the weight, only to abandon your diet in mere weeks? If these scenarios sound familiar, you are stuck in a cycle of self-sabotage.

At one point or another, we've all done something that undermines our best interests and intentions. Even the most successful people get in their own way-often without realizing it. In Stop Self-Sabotage, licensed clinical psychologist, tenured professor, and television personality Dr. Judy Ho takes a fresh look at self-sabotage to help us answer two vital questions: Why do we do it? How do we stop?

Combining proven psychological strategies with practical tools and self-assessments, Dr. Judy teaches you how to identify your triggers, transform your thoughts and behaviors, and most important of all, start living the life you want. From the first page, this practical and effective guide gives you strategies and tools to make lasting, positive change.

8 pages, Audio CD

First published August 20, 2019

About the author

Judy Ho

7 books62 followers
Dr. Judy Ho, Ph. D., ABPP, ABPdN is triple board certified and licensed Clinical and Forensic Neuropsychologist, a tenured Associate Professor at Pepperdine University, and published author. Dr. Judy maintains a private practice in Manhattan Beach, CA where she specializes in comprehensive neuropsychological assessments and expert witness work. She regularly appears as an expert psychologist on television and other media, and is currently a cohost on CBS’s Face the Truth and author of Stop Self-Sabotage (available for pre-purchase now). She is a two-time recipient of the National Institute of Mental Health Services Research Award and hosts an active research program to improve mental health care for high-need populations.

Dr. Judy received her bachelor's degrees in Psychology and Business Administration from UC Berkeley, and her masters and doctorate from SDSU/UCSD Joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology. She completed a National Institute of Mental Health sponsored fellowship at UCLA's Semel Institute.

Dr. Judy resides in Los Angeles, CA and enjoys snowboarding, writing music, singing, running, biking, cooking, playing video games, and dabbling in the art of flying trapeze during her time away from work. Her favorite pup is the Border Collie, and most memorable places to travel include Greece, Italy, and Sweden. She loves writing and can't wait to begin her second book project (details coming soon).

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 154 reviews
Profile Image for Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader.
2,445 reviews31.6k followers
August 2, 2019
I don’t know if you feel this way, but I am most definitely my own worst critic. My mantra lately is that I need to be as kind and understanding to myself as I am to my friends. I’m not there yet.

So when I had the opportunity to read this book, I thought it would be a good choice. I know what I’m supposed to do. Believe me, I know the principles and strategies. But carrying them out in the day-to-day? I need reminders and practice, so this book is perfect for that.

There are enlightening self-assessments included to help with understanding and starting points. It’s chock full of practical strategies. I read these types of books a few times a year and I’m picky about practical utility. This one is most definitely practical.

Dr. Ho helps you figure out the “why” so you can stop undermining yourself more easily. All in all, it’s a well-written, insightful, supportive read, and I’m grateful to have it on myself so I can refer back to it when I need some prompts and reminders again.

I received a complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.

My reviews can also be found on my blog: www.jennifertarheelreader.com
Profile Image for Meredith B.  (readingwithmere).
249 reviews173 followers
July 26, 2019
4 Stars!

I go to therapy every single month and I've been going since I was 19. Some months and years it was more than others but I personally think it's a healthy thing. When I was asked to review a book written by a psychologist about self-sabotage (which I do a lot of, sadly) I was definitely in! A lot of the techniques and exercises in this book transported me back to my own therapy sessions over the years which has helped me immensely.

Dr. Judy starts the book with how and why we got here. Then she takes us through six steps to stop self sabotaging. She goes into great detail as to why each step is so important and then how to fix it. She also gives you 3 exercises, one quick, one short term and one long term. These are actually very helpful as I've done them myself throughout the last 10 years or so when identifying self sabotaging situations. She ends the book with how to continue on and keep up with this journey to end self sabotage. In fact, I feel like I could hear her cheering me on when I got to the last page!

Self help books can be hard for people to take the info and apply it. First, I think you have to want to do it and you cannot force anyone to self-help/get help if they do not want it. I think the info and exercises in this book are very realistic and can truly help those who self sabotage. I cannot say that I never self sabotage anymore but this book did make me realize some more self sabotaging scenarios in my life. I plan to use Dr. Judy's techniques to help improve them.

If you've ever told yourself you can't or you've been scared to do something because of embarrassment then this is the book for you to help you change your thinking. This book can truly help with all situations (deadlines at work, weight loss, dating, etc.). Think of it as your own therapy at your own pace in 250 pages.

Be sure to pick this one up when it publishes in August. I hope that Dr. Judy decides to write more as I would definitely love to read more by her! Thank you to Suzy Approved Book Tours and Harper Wave for my ARC of this book.
Profile Image for Mackenzie - PhDiva Books.
734 reviews14.5k followers
July 21, 2019
Have you ever gotten yourself into trouble by not paying your bills on time? Failed at a diet AGAIN? Struggled to open up in a relationship? Almost missed a work deadline because you couldn’t stop checking social media?

These are all examples of ways that we self-sabotage. In Dr. Judy Ho’s new book, Stop Self-Sabotage: Six Steps to Unlock Your True Motivation, Harness Your Willpower, and Get Out of Your Own Way, you’ll learn why we do these things, follow exercises to dig into your personal triggers, and practice ways to finally stop the cycle of self-sabotage.

If you are anything like me, you’ll want to rush in, skip the intro, and flip pages to the end to find the magic cure for this behavior. Well, I hate to spoil it, but there is no magic cure. However, I did follow the exercises and complete the charts as I went, and I’ll tell you that it will take work to change my behavior, but I’ve already seen positive changes through my efforts.

Actually, my favorite part of the book was learning about the primary motivations behind self-sabotage. I read through them all and I initially felt hopeless. I kept thinking “oh no, I do all of these!” But actually after I did the exercise to diagnose behavioral markers, I found that two were much stronger motivators of my self-sabotage, and the others I barely scored on at all.

This is the importance of reading this book all of the way through. It’s easy to skim and think—ok, I’ve got this. Fear? Check! Stop being afraid? That must be the key! But actually the reason we are in these cycles of self-sabotage is that we don’t really have good insight into why we are doing it or how to stop it. I thought I knew what my triggers were, but when I worked through this book I realized that I wasn’t focusing on the right thing.

I also broke this book into chunks when I read it. I started slow, with the exercises around diagnosing and learning to note when I’m falling into my self-sabotage triggers. Then, as I got more comfortable recognizing the patterns, I began the more specific exercises designed to help me change my behaviors and thought patterns. I kept a notebook for mine, but you could also write directly in your book.

I recommend this to even those who think they don’t struggle with self-sabotage. Often we don’t realize how we are sabotaging ourselves! We think it is just the way we are wired, or we blame other things (e.g., my coworkers were being too chatty so that is why I got behind). But the truth is, we are in control of our own behaviors and we can stop these cycles with patience and discipline.

Thank you to Suzy for my chance to be on the tour!
Profile Image for Phoenix  Perpetuale.
230 reviews74 followers
December 12, 2021
Four Ways to Stop Self-Sabotage by Dr Judy Ho summarises steps of how to recognise self-sabotaging thoughts and check with reality techniques.
Profile Image for Mutt Jones.
1 review
February 26, 2021
Yet another Self-help Book-of the-Month that reinforces the ego and the endless cycle of so-called "self-help."

Seems like most of these reviews were written by "Karen" for "Karens." There's a lack of acknowledgment of cultural differences, including race, gender, class, and social-economic status. These are First World problems focusing on fixing the self without regard to others. A very egocentric way of looking at change.

The egocentric idea that you can fix and control yourself into accomplishing your goals seems counterintuitive to the psychological goals of unconditional self-acceptance of self and others. It is a very Western idea, based on both capitalism and spiritual greed, that you can change through self-will by overly focusing on yourself.

After all, it's the ego-driven goals and self-will that probably got you into this mess in the first place. Just ask any addict, whether they are addicted to food, drugs, people, or even "self-help:" real change starts with awareness of self, and no book will do that work for you.

Unfortunately, a lot of readers will identify with the character of "Beth," the fake protagonist of the book.. A lot of readers won't relate to "Beth" at all. But the thing is: "Beth" is not a real person, she's a hypothetical construct made-up to serve and support the pseudoscience in this book.

The logic is: if a fake, imaginary person can be helped by this book, then so can I! That's not evidence-based science. It's manipulation.

Actionable change comes through awareness/acceptance of your attachments/addictions. While the main "Karen" of the book...in this case the fictional "Beth," desires to understand why she keeps sabotaging herself in her eating disorder; perhaps she would be better off surrendering her ego and letting go of trying to fit into societal norms of beauty and health.

The message I get from this book is I need to lose weight, not that I need to learn to accept myself. "Beth" seems to be in denial from beginning to end, focusing on external goals than on who she is inside.

Maybe addressing her addiction to food, or approaching exercise as something fun to do rather the focusing on the "shoulds" would benefit Beth: I should lose weight, I should do this and that. The character really seems to be "shoulding" herself and that's where I see the real self-sabotage.

I'm noticing many of the reviews who give this book 5 stars received a free copy for an "honest" review. Yeah, right. (I wonder how they would feel if they fulled-price for their copy). These compensated reviewers say things like I'm really going to use this book and try the exercises. Typical self-help. They read it, feel good about what they read, but the change won't come from the book doing the work; the person must do the work: journal, meditate, engage with the community, grow through relationships with others.

This is why therapy and 12-step groups work -- by engaging with others, change comes through relationships. Rarely will a person spontaneously, permanently change by sitting at home reading a book. Because it's learning to deal with stress, conflict, and sabotage in "real-time" relationships -- that is the true test of change.

And so much of the book is obvious: take self-assessments, journal, breakdown your goals into steps. All of this can be done for free; you don't need to spend money on a book to tell you the obvious. ANd the Audible version is even worse, by the way -- if you are looking for a motivational speaker, look elsewhere.

Is the author trying to self-sabotage herself by saying in the end, you need to find whatever works for you? Is that the takeaway: go figure it out on your own? Then why did I just spend money and time adding yet another book-of-the-month self-help book to my library?

If I were the author, I would have encouraged Beth to get to a 12-step program for overeating and food addiction, because all the self-help exercises in the world won't matter if you can't deal with your internal attachments/addictions first.

In fact, this book might strengthen your problems: by fighting to fix things with your ego, you may be giving your self-sabotaging patterns more power whether you realize it or not.

Perhaps the book should also focus on how to stop sabotaging others. We do this everyday in our "me-first" society. In fact, the author seems more self-focused on helping her TV career than helping real people. It seems very selfish to emphasize overly focusing on helping yourself, which often just increases defense mechanisms and resistance to helping others.

In summary, we grow through relationships, whether it be through family, partners, fellowships, or therapy. Self-sabotage is just the flipside to narcissism and egocentric selfishness.
Profile Image for MaryBeth's Bookshelf.
451 reviews97 followers
July 30, 2019
This book came into my life at the perfect time. So many of us doubt ourselves into thinking we can’t do things. Dr. Judy Ho explores why we do this and things people can do to break this cycle in her new book. Very easy, accessible read!
Profile Image for Linda Zagon.
1,538 reviews180 followers
July 15, 2019
Linda's Book Obsession Review of "Stop Self-Sabotage" by Dr. Judy Ho, PHD, Harper Wave, 8/2019 Part of Suzy Approved Book Tours

Dr. Judy Ho, Author of "Stop Self- Sabotage" has written a wealth of intense information about sabotage and you. First of all, Dr. Judy Ho describes what sabotage is, and then how to deal with it.  This book is crammed with a tremendous amount of information and charts. I personally don't like writing in my books, so you are able to copy the charts. The author suggests the importance of a Journal and pen and pencil. While I was reading I constantly was taking notes, but that is my style of doing things. The Genres for this Book is Self-Help and Non-Fiction. This is not an easy read, and there is not a miracle cure for stopping to sabotage yourself.

There are some tests for you to figure out your triggers for sabotage, and there are ways that the author provides charts, case studies, and other doctor's material. Basically, you have to own your behavior, and you can follow certain mental exercises, and plans that you have to work on. Changing your behavior takes time. I found this book to be interesting and was interested in some of the tests that I took. I would recommend this for readers interested in  "Stopping Self-Sabotage" and looking to live a more productive life.
Profile Image for abdulia ortiz-perez.
634 reviews40 followers
August 10, 2019
I received this book for honest review.

This is the first time reading anything from this author and let me say that I loved it so much.
I'm giving this 4.5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐🌠
Have you ever been to psychiatrist before?
I have been psychiatrist before and I found it helpful. I used to go to one when I was young and has an adult. At one point I stop going cuz I didn't need it anymore.
Sometimes now I still feel like I need it.
Well this been is a great help. It will teach you lessons and also step by steps.
You can even put some of this in yourself if you need it.
Sometimes life is to hard and you need help. I'm a take some of this steps to help me when I feel like am overwhelmed with things or just life it self.
Sometimes life can take you and you need somebody or need help how to deal with it.
I highly recommend to put up this book cuz it like going to therapy or psychiatrist.

Release 8/20/19
#sponsored #suzyapproved #suzyapprovedbooktours
Thank you @suzyapprovedbookreviews @suzyapprovedbooktours for the free copy.
Author 1 book77 followers
July 25, 2019
From the Award winning psychologist and TV personality comes a new self help book that will open your eyes to the ways you do indeed sabotage yourself. Dr. Ho gives gives insight on how to transform your thought and actions ans turn them into making your every day life more positive and effective. Once you realize the triggers you can start getting on the right path. I went through the exercises and clearly saw how my behavior impacts my life and how to break that cycle. These guidelines work. I recommend this book to everyone. You might not think your actions and behavior sabotage you but you'll find out just how much they do.

Novels N Latte
Hudson Valley NY
August 19, 2019
As a sufferer of depression and anxiety, and self doubt, I knew I needed to jump on this tour. I need to see if there was something out there that could help me. Especially when I constantly worry about whether I am doing something good enough, if I should have done something differently, am I good mom, etc. Things that make me go into anxiety mode for overthinking. 

Dr. Judy Ho brings us a book that is perfect for those with thoughts like mine. It's a book that will bring you techniques, suggestions and over all change to help you overcome those negative happenings, to overcome the thoughts of sabotage in your life. 

Dr. Judy's book is amazing. It's definitely one that is worthy of 4 stars. I recommend this book to all who are struggling with self sabotaging ways, like questioning your actions, wondering if you'll have enough money for this or enough time for that. It's the perfect self-help book in my opinion. I look forward to reading more and learning new things to help me improve my life. Well done, Dr. Ho, well done! 

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Profile Image for Lindsay (nerdybooknurse).
176 reviews97 followers
August 20, 2019
{ @suzyapprovedbooktours @harper_wave @drjudyho #partner } I am the queen of procrastination and wasting so much time getting sucked into the vortex of social media. No matter what I try I can’t seem to break many of my bad habits despite knowing all the “right” things to do. I was so excited to read Judy’s book and see if I could maybe get some more insight into WHY I continue to do the things I do and how to get out of it. I loved this book. I don’t read a ton of self-help books but I feel like I am constantly self-sabotaging and I really liked getting some insight into why I make some of the decisions I do. And why I seem to be in a rut I just can’t get out of. Between work, a Masters degree, bookstagram, trying to eat right, take care of myself and see all the people in my life - there just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day. I really gained some insight from this one and it releases TODAY if you too are interested in learning about why you can be your own worst enemy!
1 review2 followers
August 6, 2019
Dr. Judy Ho’s book is very relatable. We have all done things to undermine ourselves by getting stuck in a cycle of self-sabotage. If you are interested in learning how to break this cycle and how to create a plan to help you meet your goals, this is the book for you.
July 26, 2019
Do you have goals? Do you have trouble achieving those goals? This book offers some great, concrete strategies to help you get out of our own way and achieve those goals that have been alluding you. This cognitive behavioral approach really resonated with me. My work day is filled with behavior modification from beginning to end, so I know the power of antecedents and consequences and their impact on changing or maintaining behaviors. But it is always difficult to apply these tools to my own life. This book includes so many exercises and strategies that you can do RIGHT NOW to change your thoughts and behaviors, whether they are related to work, relationships, health, weight...whatever your goal! ...and that chapter on motivation and willpower -- I will be revisiting that one numerous times! If there is a thought or behavior you want to change in your life, pick up this book.
Profile Image for Southern Belle Reading.
19 reviews9 followers
August 14, 2019
Thank you to @suzyapprovedbooktours #partner for my advanced copy of @drjudyho new book Stop Self-Sabatoge, which releases August 20.
Dr. Judy Ho, award-winning clinical psychologist and TV personality, whom you may have seen on the hit show The Doctors, helps you stop the cycle of self-sabatoge in your own life. 🙌💕
Have you ever started a workout program only to quit? Or, lost weight only to gain it all back? Or, decided you’re going to step into a new role at work only to years later find that you have never made a step towards your goal? 🤷‍♀️
Well, I am guilty of all of the above and am ashamed to admit that I have been stuck in this cycle. In fact, I know I am capable of far more as I have a Master’s Degree I have yet to fully utilize and have actually completed two half marathons and several other long runs. However, I am definitely my own worst critic. And, just as with training for long distance running, negative self-talk, and comparison, got the best of me and one day I just quit. I regret that decision all the time because it is so hard to get started again.
This book is full of information to help you identify why we get in our own way, little quizzes and appendixes that help us identify what our personal self-sabotage triggers are so we can overcome them in the future, and ways to help us understand and harness the power of our emotions. It is jam-packed with information and a valuable reference book.
After reading this book, I want to take action to get back to my fitness routine and set some new goals. I need to make a “blueprint for change” in my life. I know that all it takes is that first little step! 👞
Check out her website: http://bit.ly/StopSelfSabotageDJH
1,012 reviews36 followers
August 16, 2019
When I initially picked up Stop Self-Sabotage I was thinking, well I don’t do that but I’m always up for learning and growing. Dr.Judy Ho is one of the stars of the TV show The Doctors and has a very impressive resume of years of research, degrees and accolades. I sat down ready to learn about how others sabotage their lives not expecting to learn that I actually am guilty of this very thing myself! The book is very well written and laid out into six categories;

Step 1: Identify Self-Sabotage Triggers
Step 2: Deactivate Your Triggers and Reset the Thermostat
Step 3: Release the Rut! Rinse and Repeat: The Basic ABCs
Step 4: Replacement, Not Repetition
Step 5: A Value a Day Keeps Self-Sabotage Away
Step 6: Create a Blueprint for Change

Each Chapter has an area to take a quiz or to make self assessments, and believe me I made notes. So if you’re like me and think your immune to self-sabotage let me ask you the following questions;
Have you ever set a goal to lose weight? You know 10 pounds before summer, but a few months into it you quit? Made plans with friends to go out and then cancelled last minute, only to see the fun they had and regret your decision to stay home in your pajamas? Maybe you have been wanting to go back to further your career but second guess that your smart enough or that your too old to try and better your career. For me it’s been my desire to write a book. How can I possibly write a book review let alone an entire book if I don’t have a college education or an English degree! For years I second guessed everything I wrote not feeling good enough and actually making my husband proof read everything before I sent it out. What I have learned is that not every writer has a degree, and it’s not required to write a book. Then I went through the whole self doubt thoughts of I’m not good enough, I’m too old, no one would want to read it, and I’m just not good enough. Stop Self-Sabotaging was eye opening and I defiantly feel like I was able to self reflect and learn a lot about my habits that need to be addressed. The book addresses ‘Why do we do it” and “How do we stop”? Dr. Ho focuses on the triggers that lead us to sabotage our success in life, work, and relationships and offer tools to help you succeed. I think no matter your age it’s never too late to make a positive change in all aspects of your life. I am happy to report that after reading this book I have decided that at some point I will write my own book, and I won’t feel the pressure for it to be the best or care if it ever goes anywhere beyond my own computer. I will feel good that I was able to achieve a goal I set for myself. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is looking to improve themselves.
Profile Image for Luke Phillips.
Author 4 books118 followers
August 3, 2021
Stop Self-Sabotage: Six Steps to Unlock Your True Motivation, Harness Your Willpower, and Get Out of Your Own Way, is, simply by title alone, quite a long-winded book. Despite this though, I stuck with it and diligently worked through the exercises and paced my reading with my progress.

However, there is no getting around the fact that there is a lot of filler around some smart and helpful tips. I also have to admit that I found some of the context and examples tedious, venturing dangerously close into mumbo jumbo territory for me. But, I did find some of the exercises helpful, and even just learning some of the language and behaviours recognised by psychologists helped me identify steps I could take in my own life and thinking.

Definitely worth a read if you're not a hardened sceptic, and I also think the book is firmly aimed at female readers without going as far as saying so. This too may have explained why I had issue with it in part!
Profile Image for Marisa.
1,259 reviews93 followers
July 23, 2019
This is definitely a book I will read and so
All work on.
1 review
August 22, 2019
I am so happy that Dr. Judy Ho has developed this book to shine a light on how often we self-sabotage so many areas of our lives. Dr. Ho’s thought provoking and thorough exercises shine awareness to what influenced our self- sabotaging behavior and guides us on how we can empower ourselves to stop.
I am a Psychotherapist who has been in private practice for over 15 years and so many of the examples Dr. Ho has in this book are so similar to the people I see daily. I really like the 4 elements of L.I.F.E and how it helps identify many of the reasons on how we began self-sabotaging and continue doing it without our knowledge.
I personally love the explanations and exercises and wish there had been such a practical book as “Stop Self-Sabotage” when I was in therapy years ago dealing with my internalized negative beliefs, fears, and need to control that resulted in my self-sabotaging numerous things in my life. As I began to read the book, it was real eye opener for me to see that lately I have fallen into these old thoughts and behaviors, and I challenged myself to look at myself. I have been doing the exercises in this book and taking my time as she suggests so I can really set the foundation for change. Those childhood internalized beliefs can really sneak up on one especially in challenging times.
This is defiantly a book I am referring to my clients. So many come to my office with so many triggers, distorted thinking, fears, low self-esteem, etc., and once they have an understanding of the root of their self-sabotaging behavior they begin to do the work to change. This book reinforces that one can transform ourselves positively if we get out of our way, be honest with ourselves, and do the hard work. Dr. Judy Ho has done the scientifically proven work for us by giving us the six steps in this great book, nothing is easy, now you have to follow the exercises that take thought and time… but I am telling you as a person who is always wanting to better myself, and as a therapist that is passionate to experience the happiness of my clients…this is a must read book. It’s a book one can refer back to for years to keep us in check.
Profile Image for Heather.
408 reviews4 followers
October 27, 2021
I added this book to my TBR list after it was on one of my Book Bub daily deals emails. I chose to listen to it now because I picked a random page on my TBR list and it was the only non-fiction book on that page available at the library that day.

I feel this would be a good book to have in print form and I would benefit a lot more from it. I am definitely guilty of self-sabotage (especially when it comes to potential relationships) and I've already identified myself doing some of the things she pointed out so I'm definitely getting some benefit out of it. However, listening to the book while remodeling a house is so not the same as sitting down with the journal she recommends to do the exercises that are given throughout the book. The last couple of chapters are heavily exercise focused and without the resources to do them in front of me, I found I was kind of tuning that part of the book out. But that's on me and not the author or the book.

While I do think I would benefit from buying this book and likely will, there were some things about it that did frustrate me - I wish there had been less focus on using struggling with weight loss as her primary example for everything and that she had spread out the other examples of why people might benefit from this book stated at the beginning (career and relationships) a bit more. Some of the statements just plain didn't make sense - like finding out your boyfriend hasn't called you in over 24 hours not because his feelings for you have changed but because he was at the movies the entire time. I'm sorry, what? (I understood what she was saying in the entire context of the scenario - that part was just worded badly).

I do think there is some good advice in here; as I said, I'm already using some of it and I'm curious to see how I think having the physical book compares to the audio and if I really will get more out of it that way.

Profile Image for Kelli.
64 reviews7 followers
August 21, 2019
This is one of the first self-help books that I have read and I have to admit that I was looking forward to it. Like most people, I am one that sets numerous resolutions all through the year and then one thing or another happens. And then it is 3 months later and I still have not done anything about that resolution. I was exited to read Dr. Ho’s book and see how I can improve myself.

My first thought when I got this book is that was going to be one of those books that lightly talks about the author’s life and what she has been through that caused her to write the book. I was a little disappointed when I started reading the book , and it was more like a text book than a simple read. This was not a book that I could sit and read in just one session. It is a book that you need to take your time with and focus on one chapter at a time. There is a lot of great information provided in the book, it just takes time to read through all the information and process it. While I had a bit of a tough time reading through the book initially, because of the fact that it is written like a text book, it is definitely a book that I will read again, even more slowly than the first time, so I can really apply the skills this book teaches to my life. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to make big changes in their life and keep all those goals and resolutions that they have set for themselves!
Profile Image for Amanda Gatt.
38 reviews13 followers
August 15, 2019
Sometimes we unintentionally self-sabotage and get in our own way more often than we’d like. But how do we break this cycle and create positive, lasting change?⁣

In Stop Self-Sabotage by Dr. Judy Ho, readers unlock the six steps needed to become truly motivated and harness the power towards getting out of your own way. I love that the introduction has a quiz to determine which part of your LIFE dominates your self-sabotaging behaviors. These LIFE elements include Low or Shaky Self-Concept, Internalized Beliefs, Fear of Change or the Unknown, and Excessive Need for Control. ⁣

Each of the six steps has built-in assignments for writing your answers directly in the book, which I found super helpful and resourceful for looking back on when needed! These exercises and charts are also accompanied with a What to Expect Now paragraph at the end of each chapter, wrapping up on the research and assignments before moving on to the next step.⁣

Overall I had a great time diving into these interactive activities within each step and love the LIFE acronym! I feel capable of incorporating these practical tools into my everyday life, especially in moments of self-sabotage.
Profile Image for Liza Villanueva.
19 reviews
February 11, 2022
I think we all sabotage ourselves every now and then. We all fail at things we do or fail to perform our best. Motivation for me is hard at times. I used to always hesitate when trying new things or get really upset with myself when I couldn't succeed. I have learned from this book why we can get emotional, upset, and with the exercises it gives really helped me understand why I have felt the way I did many times when I couldn't understand then at that moment. I think getting therapy once in your life can help talk things out and sort out feelings you keep inside or scared to share with a close person in your life. We all must truly understand ourselves first before we can understand someone else.
Profile Image for Karina.
593 reviews18 followers
August 21, 2019
Dr. Judy Ho writes a new self-help book that shows you the ways that you sabotage self. She talks about ways that you can find the triggers for self-sabotage. Once you find these triggers you can hopefully be on the path to fixing them. This is a book based on plenty of research and scientific data. You will take tests and see examples to help you find your triggers. I was very surprised when I took the tests and saw my triggers and behaviors. There are exercises to do that will help you break the cycles of self-sabotage. It will take behavior modification, it will not be a quick or magic cure. This is the book to stop those problematic behaviors once and for all and will help in all aspects of your life from losing weight, to goals that you have set, relationships and work etc. Make sure you have a notebook and pen unless you like to write in your book which I personally don’t. This is the book for you if you are wanting to learn how to break the cycle and how to create a plan to help you meet your goals. I highly recommend this book. Thank you to Suzy Approved Book Tours and Dr Judy Ho for my copy of the book.
Profile Image for Mary Jackson _TheMaryReader.
1,392 reviews182 followers
August 4, 2019
What an on time book. I am always undermining myself. And Dr. Ho has given us a plan to help us learn how to stop that.
The book includes self assessments, blueprints, and how to use the blue prints.
Wonderful strategies to help guild us.
Dr. Ho has written a book to help us get out of our own way.
I highly recommend this experts new book. I plan to reread it many more times. I will be giving it as gifts as well.
The Mary Reader received this book from the publisher for review. A favorable review was not required and all views expressed are our own.
Profile Image for Jodena Pysher.
113 reviews33 followers
August 21, 2019
Stop being your own worst enemy and read this book!! I know I have always been my own...… this book will definitely help you change your mindset and keep working to better yourself with extra exercises. When I question myself I will go back and reread this book! One of the BEST self-help books I have ever read! Thank you so much to Suzy Approved Book Tours and to Judy Ho for allowing me to be apart of this tour.
1 review1 follower
August 6, 2019
As someone who has interviewed countless times on MedCircle, I was very excited to read Dr. Ho's book on stopping self-sabotage. The book is all about taking you to the next level - wherever you are on your journey. And this isn't fluff - this is real stuff - science backed. For those who want an evidenced based approach to self improvement - this is the book for you!
1 review
August 7, 2019
I’ve gifted this book to friends and family - as Dr. Judy says, self-sabotage is universal, we all do it from time to time, there is no shame in it, and even the most successful of us fall prey to it because of our biology. This book gives you the solution to the problem in a practical, actionable way.
1 review
August 7, 2019
Dr. Judy’s book has really helped me understand that biological and evolutionary underpinnings of self-sabotage, but she doesn’t stop there. It’s wonderful to see how much more she does through the rest of the book when every chapter is filled with quick exercises to do so that you can kick self-sabotage once and for all.
1 review
August 7, 2019
I really enjoyed her Blueprint for Change which throws vision boards for a loop. Her techniques are proven and she has gotten results. If you or someone you know trips themself up in one or two areas of life, be it diet, career, relationships, health…this is the ultimate book to stop those problematic behaviors once and for all.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 154 reviews

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