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Two men afraid to feel, have to make choices that could end up breaking down their defenses and leading them back to love.

Every time Max Van Hellren steps on the ice he knows it could be his last time. At thirty-two he’s past his prime but he’s also hiding a life-threatening injury that private doctors warn could kill him. This is his last season, and there’s a chance he could lift the Stanley Cup after fourteen years in the NHL. He just needs to stay safe and healthy; difficult when he’s known for his heavy hitting and with a propensity for dropping the gloves and putting his body in the way of pucks to keep his team safe. A one-night stand with a sexy man was just what he needed, dangerous and hot, but what if it turned into more? Would he have to share the secrets he so desperately tries to hide?

Ben Worthington had it all. A fulfilling job running the CrossRoads Shelter, his loving aunts, and a husband that understood his devotion to animals. Then, the love of his life left him, succumbing so quickly to an unexpected sickness that Ben never had time to say goodbye. The violent loss scarred him. Unable to move past his fears, he moves from lonely encounter to lonely encounter, slaking a desperate need that is eating away at him, but never making a connection that could lead him back into love. One night with Max makes him want more, but will giving into the temptation open the door to feelings he can’t contain?

Can these two broken man ever find a way to be together?

170 pages, ebook

First published May 16, 2018

About the author

R.J. Scott

298 books2,659 followers
RJ Scott is a USA TODAY bestselling author of over 140 romance and suspense novels. From bodyguards to hockey stars, princes to millionaires, cowboys to military, she believes that love is love and every man deserves their own happy ending.

Find RJ here: Amazon | BookBub | Facebook - Also, Never miss a release

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 137 reviews
Profile Image for Christelle.
808 reviews
September 16, 2018
**Whining** I couldn’t find what makes this series an enjoyable moment with each hockey player from the Harrisburg Railers and their plus-one.

Despite the promising hint introduced in the previous book that something could spark between Max, the fierce D-man playing his last season with the Railers, and Ben, manager of a shelter for dogs and cats, despite the blurb that looked interesting, but was quite deceptive imo, it didn’t deliver.

For me, it seemed flat, rushed, with a lack of steam (I didn’t find their fast first-time screwing in the back of a car very sexy) and with a lack of development of Max and Ben’s bond and personal issues (my impression : drama for the sake of it).

2 stars for the nice appearances of the protagonists from the series through their Hockey season on their way to win the Stanley Cup.

Disappointed, yes, but I won’t falter : I enjoy this series, read the previous books with pleasure and am going to read book 6 with eagerness.
Profile Image for Karen.
1,860 reviews88 followers
June 5, 2018
Loved this one...totally recommended...full review to follow soonish!

I know I said that ‘Poke Check’ was my favorite book in this series and...

I stand by that I loved that book a lot but I think it’s got a bit of company on my favorites shelf when it comes to this series. I honestly didn’t think it was possible for me to love another book in this series as much as ‘Poke Check’ but I’m happy to say that I was wrong because ‘Last Defense’ won me over practically from the first page.

First off let me just say we get a peek at all the usual suspects (meaning MCs from previous books) so that’s always a plus with me. We’ve met both of the MCs from this book in previous stories but only very briefly and while I remembered them I have to admit that neither of them seemed like real attention grabbers to me…which just goes to show you how much I know because as I said this one had me practically from the first page…I guess it’s a case of you’ve gotta’ watch out for the quiet ones.

Max Van Hellren is a defenseman and I have to admit when it comes to hockey my all time favorite player is #4 Bobby Orr. Former defenseman for the Boston Bruins so I think Max won me over by virtue of his position on the Railers but truthfully, I just came to really like him and then there was Ben Worthington…now, Ben doesn’t play hockey, nope, he runs CrossRoads Shelter it’s a no kill animal shelter…right? Tell me you don’t already like Ben. Not to mention how can you not like someone who names their dog ‘Bucky’ as in ‘The Winter Soldier’…sorry, that gets him so many coolness points in my books.

Needless to say, both of these men come with a full set of their own baggage…Max is 32, which is not young in the world of professional hockey and each game that he plays could very well be his last game ever. Max has a life threatening medical condition and no this isn’t a spoiler because this is all in the blurb. But for Max there’s only every been hockey and while this is his last season in the NHL, it’s the season he’s worked his whole professional career for…in fact probably his whole life he’s never wanted to be anything other than a hockey player and this is the season that could see him on a Stanley Cup winning team. The ultimate goal of every boy who’s ever laced on a pair of skates.

Ben has had it all. A job that he loved, living next door to his two adorably nosy aunts with his loving husband. A husband who died so suddenly and unexpectedly that Ben never got to say good-bye.

Things between Max and Ben start out simply as two men sharing a mutual physical attraction. But with each encounter they get to know each other a bit more and both men slowly begin to realize that they like each other and that the attraction has gone well beyond the purely physical.
Between the hockey and Ben’s work at the shelter which keeps him more than a little busy finding time to be together is another job altogether that these men both find that they are willing to put forth the effort for.

Sometimes books just grab us and we fall into them and that’s what happened for me with this one. Everything just came together for me in the best way possible and this book was a total pleasure to read. Sure there was a little bit of angst and drama but damn take out that and chances are what you’ve got is a hella’ boring story and this story just had the right amount to keep this reader interested. My attention was grabbed from the very beginning of this story and it never wavered.

While ‘Last Defense’ could easily be read as a standalone story I have to say my recommendation is to start at the beginning and enjoy all of it. I love reading a series where the MCs continue to recur in subsequent stories and while it’s not always necessary to know everyone’s background and who’s connected to who…it does make the story more interesting and in general just more enjoyable. This one is most definitely recommended.


An ARC of ‘Last Defense’ was graciously provided by the authors in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for JenMcJ.
2,390 reviews324 followers
June 4, 2018
This 5th book goes back to the 3 star middle of the road rating. Actually this one was probably more like a 2.5 that I'm rounding up.

To start, the immediate car sex in the front seat of jeep with a hockey Enforcer the size of Max was implausible if not impossible. Right from the start I was thrown out of the story and I never was able to fully sink into it.

Next, the plot with the hateful BIL....why now? We also never really got closure there and never found out what he thought Liam had that was worth so much.

The vandalism....huh? Who was it? Why?

The epilogue....the country? What about the aunts? Is Max really just going to fall into doing whatever Ben does? IDK....this seemed so much like a midlife crisis relationship for Max in some ways.

Finally, everything about this book was predictable and has been done before and often. Absolutely no surprises here....just a lot of loose strings and sloppy plot that I know could have been done better.
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,754 reviews379 followers
May 11, 2018
This one is as gorgeous as the cover and difficult to review without giving a lot away!

There's the usual excellent level of ice hockey detail you'd expect from this series, all our usual suspects make plenty of appearances and Stan is still the best Russian goalie ever :)

But, in this one, we have a different type of relationship which looks at how sometimes it's the things we don't say which can be the most important.

I admired Ben, I adored Max, and I wanted to squish hug Bucky the dog, and together they were just absolutely perfect. Everything I'd want to see in a relationship, supportive, understanding, caring, hot as a burning fire.

The angsty is still there though, hiding away until it eventually boils over. I'm not going to go into the plot as this is one which needs to be read blind, but believe me, the tension is real with this one!

I loved everything in this story, the narrative pacing was perfect, the romance was so sweet and passionate.
I loved that there was no doubts from Max about Ben's love for his sadly deceased husband. I loved how Ben's great aunts were meddlers for all the right reasons.

The interracial elements are handled well, Ben's wry commentary on how his skin colour would be perceived in the posh neighbourhood where Stan and Alex live if he followed Max's suggestion of "just driving around until they spotted the big gates", was perfectly judged.

I'm hard pressed to pick a favourite Railers story but this one would be pushing hard.

#ARC kindly provided by the authors in return for an honest and unbiased review.
Profile Image for Antisocial Recluse.
2,712 reviews
July 15, 2018
I liked this one a lot and really enjoyed reading about Ben and Max. Max is 30 and is finishing his last season on the ice before retirement, hopefully with no one ever discovering the secret he hides. The Railers have a shot at making it to the Stanley Cup playoffs and he’d love to go out in glory. Ben runs a no-kill shelter he owned with his husband who passed away suddenly two years before. Of course they’re destined for each other! Fortunately, Ben is not still wallowing in grief although he’s not really looking for a serious relationship. He also has family he feels responsible for plus an extremely hostile, homophobic brother-in-law named Rolf. He gives the plot some extra excitement for sure.

There’s lots of game action and as always, the authors achieve the perfect balance between enough for fans of the sport and not too overwhelming for those with less interest. I did feel like this was missing some energy to the writing, even feeling a little dull to me. Stan and the team didn’t display quite the humor and banter I’ve come to expect and there were a couple of hot sex scenes but not much zing. Maybe that’s just me or my mood. Still a solid and entertaining story to add to the series.
Profile Image for Danielle  Gypsy Soul.
3,127 reviews79 followers
April 24, 2021
Some of the books in this series were great but this one was just okay for me. Too many things just didn't really make sense or were never followed up on. Why years later is the Brother in Law suddenly having issues with Ben's inheritance and getting violent? Who was the vandal? Was it the BIL? I wasn't a fan of the first sex scene between Ben and Max. Finally the ending was just a bit bizarre for me. I was actually glad they dealt with Max leaving hockey but moving into the country away from the aunts and everyone else? It seemed more like a "who am I without hockey" crises for Max then love. It's like Max just decided to do whatever Ben was doing instead of making decisions about what would make him happy after hockey.
Profile Image for Amanda.
1,392 reviews325 followers
May 21, 2018
Max and Ben are two characters, which are unfamiliar to me, so I guess anyone can just pick up this book and enjoy it as a standalone. Max is a new D-man to the team, but playing his last season as a veteran. He hopes to end his career with a bang. Max seems to be a loner despite the great team camaraderie, his relationship with his family is pretty cold and he is dealing with a life-threatening health condition alone. I wonder why the Railer’s medical team isn't informed on this.

Ben is a widower who runs an animal shelter. He came in touch with the Railer’s for some charity event and is where he met Max. Their relationship started off with some casual hook up, but slowly developed into something more. Their loneliness is very palpable and they crave the connection they shared. Max longed for human connection and intimacy, something he didn’t get from his teammates or his family. There is a dash of minor suspense in regards to some violence aimed at the shelter and Ben, which is connected to Ben's husband Liam. Max was at the forefront of these dramas and acted as any protective boyfriend would. When I found the cause of Ben’s husband's death, I knew Max’s health condition is going to be an issue to their relationship. As expected there is some heartache when the truth was revealed, however, it seems easily resolved.

For those readers who have been following this series since the beginning can I just said ‘Well damn, finally!’. . It took 5 books, but we did it!
Profile Image for Kirk.
354 reviews2 followers
May 16, 2018
I’m really enjoying this series and I was excited to read Max and Ben’s story. Both these men are wounded souls, carrying pain, heartache and fear for different reasons and they both deserve some happiness. They meet, and although it’s purely to scratch some itches, they’ve got instant chemistry and the more time they spend with each other they realise they’ve got something special, if only they can be brave enough to share what’s going on inside their heads.

There’s a lot happening here, with so much action and nail biting drama on the ice, it almost feels like you’re there! And we catch up with some old friends and experience the friendship and great camaraderie that these guys have; hell, they’re as close as family which is something that makes the book and the whole series for me. The authors weave the blossoming romance, the action and the ups and downs of the sport and also the suspense of the underlying threat so beautifully that your heart’s in your mouth most of the time, there’s always something happening so it’s a real roller coaster of a read and I enjoyed every minute of it. Max and Ben are so good together and are just what each other needs.

I’ve got to mention the humour in the story too, I had quite a few laugh-out-loud moments and a few of them were centred around the lovely Stan. This is a great addition to the series, you won’t be disappointed.

ARC received in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.
Profile Image for Fatimama.
1,017 reviews63 followers
May 18, 2018
I normally really don’t like dead spouses so I’m pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed this book. Ben did love his dead hubby but he also really does love Max now wholeheartedly.
Profile Image for ButtonsMom2003.
3,278 reviews29 followers
May 16, 2018
Two hot hockey player plus cats and dogs. What could be better?

The Harrisburg Railers series just keeps getting better and better. Last Defense features Max Van Hellren, a defenseman playing his last season of hockey, and Widower Ben Worthington who runs a no-kill animal shelter, and Bucky a Malamute rescued from a shelter. Like the other books in this series, it's told in first person POV alternating between Ben and Max.

When Max and Ben first meet, in the arena where the Railers play, Max comes on strong to Ben; he wants him and isn't shy about expressing that. Once the two finally hook up it's hot!

This story has a little bit of everything – hot guys getting it on, mystery and suspense (who is vandalizing Ben's animal shelter?) and humor provided by Ben's two elderly aunts who participate in a lot of political protest marches.

It's always nice to revisit characters from the previous books and we get to see of few of them in Last Defense. Stan – the main character from the previous book, Poke Check – added a lot of humor with his repeated request for an ugly dog with long teeth.

After Ben and Max finally stop fighting their feelings the only thing that might tear them apart is the secret that Max is keeping from Ben. Once he finds out what that secret is it's not a good thing for Max at all.

Like most of the books in this series, Last Defense moved me to tears in places and in others I laughed out loud. The next book in this series can't come too soon for me.

An advanced copy of this book was provided to me but my review was voluntary and not influenced by the author.

***Reviewed for Xtreme-Delusions dot com***
Profile Image for Nerdy Dirty & Flirty.
3,985 reviews356 followers
May 25, 2018
Hot, scorching love….

This MM series had me at hockey and somehow got even better from there. Each unique story and set of characters were finding their way, stumbling at times, to love…

Max and Ben had my heart from the beginning. Ben was mourning a lost love and so was Max in a way, as their lives took turns they couldn’t have imagined. It was insta-lust that grew with each uber-hot encounter, with every revealing conversation and each challenge that presented itself. They were comfortable in their sexuality and their need for each other, their growing feelings, was a courtship I couldn’t get enough…

“Maybe it was because he was a tall drink and I was thirsty.”

There was endearing (and crazy) family, puppies (oh the puppies!) and threats to their health and happiness from more than one source. And the heat? Whew… Turn up the a/c because the love in this story is scorching hot. Even when they were just thinking or just talking about their sexy times, the words had the kindle sweating. When love is involved it amps the temperature higher and Max and Ben were boiling the mercury!

I read this book in one sitting and couldn’t read it fast (or slow) enough. From the scorching romance to the exciting run for the Cup (because, yeah, HOCKEY!!), these authors penned a story that made me feel it all… So, so good!
Profile Image for Joyfully Jay.
8,293 reviews482 followers
May 21, 2018
A Joyfully Jay review.

4.25 stars

Last Defense is the fifth entry into the Harrisburg Railers series and it generally holds up to the enjoyable standards I’ve come to expect from these books. The Railers, easily the gayest team in the NHL at this point, are in the running for the Stanley Cup. It adds an extra layer of stress for the players, who realize everything has come down to the next few games. For Max, it represents the end of his career and he won’t get another chance at the Cup after this. The anxiety he has over his health is relatable and so too is his tendency to lean toward expecting the worst. It’s human nature and it makes Max a character we want to care about. Ben is equally sympathetic and both his love of animals and his genuine goodness make him a nice fit for Max. Their chemistry is palpable and their acquaintances with benefits style relationship evolves in a natural way.

Really the only downfall of Last Defense is it’s overly predictable plot. Everything plays out a little obviously and the antagonist is so over the top it’s hard to take that aspect of the story very seriously. Also, there are several major events that occur near the end of the book and they are resolved with such swiftness it made me wonder why they were included at all. It would have been nice to see these things play out more evenly.

Read Sue’s review in its entirety here.

Profile Image for LeeAnn.
710 reviews
May 9, 2018
This was another amazing addition to the Harrisburg Railers series.
There is so much I want to say about this story but I don't want to say too much and ruin the enjoyment for the reader. I hate spoilers so I will give you the stats...in this story you meet two men, both weary about finding love for two different reasons. Ben has lost the love of his life to cancer and Max is searching for unconditional love and acceptance that he does not get from his family. Both need each other, both want each other. What happens between the pages of this book is the story of a deep love, love of hockey, love of animals, love of family and friends and a communities acceptance of everyone. It also contains an evil element and a moment or two that stopped my heart for a split second...for different reasons. What shines brightly throughout though is the love these two men feel for each other. I hope I have not revealed too much but enough for the reader to know that this is an exceptional story, as all the Harrisburg Railer stories have been and a MUST read. If you are like me you will also enjoy "visiting" with some of the main characters from the previous books. LOVE that. So buy this book, get engulfed in the story and enjoy the ride! I am looking forward to the next one.
Love is Love.

I was given an Advanced Readers Copy for my honest review.
Profile Image for Sali .
1,321 reviews8 followers
September 8, 2018
Great book!
I was afraid, given the blurb that there would be angst, and drama and back and forth between the MC! But nope, good pace, both guys were cute, the story and plot was expected but well executed so all good!
Profile Image for JustJen "Miss Conduct".
2,303 reviews151 followers
May 17, 2018

Another solid installment in this really enjoyable hockey series! The Railers are on a roll and heading for the Stanley Cup! We know all the star players now. It’s just like watching another season of real hockey and knowing the same players from the previous seasons. Ten is still flying high, Mads is still going strong coaching; Stan is continuing to cover the net and few others are giving this expansion team another successful season.

Max is fairly new to the team, having been brought on I believe a season ago. He’s the team brawler, protector of the scoring stars and overall intimidater. He’s good at what he does, but he is skating on some thin ice where playing hockey literally puts his life at risk. With a chance at the cup close to becoming a reality, he’s not quite ready to give up that chance, though he’s planning to retire at the end of this season. Playing hockey is just about the only thing that matters in his life. Then he meets Ben and his priorities start to change a tiny bit.

Ben is a super sweet guy who runs a no-kill animal shelter that he and his deceased husband opened. Ben was devastated at the unexpected loss of his husband, and with the shelter being his sole focus, he’s had little time or interest in another relationship. But, then he meets Max, and hot encounters quickly start taking shape in the form of something more.

Neither expected wanting a relationship, but they couldn’t ignore the intense physical and emotional attraction. But Max has been keeping his health issues a secret from just about everyone, and that secret causes him to almost lose more than the illness itself would have. It was easy to see both sides though – Max’ reasons for keeping it secret, the reactions and results, etc. There is a lot more to all of this than there seems, but suffice to say, it is worth hanging on for the whole ride. I’ve enjoyed all of the books in this series and just as with the previous ones, I’m already looking forward to the next one.

Review written for Love Bytes Reviews.
Profile Image for Tanja.
575 reviews19 followers
May 15, 2018
This is another great story in the wonderful Harrisburg Railers series. These ladies keep on writing one fantastic book after another. The writing is superb, touching and fast-moving like the players on the ice. This book gave me all the feels, heartache and grief, hope and love.
I don’t know whom I loved most: Ben, Max, or Bucky, the sweet malamute. Their romance is sweet and passionate. Not without their fair amount of problems though. And they run deep, but the understanding and the will to make their relationship work is beyond words. Two years ago Ben lost his husband, and although he might be a bit hesitant starting a new relationship, he isn’t stopping it from developing. Max doesn’t feel threatened nor does he push Ben for more than he can give. He is a bit of an outsider, even in the hockey team. He has never had much love in his life, but that changes quickly. He is who he is and that is enough. For Ben most of all. They just have that click that is hard to describe but tangibly there. From their jokes to their opening up to their lovemaking.
I loved the hockey scenes. The tension, the skills, yes, even the fighting. Thank you, ladies, for letting Stan pat his pipes again. It wouldn’t be a Railers book if Stan weren’t in the goal. I mustn’t forget Trent’s aunt, Lola, she is a riot and a die-hard fan of Washington, and she is loud and clear about it, but she has a soft spot for Max. And I loved Ben’s great aunts. They are meddlers but with their heart in the right place. These stellar secondary characters make this book so much more than a sweet romance.
This is the fifth book in the Harrisburg Railers series and can be read as a stand-alone. However, as there are recurring characters and an ongoing story arc, I recommend reading the books in order.

Profile Image for Kendra Patterson.
752 reviews9 followers
May 15, 2018
ARC received for an honest review.

Max plays for the Harrisburg Railers and is in his last season of professional hockey. He's hoping that he can finish the season with a Stanley Cup win. He's had a medical scare and isn't taking anything for granted. He's all about the one night stands. In steps Ben.

Ben is the owner of a no-kill animal shelter and a widower. He's still not ready to risk his heart after 2 years of his husband Liam being gone and is all about the fast and easy sexual encounters.

Max and Ben's one night stand turns into a love affair neither man was looking for or ready for. The road to lasting love isn't easy as both men have to learn to trust the other with their heart and their past. Ben's nephew (Liam's blood nephew) comes to stay with him for a short spell bringing trouble that was already brewing. When Max shares his secrets with Ben, he gets a reaction he wasn't expecting. There's some mystery involving the animal shelter that's just the right amount of suspense and it gets tied up neatly.

This book is so effortlessly written that you can't tell it's written by 2 different authors. There's no hiccups or false starts, just smooth easy reading. There's good chemistry between Max and Ben, the kind that makes you want to cuddle in front of the fireplace. I'll definitely read this book again and I'll recommend it to others.
Profile Image for SoCalBookReviews.
602 reviews19 followers
December 11, 2018
4.5 Stars

This is the book I was most hesitant to read in the Harrisburg Railers series - just something about the blurb had me not wanting to experience what this book had to offer. But, in the end I am glad I read it, though I’m going to leave my review short, not wanting to give away a lot of the storyline since this book is pretty straightforward on the plot.

Max has some medical issues that he’s been hiding and somewhat denying for the past few years. He really shouldn’t be playing hockey, but since he’s getting older and coming up on retirement soon, he might as well squeeze in every last game while he can.

Ben runs a no-kill animal shelter. He’s had to deal with losing someone close to him in the past that came quick and out of nowhere and he is not ready to open his heart to be hurt again. He also has some serious family issues to deal with, and some really funny aunts in his life.

I liked the dynamic between Max and Ben and I was glad they could work past everything they both had to deal with in order to make their relationship work. I really felt for both these guys on an emotional level while reading this book, some parts of their past/present were harder to read than others. I really love everything about this series of books.

*** Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure, a review wasn't a requirement. ***
Profile Image for Edga.
1,979 reviews26 followers
May 30, 2018
Ms Scott has always been one of my go to authors, and since beginning to read this series so too is Ms Locey. After reading the first two of the Harrisburg Railer's, these books have become a fast favourite.

In this latest book both MCs, Max and Ben have, in their pasts, suffered both tragedy and heartbreak. The authors beautifully portray the strengths and also the vulnerabilities of both men.The two were interesting with complex backgrounds that successfully shaped both the plot and conflicts.

I really felt for both men, especially Max, he comes across as an outsider in his own family, having to shoulder his secret was obviously a heavy burden to bear. He was crying out for someone to love and to be loved. I fell in love with his character, and I just wanted to reach into the book and give him lots of cuddles.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Ben's character too, he loves animals, so he can't be bad and I also understood his reaction to the big reveal, but he hurt Max (who also loves animals ❤️), and Max, I found totally adorable. In fact, he quickly became one of my favourite characters in the series. Although, I think that Stan, still holds the honour of being my absolute favourite. Mind you, Ten and Adler were cute too. Decisions, decisions🤔

The plot was good and original, the solution satisfying. The story was nicely developed, also the other team members making an appearance was the icing on the cake.

Best of all is that the authors set up a continuing story arc, so there's more to come. I cannot wait. If you haven't read the series you really are missing out big time.
Profile Image for Amy.
366 reviews24 followers
May 15, 2018
This is truly one of my favorite series, it has everything, hockey especially! This book though throws in all the feels, emotions, guilt, anxiety, heartache, grief, love, it has it all!! I loved this book! Max is brought into the Railers defense, he thinks this might be his last season and he really wants that Stanley Cup!! He’s the old guy but more than his age, he has a secret no one knows about that could be detrimental to his game.

Ben, he owns the no kill shelter, trying his best to keep it open, it means a lot to him. He and his late husband started it and he’s trying hard to find the funds to keep it going. Only someone wants to do harm to the shelter and to Ben. With all this, he’s falling hard for that big hockey player with a big heart. Can he fall in Love a second time? Can he take that chance especially when Max divulges his secret to Ben.

If you love hockey, this is one awesome series!! If you aren’t a hockey fan, I think you’d love it too because love is love and reading about Max and Ben make your heart crack and then they wrap it up with a nice stitch to make you believe in love!! Definitely worth reading and I would give it way more than 5 stars!!!
Profile Image for R.
1,973 reviews
May 14, 2018
Ben runs a rescue shelter. He lost his husband and partner Liam a couple of years before. Still not over the loss, he works long hours, trying to move on. Quick encounters with nameless men his only outlet.

Max is a hockey player for the Railers. He knows this is his last year, his last chance for a shot at the Stanley Cup. He's already had one brain surgery and he's been told that with his rough game playing he might not be so lucky if it happened again.

When they meet the chemistry is instant. Max has a vision of Ben underneath him and it's a “Very Good Thing”. They go from a one night thing to an every night possible thing very quickly. Max hiding his health issue and Ben trying so hard to not let his heart get involved.

As with all the other books, this one is centered around family, the good, the bad, and the family they make. The drama comes from family issues mostly. I saw this book as more of a love story than the others in the series. The writing is excellent as always.

Review Copy requested and reviewed on behalf of OMGReads.
Profile Image for DTM.
1,187 reviews5 followers
May 15, 2018
I have to say I'm in love with this book and this series! I wasn't sure where this story was going to go as I read the set up at the end of Poke Check, which was SO amazing by the way!! Stan, Erik and baby Noah!! ❤️ Ok, I digress...Last Defense was a beautifully written story...Ben and Max were perfect for each other; the animal shelter owner and the hockey player, who would have thunk it 😍. This story was full of feels, and I love me some feels! It was sweet, sexy and funny, and there were moments when I had to literally press on my heart because it hurt. I did NOT want it to end. I binge read the first 3 in a couple of days and devour each new book the second I get my grabby hands on them. You can read these books as standalones, but I highly recommend you read them all because each book tells a beautiful story. I'm so enamored with the cast of characters and love their cameos!! It is a hockey series, but it is also so much more!! Congratulations ladies on another fantastic book!! ❤️ I'm ready for Goal Line!!! LOL
Profile Image for Lora.
1,292 reviews21 followers
May 11, 2018
4 1/2 out of 5 stars

I love this series! Like every single couple and story has captured my heart and Max & Ben are not different! They’ve both had some bad times in their past and they’re both hesitant to get into a relationship, but some things just can’t be denied!

This story moved at a great pace - fast enough to keep me reading, yet slow enough for me to enjoy the story. I thought Max was a great addition to the Railers and Ben’s story just stole a little piece of me. I enjoyed that Max wasn’t threatened by Ben’s past with Liam. I appreciated that Ben’s hesitancy didn’t stop their relationship from developing. And Ben’s nephew added a great little twist to the story.

I can’t wait to get more of these hockey guys and maybe even some new ones along the way. This series is a must read!!

*** I voluntarily read a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review ***
Profile Image for Jackie Ziegler.
1,544 reviews7 followers
May 11, 2018
Another great story

Max knows his career is over, not only is his age getting up there an undisclosed injury could potentially kill him but all he wants is to finish the season and win the Stanley Cup (hopefully) Ben is no stranger to heartache, his husband died 2 years ago from cancer and is dealing with his psycho ex brother in law who basically wants him dead. When Max and Ben meet the chemistry is instant and they begin to trust and love each other. When Max tells Ben his secret can Ben handle it? Will Max end his career a Stanley Cup Champion?

97 reviews4 followers
May 13, 2018
WOW. This was such a great read. You felt exactly what Max and Ben both felt all the way through the book. It will make you smile hard, laugh out loud and even cry some. I love the way not only this book but the whole series lets you keep up with the other guys. This is definitely one that you want to one click and read it immediately, the only reason it took me a couple days was I was on vacation. It's simply awesome. I LOVE this series.
Profile Image for ~nikki the recovering book addict.
1,247 reviews2 followers
July 2, 2018
Wellll... this series is sometimes a hit and sometimes a miss for me. I love hockey so I was really looking forward to this but Max was just a little too cocky for my liking. And the plot? You could see it coming from a mile away. Nothing terribly unique. Mostly predictable. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Profile Image for WycEd Reader.
2,384 reviews36 followers
June 5, 2018
Check out our Last Defense Blog Tour post on Wicked Reads.

Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Veronica – ☆☆☆
So the positives about this story.

1. I love seeing the Railers play and spending time with the players.
2. Max and Ben's romance is both hot and sweet and easy to enjoy.
3. Ben's crazy great aunts are good value.
4. Bucky, Ben's dog. I love it when our heroes have animals in their lives.

The negative. The story was entirely predictable. The problems they were going to encounter were glaringly obvious, so it lessened the impact of the events and my connection to the story.

I enjoyed Last Defense. It was good, romantic reading requiring little effort on the part of the reader. I'm pleased to see there will be a book 6 in this series because I'm happy to spend more time with the Railers.

Sarah – ☆☆☆☆
Adding cute dogs to a series about hot hockey players feels like a completely unfair manipulation of my emotions. And the details only make the story better. The hockey player in this one is Max, a veteran player heading for retirement and Ben, the owner of the local dog rescue happens to be a grieving widower. Seriously – this book ticks far too many of my romance novel soft spots!

I loved both Max and Ben (though I have to admit that I loved Ben’s dog most of all) – and as always, I loved the Harrisburg Railers hockey team. The romance in this story is sticky sweet and pretty fluffy. Ben and Max both wrestle with a few more serious issues that keep the story from pushing into diabetes territory, but this is a pretty light read. For a hockey story, there is limited hockey action, but the authors capture some brilliant moments between Railers team members.

This is an entertaining addition to a light and fun hockey series. It’s a low angst, moderate heat romance with a few exciting scenes and a great sense of humour. I really enjoyed Ben and Max’s story.

Ruthie – ☆☆☆☆
This is the fifth book in the series, and I would recommend that you read them in order to get the full picture of this fabulous team of hockey players, coaches, and friends. Max may be new to the team, but he knows this is last season, so he puts everything into his playing. It is fun seeing previous couples together and being supportive.

The hockey story about getting the Stanley Cup works well, it isn't front and centre, but as soon as the men take to the ice, the tempo shifts up a gear and the pressure is on. Anyone who either reads hockey romances or watches the sport will know that Max's role ensures plenty of on ice aggression and penalties. He does not disappoint!

Ben's world revolves around keeping his animal shelter open and his charges safe and fed. He has a large but cute dog called Bucky, and a fragile heart after losing his husband to cancer. So a big bruiser like Max suddenly being in his life is a bit of shock, but as we see, somehow they fit. It is a complex, slightly nervous relationship at first, but clearly there is a connection which is determined to grow.

As we get both sides of the story, it is clear to us that Max's health issues will cause huge problems to Ben, but we can only watch it all play out. Add in the danger to Ben from his ex-brother-in-law and there is enough angst when on the rink, or home, or the shelter. In the midst of all that they forge a strong bond, have some very passionate encounters, and even move up to waking up together.

This is a lovely story, with plenty of romance, passion, sport, and ultimately, fulfillment. Thank you. Ms. Locey and Ms. Scott. I think that we have to wait till August for the next installment – I am counting down the days!

Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided a free copy of Last Defense (Harrisburg Railers #5) by R.J. Scott & V.L. Locey to read and review.

Wicked Reads Review Team
Profile Image for Ashley.
Author 5 books25 followers
May 15, 2018
Max Van Hellren is thirty-two and has experienced a devastating illness that always has him wondering, when it'll rear its ugly head once more. Bring a professional hockey player adds more risk to possibly having another dangerous episode (I call it episode because I feel like I'll be giving everything away telling you just what's going on with Max). 

Ben, who lost his husband unexpectedly, runs their shelter, sees his crazy aunts (I love the civil rights, crusading pair of ladies who don't let their age get them down), goes to church and repeats it all over again the next week.

They meet by chance when Ben stops by the Railers rink in hopes of scheduling another adoption event with the team. Their attraction is instant and they both only want one thing. Sex. 

I'm going to tell you now, Scott and Locey do not let down with the heat of the sex between the two men. It's a delicious blend of chemistry, attraction, and physicality between the two men. It's not all quick, getting-off and leaving. As their relationship progresses, they way they treat each other and how they show their feels is evident. It's not just sex. It's more.

Max really resonated with me throughout the book. He didn't want to form attachments because of the possibility of what could happen.  Then Ben was afraid of losing another person he let himself love the way he lost his husband, Liam. All it took was meeting each other to throw a wrench in their plans.  Ben woke Max up to all the possibilities of living life for it's entirety. Max showed Ben that you don't stop living because of loss. I loved that Max didn't make Ben take pictures down, or get angry with DK being in Ben's life. He was a true partner to Ben and would do anything to take care of him. And he did. 

Now the hockey scenes in this book were amazing! It's a Stanley Cup run, of course it's going to be intense but there were times I was on the edge of my seat. I needed to know what was going to happen in the games. And the characters you met at the game and Trent's Grandma. I was cackling at her reactions. When I'm watching a game with my bestie while the Canes are playing the Pens, I think I'm probably just as bad as her. And the two husbands who watch hockey together? *sigh* I loved it. And they perfectly captured their reaction to a fan of the opposing team.

Max and Ben's story sat in my heart. And they pushed my emotions around in the best ways possible.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 137 reviews

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