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Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider (Collected Editions)

Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider, Vol. 2: Death's Sting

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Out of the ashes of The Clone Conspiracy, Ben Reilly is alive once again - and has taken up the mantle of the Scarlet Spider once more! But with enemies bearing down on him from every side, neither of those status quos might last for too much longer! Ben is running out of options and running out of time! And it doesn't help that one of the people out for his blood is his spider-powered, web-slinging "sibling" - fellow clone Kaine! Can Ben Reilly run this latest gauntlet and emerge victorious, or will he lose his new lease on life?


112 pages, Paperback

First published January 31, 2018

About the author

Peter David

3,456 books1,323 followers
aka David Peters

Peter Allen David (often abbreviated PAD) is an American writer, best known for his work in comic books and Star Trek novels. David often jokingly describes his occupation as "Writer of Stuff". David is noted for his prolific writing, characterized by its mingling of real world issues with humor and references to popular culture. He also uses metafiction frequently, usually to humorous effect, as in his work on the comic book Young Justice.

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Displaying 1 - 20 of 20 reviews
Profile Image for Chad.
9,136 reviews1,001 followers
February 16, 2019
The story begins to get back on track when Death shows up in the form of Marlo Jones from Peter David's epic run on The Incredible Hulk and Captain Marvel. She explains why Ben is such a jerk now and offers a path forward to redemption. Then the Slingers return. They were a 90's team that spun out of a dumb Spider-Man story called Identity Crisis where Parker had to give up the Spider-Man costume and go undercover as 4 different superheros he made up. Yes, I said it was dumb. This is really just a lead up to the next volume The Slingers Return. I wish they had split this book down the middle and just made the first and third volumes longer.
Profile Image for Subham.
2,955 reviews83 followers
September 16, 2021
This was a pretty good one.

As Ben is trying to cure this girl and he meets Marlo Jones (Ricks exwife) but turns out its death and we have a fascinating moment as Ben meets the incarnation of death and has like one of the coolest heroic moments and we see his life through her perspective and the choices he makes.

Plus some cool aftermath of Secret empire and what Ben battles next aka Hornet whose been hired by Silas Thorne to destroy Cass Mercury and well Ben being in some relation with her has to protect her and its a pretty cool team up between him and Ricochet and the return of the Slingers and some cool revelations and threats to come, this story is picking up.

The end can feel boring and forced but seems liked its building to something big and also Mysterio and his daughter?! The art was okay for the most part, nothing dynamic though.
Profile Image for Matt.
2,502 reviews28 followers
May 20, 2018
Collects Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider issues #6-9 and Slingers issue #0

This book has more 1990's nostalgia, but unfortunately the main reference to the past is about a team that I never read any material about back then. A team of heroes called the Slingers sprung out of a Spider-Man storyline called "Identity Crisis." Ben gets to team up with the modern-day Slingers in this volume.

There was also a good story in which Ben meets the personification of Death, and she seems to indicate that there is a potential for redemption for his soul.
Profile Image for Chris Lemmerman.
Author 7 books108 followers
January 6, 2018
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider Volume 2: Death's Sting - 4 stars
[Read as single issues]
This is one of those volumes that Marvel can't seem to decide on the actual contents of. For the purpose of this review, I'm assuming it's issues #6-9, and Slingers #0, since this makes more sense than #6-10 as #10 is the first part of the Legacy storyline.

Ben Reilly's back, and he's sort of on the straight and narrow? Maybe? Who knows. But someone's come to Las Vegas to turn that maybe into a definitely, as Ben runs afoul of...Lady Death?! And if that's not the most shocking thing in this volume, the Slingers are back too! What the hell is going on?

Warning - Ben Reilly is one of my favourite, if not my favourite, Spider-Man characters, so you may need to peel past the enthusiasm to get to an actual review here]

Oh, that's more like it. That's much, much more like it. The first volume of this book was all over the place, but in true Peter David style, he knows exactly what he's doing and this volume is great stuff. The arrival of Death on the scene is totally bonkers, but her explanations for why Ben is the way he is, and her way of making sure Ben does what he's meant to be doing is a genius motivation. I'm sure there are fans of the Slingers somewhere that are rejoicing to have them back; I wish I was one of them, but having them reappear here is a typical Peter David move of reinvigorating characters that people have written off as awful. The way he integrates them into the story, as well as the aftermath of Secret Empire, is, again, genius.

I really like Peter David, can you tell?

On the art front, we've lost Mark Bagley. Boo. We have however gained Will Sliney, who was David's long-time collaborator on Spider-Man 2099 and Secret Wars 2099 - definite yay. Sliney does excellent Spider-Man characters, and he's learned so much from Spider-Man 2099, and he brings it all here. I'm betting it's only a matter of time before Sliney finds his way to Amazing Spider-Man (if Peter David ever lets him go).

So yes. Definite improvement on the first volume, fully here for what Peter David is doing, well worth sticking through volume 1 to get to this one. Yes. So much yes.
Profile Image for Adam Fisher.
3,199 reviews17 followers
April 21, 2018
Ben Reilly seems to grab trouble from all angles! In trying to stop a robbery, his anger gets the better of him and he almost kills the criminals after beating them down. Kaine has been following and when he decides to confront Ben, a mysterious woman who has been following Ben for a bit, occasionally egging him on, kills Kaine with a touch! Revealing herself to be Death, she forces Ben to face himself and his purposes for continuing to live. Also, when she forces him to choose between resurrecting Kaine and keeping Abigail alive (see Vol. 1), he chooses to give up his own life for both of theirs. Death doesn't take him up on the offer, and brings Kaine back as a sign of respect, and Abigail dies soon after.
In the second half, we see the return of two of the Slingers (I loved this comic when I was younger!), Hornet and Ricochet. Hornet, has come to Vegas to stop a criminal from her humanitarian efforts. Ben sees this and goes up against him, choosing the efforts over the person's past. Ricochet enters the scene, but didn't come to help Scarlet Spider, instead just randomly decided to become a hero in Vegas. When the 3 of them collide, Hornet summons an otherworldly tentacle monster to start trouble. What are their endgames? What will happen next? Volume 3: Slingers Return!
I like the moral ambiguity of Ben Reilly. Not as insane or chaotic as Venom or Carnage, but willing to go further than Spider-Man. It will be interesting to see where he's headed as the current Marvel Universe continues to evolve.
Profile Image for Lisa.
2,147 reviews23 followers
May 10, 2018
This was a fabulous continuation of the fist volume and I am really looking forward to the next volume.
2,868 reviews
March 25, 2018
They're getting closer.

Bringing in the Slingers makes sense. One of the letter writers is in the same boat as I. Watched the 90's Spider-Man. Started reading the comics (Planet of the Symbiotes). So yeah more 90's. I'm not sure what else there is to add. Lady Doc Ock? Madame Web? Phil Urich? The Scriers?

They should add it.

But this other stuff with hero Kaine and a superfluous Peter Allen David Hulk callback are not the right tone. They're doing some weird cosmic-y things, seems like. Maybe there's not enough there to sustain a book. But then don't?
Profile Image for Guilherme Smee.
Author 26 books155 followers
January 21, 2019
Peter David é Peter David, não é minha gente? Ele consegue pegar personagem bem fundo de quintal e construir tramas interessantes com eles. Mas além disso, pessoalzinho, o PAD respeita a cronologia e os elementos ao redor dos personagens. Coisa que muito roteiristas incensado e massaveístico não dá conta. Neste encadernado, não satisfeito em trabalhar com os clones defeituosos dos Homem-Aranha, Ben Reilly e Kaine, ele também traz de volta a equipe dos Aracnídeos. Eles são pessoas que adquiriram identidades secretas que o Homem-Aranha usou durante a saga Crise de Identidade (uma das melhores dos anos 90, não que sobraram muitas). E, claro, Peter David também vai lidar com um tema muito caro para ele que é a religiosidade e a existência e, por isso, ele coloca também, ninguém mais, ninguém menos, do que A Morte na história do Aranha Escarlate. Que misturança, não é mesmo, pessoal? Mas Peter David consegue orquestrar tudo direitinho e ainda nos deixar curiosos para saber o que ele prepara para o próximo encadernado. E isso vai ser o crossover entre Aranha Escarlate, Motoqueiro Fantasma, Punho de Ferro e Doutor Estranho: Danação. Misturança pouca é bobagem!
Profile Image for Sean.
3,603 reviews27 followers
June 4, 2024
So, this new look at Ben Reilly's adventures in Las Vegas is pretty terrible. Peter David still can't make this version of Ben likeable. He's not a hero not an anti-hero. Kaine is by far more interesting here. David adds a ridiculous element complicating everything and then you have the backdrop of Secret Empire. Its bad writing. None of the new characters are even close to compelling. The art again saves the the book somewhat as Will Sliney does some phenomenal work. His spider people are great. Overall, a depressingly bad book.
Profile Image for Viridian5.
929 reviews9 followers
November 1, 2018
The plots didn't do much for me but I really liked the character work on Ben and Kaine. This collection ended mid-story-arc, which I thought was strange.

The volume includes Slingers #0, which I found just painful. If I had a nickel for every time the narration talked about "the night" in it....
1,266 reviews9 followers
April 18, 2022
Death becomes a Scarlet Spider and the Hornet returns from the dead.

More story of "Aunt June", Cassandra, Slate (her body guard that is stronger and bullet proof), along with the rivalry between Cassandra and her brother Thorne.

Ben tried to do right. It is a battle he may not win.
9 reviews1 follower
February 22, 2019
Un guión realmente entretenido, aunque lejos del Peter David genial. Will Sliney mejora respecto a sus últimos números en Spiderman 2099 (muy malos). Comic recomendable.
Profile Image for Jeremy.
312 reviews1 follower
October 1, 2019
Definitely an improvement over the last. I really liked the art from this volume. 3.5/5.
December 21, 2023
It was GREAT

I really like Scarlet Spider and I like the plot and The
Slingers. I like how they added the Slingers and everything .

Profile Image for Ashe Catlin.
876 reviews6 followers
July 16, 2020
Not a whole lot happened in this, you have some wow moments thrown in there to spice things up but it doesn't really matter. The only thing that did is Stinger trying to rob the casino, which I thought he was just a persona created by Peter, thinking it might be Ben doing as well since he was a bit loopy last volume. No instead it's just some guy that stole the identity and used to have a crew, it kind of dives into it with the SLINGERS (1998) 0 but it's not essential to read as it doesn't add anything to the story.
Profile Image for c.
108 reviews4 followers
November 3, 2020
bold of peter david to bring in some stupid B plot and assume i care about anything else in this series except for the ben and kaine brotherly bonding

(read in single issues)
Profile Image for Marco.
579 reviews1 follower
July 4, 2021
I used to like Peter David's books a lot. And despite all the faults of the Clone Saga (main fault: the Clone Saga...) I also liked Spider-Man's clone, Ben Reilly.
But these days everything David writes reads the same to me. Nearly every character, but especially his books' protagonists, are wisecracking smug, impatient assholes indifferent to the motivations of others.
"Yeah, whatever, I've got my own shit to deal with" as a character's main reaction to almost everything gets tired real quick.
This volume also does not get improved by having had the events of "Secret Empire" occurring between two of the issues collected here and therefore having to deal with the fallout of that. When comic book arcs are structured for republication as collected editions that is something that should probably be planned better. Especially with the book ending in the middle of the Slingers storyline, which only started after the Secret Empire "break." Instead of continuing that, we get the reprint of the teaser book from Wizard magazine promoting the original Slingers book from way back when...
And lastly, I'm just not a fan of the artist. Apparently David likes to work with him and he is not bad per se, but I would have preferred to keep Bagley.
Profile Image for Lillian Francis.
Author 17 books103 followers
April 13, 2023
Enjoying both the story and artwork.

This includes the origin story for a team called Slingers two of whom appear in the main comic.

Some great scenes with Kaine. Ben truly sees him as a brother.
Profile Image for FEED ME KITTENS.
61 reviews
September 9, 2020
Ben Reilly, the Scarlet Spider, meets Mistress Death, the cosmic being that is the living embodiment of the concept of death..

'Nuff said.
Profile Image for Alex Sarll.
6,494 reviews326 followers
May 11, 2019
Peter Parker's clone meets Death. Which he's already done a remarkable number of times, even for a superhero, but this time she shows up in person. So obviously he asks what the story is with her and Thanos. Then, following the series' theme of characters defined by getting Spidey's sloppy seconds, the Slingers show up, even though one of them is also meant to be dead, and properly so. What gives? This is not a book which makes any sense unless you're deeply versed in superhero bullshit, but if you are, it's a riot.
Displaying 1 - 20 of 20 reviews

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