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S.I.N. #1

Dirtiest Secret

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It was wrong for us to be together, but it was even harder to be apart.
The memory of Dallas Sykes burns inside of me.
Everyone knows him as a notorious playboy, a man for whom women and money are no object. But to me, he’s still the one man I desperately crave—yet the one I can never have.
Dallas knows me better than anyone else. We bear the same scars, the same darkness in our past. I thought I could move on by staying away, but now that we’re drawn together once more, I can’t fight the force of our attraction or the temptation to make him mine.
We’ve tried to maintain control, not letting ourselves give in to desire. And for so long we’ve told ourselves no—but now it’s finally time to say yes.
Dirtiest Secret is intended for mature audiences.

320 pages, Paperback

First published April 19, 2016

About the author

J. Kenner

162 books10.3k followers
J. Kenner (aka Julie Kenner) is the New York Times, USA Today, Publishers Weekly, Wall Street Journal and #1 International bestselling author of over one hundred novels, novellas and short stories in a variety of genres.

Though known primarily for her award-winning and international bestselling erotic romances (including the Stark and Most Wanted series) that have reached as high as #2 on the New York Times bestseller list, JK has been writing full time for over a decade in a variety of genres including paranormal and contemporary romance, “chicklit” suspense, urban fantasy, and paranormal mommy lit.

JK has been praised by Publishers Weekly as an author with a “flair for dialogue and eccentric characterizations” and by RT Bookclub for having “cornered the market on sinfully attractive, dominant antiheroes and the women who swoon for them.” A six time finalist for Romance Writers of America’s prestigious RITA award, JK took home the first RITA trophy awarded in the category of erotic romance in 2014 for her novel, Claim Me (book 2 of her Stark Trilogy) and in 2017 for Wicked Dirty in the same category. Her Demon Hunting Soccer Mom series (as Julie Kenner) is currently in development as a television show.

Her books have sold over three million copies and are published in over twenty languages.

In her previous career as an attorney, JK worked as a clerk on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, and practiced primarily civil, entertainment and First Amendment litigation in Los Angeles and Irvine, California, as well as in Austin, Texas. She currently lives in Central Texas, with her husband, two daughters, and two rather spastic cats.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 500 reviews
Profile Image for XxTainaxX Curvy and Nerdy.
1,486 reviews487 followers
April 30, 2016
I am a J Kenner fan but this one was difficult for me. The OW in this are so blatant and there are so many that it's really hard to see past that. I get that he's broken. I get that he's traumatized. I get that what Dallas and Jane went through is unspeakable and that their love is taboo but come on. Jane is basically a doormat who lets him do what he wants with the OW and still seeks him out. The plot is interesting, Dallas' promiscuity aside. I really wish that it wasn't such a big part of it because I would have enjoyed it more. I am hesitant to continue this series but will reassess after trusted friends read the next. I must give kudos for the sensuality in the writing. It is very very sexy. Safety: OW OW OW, did I mention OW? No OM but there were some during their separation. No condoms. There was definite sexual abuse though rape is not explicitly mentioned. No physical abuse. H pushes h away a lot.

ARC received in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Maria Clara.
1,122 reviews623 followers
October 15, 2018
Qué entretiene, lo hace; que poco aporta a este género, pues también, pero lo cierto es que ayuda a pasar de una lectura más pesada a otra.
Profile Image for Mindy Lou's Book Review.
2,829 reviews745 followers
October 6, 2017
I really struggle with rating this book. It's good. Like 5 stars good. There is just one issue that almost ruined the story for me. The OW were so over the top in this book, it was a huge turnoff for me. I want to love Dallas but it's not easy when he's with so many women. By the end of this book I sorta get why it was there...just wish it was tamed a bit. Since it was so blatant and in your face, it almost overtook the heart of the story. I do think this book leaves off in a way that it won't be in the rest of the series. I hope! Don't qoute me on that since I haven't read them yet, but I do think it's worth it to continue. The heart of the story is very good and I really do want to finish out the series to find out what happens.
Profile Image for Ezi Chinny.
2,625 reviews524 followers
May 13, 2016
3.5 stars
An intriguing taboo love story but it was mired in a kidnaping subplot as well as a bdsm subplot.
It was well written but the pace was slower than I would have liked. There wasn’t really romance, it was more like dark and erotic passion. I suspect more romance will come in book 2.
bdsm photo: images16_zps5a3ddec1.jpg
Dallas Sykes is known to the general public as “The King of F**k”, the billionaire and uber playboy who has and will sleep with anyone. But behind the mask lies a lonely man who desperately longs for only one woman. He uses his time, money and influence to fight behind the scenes as the founder of Deliverance. A mercenary group dedicated to rescuing kidnapping victims and returning them to their loved ones.

Jane Martin has been working for ten years to exorcise the demons from her traumatic kidnapping where she was held for ransom with her brother Dallas. Now she is taking up fighting vigilante groups that focus on the reward money as opposed to the actual kidnapping victim.

Dallas and Jane are doing their best to keep busy because they feel bereft without the person their heart desires the most. The angst of the situation kept it suspenseful. I was hopeful because it was clear there would be healing once Dallas and Jane surrendered. To deal with their yearning, Dallas and Jane begin sexual play that is both erotic and very sensual.
bdsm photo: BDSM utcfultxc.jpg
I felt like a voyeur but I also really wanted some resolution for Dallas and Jane after their traumatic experience ten years ago. This coping mechanism would be bad press for the family’s business if it were to be exposed but it was just what the two of them needed.

What I didn’t like the build of the forbidden issue perhaps because I didn’t find it so unthinkable. Such emphasis was placed on it when it was clear that the hero and heroine were undeniably drawn to each other. The story flowed much smoother when they gave in to their feelings.
I also didn’t like the relationship with the parents as there seemed to be full acceptance and love without strings.

I look forward to the resolution of the mastermind of the devious kidnapping as I have my suspicions. I also look forward to Dallas and Jane finally coming to grips with all they have been running from.
Profile Image for Pam.
1,093 reviews1,048 followers
Shelved as 'arc-up-next'
February 4, 2016
ARC kindly provided by Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for ~IreneOust~.
509 reviews776 followers
October 5, 2016

I picked this up because it was suggested to me by my trusted sidekick, TeriLyn. Once again, she proved that she knows me well because I LOVED this!

I am not a fan of reviewing series so I'll keep this short and sweet.

'Dirtiest Secret' was my first book by J. Kenner ... I know. I KNOW! Trust me, it won't be my last.

To enjoy this story fully, one needs a VERY open mind. I don't know about other books by this author but this one took me down one hell of a rabbit hole and I LOVED EVERY MINUTE! When reading taboo, I prefer to be ALL in. As in 'BRING IT ON'! The dirtier, the better. And this is exactly what I got with this novel. FILTHY, WRONG & OH SO HOT! Throw in a great [suspenseful] plot, fabulous writing and an array of colorful characters and you have a winner. At least in my book.

Bring on the next installment because I have a TON of theories running through my head and I can't wait to find out which of them [if any!] ends up being the right one!


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Profile Image for ✰ Bianca ✰ BJ's Book Blog ✰ .
2,244 reviews1,309 followers
June 10, 2016






We already met Dallas in some of the Stark/Steele books - he's one of the most famous billionaire playboys America has ever seen.... heir to a department store fortune.

Dallas Sykes is the King of Fuck.

But he only lets the world think he's that mega-rich playboy heir. (well, of course he does all the sexing and playboying - but it's not who he really is - it's just the picture of a guy he wants the world to think he is...)

His whole goddamn life was an act. A facade. He was damaged goods. As broken as a man could be.

In reality he has much more important work to do.
Ever since he and the love of his young life Jane were kidnapped 17 years ago - when they were 15 - it's his one goal in life to find and kill the people responsible for the horror they had to endure.
He's started DELIVERANCE - a group of very talented and resourceful mercenaries/agents, whose mission it is to rescue kidnapped children, and finding and executing the bad guys.
But as I said - nobody knows that.
Not even Jane. The one girl he's always loved, but will never be able to call his own.

But now her professional life as a true-crime writer, and his professional life, are about to cross paths....and not in a good way....

What will happen to Jane & Dallas?
Will there be a HEA?
Will everybody die at the end?
Or will there be a horrible Cliffhanger?


I'm not telling you that of course ☺






I was expecting some fast romance thingy...but this is sooo much more. Much deeper and more exciting and suspensy and moving and EROTIC!!!!!



I loved every second of this book.
Dallas is so amazing - after everything he went through, he's still this amazing, but also very broken guy... He loves Jane sooo much, but for so many reasons they can never be together. But he still does everything in his power to find the bad guy that took them, so that they can both finally heal from all that happened back then... He once promised her he would always protect her - and he will never stop.

And poor Jane - so in love with Dallas - but even without all the other things stopping them from being together, she thinks she's not good enough for him, because she blames herself for some things that happened... And he thinks his dark sexual needs would be too much for her...Ugh those two - we just want to go in to this book and hug them and put them in a room together until they finally get everything they ever dreamed of...

But grrrrr - it's a trilogy - so it will take us forever to get to a HEA!!!!
I want/need/HAVETOHAVE book #2 NOW!!!!!!!!!

Dirtiest Secret was an extremely erotic and sad & exciting romance. About dirty family secrets, about the past & the present, about family & friends, about love & hate & forgiveness....and revenge!!! ☺

...and even if the story wouldn't be interesting at all - you still don't want to miss reading it - you'll sooo fall in love with Dallas Sykes too☺ ☺ ☺


Now please hurry with book #2 Julie- I NEEEEED to read it asap!



Smokin Hot Book Blog Email
Profile Image for Cherry's Books.
284 reviews63 followers
May 16, 2018
No conocía a esta autora pero por la sinopsis me lancé a la piscina. Me encanta la erótica pero las que tienen un corte BDSM me suelen aburrir, con este no me ha pasado en absoluto. La historia de Dallas y Jane es efervescente, original, muy elegante y con muchísima acción. Vaya, que ha sido un disfrute de lectura me lo he pasado genial leyendolo y el cliffhanger final es ¡GORDISIMO! así que si o si me leeré el segundo.
Empieza fuerte desde el principio y de primeras parece una cosa, pero según avanzas la historia va desvelando unos matices y una trama que de primeras no te puedes ni imaginar. El tema del secuestro pasado está llevado muy bien, las escenas de sexo son elegantes, están bien encajadas y son sexy sin ser burdas o vulgares como pasa en algunas novelas eróticas. Destacar también que aunque en la sinopsis se da a entender que entre los protas hay parentesco, no es así (lo digo para los lectores reacios al rollo incesto), ambos tienen padres diferentes y son "hermanos" por adopción, no por nacimiento.
De personalidades también anda el libro bien servido, Dallas no es el típico dominante insensible y Jane no es la panfila inocente. Ambos son conscientes de su sexualidad y entre ellos hay una muy buena química.
¡Sin duda lo recomiendo!
Profile Image for Sol (unlibroparamii).
936 reviews267 followers
June 12, 2018
La verdad es que al décimo capítulo ya había perdido todo el interés por esta historia....fue otro NO para mí...
Profile Image for Jan .
2,156 reviews45 followers
February 17, 2016

We're star crossed he and I. like a living breathing Shakespeare play. and what I want, I can't have.

Part one of this dark edgy book is filled with promise.

Told in third person, sometimes first person so as a reader I struggled with this at times I suppose it depends what you prefer and I prefer first person hearing the characters thoughts and feelings.

A dark and deep read, the characters Jane and Dallas were taken as children held hostage in dark cellers, the book takes you briefly to past experiences and the struggles and memories in the present.

Even now as adults both struggle to move on. Dallas has set up a vigilante secret organisation were tactics, his kidnappers groups and findings are discussed, this is how Dallas has found his way to deal with what he suffered along with his now reputation for being a lady's man losing himself in countless faces.

Jane writes as her escape, writes about kidnapped children and organisations.

It's a complexed read and difficult to sumarise.

Since freedom three things keep them apart.

One: The sins and secrets they shared in the dark

Two: The memories they evoke when together

And Three: the fact that they are brother and sister by adoption.

Jane: What was perfect and right and saved us in the dark is forbidden in the light.

It's not a romance read, yes it contains sex and a relationship but I found it to be a book I really had to concentrate on and found myself re reading lines.

Not my usual romance hearts and flowers or alpha read but lovers of complex gritty and gripping reads full of mystery will love it.

Arc gratefully received for honest review via netgalley

Profile Image for Marian.
910 reviews201 followers
April 27, 2018
Entretenido, con cierta originalidad dentro de los límites millonario obsesivo del control.- Veremos como sigue.-
Profile Image for Danielle.
1,339 reviews49 followers
February 7, 2016

I haven't been on the fence about many of the books I have read but I found myself falling into that category with this one.

Dallas and Jane were best friends when they were younger but they also became step siblings. They had strong feelings for one another but they knew nothing could really happen until they both get kidnapped. Things change between them and they loose there virginity to each other.

Now after years of keeping themselves distant from each other Jane decides she needs to get Dallas out of her system once and for all but Dallas is worried about what will happen to the family if it's all found out.

As in great Kenner fashion this is looking like this entire story will take 3 books. A lot actually happens in this book. Secrets are unfolded, forbidden love and family issues.

If you have read Kenners other books you know how complicated her characters can be with what they went through or what they are going through. This book is just like them but one thing I loved about this book was how different it was. Sure the characters are a bit complicated but I actually enjoyed the journey that Kenner took them on.

At first I was like Dallas is a complete player/asshole but as I continued to read I realized that's just how he deals and copes from what he has been through (and that is a lot). I was actually surprised by the end that I actually loved Dallas the best in this book. He was my favorite character.

Even though I'm wondering about the kidnapping and who was actually behind it I'm more wondering how these two will end up with a HEA. It looks like a lot and I mean a lot is going to happen due to the ending and how it ends on a cliffhanger. For that reason I am excited and very impatient to read the next installment in this series.

*Be warned this book may not be for everyone. This book contains sex and material some might not be comfortable with. *
Profile Image for Carolina.
723 reviews274 followers
September 28, 2018
(3,5 /5⭐) Una palabra para describir este comienzo de trilogia es: INTENSO.
Hacía meses que no leía nada puramente de romance/erótico y comencé a leerlo sin tener mucha idea de qué iba la sinopsis. Me esperaba una historia "sencilla" con el romance que siempre solemos encontrar en este género y con el toque de erotismo. Pero sin dudas ya desde el párrafo de introducción nos dimos cuenta con Jesy (mi compañera en la LC) que la cosa iba más allá y nos sorprendió absolutamente. 👏❤
Me gustó muchísimo cómo la autora aborda el drama por el que pasaron los protagonistas: Dallas y Jane, y cómo lo sobrellevan en el presente. Otra cosa que me encantó es la personalidad de cada uno, bien marcadas y a medida que uno avanza en la lectura, la máscara que ambos se imponen empieza a caer y los secretos salen a la luz. Tiene muchos personajes secundarios, algunos más participativos que otros, pero no por eso dejan de ser importantes. Uno de ellos es Liam (amigo tanto de Dallas como de Jane) amé esa amistad y con el paso de los años, más leal.
El final no es desesperante, pero en ese último capítulo surge algo inesperado que da el pie hacia el 2do libro de la trilogia: #ArdienteDeseo . No veo la hora de leerlo lo más pronto posible!!!!!!!! 📚❤
Profile Image for Dawn.
65 reviews13 followers
August 30, 2016
so sorry but this wasn't for me :(
Profile Image for Rodrigues Elsa.
368 reviews20 followers
April 19, 2017
Opah saudades de ler um livro da Julie Kenner que me roubasse todas as horas disponíveis do dia :)
Opinião já a ser editada :)
a ser publicada no Efeito dos Livros lá para....sexta :D
Profile Image for Bj.
1,219 reviews258 followers
May 30, 2016
4 "King of Appearances" Stars!

J Kenner is known for her alpha dominant heroes and Dirty Secret certainly features one of those. However, this may be the rawest, most angst-filled love story yet.

However, readers should be cautioned to only undertake this emotional journey if they love dark romances and subjects that broach taboo and forbidden themes. That said, like smoke and mirrors, not everything is what it seems, so you will want to give this story a chance to play out before drawing any conclusions.

Dallas Sykes is a famous, rich bad boy who is an infamous player. All the women want to be with him--even if he doesn't do repeats--just to be seen with him, except for one: Jane.

Jane still longs for the comfort and feelings that only Dallas can give her. He was there during her/their worst hour and she still regrets leaving. But with a past as twisted as theirs, can their ever be a second chance?

In the end, the tortured beginnings of this unfortunate couple won me over and had me rooting for them to finally find happiness. Ultimately, however, only you can decide if their union is a sin or sinfully wicked. And be forewarned, to get the full story you will need to read the entire trilogy.

Source: Review copy provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for ★ Belle The Bibliophile ★.
876 reviews268 followers
April 21, 2016
*Sighs heavily* I'm disappointed because I wish I could have enjoyed this book better. Its cover, while incredibly misleading (at least to me) is about the only thing I like about this book.

I swear to god up until 70% of the book, barely nothing happen between the two characters. They get together only to push each other away, over and over and over again. This is basically the tune of the book until 70% of it.

It got to the point that I couldn't find it in me to care about them being together. I found them really annoying and exasperating after that. I just really couldn't care less about them. They could drop dead and I would actually be fine with that. At least then we could move on to the important parts. All I wanted to know was who the Woman is.

Also I'm tired of scenes of the Hero fooling around with other girls when he supposedly is "in love" with the heroine. To be honest, it's not even my limit! I don't mind Hero sleeping around but in this book, the author makes it seem distateful for me. I'm only okay with it if the heroine's A okay with it.

This is my first book by J.Kenner, and while this book isn't for me, I look forward to read something else by her because I actually like her writing style. Other than that.... meh.
Profile Image for ☆Angel☆.
438 reviews36 followers
April 7, 2016
Copyright Night Owl Reviews

When I saw that J. Kenner had a new book coming out, I knew I had to review it. I loved everything I have read by her before. So, it's hard to believe that I had such a hard time getting through this one. I still love her writing and she can easily pull me into a story, but there was one big issue that I was having with this book.

It doesn't really have anything to do with the plot or pacing, all of that was fine. My issue came when it was revealed that Dallas and Jane were raised as brother and sister. Normally, I don't have a problem with stepbrother romances, but this one is a bit different. I really don't know why I couldn't get past it because they don't share a drop of blood, but being raised as brother and sister since you were five years old? That was a little too much for my taste because I think that I really would feel as if he were my brother if he came to live with me at such a young age.

Please read my full review here:
Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,107 followers
April 9, 2016

I love this author and her writing style but this story was ok for me. I can't explain what my problem was but something was off for me! It's difficult to say anythin about the story because whatever I say will be a spoiler so I'll keep everything simple. The characters confused me.
Overall it was an ok story for me!


*An advance reading copy was generously provided to me in exchange for an honest review.*

Profile Image for Steffi.
3,150 reviews175 followers
April 23, 2017
Die Dirty Secrets Reihe ist mir in den letzten Monaten öfters über den Weg gelaufen und als ich sie dann in meiner onleihe entdeckt habe, musste ich es einfach mal probieren.

Das Setting mit der gemeinsamen Vergangenheit von Jane und Dallas hat mir sehr gut gefallen. Diese Vergangenheit hat ein enormes emotionales Potential, was aber meiner Meinung nach nicht wirklich ausgeschöpft worden ist. Die Emotionalität ist für mich sehr oberflächlich geblieben und ich konnte nur wenig mit den beiden mitfühlen und mitfiebern. Vieles in der Beziehung der beiden hat sich nur auf Sex reduziert und ich konnte mit der Art der Beziehung der beiden nicht allzu viel anfangen. Hätte sich das Buch au die emotionale Verbindung konzentriert hätte es mir vermutlich deutlich besser gefallen und hat mich ebenfalls auch sehr berührt.

Die Charaktere haben ebenfalls sehr interessante Seiten, aber durch die bereits erwähnte Reduzierung auf die sexuelle Beziehung, bleiben beide dann doch eher blass und oberflächlich.

Es gibt eigentlich nur noch einen Punkt, der mich in der Geschichte interessiert, aber die Reihe werde ich dennoch nicht weiterverfolgen.
Profile Image for Bess.
382 reviews
April 1, 2016
Dirtiest Secret is the first book in the series S.I.N.

Resume: Dallas and Jane were kidnapped when they are 15 years and after that each one go separate ways but still the feelings and terror what happened to them....with they were not brother and sister........

Not by blood. Dallas had a difficult when he was 5 years and was adopted by his uncle-Eli Skyes. After Jane was too adopted by him and they are brother and sister but knew that they relationship was wrong.

Dallas King of the Fuckery is a CEO and womanizer with a broken heart for the girl he can't have until she tells him -now or never. Besides the romance the suspense part and the Deliverance-Dalla's rescue group and also try to discover who kidnapped them. Who was the boss?? Who's the woman??

The Deliverance was well good I was very engaged in the plot and how they deal with this double life and everyone there has their motives. The romance part not so well for me. I believe the stepbrother and brother and sister-thing- was boring and why they have to hide because is wrong and they could to jail.

Dallas and Jane are ok characters, the H was very selfish and manipulator. I only see him doing what is go to him. Jane on the other just could said Dallas in every setence.
But this relationship of them have to grow more than just sex.

65% sex


75% more sex


90% more sex and some bondage. To be fucked you have to like BDSM or is the other way???


Profile Image for Liis McKinstry.
100 reviews24 followers
March 15, 2016
Let's get all the disclosures out of the way with.

I was given an ARC at ABF in exchange for an honest review. I've never read anything by J.Kenner, so I really didn't know what to expect.

Holy *insert a GIF thingy with my jaw dropping to the floor and eyes popping out of my head*. And lot of squealing. LOTS AND LOTS OF SQUEALING!

So before I go on about how books like this are the reason (in my opinion) why GR should have a 5+ star-rating system, I should let you know that there was ONE thing that didn't work for me (but only in the beginning). It wasn't anything major for me, but it took a while to like that the book had two different narrative styles. I'm not the biggest fan of third-person, but once I was a few chapters in, I think I began to understand the need to engage the reader differently, whether they were reading from Jane or Dallas' point of view.

And now the things that I FLOVED (and everything that's not listed, I really FLIKED!).

The copious layers to this story had me sitting on the edge of my reading chair, salivating for the next scene. Sometimes I'm all for the fun, quick, easy, wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am romance, but when I want something intricate and intense, this will be the book I compare all future reads against.

The relationship between Dallas and Jane is extremely complex, and for some, it might mean they stop reading this book at a certain point. But I implore you to give it a chance. The dynamics between all the characters are so well thought-out and written, that it feels like all of it was meant to be exactly how it is.

There was nothing INSTA about anything that happened between Dallas and Jane. Even though there were sporadic glimpses of their childhood, everything that happened between them made sense. And now I'm gonna be very vague - there was nothing impulsive that lead up to the moment after the event. There was nothing hasty about what happened after heads came out of a**es. I absolutely drank all the Kool-Aid that J.Kenner was serving.

And while Dirtiest Secret is the first book in the new S.I.N series, nothing about the way it ended made me want to throw the paperback at the wall, or accidentally leave it for my dog to find. I'd change...nothing. EVERYTHING about this story was exactly how it was meant to be.
Profile Image for Gretchen.
938 reviews147 followers
June 15, 2016
Holy wow! This was awesomely intense, passionate, and erotic. I don't even know what to say or how to explain what I'm feeling but I pretty much inhaled it. Fantastic story I couldn't put down. Loved it!

I don't normally read anything with the word "taboo" involved because I'm a chicken like that, but I love J. Kenner so I decided to go for it. I was not disappointed. Everything was so well developed with this great build that had me on the edge of my seat. When I got to that taboo thing, yup, I totally freaked out! But I trusted in the author - and I am so glad I did - because it was explained and I was good to go. I got an amazing, full story, that was well crafted. It was full of passion with strong characters who are scarred and have a lot of secrets. It was beyond great!

The story has this powerful build. Not in your face, but this low key feeling that was under my skin, making me get wrapped up in the lives of Dallas and Jane. It was awesome. Loved the character development as their histories are revealed. It was captivating, heartbreaking, loving, and sensual. I had so many questions. Some were answered but not all. I cannot wait for the next book!

Loved the characters involved. Dallas is sexy and commanding but so scarred and broken. I loved every single bit of insight into him. Jane was a wonderful woman. I loved her strength. There is this insatiable need between the two. This crazy want and desire that they fight. This push and pull that creates this amazing build full of need was crazy. There is this level of eroticism happening that I can't explain because it's so understated but it packs a powerful punch.

The writing was superb. Loved the changing POV's and how their past was recounted. There are so many well thought out, well connected details. I love all those elements, they really drew me in. There is this great mystery-suspense element happening as well and I just didn't want it to end.

I just need more. That's all there is to it. I am so glad I stepped outside of my box and tried something new because J. Kenner created an intense world full of want, need, and mystery that I can't get enough of.

Complimentary copy received for honest review.
Profile Image for Dani.
Author 120 books2,328 followers
March 18, 2016

Wow! J. Kenner killed it. This story so hot, suspenseful, mysterious, dirty, and so freaking sexy I didn’t want it to end. It’s definitely an angst filled ride, but Dallas definitely lives up to his nickname as the King of F*ck!

They’re definitely not meant to be together, but all through the book, I couldn’t help wanting them to be. Rooting for them to get over pushing each other away, and just do what they both aching for. Dallas and Jane are forbidden to be together, but that doesn’t snip the attraction between the two. After they suffered a horrific trauma, their survival based on having the other one there, we now follow their story after the fact.

dirtiest secret

As much as Dallas wants to do right by the woman he loves, and as much as Jane wants to steer clear of being around the only man she’s ever really felt connected to, these two embark on a wild ride of denial.

dirtiest secret

There are secrets that will tear them apart, there are factors that could separate them forever. Will their love be strong enough to overcome that? Get yourself a copy of Dirtiest Secret now and see for yourself. This book does end with a cliff hanger and I can’t wait to get my dirty mitts on book 2!

Alpha Book Club

ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review.  Reviewed by Dani from Alpha Book Club


Profile Image for 1-Click Addict Support Group.
3,749 reviews485 followers
April 9, 2016
Dirtiest Secret is a simply phenomenal trip down the rabbit hole of secrets and lies of powerful people.

Dark, dangerous, angsty and full of forbidden desires—the perfect combination for Dallas Sykes and Jane Martin. Their chemistry is off-the-charts, and they spar with the best of the best. Together they are fighting battles that no-one should ever fight, and individually they are surviving their own pasts and secrets.

I’m a huge fan of J. Kenner’s books and writing style, so let me say first, this book is extremely different. It deals with darker issues and I have to say, it’s sheer perfection!

Dallas is anything but your typical playboy. Though we all allow the world to see what we want. Jane is a writer who tells truths. They are oil and water. Love and lust. Flash fires in a pan. They can't be together but they can't be apart. What they have runs too deep for anyone to believe yet even attempt understand.

Tragedy changes you. Some become the ultimate optimist. Looking for purpose in why they are still here on earth. Some extract revenge. Where would you fall? On one extreme or the other? Or in the middle? Would you be a Dallas or a Jane?

I'd like to think I am a little of both! ~ Heather, 5+ Secret stars
Profile Image for Raj.
750 reviews58 followers
May 8, 2016
This book is scorching hot though the entire plot line including the torment the two main characters undergo regarding their attraction towards one another is illogical.I would understand the taboo nature of their relationship if they were in fact blood relatives,actual brother & sister but they are not.

So he denies the chemistry by being a flagrant man slut & she admits to having slept with countless of men in place of him.Both of them pretending that their partners are each other.They use the 'adoptive brother & sister link' to martyr themselves almost the entire book.

He is searching for 'The woman' who tortured him blindfolded when he was a teen.I believe it's Adele the therapist one of the woman he has been having a kinky affair with.I guess I will have to read on to confirm this because this one ends in a cliff hanger.
Profile Image for Christine Alibutud.
502 reviews85 followers
June 19, 2016
Hmm, so I'm a bit ambivalent on what to feel with Dirtiest Secret.

Personally, this book was definitely compelling. The writing style was what drew me in, though I didn't exactly appreciate the POV shifts. Concept-wise and character-wise, it was intriguing.


Something about this made me feel off. Also, I welcomed the promiscuity at times, but once in a while, it gets borderline annoying and offensive.

Anyway, this one was a push-and-pull for me. Though it invoked interest, disconnection was constant.

3 stars!
Profile Image for Carla Marques.
540 reviews3 followers
August 25, 2017
Um livro super intenso e muito bom, prendeu-me da primeira até à ultima página.
Gostei imenso apesar de achar a história um bocado estranha, embora seja uma novidade para mim....irmãos que não são irmãos.
Opinião completa em: http://aviciadadoslivros.blogspot.pt/...
Profile Image for Arantzazu.
297 reviews16 followers
August 7, 2018
Lo que esperaba y prometía el libro.
Sin más, perfecto para evadirse a pie de piscina con su toque erotico.La escritora tiene oficio, da igual que la historia sea manida y sin nada que aportar, al estar bien escrito engancha y entretiene. Era todo lo que pedía así que vamos a por el segundo.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 500 reviews

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