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Bit by Bit: How P2P Is Freeing the World

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Bit by Bit: How P2P Is Freeing the World argues that today's emergent technology is about more than new and cool toys. Jeffrey Tucker, CLO of Liberty.me and Distinguished Fellow of the Foundation for Economic Education, argues that peer-to-peer technology is forging a new and brighter social, economic, and political order.

People tend to look at innovations in isolation. Here is my new e-reader. Here is an app I like. Here is my new mobile device and computer. Even bitcoin is routinely analyzed and explained in terms of its properties as an alternative to national currencies, as if there were no more than that at stake.

But actually there is a historical trajectory at work here, one that we can trace through its logic, implementation, and spread. It’s the same logic that led from the dial phone at the county store, operated by people pulling and plugging in wires, to the wireless smartphone in your pocket that contains the whole store of human knowledge. It’s all about technology in the service of individuation.

Once you understand the driving ethos — voluntarism, creativity, networks, individual initiative — you can see the outlines of a new social structure emerging within our time, an order that defies a century of top-down planning and nation-state restrictionism.

It is coming about not because of political reform. It is not any one person’s creation. It is not happening because a group of elite intellectuals advocated it. The new world is emerging organically, and messily, from the ground up, as an extension of unrelenting creativity and experimentation. In the end, it is emerging out of an anarchist order that no one in particular controls and no one in particular can fully understand.

"The building of universal prosperity is a process that unfolds bit by bit through decentralized decision making and improvements at the margin through trial-and-error. To continue this process, we need understanding, patience, and dreams. Jeffrey Tucker’s book is an excellent guide to all three.” ~ Patrick Byrne, CEO of Overstock.com, from the introduction.

“In Bitcoin’s brief existence Jeffrey Tucker has become one of its leading proponents. In this book we can see exactly why. Many people think of bitcoin as just money, but Mr. Tucker is able to explain, in a way that is easily understandable by all, the tsunami of innovation that bitcoin is about to release upon the world.” ~ Roger Ver, Bitcoin investor, from the Foreword

130 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 7, 2015

About the author

Jeffrey Tucker

45 books139 followers
Jeffrey A. Tucker is Editorial Director for the American Institute for Economic Research. He is also Senior Distinguished Fellow of the Austrian Economics Center in Vienna, Austria, Honorary Fellow of Mises Brazil, founder and Chief Liberty Officer of Liberty.me, an adviser to blockchain application companies, past editorial director of the Foundation for Economic Education and Laissez Faire Books, founder of the CryptoCurrency Conference, and author of many thousands of articles in the scholarly and popular press and eight books in 5 languages. He speaks widely on topics of economics, technology, social philosophy, and culture.

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Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 reviews
Profile Image for Brent.
130 reviews43 followers
March 26, 2016
You don't need third parties to find a ride, a room, pay money, organize movements, share information, etc. Today's peer-to-peer technology eliminates those parties who tend to make transactions costly and sometimes unnecessarily illegal. You, as an individual who gets to determine how you live your life, can bypass so much of the nonsense governments and companies impose on you. It's such a cool concept!

One motif in this book that I found striking is that nearly all commerce is done out of a sense of love - not romantic, but a desire to see another person better off because you're exchanging something you value less, but they value more. The optimism throughout this book is something I needed.
Profile Image for Chad.
273 reviews21 followers
March 18, 2021
This book is hopelessly optimistic, but mostly in a good way (which, if you know me well, is probably a surprise to read here; I sometimes have harsh things to say about optimism). The author is right about almost everything he says in this book, including in cases that I hadn't previously realized I had missed something important.

The single most important point made in the book, from an academic perspective, is the explanation of the source of a plain vanilla cryptocurrency's value: the utility of the payment system inextricably attached to blockchain based cryptosurrencies. By now, the book is of course rather out of date on the details of the cryptocurrency world, but the ideas are still potent and relevant, notably including this insight into the source of many cryptocurrencies' valuations.

There are many points made about the power of individual innovation, and they're all good. Some of the examples are, I believe, misunderstood -- but no less important when taken at face value without judging the, ahem, interpretations of events (e.g. the Disney example).

A few minor flaws in thinking sneak in here and there, but I think that will be true of any writer trying to address this subject. We all have our blind spots. I suspect the author would be open to learning about them, though, given the tone of his writing -- and I hope I would be as open to learning about my own blind spots.

The biggest flaw of the book is the fact that, toward the end, he increasingly gives in to digression into areas not directly relevant to the established subject matter one expects coming into it. He is obviously very enthusiastic about his ideals, but a bit of "when in doubt, cut it out" could have done this book some good. Some of the digressions, then, could be fodder for a separate book.

It is written in a pleasant, breezy style that makes it very easy to plow through, apart from the moments where a thoughtful reader must stop reading for a while and think (and maybe make notes, if you're inclined toward doing things with those thoughts like I am).

I recommend it, but I don't expect the more ideological parts to pry open the minds of the ideologically opposed, especially given some of those slightly misplaced examples.
Profile Image for Frederick Ford.
Author 3 books9 followers
April 20, 2015
This is a very interesting, well written book. The author is pro laissez faire, in fact, he maintains we are in another battle for our freedom, one that does not include muskets, it is based on our innovation, cleverness, and being the revolution in our own lives and our economic relationships.
Profile Image for Ailith Twinning.
707 reviews37 followers
August 22, 2017
Freaking Anarchists man. Blame all woes on the state, completely ignore why the state does what it does, and (more to the point) ignore other world powers entirely.

Remember, hatred of sovereignty as comes to markets was bred by monarchy. Do we live in Saudi Arabia? No? Then this doesn't apply to us. Our sovereigns are political parties run by corporations. Anarchism, removes the democratic mitigators and leaves us with nothing but the corporate powers. And if you think Apple, if the world had no nation-states tomorrow, would not conquer a large portion of the world and create a corporate state. You're a hopeless idiot (google the Greek roots of idiot while yer at it).

I'm all for dismantling the military, and corporate protectionism -- but the state is the only way to muster enough power to force corporations to accept that relegation to serving the demos rather than enslaving it. Democracy (which is to say Socialism), not anarchism. Equality, not republican (the government form not the political party) and capitalist enrichment.
18 reviews3 followers
June 7, 2017
This whole work is an unintentional comedy. The parts where he suggests we're going to replace the police with a private security force that you summon with an app, and where he holds up Disney World as some kind of Libertarian utopia made me nearly crash my car in hysterical laughter while listening to this. Interestingly enough, we apparently don't need traffic cops either because the author once made a mistake in traffic and someone was nice enough to let him in.

Tucker also engages in the hagiography of DPR from the Silk Road by claiming that his only crime was making markets while ignoring the whole murder for hire thing.

I only was only interested in the book because it made it sound like it was distributed trust and decentralized banking futurology. These are technologies that could change what the future looks like. Unfortunately, the author just chose to phone in a Libertarian screed that is no more nuanced than what a college freshman would submit to a student paper.
Profile Image for Ahmed Salem.
358 reviews162 followers
December 8, 2017
This is a book mainly about social change and history of how society is evolved.

However information about the BitCoin was not that much valuable.
80 reviews13 followers
November 25, 2017
I'm in apparent disagreement with many of the other reviewers because, in my opinion, many of them didn't understand the book. They were interested in a book on Bitcoin, but got a book on the liberating allure of peer to peer economic exchange.

Here's some advice to the bitter children giving this book a bad rating: Go read Satoshi's White Paper, and stop your bellyaching.

Tucker, despite is current SJW attitude really wrote an excellent book here on the revolutionary implications of P2P. My favorite part by far was the seemingly never ending litany of P2P "applications" and software that has been leading, and will continue to lead to the dissolution of the State whilst increasing individual liberty and independence.

It's an excellent piece that deserves more exposure and more credit than what some of these petulant whiners give it.
Profile Image for swvw.
9 reviews
June 9, 2017
Nice book but missing the technology side of P2P.
Instead this book try's to bring over a perfect world in the form off Dinsey World.
Maybe if you are a fan this will appeal to you.

Agree with the author that less control by the governments is good but giving control to company like Disney, Google, Facebook is also not the solution. Yes governments are abusing there power to fine Citizens for to increase there own budgets. But having no controls is a bit extreme.

For instance the gun violence in america is because of the lack of rules relocation. Just look at the Australian gun laws the stopped mass shootings and reduces homicide.
Profile Image for René Sørensen.
3 reviews10 followers
October 10, 2018
The author is a libertarian for sure. The book is non-technical. The discussion of how technology is allowing more effective distributed market models in the free market, while centralised government controlled markets remain ineffective, is interesting.

The discussion is, however, clearly biased. As an example: No model is given for privatizing law enforcement, it is presented as a clear-cut case of inefficiency. While I would agree that the police can probably be made more efficient given new technology (eg. data-mining), I fail to see how a privatized, distributed police would work. Should people in areas with high crime-rates pay more for protection? What about people who chose not to pay - would they be unprotected in areas otherwise policed for other people?
Profile Image for Cullen Haynes.
283 reviews10 followers
July 14, 2017
Cryptocurrency and the blockchain; is it the new order or the next .com bubble? The question itself is one that Tucker's book most aptly addresses through the idiom of 'value'. Why is something valuable? Because people deem something has intrinsic worth. From the circular Rai Stones of the island of Yap, to the Gold rush of the Eureka stockade, to current FIAT currencies, value through worth ever reigns supreme. So where does Cryptocurrency fit in, within this ever growing virtual world? Only time will tell...
Profile Image for Abhijith R.
76 reviews6 followers
February 6, 2018
The amount of libertarian bullshit presented here completely undermining human society, social interaction and cultural mechanics is unparalleled to any other book I have ever came by. The writer's pathetic inability to even understand the mechanism of Ideology or politics of Socialism together makes this book, at best, an undesirable stinking pile of AnCap sewage dump or worst, an excellent example of how an individual can tirelessly write about unorganized and uneducated thoughts moving around it their heads.
Profile Image for Tomasz.
141 reviews27 followers
September 16, 2020
Very superficial account on how the P2P networks, blockchain and bitcoins are making the world freer. Author's enthusiasm is backed only by an anecdotal examples and his deep conviction, that private enterprise is better than any state activity. The second half of the book has nothing to do with the topic, but it's just an exclamation of his pro-libertarian emotions (state=bad, no state=good!).
Profile Image for Boni Aditya.
339 reviews888 followers
July 12, 2024
This is one of the very few books that added very little value.

This book is nothing more than a libertarian rant.

His world view of a spontaneoulsy organizing systems might not always be the best path.

Needless to say this was a waste of 10s of hours reading.

Two bad books in a row, Groupons Biggest deal ever was another book I read last month and was also an absolute waste of my time.
Profile Image for Charles.
9 reviews
May 10, 2017
just more from the same, nothing that make it a good book!
Profile Image for Eimantas.
61 reviews3 followers
May 12, 2019
A great introduction to libertarian ideology and the world with less state control over everything we do. Makes you re-think a lot of essential things.
Profile Image for Mikko Muilu.
37 reviews
January 18, 2017
I bought this book thinking I'd get info about p2p -networks, possible new info and see what future might look like. It started ok. General stuff about p2p-networks and how they work, nothing new to me (What are AirBnb, Uber, etc.) A bit after the halfway the book dives to libertarianism. Just like your uncle the writer rants about taxes, how climate change is probably fake etc. I went through but wish I'd save a couple of hours of my time and had chosen a different book.

Profile Image for Cire.
2 reviews1 follower
June 11, 2019
Refreshing Optimism

Jeffrey Tucker shows us that a better world isn't just possible, isn't just likely, but that it is already here- actively eclipsing the old centralized structures.
Profile Image for Gareth Otton.
Author 6 books112 followers
December 8, 2016
One of the things I long ago learned is you never trust any source that only gives you one side of an argument. In essence, this is what is wrong with this book.

A lot of the information the author puts forward is highly interesting and he might even be right in some of his views. However, he never explores opposing arguments or highlights downsides for using technologies like BitCoin.

Everything has a downside, and without exploring them, it feels a bit too much like a sales pitch.

Overall this was an interesting read if a bit too political at times. There is no impartiality to this work so don't read this thinking that you will learn all you need to know about this subject.

It's a 3-star read at best, but it's so biased I can see people with opposing opinions and ideologies marking it much lower.
Profile Image for Edgar Perez.
233 reviews7 followers
December 7, 2016
At first it annoyed me.
But slowly, this exercise on getting down to earth all the technical novelties and matching them with your beliefs was very reassuring.

And, even if I agree on the beliefs of the author, the existence of a non-state, but also non socialist ways of exchanging services is really eye eyeing.

It focus mainly on bitcoin, but manages to gives you a glimpe of other P2P applications and how they changed the shape of our reality

Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 reviews

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