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Drenaline Surf #2

Rough Waters

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Haley's future has been waiting on the west coast for the past year, but she isn't the only new face in Crescent Cove this summer. When Colby Taylor's parents locate him and interrupt his surf competition, the surf star spirals out of control, dragging Drenaline Surf's reputation through the mud and into the ground with him.

With Colby's secrets plastered across surf magazines and tabloid headlines, Haley takes on the job of playing damage control for Drenaline Surf - which isn't easy when Colby breaks everything he touches, Topher breaks the law, and Miles breaks his leg.

Instead of chasing dreams of forever, Haley spends her summer chasing the unraveling careers of the hottest new faces in the surf world, and she's about to learn what happens when forever doesn't last.

First published June 17, 2014

About the author

Nikki Chartier

25 books617 followers
​Nikki Chartier is a young adult/new adult author. She writes everything from beach reads about surfers to witchy reads for Halloween lovers. She is an avid surf fan (who always wants Gabriel Medina to win), a dream-chaser, and a collector of crystals. She lives in the southern USA with her awesome husband and adorable pup.

I do not hang out on Goodreads often, so please see my website (http://www.nchartierbooks.net) for all updates and true links to my backlist.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 42 reviews
Profile Image for Abbie.
1,981 reviews676 followers
November 13, 2014
Actual rating - 2.5

I wasn't a fan of the first one, and the same goes for this one.

The characters were okay, but again, i couldn't warm to any of them enough to like them. Colby's parents annoyed me though.

The pacing in this was too slow, and just like the first installment, it bored me.

Overall, Not an enjoyable series for me.
Profile Image for Rachel (The Rest Is Still Unwritten).
1,601 reviews212 followers
August 8, 2014
Thank you to author Nikki Godwin for allowing me to read this in exchange for an honest review

Find this review and more on my blog The Rest Is Still Unwritten!

Before I begin to express my thoughts about this novel, I feel I have to warn you that this review is going to be completely filled with spoilers. I have a lot I want to say and there's no way in which I can do that without revealing parts of the storyline, so please read on with caution.

I'm going to be honest; I'm finding it really difficult to wrap my head around this novel right now. I mean, what the hell happened? Rough Waters was a complete and utter disappointment for me. I truly, truly enjoyed Chasing Forever Down--it was a light, fun story with a great romance, and I was so ready to see Hayley and Vin and the gang again and now I feel like I just read a completely different series. Seriously. What gives?

Personally I think that not only is Nikki Godwin an awesome person but a great writer, so I have no idea how to wrap my head around Rough Waters. I know they say never to allow your feelings concerning one character to cloud your judgment, or enjoyment of a story, but I feel like this series just did a complete one-eighty.

What happened?! What the hell happened with Vin?!?! How can he go from being a charming, cheeky love interest for Hayley in book one to a moody, almost non-existent character in the next book. How could Nikki Godwin to that? I feel like she had him written out of the novel before it had even begun.

At the end of Chasing Forever Down, Vin and Hayley's relationship seemed so solid. The storyline ended so promisingly. I was happy; I was hopeful with them....now I just feel gutted! I understand authors like to include love triangles in their stories and sometimes the person the main character ends up with isn’t the same person they started out with or date in the beginning, but I feel like Vin and his relationship with Hayley were just plucked from the story, and I just don’t understand why.

Where was the character growth or reason behind this development or devolvement? Vin was a background character where prior he had been more prominent. I understand people grow apart, but when I read a story if this is the case, I want to at lease witness it—Rough Waters didn’t even allow closure between Vin and Hayley. Vin was just gone, and to be honest this seemed to be in confliction with Vin’s character from the first book.

And Topher and Hayley? Where the hell did that relationship come from!?!? Aside from being Vin's younger brother--a connection I thought was really cute in the first book by the way, Topher didn't seem to be a focal character in the series and then suddenly he and Hayley are as thick as thieves; having been constantly texting and talking during the six months between where Chasing Forever Down concludes and Rough Waters picks up.

I just don’t know how to wrap my head around this novel. It felt so much more disjointed than the first novel and before I loved the magnitude of characters and the dynamic they shared, but in Rough Waters I felt like a lot of the magic was lost.

I’m sad because I was so looking forward to this sequel and now I just feel lost; whether I’ll read the next book remains to be seen. I probably will—simply to see what happens next and whether Nikki Godwin can redeem this series in my eyes.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ellie Mc.
16 reviews
February 13, 2024
Even in those crashing waves there’s hope for something better, someone better
August 14, 2014
At First Sight

I didn't need to see this book to know I was going to read it. I could have had no cover at all and I was going to read it no matter what. Rough Waters is the 2nd book in the Drenaline Surf Series and where Chasing Forever Down was my favorite book of 2013, there was no question as to whether or not I would be reading this one. That being said, I like the cover of the book and it looks great side by side with Book 1 Chasing Forever Down.

Characters and Relationships

One of the main things I love about Nikki's books are her characters. You can't help but fall in love with them...or maybe hate them depending on the character, which is okay in my opinion because you need to feel the emotion that each character brings to you. The relationships that were built in Chasing Forever Down were flawlessly continued in Rough Waters. I have always loved the friendship between Hailey and AJ, the gang of surfers known as The West Coast Hooigans, and the relationship that Hailey and Vin started to build in Book 1. I particularly enjoyed getting more insight into Topher, who you can't help but love and want to be around all the time. His energy is contagious (even if it does come from Ocean Blast Energy Drink and sugar cubes) and the way he cares about his friends is as authentic as you will ever find in a person. I also loved getting to know some new characters, Clover in particular, who will hopefully show up in future installments as he was a heck of a lot of fun.

Is This A Kissing Book?

Nikki doesn't write a whole lot of romance, which doesn't bother me in the least. No one tells a story quite like Nikki and you are so involved with the characters and what's going on that you won't miss it (at least I don't). That being said, there is a real whopper of a kiss in this one and I'm leaving it at that.

Don't Leave Me Hanging
This series is far from over which thrills me to death. Bring on as much Crescent Cove and Drenaline Surf as you want!

The Best Gems

~ Surf Competitions
~ Carnival Rides
~ West Coast Hooligans (because they are always the best)
~ A Tie and A Black Dress
~ Conversations in Hospital Waiting Rooms
~ AJ (Yeah, I have a real love for AJ, he gets to be one of the best things always!)
~ Understanding Colby Better
~ Shark ~ ALWAYS Shark

The Sum Up

I was ready for this book the minute that I finished with Chasing Forever Down. That book touched me in a way that none had for a long time. I couldn't wait to see what happened with the characters that I had come to love and find out more about the ones I didn't know quite as well, and Rough Waters, didn't disappoint. This book made me FEEL just as Chasing Forever Down did. There are so many layers written into this series that is so beautifully written it takes me on a ride from happy, to sad, to smiling, to crying. Nikki never ceases to amaze me with her ability to not only weave a story but to make it so much more.
Profile Image for J.S..
Author 2 books54 followers
October 5, 2014
Oh :(

Haley returns to Crescent Cove, as promised, one summer after chasing her forever dream down there. The setting's still beautiful, the characters (bar one) are still wonderful, but the magic has been sucked away by the tide.

From the moment Haley arrives back in the Cove real life stamped a huge steel-toed boot down on her dreams and crushed them. Yeah, so I know reality rarely ever lives up to the fantasy, but that truth was so not what I wanted from this book. I didn't want to be disillusioned.

I followed the much less scenic storyline, clinging to the hope some of the sparkle would return. It never did. Even the HEA did little to repair the damage because it simply wasn't the HEA I'd gone into this hoping for.

I think this just deviated from my expectations too much; it focused more on Drenaline business than on Drenaline spirit, and that didn't work for me.

No issues whatsoever with the writing quality. I continue to harbor great fondness for Crescent Cove and its inhabitants (Vin lost all appeal, but the rest of the cast were further fleshed, and Colby gained plenty likeability points). I'm keen to see what's in store for them next. Got everything crossed for book 3 setting all right again for Haley and the Hooligans.

Profile Image for Mehtap.
566 reviews18 followers
April 2, 2015
Omg I love this series, I loved the first book and I loved this one. Is hard to find series where your love for the series and characters grow. This is one of those series for me. What's not to love, you have hot guys, surfing, drama, and romance.

I still love all the guys, they are so different but you learn to love each and everyone of them.
Even the girls are cool and outgoing.

Vin was my favorite character on the first book, On this book I saw a different side of Vin a more mature and responsible side. His priorities had to change as he had to take more responsibilities.
I think Vin really did think the choices he made were the best for everyone, but not all his friends thought the same thing. Haley saw the difference and she didn't like it.

Haley moved away from her family to be near Vin, so Vin chance of attitude was not working for her. She felt ignore and not appreciated so she did what she had to do to protect her heart. I don't see it as a wrong decision because lets be real she is a teenager still. She did what most teenager girls would of done.

Oh and Topher...Topher. Love this guy, he is hot, fun and really cares for Haley. Topher made my love for Vin vanish lol

Profile Image for Sarah Elizabeth.
4,895 reviews1,374 followers
November 6, 2014
(Read using Kindle Unlimited)

This book was as slow as the first one unfortunately, and once again it seemed that not a lot happened. There was a development with Colby’s parents;
Profile Image for Mandi.
66 reviews
July 25, 2014
Once I finished the first book in this series I had to get the second. I was not let down. I love The Drenaline Surf family along with The Hooligans. I loved this book. There were times when I was like WTF Haley you need to put Vin in his place. I really wanted to see them work out though. I think I rooted for them as a couple up until the surf comp that Topher entered behind his brothers back. I enjoyed learning about more of the guys in this book. I know the first book I didn't really get Alston that much but I enjoyed how he was in this book all metro sexual and stuff. And Colby definitely redeemed himself in this book. Of course Nikki was able to get me to tear up in this book and actually cry a little. Especially that moment when they went to surf at night. :'( And you heard more about Theo. His story is sad. I'm looking forward to the next book to see what happens with Colby's parents trying to sue him, maybe Vin coming back(and PLEASE when/if he does come back have Haley give him a your an ahole speech for leaving Topher and for being a sucky boyfriend at the time) lol. And maybe just maybe seeing Topher and Haley together as a couple in the next book.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Samantha Julmisse.
Author 2 books17 followers
October 2, 2014
Sometimes it's hard to continue a series. The magic runs out after book 1 and the series isn't really going anywhere but they're trying to make it work. Like making more movies in a series cuz it did so good, seems like a good idea but you probably shouldn't had done it. This is most definitely NOT the case with this sequel. All my favorite characters are back and causing more mayhem while they're growing up and changing. Things fall apart, put back together, the tape wears down and things fall apart again, the waves are washing on shore and then back out. I absolutely LOVED this book. With twists and turns that kept me on my toes I was fighting the waves to keep reading, to know how it ends because I was hungering for it. Sometimes things don't work out to well, carnivals get scrapped, boyfriends don't treat you right, and the waves try to claim what is theirs. It doesn't matter because even though the waters are rough it can't last forever. The ending made me squeal and then I got mad because I don't have book 3. I've enjoyed reading the series immensely so far and I expect great things to come for out characters as we continue their story.
Profile Image for Nicole.
181 reviews22 followers
January 24, 2015


okay done. So basically I'vebeen waiting for this book for a looooong time. I've tweeted Nikki about it MULTIPLE times over the past couple months, and I'm pretty sure at one point I bothered her a lot. but it's totally okay cause that's what I do best!

Anywho, I stayed up til I finished reading this and lemme just say THE FEELS!
Vin's a dick btw. Topher is my fave, AJ is just amazing, and Haley's relationship with all of Cresent Beach is the best. It's safe to say that I'm obsessed with Nikki Godwin and her books and can not wait for the next Drenaline Surf book.

And also more Topher;)
Profile Image for Beighley Thornock.
5 reviews3 followers
August 24, 2014
I LOVED THIS BOOK! It's a great sequel and I can't wait to read the next one! (ESPECIALLY AFTER HOW IT ENDED!) I was reading through this book just WAITING and WAITING for Haler to get together because HALER IS AMAZING! The end was almost like a season finale to a TV show or something! IT WAS THAT GOOD!
Good Job Nikki Godwin! ;)

To see my blog's unspoilered review click on the link below!

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
15 reviews
October 4, 2015
I love books that can make me have a wide variety of feelings. I especially love a book where I can dislike a character, have another character make me giggle like a schoolgirl and most of all I love it when a book makes me root with all my heart for a character.

This book has so much to offer and it was a great read.
Profile Image for Lindsey Troxtel.
10 reviews
June 19, 2014
I absolutely loved the first book in this series and could not wait until Rough Waters came out. It did not disappoint, the only downside to the book is that I finished it so quickly and now I have to wait on the next book in the series.
Profile Image for Potato.
432 reviews
July 20, 2014
Definitely enjoyed this one! It was one crazy adventure, and I'm glad Ms. Nikki did what she did to the characters in this one. Can't wait for Always Summer!!
Profile Image for Ashlee Johnson.
35 reviews
August 4, 2014
I loved this book the changes and showing just how much can happen in a few month was amazing, I loved that you still had those friendships to fall back on though...
75 reviews
October 29, 2014

I can't wait to read the next book, it's so perfect and it keeps you reading I love it and I can't wait for the next book.
18 reviews10 followers
January 26, 2015
OMG !! I need the next book fast before the Fangirl kicks in and I search for it everyday!!
Profile Image for Ashley Tomlinson.
Author 7 books22 followers
July 3, 2018
This is the perfect book to put me in the summer mood. All of the surfing goodness makes me want to go jump in the ocean and go for a swim and that never happens. I mean, have you ever seen Shark Week? No thank you. Anyway, I really enjoyed this book and everything it had to offer. There was one thing that I didn't like but I'll get into that later.

All of the Drenaline surf group and Hooligans are back with Haley, of course. She's back after being gone for a year to finish her school. She's back in Cresent Cove with all the friends she missed dearly. When she arrives the vibe seemed different for me. There weren't really any problems in the last book it was just two girls wanting to meet the surf legend. This book brought way more drama and I'm not sure how I felt about it yet. I missed the light reading of the first book but understand that wouldn't make a very good series.

My main problem with this book was Vin. He changed so much since the first book. I honestly, wasn't sure about starting this book because of the synopsis. I wasn't happy about Haley and Vin breaking up...at first. After reading the book, though, I was so happy about it. The dude was so annoying and kind of a dick. The pressure of work definitely got to him. I was waiting for Topher to make his move on Haley even though I thought it was weird because that's Vin's little brother.

I still liked all of the other characters, though. I missed all of the AJ in this one because he actually had a job in this one. I was pleasantly surprised with how much I liked Colby Taylor in this book since he was a dud in the last book. I hated his parents. That's right his parents found him and they aren't leaving without a lawyer-filled fight.

I can't wait to see what else happens in this series.
Profile Image for Ines.
231 reviews
August 31, 2018
So.. I wasn't the biggest fan of the first book but I wanted to know where the story would go. And I definitely didn't expect this.
While CFD was a summery beach romance that evoked just those feelings you would expect from such a book, Rough Waters delivers the exact opposite. Maybe the titel should have warned me.
RW was one big spiral of angry and sad for me. It really felt as if all of the characters did an 180 after the first book, .. also Haileys POV on some of the characters did change that much too.
Add that to the fact that I still feel like I only know the characters on a very superficial level.

I'll probably read on in the series tho. Maybe I'm just a masochist that way.
Profile Image for Turtlefrog.
244 reviews33 followers
June 14, 2024
God, how I wanted to love this book as much as I love the first one.

But that did not happen.

I'm really disappointed with what the author did with Vin's character. This was not the same character from the first book. And with no explanation as to why he was suddenly acting this new way. And then poof he's gone. I honestly don't get it. What was Nikki Chartier thinking?!

I hope this series recovers with the next book.

However, the shinning star in this whole book was A.J.

I just love him more and more. His friendship with Haley is just the best.
Profile Image for Sam a.k.a Rory.
291 reviews10 followers
June 7, 2017
I enjoyed my reading :). It was really entertaining and hard to put down! I'm not sure how I feel about Haley though, I wish she'd communicate more clearly and be more proactive. The way Vin evolves made me truly sad; I still can't really believe he would act like he did. The romance is less present in this volume, which is not bad. I didn't get butterflies from the few romantic scenes either -- I guess I will have to see how it goes in book 3.
Profile Image for Amber Ballard.
452 reviews15 followers
January 6, 2020
Rough Waters (Drenaline Surf #2) by Nikki Godwin
I really hate to admit it but I'm not a fan on this one. It just seemed really jumbled and lacking something! Fixing to start the next book so let's hope it is better! I really don't like how she went from having a great story to chopping it up where it is lacking in most of the story!

3 stars
Profile Image for Dena.
1,232 reviews13 followers
June 18, 2017
Love the drama again and enjoyed each and every character
Profile Image for Lyndsey.
258 reviews41 followers
September 5, 2017
A great Summer read! Loved the characters. I don't follow surfers but this was interesting to read regardless of that. It kind of made me want to get more informed of the surf world.
Profile Image for Pene Henson.
Author 3 books67 followers
December 4, 2017
Engaging and fun, I loved Godwin's characters and the comfort of their odd little found family at the surf club.
Profile Image for Deana Smith.
92 reviews
August 9, 2022
The overall story was engaging but I was disappointed in some of the plot twists.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 42 reviews

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