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Drenaline Surf #1

Chasing Forever Down

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After seventeen-year-old Haley Sullivan meets a mysterious stranger who plays by his own rules, she's more than determined to learn every trick of the trade from the master himself. But her dream-chasing mentor disappears after that night, and according to the local newspapers, he's been dead for years. Knowing he's very much alive, Haley enlists best friend Linzi to join her on a scavenger-hunt-style road trip that ultimately lands them in the surf town of Crescent Cove, California. Mystery guy is no mystery here, though – he's Colby Taylor, the west coast's biggest professional surfer.

If Haley wants to talk to the wave rider again, she'll have to get past his four intimidating bodyguards who are highly skilled in the business of sending starstruck fangirls back to where they belong. Haley is up for the challenge if it means chasing her dreams and escaping the perfectly corporate future that's been planned for her. But dealing with these bodyguards isn't exactly what Haley imagined it'd be. Sure, being thrown off a jet ski sucks, but falling in love with one of them might just be worse.

First published March 14, 2013

About the author

Nikki Chartier

25 books617 followers
​Nikki Chartier is a young adult/new adult author. She writes everything from beach reads about surfers to witchy reads for Halloween lovers. She is an avid surf fan (who always wants Gabriel Medina to win), a dream-chaser, and a collector of crystals. She lives in the southern USA with her awesome husband and adorable pup.

I do not hang out on Goodreads often, so please see my website (http://www.nchartierbooks.net) for all updates and true links to my backlist.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 128 reviews
Profile Image for Emily Godwin.
Author 6 books82 followers
April 26, 2013
I know anyone who reads this review will say I'm biased because the author is my sister, but in all reality, I would say the exact same thing as I would even if she wasn’t my sister.

This book is one of the most well-written, character-driven books I have ever read in my entire life, and I read a lot. The story sucks you in from the very beginning when the main character wants the chandelier to fall to the very ending. You’ll tell yourself, "Oh, I’m just going to read one more chapter," and when you finish that chapter, you’ll say that again. The next thing you know, you’re finished with the entire novel!

There are so many diverse characters in this book that you can relate to at least one or even two. Being a girl from MS, I loved reading this book because I seriously felt like I was on the beach, jet skiing with my friends, and hanging out with super-hot guys (especially the West Coast Hooligans!). You’ll be cheering Haley on through the entire book for her to chase her forever down and get everything she wants. This book is an amazing read that you’ll come back to over and over again, and the sequel’s going to be even bettttter!!
Profile Image for Michelle .
2,074 reviews295 followers
March 26, 2014
I really liked the premise of Chasing Forever Down. I am a big fan of beachy summer books and I like scavenger hunt road trip mystery premise, but the actual book fell a bit short for me. I feel like I am in the minority here though. Chasing Forever Down has a really high goodreads rating and great reviews, so if this seems like the kind of book that you would enjoy, you probably will! A lot of other people really really love the romance and story in this one. It just wasn't for me.

I liked the main character Haley, but she just seemed super impulsive to me. She met a guy at a party with her parents one night and they both really hit it off. I thought that first night they hung out and spent together was really cute, but then he leaves and when she tries to track down who he was she found out that he had "died" years ago. So she decides to track him across the country to figure out what is really going on. It just seemed to sudden and kind of crazy to me. But honestly it wouldn't have bugged me as much if she was all for the mystery aspect of him, but she had to go the love route. She just knew him for a couple of house one night and she loves him so much that she is dropping everything and driving across the country? It just seemed a bit obsessive to me.

The other characters we ok but kind of immature. Some of their dialogue was hard to follow, and Colby's friends all rubbed me the wrong way. I just couldn't really connect with anyone, and that made it really hard for me to get into the story. The girls kept doing stunt after stunt to try and get past all of his bodyguards. It started to make them seem like obsessed stalkers. It just didn't feel realistic to me, but like I said a lot of people loved this one.
Profile Image for Sarah Elizabeth.
4,895 reviews1,374 followers
November 7, 2014
(Downloaded for free from Amazon.co.uk)

This was an okay story, but I lost interest.

My main problem with this story was the pace. It was so slow, nothing seemed to be happening, and I didn’t like the characters enough to really care what was happening to them. We did get a couple of moments where something interesting would happen, but they were few and far between. It also seemed to take forever for
Overall; too slow for me,
6 out of 10
Profile Image for Abbie.
1,981 reviews676 followers
November 6, 2014
Chasing Forever Down was a bit too slow for me.

The characters in this were okay, but i never warmed to any of them enough to like them.

The storyline in this was okay, but the pacing was a killer. Everything was dragged out, so it made the book feel twice as long.

Overall, Not a bad read, but the pacing killed it.
Profile Image for Brillosaurusrex.
259 reviews47 followers
October 12, 2014
Dieses Buch...
Es gab sehr sehr Viele Dinge die ich an diesem Buch geliebt habe, ich musste unbedingt wissen wie es weitergeht, obwohl es so vieles gab was mich tierisch irritiert hat.
Es kam mir oft so vor wie Scott Pilgrim, der die 7 Bösen Ex-Lover bekämpfen musste xD Und ein Leichter TFIOS Schlag :D

+Das Konzept chasing forever down
+Die Leute
+Die Liebesgeschichte
+Colbys Persönlichkeit

-Die Geschwindigkeit, mehr Seiten und mehr Tage hätte es so viel Besser gemacht
-Weniger Jungs, ich hab den Überblick Verloren
-Weniger "Rettung" der Jungs durch DIE Eine
Profile Image for Dano.
654 reviews27 followers
February 6, 2016
Cute and fun book, a little over the top sometimes but it totally works! And I love the final, I'm going to read the next right away!
Profile Image for Amber Hodges.
308 reviews23 followers
January 12, 2014
Haley is at a party that her parents made me come to. She is bored and really wanting to go home...that is until she sees him across the room. The mysterious guy that has black hair and he is calling to her across the room. They set out on a night that Haley can't forget. She is so excited to see him the next day, but in his place is a single paper star waiting for her. She can't seem to find out what went wrong so she goes to her parents to ask about him. She finds out he is dead, but she knows he isn't. She then goes on a chase cross country to find the mysterious guy that she doesn't even know his name. As she starts to look for him, she finds out that he is the famous surfer, Colby Taylor from the west coast. Now she has to find out if he is the guy she thought he was....

As I read this, I was thinking I wasn't going to like it so much. Sorry Nikki, please hear me out. I read American Girl on Saturn by here, and it was my top book I read in 2013. I loved it so much. So I thought that there would be no way to love her writing as much as I loved AGoS. I thought wrong. AGoS has officially been bumped down my list of favorite books. Chasing Forever Down took the number one spot. There is so much thought and detail put into the book.

This book spends most of it's time in California, only a small portion of it is set in another place. You learn to follow where she is, picture the places she is at, and get a good glimpse of all the people as she seems them.

Haley is so calm and down to earth. Even as she struggles with her emotions sometimes, she still spends the time to get to know all the guys. She thinks she is doing it for a different reason, but she soon has a special place in her heart for every one of them. I love how she wasn't the jealous type. She had a few spots here or there, but even those are validated.

I wanted to pick up and go to the town myself and become part of the surfer family. A.J. cracked me up the whole time. He seemed to always get in trouble but found an inner peace when he runs into Haley. There is also Reed, Miles, Topher, Alston, and Vin that you also learn to love.

I learned through this book don't judge a book by it's cover. I know we have all heard this our whole lives, but in this book it is definitely apparent. Nikki does a great job to get you to see a character a certain way and then spends the rest of the story helping you change your mind and get you to see how the character really is.

I didn't even want to start reading another book after this just because I wanted to spend the rest of the night re-living the pages and all the characters. I very rarely do this. I can usually move on pretty easily, but I couldn't with this book. It was fantastic.

It is such a cute and sweet read but there is also a lot of hidden messages within the story. I don't know if this was intentional or if I just took it that way, but either way, I'm glad I found them. I have fallen more in love with Nikki's writing and who she is as a person.

I hope all of you run out and download a copy of her book so you can love it and experience it just like I did. You won't be sorry if you do!
January 16, 2014
I don't really know where to even start with this review. To anyone that knows me it's no secret that I have been saying for months this is my favorite book of 2013. I read more books last year than I have ever read in a year in my life and many of them were very good, but Chasing Forever Down touched me in a way that is almost hard to explain. I love it so much and for so many different reasons. I am going to try and capture for you the reasons it means so much to me and hopefully it will leave you wanting to read it and see for yourself.

First a little history. When I find an author I love I want to read ALL the books they have written. Back in September I was on the American Girl on Saturn tour and loved the book. Couldn't quit talking about it and couldn't quit thinking about it. So of course I had to go get more Nikki Godwin, immediately, and found Chasing Forever Down. I read the description and immediately downloaded it and started reading......and reading.......and reading. Addicted. Crack addict level addicted. I had to keep reading to find out where it was going. Needless to say I LOVED the book and almost started it over immediately. I have never had a book make me want to do that. At that point I felt like I needed to email Nikki and tell her how much I loved the book. Because I never empty my sent email boxes on a regular basis (like ever) I actually still have the original email I sent to Nikki and I wanted to post just a bit of it (I had to take out some spoiler stuff that was in there) but this tells you a little bit of what I was feeling and loving about the book just after I read it for the first time.

"I really wanted to tell you how much I loved Chasing Forever Down. Sincerely, I think it was one of the best YA books in this genre I have read in a while. I need to read it again so that I can really absorb it better. I just know that I loved how Haley was looking for one thing and found another that was better. I love how everything unfolded a little at a time. I loved the relationship between her and AJ. Talk about unlikely friendships! It was fantastic! I loved the beach setting and I love the feel of a less populated more hometown feel of a small beach. I really could see the setting in my mind while reading. It was just awesome."

Nikki knows how to tell a story and make you feel like you are there with the characters. I love how you expect the characters to be one way and then they end up being so different than what you initially thought. There are so many fun and interesting elements and characters to the story like Emily and her Enchanters, paper stars, The West Coast Hooligans (who will be your favorite?) this book kept me hooked from page to page. This is probably one of my favorite elements to her writing. My favorite character in the book is AJ. I was surprised how much he grew on me throughout the story and he actually brought me to tears at the end. He is a fantastic character and someone I would want for a best friend even though I know Haley as already taken that role on. Here is an excerpt from the book that will give you a glimpse of Haley and AJ's first meeting:
Profile Image for Turtlefrog.
244 reviews33 followers
June 4, 2013
I really enjoyed this book. This book was so much more then I thought it would be.

Haley is looking for more to her life then what is expected. She meets a mysterious stranger at a function she attends with her parents. He convinces her to sneak out and enjoy the night with him. What follows is a simple yet life altering evening with this stranger. Haley seems to have found someone who "gets it" or better yet "knows how she feels". But as the night comes to an end he leaves her with no information as to who he is or how he was able to escape his set path and create his own. Upon a little digging on her part she and her best friend travel across the country to locate this mystery man.

I won't give away all of the things that happen to Haley and her friend on their journey to locate this mystery man. You'll just have to read it yourself (but it is worth it.) But I will say this about why this book is not at all what it seems. Once Haley does come back into contact with mystery man she quickly realizes that not everything is as it seems. For mystery man nor for the people she befriends along the way. And that even though mystery man seemed to have had answers for her (or so she thought upon the first meeting of him) she suddenly realizes that just because you think someone "gets it" that does not mean that they actually do. Just like the saying, don't judge a book by it's cover, Haley was quick to make judgements about the people she was meeting along her journey. And she realizes that everyone is not as they seem upon initial meetings with people. That you actually have to get to know someone to understand them. This little learning experiance is really the heart of the book.

I would have given this book 5 stars had it not been for two minor things. 1.) I enjoyed the ending of the book BUT I am a fan of the Epilogue and I felt like this book should have had one. But then I realized that this book is only book one for this series. So 2.) the next book needs to be out ASAP! I have to know what happens with Vin and Haley.

Profile Image for Susan.
149 reviews3 followers
June 5, 2013
I am terrible at reviews, other than saying "OMG you have got to read this I loved it!!!!!"

The parts I loved, 1)Haley chasing after something she thinks she desperately wants. 2)The surf "family" how much you get that they do care about each other, even if they do fight. 3)The twist on the ending... had me grinning from ear to ear, not going to say anything else I dont want to spoiler anyone!

But I loved the ending, it was not a "The End, they all lived happily ever after" story but you got closure to that particular chapter of Haley's adventure, it was a perfect summer beach read!

Cannot WAIT For #2

Profile Image for Dianne.
320 reviews153 followers
January 15, 2014
*Also posted at Oops! I Read A Book Again*

Thank you to Nikki Godwin for the review copy! This in no way affected my views of the novel.

So it comes to no surprise that I love Nikki Godwin and her novel AMERICAN GIRL ON SATURN. But honestly, I have been so afraid to read CHASING FOREVER DOWN resulting to me putting off reading it as long as I could. It's one thing to love AGoS because I generally love anything with a close-proximity trope. Or anything with celebrities. I guess being a fangirl makes my ultimate fantasy to be stuck somewhere with a star. But like what Nikki said and is afraid of, Chasing Forever Down is different from American Girl on Saturn. As much as she's afraid that people who loved AGoS won't like CFD, I'm also frightened that I won't love or gasp! even like CFD and I badly want to like/love it. Then I was reading this sci-fi book and I just couldn't get into it and decided that I should brave it and read CFD. I was so glad I did because all my fears were unfounded and I blazed through CFD in one night-midnight-morning. #eyebags

I know nothing about surfing and that's one of the reasons why I'm wary of reading CFD. But fear not everyone who's like me because there will be no surfing jargon. Our heroine, Haley, knows nothing about surfing as well. In fact, she only went to Crescent Cove, the home of surfer star Colby Taylor, not because she's a fan but because she wants to know how he escaped it all. Haley learns that the stranger he met on an epically boring social party was actually dead. Not the vampire or zombie type but that he vanished and was considered dead for three years. But she knows she didn't see a ghost so she goes on a roadtrip with no known location, trying to find this mystery guy who she thinks can be her mentor in escaping the future her parents planned for her. Like seriously goes on a clue-picking Nancy-Drew-esque roadtrip with her best friend. When she reaches Crescent Cove, she learns that simply meeting Colby Taylor is an almost impossible endeavor, what with his four bodyguards who are so different from each other. From here on, she sets out on winning these four guys to ultimately talk to Colby Taylor and ask him "How did you escape it all?".

Chasing Forever Down is a low-key novel but it is sometimes the low-key ones, those who are not making much noise, that just grabs you tight. I didn't realize how much time passed until I finished the book. You just get invested in the characters even more than you'll get at the story. CFD reads like a slice-of-life novel with no grand conflict. Haley has a goal and the mini-missions or obstacles just come to her when it's there. And surprisingly, you just read on. From the get go, there was no romance between Colby and Haley. She just wants to ask him how she can chase her dreams. And I love that. I love how Haley isn't in this insane mission just for a guy but because she truly believes he can teach her. I was even doubtful if there will be romance in this story because for the most part, there seems to be none. And I still dug it because this is not a romance novel. Not primarily that is. It's a coming-of-age story, learning the ropes, finding yourself and all that. So when an inkling of romance popped out, I admit to being excited. Coming-of-age with a love interest? I'm greedy for those. Then when Nikki surprised me with who the love interest is, I felt like she snatched my chair out from under me. But even though I was surprised at first, the pairing ultimately made sense and I was so into shipping them right away.

But seriously, it isn't really the romance that grabbed me. It's the characters. All of them. Even the smallest of the characters made an impact in me. I know nothing about the "surfer bum" life and until now, I don't actually understand it. But when Miles, one of the surfers, told Haley about getting surfing, understanding surfing, I was floored. I didn't know that's why some surfers surf. That it's a spiritual thing. To be with this formidable wave and just letting it all go, trusting the wave not to eat you up. Wow. In a way, Haley and I are the same in that we know nothing and CFD totally opened my eyes. I thought surfers were just a bunch of adrenaline junkies and nothing more and now, I know better.

The characters and their friendships, it totally got me reeled in. They didn't feel like friends, they were family. Truth be told though, I didn't relate much to Haley. I guess I just don't see myself going after a "dead" guy to ask him how to escape. And going on a roadtrip and doing all of the things she did. But maybe that's just because I'm not that free-spirited or maybe because I don't have the pressure that she experiences. I guess I really didn't buy how their parents just allowed them to go. And maybe that's a culture thing or I don't know. The logistics and how realistic the set-up is are what's keeping me from fully diving in to Haley's character and story. But even with that, I still loved the characters, even the smallest ones. They were such diverse people but surfing glued them tight. For the record, Topher is my favorite Hooligan and AJ is my favorite bodyguard.

This review has been so hard to write because I couldn't quite explain what made me into Chasing Forever Down. It is just great. It is what it is and it just is. And I love it. My review feels somber because that's how I felt while reading Chasing Forever Down. No, it's not sad but there's this sense of calm that I felt while reading it. As if somehow I'm reading about someone's spiritual journey. And it kinda is a spiritual journey. Haley learns and realizes a lot of things in this summer journey of hers with so many interesting people. I can't wait for Haley to come back in Crescent Cove and to read about everyone again. I am sure it will be another somber read that will bring out the side of me I don't usually see, the calm, thinking one.
July 8, 2020

This book made me fall in love with each character... I laughed ,I cried... It was awesome.. A definite MUST READ
September 21, 2020

The best book I've read on Goodreads ever. The way the whole story comes together and how everything is interconnects is solo amazing. Impeccable writing Nikki
1 review
September 18, 2020
I like this book

I like the ending the most it really shocked me and I think many teens or young adults might like this book
Profile Image for Francine Soleil.
302 reviews15 followers
July 12, 2014
review originally posted here: http://alwayslostinbooks.wordpress.co...

Nikki Godwin has this talent of making me interested in things I never really cared about before. She made me fall in love with a fictional boy band in American Girl on Saturn, when I’m mostly into indie rock bands. I even became a total fangirl, wearing the Saturnite status proud. And then I read Chasing Forever Down, and I was thrust into the world of fictional surfers and bodyguards, and I loved every minute of it. When I first read American Girl on Saturn by Nikki Godwin, all I wanted was another book about the same characters. However, after reading Chasing Forever Down, I want MORE of this book too. I’m so happy that there’s going to be a little crossover of the two books in the sequel of AGoS.

I’m not really sure how I can explain how awesome this book is without spoiling any of it. I think I’ll go with being mostly vague.

Chasing Forever Down starts out with a swanky party where Hailey meets a stranger. They started talking and instantly clicked and went around town together. And then he killed her! Just kidding. They found out that they had a couple of things in common. The only problem is that he wouldn’t divulge his name. And he challenged her to chase forevers that left Haley with a lot of questions. They were supposed to meet again, but he never showed up. And Haley questions if he were real. So she decides to go find him and enlists the aid of her best friend, Linzi. But Haley’s trip is going to be a lot more than she expected it to be.

It’s the first time I heard the term, forever chasers or chasing forevers. I take it as going after the things that would make us infinitely happy or things that we are truly passionate about. Sometimes, even wealth or assumed ideal plans aren’t enough to keep us content. I deeply felt inspired by that thought, and I’m honestly working on chasing my forever down this year even though it won’t be easy. Haley won’t really be chasing her forever in this book, she will be chasing for more answers. But her search will definitely spark something. Actually, a lot of somethings. And I have been deeply moved. Also, the ending made me tear up. Why must it be like that?

As much as I love the romance in this book, I’m still more in love with the side characters, specifically AJ Gonzalez. Oh how I love him so so much. I want to find a guy like AJ and make him my best friend or boyfriend, or even better, both. Loving side characters is normal for me, but I don’t think I’ve ever felt so strongly as I do for AJ. I don’t really want to say much about him because I don’t want to spoil anything, but this probably won’t be the last time anyone would hear me mention him. :P

I personally love how Chasing Forever Down explodes with color as vibrant as its cover. It reflects the bright hues of summer and paints a very beautiful picture. I’m not much of an outdoor person, but I do appreciate really beautiful sites. I just wanted to get lost in this gorgeous and magical place where there are so many attractive guys.

Nikki Godwin is the queen of YA reverse harems. I mean, all those guys? Seriously? How can there be so many lovable guys? And each one has their own unique personalities too. In AGoS, there are five band members. In CFD, there are the four bodyguards and the Hooligans, who are the hardcore surfers in Crescent Cove. (I didn’t think I would ever use the word hardcore)


OVERALL, Chasing Forever Down is a beautiful book that has definitely taken me by surprise. Everything about this book was just so unexpected, and it really shows how we shouldn’t easily judge something based on first impressions. Nikki Godwin has successfully written a book that is both touching and inspiring, and has me swooning at any mention or thought of the characters. I’m so excited to see the sequel to this book!
Profile Image for Michelle .
468 reviews125 followers
March 23, 2014
First I fangirled over the Boys from Starships Around Saturn and Now I am in love with a group of Hooligans!
What happens when you think you meet someone amazing and when you go to find him he is gone? Well duh, you jump in the car and go on a ROAD TRIP with your BFF to chase your forever down.
Haley gets swept away by a handsome strange that seems to understand how she is feeling but when he fails to show up the next day leaving only a paper star, Haley and her BFF Linzi jump in the car and go to fine the handsome strange, only to wind up in Crescent Cove California and realizing that her forever may not have been what she thought. Meeting an amazing group of friends and maybe even finding a little bit about herself. Her chase for forever turns out to be a LOT more.
Nikki has an amazing way of writing characters. It takes a lot for me to cry in a book. You really have to have a strong set of character. Nikki MADE ME CRY!!! Like a baby….I liked Haley and thought Linzi was an awesome best friend to drive across country on a whim to find whatever her best friend was looking for, I wish I had someone that would do that for me. Although my husband would just a little upset if I left to find another guy….but that’s beside the point
The boys? OMG, my boys!!! (YES, MY BOYS) Reed, A.J. Vin, Alston and the rest of the West Coast Hooligans!!! I absolutely loved them. Each one had such a great personality and really made me fall in love with them and want to be a part of their world (I’m now want to move to Crescent Cove). By far REED was my favorite something about how sweet he was and how easy it was to talk to him (not that I personally had conversations with him, at least not out loud when anyone was home, I’m just kidding, maybe) Nikki has an amazing way of writing (I’m about to fangirl again and I am seriously trying to contain myself) it is so real, as if it’s just a group of friends just hanging and having a conversation. It makes it hard to put down and I really could not stop reading this book. LOVED IT!!! I loved following along on this adventure and seeing Haley chase her forever . I honestly didn’t think I was going to cry but all it took was a Wizard of Oz reference.
I gave Chasing Forever Down 5 stars, I think this is a fantastic read with very strong characters and a story that really makes you want to drop everything and chase your forever down. I adore Nikki and I love her writing style (so natural) and how she creates a wonderful world with characters that you want to spend so much more time with. I want to know more about the West Coast Hooligans and everyone from Crescent Cove (book #2 please). I was not disappointed (with Nikki I never am) and I recommend this 100%, I guarantee you will not be disappointed either, I cried Damn it, I never cry!!!!
- See more at: http://www.becausereading.com/chasing...
Profile Image for Nikki Bennett.
Author 6 books95 followers
May 4, 2013
Some books are just plain fun to read. This is one of them. Most of the story takes place on the beach, and I ended up having to drive to the beach (luckily I live near one) to sit and finish reading this, because it's just that kind of book. Chasing Forever Down isn't about anything super serious or enlightening, it's really just a great beach read. This is the kind of book I'd have loved to read as a teenager--two girls ditching their humdrum life and taking off across America on a quest, ending up at a beach full of surfers and parties, and finding a little romance along the way. There's more to it than that of course, but I'll leave that for the readers to discover.

I enjoyed Godwin's writing style and felt she described the characters very well and gave them their own personalities. The only trouble was keeping up with all the characters, because there's lots of 'em, which did get a little confusing, but the story was still so entertaining and well written that the multitude of surfers you have to keep track of is a minor squabbling point.

Lots of swearing, but nothing in the way of gratuitous sex in the story. You could argue that the swearing is unnecessary, but it fit the characters so I'd argue it's ok. Frankly, with all the teenage hormones running loose on a beach, I'd expect a little more of the latter here, but even with the swearing, the story is refreshingly innocent and I think most young adults will love the story, as will adults.

Here are some of my favorite lines from the story:

I'm just another little lamb out on the beach for his crazy coyote instincts to rip apart and splatter over the sand.

She might as well be bleeding teenage angst all over his passenger seat.

If you want a good beach read (both about the beach and a nice book to take along to one) check this one out!

Nikki Bennett
Nik's Picks Book Reviews
Profile Image for Yvonne .
187 reviews109 followers
December 26, 2014
Blog Tour Post: The Shadow Realm

It's official. I love this woman's books. I fell in love with her writing in American Girl on Saturn, and my love just grew after reading Chasing Forever Down.

I really don't know where to start in telling you how awesome this book is. It had everything I want in a book. It was character driven, with an adorable romance and a great message.

I seriously loved all the characters in this book. I loved that Haley followed her heart and went after her dream. She was a great character with a great heart. I really connected with her. And I loved all the new friends she made. Reed, the sweety, oh and AJ. He was crazy and adorable. I heart him so much. Oh and Vin. Yum! Oh oh oh and the Hooligans! Gah I loved them all! I loved how close knit the surf community is and how loyal they are to each other.
And that brings me on to the surfing part of the book. I've decided that I want to run away to California and find my own surfer. I want to live in Crescent Cove and work in Drenaline Surf. Or work with Haley in her frame shop. Being surrounded by hot surfers all day is the dream ya know ;) But seriously I loved the book's message of going after what you want and following your heart. It has made me want to chase down my forever.

I truly adore Nikki's writing. She describes things so beautifully, they just leap off the page. And I love how each book has a sort of symbol you can associate to them. For AGoS it was bleeding butterflies, and here it was paper stars. The story was jam-packed, there was never a dull moment. I sailed through it in no time because I just could not put it down.

So yeah, I adored this book. It made my heat happy :) A definite must read! I cannot wait for book #2. Gimme gimme gimme!!
Profile Image for J.S..
Author 2 books54 followers
October 3, 2014
In chasing her dream, Haley stumbles into her perfect reality.

It took a while for me to figure out how to take this book, and even when I was completely swallowed by it (it's really addictive), I spent much of the story confused. But I loved it. I loved that it blind-sided me at every corner, and I loved that all initial impressions were turned upside down. Yeah, sure, I had an idea where the tale was headed, but the road there was certainly not a straight one; takes the scenic route.

It's all about the small things with this. The snapshot moments of her stay in Crescent Cove; the careful drip feeding of information; the quirks of the characters which set each apart and gave them a fullness; the significance endowed upon outwardly inconsequential objects; the beautiful detailing of the setting. It also shined with that little touch of magic-in-the-everyday that I'm a total sucker for.

I felt Haley's disappointment as her dream slipped away, her confusion, and her reluctance to let it go. I was right there with her as she discarded all her misguided assumptions of the place and the people, and her sense of belonging grew. And the ending. Oh, the ending was beautiful. It really delivered on all the feels -I was grinning past the lump in my throat.

I did feel, however, there were certain moments passed over which shouldn't have been. I'd have liked a little more filling -more active interaction -between hard ass Vin and sweetie Vin. More AJ wouldn't have hurt either (I adored him. So, so much). Also, I didn't get the reasoning for the inclusion of a few points, which made me question whether I was missing something...Although, there is a second book so perhaps, I'm hoping, that will tie those up.

All in all, Chasing Forever Down was a wonderfully extraordinary read and I highly recommend it.
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,312 reviews54 followers
May 4, 2013
I met Nikki through the A-Z Challenge, on my blog, when she commented on my The Outsiders post. I decided to check her blog out, and I found out that she was a YA author, and just released a new novel, about teens, hot guys, and surfing! I was definitely hooked in, and I decided to give it a try, which was definitely worth it!

Chasing Forever Down was a fantastic novel. I was hooked in from the fast-paced beginning, until the end! This is the type of book that you keep telling yourself one more chapter, and then you realize that you're done the book!

When Haley meets a mysterious stranger who seems to catch her eye, she decides to go seek for him. Bringing her on a road trip with her best friend, she ends up in sunny California, where everything is about surfing. She finds herself meeting many cute guys, and almost forgets that reason that she's there.

Haley was a marvelous heroine. She knows what she wants, and won't stop until she gets it, but may forget what she wants, until the end. On that unforgettable trip, she found who she is and what she wants herself to be, and in this case, *SPOILER* She finds herself wanting to go to college in California, because of her new, awesome friends, who she'll never leave behind.*

Topher, A.J, Vin, Miles, Reed, Linzi, and the rest of the characters, who seemed real to me, where fantastic. I loved Topher and Reed the most, lemme tell you. I felt the whole meaning of them, and I wanted Haley to be with one of them, at least, and I'm not going to tell you what happens, I guess you'll have to figure that out yourself.

An unstoppable, beach read that will hook you in from the beginning until the end, Chasing Forever Down was great!
Profile Image for Joy.
73 reviews
June 6, 2013
Really fun, light hearted read. Who wouldn’t like to read about hot surfer guys? The book is pretty clean as well. Yes, there is some drinking in it but no sex or dirty talk.

Haley meets a mysterious guy at a party in NC. He helps her escape for the night and they have a great night of going to see a cover band and talking about deep and meaningful things. He never tells her his name and wants to meet her the next day. Haley shows up but all that is there is a paper star. She finds out that the mysterious guy looks exactly like a boy from her town that is considered dead. She knows that he isn’t so she is bound and determined to find him.

Haley and Linzi devise a plan to track him down and this ends up in a cross country trip. At the end of the trip, they both find themselves immersed in the surf culture of a California town. They are finding friendship and all other sorts of things there as well. And also finding out things about themselves.

The cast of the Hooligans, AJ, Reed, Vin and Alston are great. I found myself loving all of them. No spoilers here but I would love to find out more about them in a later book. Finding the surfer God is not on Haley’s list so much.

Hopefully there is a sequel to this. There was no epilogue to this which bothers me sometimes. I like my books wound up neat & tidy. It seems like there might be a sequel since on Goodreads it has a #1 by the name. I did find it a little unbelievable that parents would allow their 17 year old daughters to go on a 2 week college discovery trip. But hey, it’s fiction right???

Forgot to add that I got a copy of this free in exchange for an honest review!
Profile Image for Minerva.
156 reviews
August 3, 2013

I would like to thank the author Nikki Godwin, for gifting me this book for a honest review. What a great read!!
Loved this book. Very refreshing.

We are introduced to Haley is a 17 year old girl, one night she meets this mystery guy at a boring dinner party and they hang out. He talks about life and chasing your dreams and he inspires her to want something different to be free like him. He tells her to meet him the next day, when he doesn't show, she decides to find out who he is. He never tells her his name or why hes really there. With help of her best friend Linzi they find out he is a Professional surfer Colby Taylor. The girls go on a adventure of a lifetime and drive cross country to Crescent Cove, California. Finally after getting to Crescent Cove, she realizes it is not going to be easy to get to Colby, she has to get past his 4 bodyguards.

We are taken to this whole surfer world and we meet different groups of surfer guys. I loved the bodyguards, I imagined like real bodyguards in their suits, not a bunch of guys, like the party boy, the play boy. I loved how they were all different and had their issues. AJ was so funny and crazy. I liked how Haley was not a stuck up girl, she was just chasing this dream of Colby Taylor and meeting him again. I liked how they all were there for each other. I would of wanted to see more of Colby Taylor himself I guess. I like how she realizes that Colby is not what she thought he was. I have never read a book about surfing and this whole world about it that we see in this book. I really hope there is a next one, I want to see more of Haley and Vin.

Profile Image for Crystal.
3 reviews14 followers
April 23, 2014
I was happy and lucky to receive a free ebook copy of this book from the author and her sister in a giveaway they did on Facebook. I delayed reading it and was glad I did since right after I finished the book I looked up the author and found out she has a second book coming out in less than a week! It took me a few tries to get into the book with the first chapter but I'm happy now that I kept reading.
The thing I love about contemporary fiction is while the stories aren't based on real people the scenarios, the characters' backgrounds and personalities all have the potential to be real. There is romance and friendships that are formed through the stories that just aren't the same in a 'para romance' or 'Hot and Steamy' novel. Nikki did an awesome job bringing all these characters to life for me and I felt like I was living the story for myself because it was so well written.
I was really shocked that Haley ended up with Vin and not A.J. but it made for a better story that A.J. became her best friend and that Vin opened up to her when he wouldn't anyone else. I think what was the least shocking to me was that Colby turns out to be-for the lack of a better word- an A##-hat. There is not much of a better way to describe him after he finally admits that he is using all 4 of his 'protectors' and thinks they are dumb enough they don't know they are being taken advantage of just so he can continue to hide. I couldn't stand him through the entire book so I'm kinda both happy and upset that he will be outed in the next one. Overall this was a great book and I am happy to have it in my ebook library-which is majorly expanded! ;)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Rebecca Lewis.
Author 5 books37 followers
May 27, 2013
I met Nikki here on Goodreads and I'm glad I did because her book was amazing! Let me start off by saying, I instantly loved the cover. I am a total beach girl, and I even read this book while on the beach in The Bahamas. I live in Florida and I get the whole "Salt Life" and "Ron Jon Surf Shop" way of life (even though this book takes place in the west coast).

Anyway, this book starts off with our main character Haley having an awesome night with a mystery guy she meets at a party. Mystery dude asks her to meet up the next day, but he turns out to be a no-show. So, she enlists her best friend to go on a road trip with her to find him.

Things really get interesting when they end up in California and meet a bunch of hot surfers who start off by just showing the girls a good time at a party, but by the end of their trip they all really get to know each other and you get an inside look at each character's lives and emotions.

I loved the bond between Haley and A.J., a bad boy who deep down is a goofy, fun loving friend. And of course Vin...hot hot hot. I kept chanting in my mind "kiss already!!!" every time they would be in a scene together!

I encourage anyone who likes reading Young Adult contemporary novels to pick up Chasing Forever Down. It's a feel-good story with a a great message of finding yourself and makes you think twice about judging people by the way they look, act or what their "rep" is. I can't wait to read what Nikki comes out with next!

Profile Image for Stephanie.
264 reviews19 followers
August 3, 2016
Imagine meeting a stranger who helps you realize that you are following the predetermined footsteps of someone else's plans. That's essentially what has happened to Haley when she meets Colby Taylor at her parent's business parent and when he fails to show up the next day, she will search for him across the country.

The cast of characters in this novel are laugh-out-loud, crazy and all around great people. To drive across country with your best friend will either make or break the friendship. The group of guys is equally as amusing as they are a family for each other.

This story is about being true to yourself, searching for your dreams and once figuring them out--having the courage to stand up for them. I do not know much about surfing as I am from the Midwest but I was neither confused nor lost interest in this aspect of the story. I was empathetic to Haley, feeling as though she had no choice but to follow what her parents wanted her to do. With this being the first book in the series, I am intrigued enough to want to continue on with the series--a good sign in my eyes!

Last Impression:

Not just a surfing story--you will be dreaming of having your own endless summer.
Profile Image for Melody.
82 reviews18 followers
January 17, 2014
*Receive a review copy for an honest review.

Haley met a mysterious guy at a party that her parents makes her go to. She doesn’t want to be at the party so when the guy asks her to ditch with him she is more than happy to go along even if she doesn’t know the guy and she even promise to meet him the next day. When he fails to show up the next day, she ends up chasing him across the country to find him. Along the way she makes friends with amazing people and she even finds love.

I keep putting off reading this book and I regret it. It’s such a good book that once I started it I can’t stop reading it. I want to know what’s going to happen next so I end up reading it in one sitting. It’s an exciting and fun adventure that Hayley experiences and I have a lot of fun reading her story. This book is very unique and the storyline is amazing. I really, really like it. This book is definitely not a waste of time. I’m really excited for the next book because I really want to know what will happen to all of the characters. All the characters are very different and unique in their own way. I recommend this book to everyone. It’s a must read if you haven’t read it yet. This author is amazing so I’ll be checking out her other books in the future
Profile Image for Fiona.
17 reviews8 followers
March 8, 2016
First I thought this would be just another cheesy romance story where the girl meets the perfect boy (like seriously they even have the same favourite song - ugh cliché!) and they spend the perfect night together.. buuuut then he disappears *drum rolls* BIG MYSTERY there.
But it wasn't! It was everything you'd expect and everything you'd never expect at the same time.
I actually totally liked how she went all stalker mode and tried to track him down (I can especially relate to that stalker aspect ;) ). I really loved the main character Haley and that she wasn't all girly and only depending on the attention of the guys around her. She also didn't track that boy down, because he's hot or because she's got a total crush on him (okay, he WAS hot which IS a big plus but we don't care about that now). She was looking for that special something, the spark she thought she saw in him and she wanted that spark too in her life. I actually was pretty sure she's gonna end up with that spark guy (silly me...) but I was even more suprised and happy when she didn't end up with him.

Over all this is just a FEEL-GOOD BOOK, which lets you dream of summer, love and friendship and will challenge you to chase down your own forever :)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
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