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Briarwood Witches #1

The Castle of Earth and Embers

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I’m Maeve Crawford, and I always had a flee my podunk hometown, go to MIT, get into the space program, be the first woman on Mars, adopt a cat (not necessarily in this order).

Then fairies killed my parents and shot the whole plan to hell.

Now, I've inherited a real, honest-to-goodness English castle – complete with turrets, ramparts, and a portal to the fae realm at the bottom of the garden. Oh, and four gorgeous male tenants, who I'm definitely not falling in love with.

Not at all.

It would be crazy to fall for four guys at once, even though they're gorgeous, amazing, wonderful, and kind.

But not as crazy as discovering I'm a witch. A week ago, I didn’t even believe magic existed, and now I’m up to my ears in spells, prophetic dreams, and rogue fae.

I can't science my way out of this mess.

Forget NASA, it’s going to take all my smarts just to survive Briarwood Castle.

The Castle of Earth and Embers is the first in a spicy fantasy romance by USA Today bestselling author, Steffanie Holmes. This full-length book glitters with love, heartache, hope, grief, dark magic, fairy trickery, steamy scenes, British slang, meat pies, second chances, and the healing powers of a good cup of tea.

370 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 13, 2018

About the author

Steffanie Holmes

86 books1,055 followers
Steffanie Holmes is the author of steamy historical and paranormal romance. Her books feature clever, witty heroines, wild shifters, cunning witches and alpha males who get what they want.

Before becoming a writer, Steffanie worked as an archaeologist and museum curator. She loves to explore historical settings and ancient conceptions of love and possession. From Dark Age Europe to crumbling gothic estates, Steffanie is fascinated with how love can blossom between the most unlikely characters.

Steffanie lives in New Zealand with her husband and a horde of cantankerous cats. Learn more about Steffanie at her website: www.steffanieholmes.com. She also writes dark science fiction under the name S C Green.

Want to be informed when the next Steffanie Holmes paranormal romance story goes live? Sign up for the mailing list! http://eepurl.com/ZrowD

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 102 reviews
Profile Image for Sissy's Romance Book Review .
8,884 reviews16 followers
March 24, 2018
THE CASTLE OF EARTH AND EMBERS by Steffanie Holmes is the First book in the Briarwood Reverse Harem series.
Maeve Crawford didn't know her real parents but grew up in a very happy adopted family home with great parents and a sister Kelly. But one day while with her sister their mother and father died. Then Maeve was informed that she had inherited a house that turned out to be a Castle with 5 'tenants' named:
Each were very attractive and had something in them that drew Maeve to each of them. With vivid dreams of them along with a fifth man who was thought to be a enemy.
Maeve is a scientific genius and nicked named by her sister as Einstein so it doesn't take her to long to know that something is going on around the Castle and with the guys.
This book hooded me in strait away and I could not put it down. I enjoyed each character and was excited to find out what would be happening next. This does end with a cliffhanger to set you up for the next installment in their story.
233 reviews8 followers
September 7, 2018
So cheesy

Ok so the story itself is good. It's a different take on paranormal.

The bad, you could see the thing with Blake coming a mile away. No one likes to be able to predict what is suppose to be a bombshell. At least it didn't leave a cliffhanger as intended.

There are some continuity problems,and they are bad, I mean like paragraph 1: I need A for the spell, paragraph 2: hold on, let me think what I'm going to need for the spell, paragraph 3: I need A for the spell. (Not kidding it as to do with hair at the end of the book at the height of the action, you will see it almost feel as if Holmes copy paste paragraph 1 into paragraph 3) and this is sequential on a page, not paragraphs strewn across the book. There is also inconsistencies with her sister and her nickname that is so hates she makes a guy for it but then let's everyone call her by it. Or there is Conner's mom being in the room, then in town with the police, then in the room again for the same conversation. And then there is the whole Maeve is this only ever slept with one guy, puritanical follows religious tenants even though she is a woman of science throwing all of that away the instant she meets these guys.

Whats worse is the main character acting like she knows these guys after two days. But the ultimate worst thing in this book is every time there is any sort of sexual encounter, it basically reads like Michael Scott, you know the guy from the tv show the Office, wrote the sexual or flirtatious encounters. I cannot tell you how badly I cringed at the "Irish sausage" euphemism. Or the no she has to have sex with as many men as she can because every orgasm makes her more powerful. *vomit* This aspect of the book is so poorly written its almost turned me.off the series.
Profile Image for Monica.
2,079 reviews
March 16, 2018
This is sorta hard to rate for me to be honest. I enjoyed the writing and there were a few errors but probably typos that werent caught by the editor. I liked her world building of the English Countryside and talk of the Fae Realm. I really liked Maeve's sister Kelly. For some reason I like her better than Maeve. I dont know why. Perhaps because Maeve's character is just missing something. She's not very impressive to me. It didnt help she was so skeptical about things until they were hitting her in the face. That could be the science geek in her but I dont think so. She frankly bored me a tad. Not all the time but majority. The guys although impressive by themselves there just wasnt anything spectacular otherwise. I think they need a little more filled out character wise. I dont think this is quite an UF but definitely a Fantasy. In the middle I just had to put it down for a bit. It just wasnt exciting enough for me and being a Fantasy thats not good. I've even read reverse harems before and menages. I like them quite well. I dont know these characters just didnt seem to make sense. I know this is a series and the first book is always rough. I am NOT telling anyone to not read it. These are just my opinions. I'm trying to work out why I have issues with the characters. I just couldnt connect well with them or the story that much. I will say Blake is interesting. I think out of the male characters he is the one who stands out but I dont quite trust him. I'll continue to read the series because I am vested at this point. Just hopefully gets better for me.
Profile Image for Katyana.
1,642 reviews253 followers
June 2, 2019
The story is a fun tweak, given that we have a science geek finding out she's a witch and trying to wrap her science brain around magic and fae. I like that, and I hope that continues.

One thing that irritates me, though, is that Maeve allows people to be crappy to her. She let Kelly do it in the opening (on her own damn birthday), she lets the guys get away with lying to her (and even when she finally confronts them on it, she isn't actually mad ... she moves past it like it was no big deal), and the fucking housekeeper is such a bitch that she's intolerable to me. That's taking the doormat heroine to a new and horrible level. Maeve is seriously going to let this woman come into HER house, and within 2 seconds of meeting her, call her a whore, ridicule her for being an American, and imply they should watch the silver around her? That bitch would not only be fired, I would drop kick her out the door of the house. And not only does Maeve tolerate it - not even giving back as good as she's getting - but this bitch is doing it right in front of all the guys, who ALSO tolerate it.

Doormat heroines are my least favorite, and inevitably kill a series for me. And this is a huge red flag for me.

Profile Image for Rhiannon Chillingworth.
800 reviews188 followers
June 8, 2018
This was an enjoyable start to a new RH series with a likeable heroine, interesting setting and some excellent love interests.


Maeve is a science geek and that isn't often done in these types of books. She is practical and logical, so dealing with witches and fey isn't easy for her, but I found her actions and reactions believable. I also liked her attitude to being attracted to all of the guys. There was no unecessary drama-rama over her feeling and trying to guilt trip herself. There's lots of potential for her character growth as well.

The men... They're pretty awesome. Arthur, the big burly long haired bearded Viking type is my favourite, closely followed by poor damaged Rowan. Corbin wasn't as interesting to me as the others, and Flynn, while I liked him, was a little too over the top. But all in all they were a varied and hot bunch!

The steam - just the right amount. I'd call this medium burn. They're not in love and in bed with each other in the first 50 pages, like some RH, but things develop later on and at what felt like the right place, with lots still to develop in the next book. The scenes were hot as well!

The setting - rural England. This was portrayed really effectively (if a little cheesily - more on that later). The whole Briarwood mythology worked for me, too.


It is a little tropey in its execution, but I think they're done well, so it doesn't bother me. The men and the different types of characters they are is one example.

The 'Britishness' of the setting and dialogue is a little cheesy. I don't know if the author is British, but as a Brit, I did chuckle a bit as the overuse of British sland, like 'shag' and 'bollocks' to name a few. Sure, those slang words are used every now and again by some, but not to the excess the characters were spouting them. This didn't detract from the story for me, but Inside roll my eyes a few times. Also, Flynn's jokes about his Irish heritage got a bit old eventually.

The Fey side of things felt a bit under-developed and how their society worked, but I guess it wasn't massively important to the story.

In summary, if you are hooked on the RH genre, and feel like you've exhausted anything half way decent out there, I'd take a chance on this one, as I was very pleasantly surprised!
Profile Image for Annette.
3,329 reviews156 followers
June 24, 2020
After reading the prequel I already knew that I was gonna like these books. I mean, the first step of liking a series is liking the characters. When it came to Maeve and I it was kinda recognition at first sight. Maybe I never wanted to work for NASA, but I always was that nerdy kid who knew too much about too many subjects, was always stuck with her nose in a book and was set to go to university to get some respected job, in my case in the medical field. Lets not talk about how all of that worked out, but well, it didn't really work out for Maeve either.

I think everyone my age, grown up with the YA novels where ordinary kids learn they're special, dreamed about that moment. The moment you're told that you're a witch. The first half of the book already says a lot about the characters without saying anything: How they break the news, how they react to the news, what they do with all information and knowledge, how they tackle issues and problems. Holmes doesn't talk about it, she shows us. It once more, after the other books I read, proves that Holmes is an amazing author who really knows HOW to write.

That's also quite visible in the rest of the plot. Apart from the whole reveal that Maeve has magical powers, she's also showing us the rules and workings of said magic and she's building an entire new world, the world of the fae. There's quite some history there, but Holmes never comes with huge info dumps and loads of information at once. There are no chapter long monologues that we will never remember. In a natural way Holmes introduces us to the world and the magic, shows us the possibilities and everything we need for the first book and story arc.

On top of that she introduces an interesting cast of characters. Apart from Maeve, who is really amazing, we are also introduced to the four men in her coven and a couple of key players from the Seelie and Unseelie Court. And once more she lets their actions speak for them. Therefore, even though there's still a lot to discover and learn, the characters feel real and it feels like I've been making friends already.

I'm really excited to get to know all those characters, the world, the magic and the huge political conflict better in the next book! Is it next week already?
Profile Image for Victoria.
541 reviews13 followers
August 9, 2019
Hmm, I must admit, I'm on the fence for this one.
While I love myself a good reverse harem, especially a paranormal one, this one just rubbed me the wrong way :(
I think one of the main reasons is that the author overuses typically English words waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much (don't get me started on the word 'bollocks', because I'll just scream).

I liked the world the author created, it has a lot of potential and places to explore. Scenes and environments were clear enough to be able to fully focus on the story itself.

Character development was decent, it just felt 'flat'. There wasn't really much depth to the characters. Yes we know some of their histories, we know some of their desires and fears but they just felt shallow. I would have rather had one of the guys worked out more than just bits and pieces.
Another thing I found weird was that Maeve and her sister just lost their parents. Maeve leaves pretty much right after, across the ocean, all alone. You'd think her sister would at least come with her for the first week or so, right? I mean, okay, they are foster sisters... but they grew up together so they have some form of bond. But then again, it might just be me.

Pacing and flow were good, a nice balance between action and conversations even with this being the setting of the stage for the rest of the series. It kept me entertained and interested.

The book itself was well written with no (noticeable) errors. And yes, there is sex described in this book (if that is important to you.. but then again... you are about to read a reverse harem, what do you expect ;) )

All in all, for me, it was a miss :( so don't think I will continue with this series.
Profile Image for Vicki.
1,651 reviews49 followers
January 22, 2020
I struggled with this one and almost put it down several times - though I objectively can appreciate the set up in the beginning, I was just not engaged and felt bored until a little more than a third in, and my interest only increased slightly from there. The heroes are briefly established in a way to make clear their different personalities, but it felt more like character card descriptions than organically woven into the story. They have a lusty, supernatural connection to Maeve, the "meh" heroine, and thus their sexual and emotional connections come way too fast for me - before she has spent much time with them on the page. Her magic and the things they do/that happen because of it happen out of the blue, and easily, with minimal research, no training or failures - their first ideas always work. There are some editing errors and inconsistencies, but I've seen far worse in that regard. There were concepts and ideas I liked, I am intrigued by Blake, (the most interesting character by far, with Rowan second - love that he has OCD) and the ending is done in a way that makes you want to see what happens next but I am not at all sure I am going to continue, with so many other books on my TBR that I am struggling to get to.
2.5 Stars
Profile Image for Noxwitchbooklife.
841 reviews13 followers
July 28, 2024
I've just recently re-read this after it has been re-released with new covers 6 years later and it was still just as entertaining as the first time around with it's quickly paced story.

You really feel Maeves's grief and confusion as her whole life is uprooted and she is thrown into living with these guys that she's totally attracted too and are weirdly familiar. How her world has been upside down and emotions are all over the place.

There are lots of comedic moments as well as some of the darker ones and spicy parts and the magic is woven into this tapestry in a scientific way to bring Maeve in on the secret.

I absolutely started my re-read of book two straight after this!

Profile Image for Natalie .
3,079 reviews30 followers
September 7, 2018
By the end 3 stars.

Well I had a good run this week so should’ve expected it, especially with the involvement of fae. I struggled to get into this one. For someone so smart the MC was naive. A lot of smut, the guys were clustered together all playing to get the number one spot. The plot was a little cliche. Favourite character was Blake, the only one with a plan and his own thoughts. Feel sorry for Kelly, it feels like she’s been shoved out of the picture and Rowan, the underdog. Started getting into it right at the end but I don’t think I’ll read the next one.
Profile Image for Georgia Mathers.
Author 6 books107 followers
June 27, 2018
3.75 from me.

What a reverse harem!
The Castle of Earth and Embers (Briarwood Reverse Harem Book 1) is probably the first paranormal reverse harem I've read that actually included anything close to real emotional connection.
Holmes has done a great job of writing all four witchy heroes, and each one of them has something to offer Maeve Moore, the witchiest of them all! More
Profile Image for Charlotte.
3,439 reviews50 followers
July 14, 2024
The Castle of Earth and Embers - book 1 in The Briarwood Witches series and it was a brilliant start to it. When Maeve's (FMC) adopted parents die unexpectedly a letter arrives that changes her circumstances. Leading her to a castle she inherited and 4 hot tenants - Flynn, Corbin, Rowan and Arthur. Each with their own secrets some of which are about Maeve. Lots of plot twists as Maeve tried to navigate this new world and found out more about her background and herself. Loved It.
77 reviews
July 15, 2020
46% DNF. Unbelievable characters, poor treatment of character with mental health concerns. Disappointed.
Profile Image for Hundred Acre.
1,281 reviews27 followers
June 16, 2024
Until now the Briarwood Witches have been a mystery, one nicely tucked away in a village in England. But be prepared for everything you thought you ever knew, about yourself, your family, those strange little things that have been happening to you that you have brushed aside, they are all about to come crashing into clear view with knowledge you may not have wanted to have.

Maeve and her sister are enjoying her birthday at the country fair in their hometown of Coopersville, Arizona. Everything is looking great for Maeve who will be leaving to study at MIT now she has a full scholarship. She knows she is nerdy but she can't wait. She wants to meet more people like her, more nerds, of course she will miss her family and Kelly. The pair are adoptive sisters we quickly learn. Maeve was taken to America by her adoptive parents in circumstances that she has never had clearly explained to her. But that, along with a very big and somewhat scary number of secrets are about to be revealed to her. It's a tragic opening. Her parents are killed when the Ferris Wheel they are on at the very same fair catches fire. A strange, and unwelcome, man seems to have been involved. But then another equally strange but utterly charming man saves her. Both sounded very English too. When the letter comes from her birth mother's solicitor telling her she has inherited it is almost all too much.

Which is when we move. To England, to meet Blake, a human adopted into the Fae court, a court who long to go back into human lands. He may hate the fae lands and what they do to his human body, well what their foods do to him, but he has plans other than reentering the fae realm, plans that somehow are going to involve Maeve. Which of course leaves us wondering, who she is, how he knows about her and where this story is taking us. That all, in turn is of course perfectly placed for keeping us reading, discovering, watching new worlds open in front of us and... Well then there are the four drop-dead gorgeous men... Men who are tenants in Maeve's castle, men who help her learn about England, English food, fairies, witches, love, heartache and the wonders of a cup of tea!

With all the glitter and glamour of the fae realm, the ups, downs and steam of love this is a compelling read, one that takes us on a magical journey that I for one didn't want to end. Of course this being book 1 there is more to come, I can't wait to see where the story goes and I think I might have to go back and read this one again, just to make sure I got all the necessary details the first time you understand. It may also have cast a small-ish spell over me!.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Lene Blackthorn .
1,656 reviews6 followers
April 15, 2018
A promising start to a RH fantasy series full of fae, witches, and science.
Maeve lost her adoptive parents and the option to study at MIT closed in front of her eyes. With all ties severed, after receiving the message she inherited her biological parent´s residence she takes off to England, only to find out she is now the owner of a castle with four very attractive male inhabitants. Each of them is different, yet each of them calls to her. However, Maeve quickly discovers that not all things are as they seem, and although she has some difficulties to accept the truth, she must open her eyes to prevent the threat to proceed further.
I enjoyed this story very much. It´s binding two things almost unimaginable - mythical and fantasy world of the fae and magic, and precise science demanding hard proofs and empirical evidence to accept the theories as facts. Maeve, as a character with sharp scientific mind and driven much by logic, is now thrown into the world of her parents, surrounded by magic, witchcraft, and fantastic creatures. If that was not enough, she learns of her legacy and the duties coming with it, and more, she is put in front of a really difficult choice in her private life.
Although Maeve sometimes really acts with denial, focusing on logic and science, I liked her enough to understand her geeky attitude and was glad when she finally got around. The four male characters are interesting, although I would love to see more of them and get more depth in their personalities. Nevertheless, they are distinctive and easily recognizable, compact and strong individuals. Moreover, the addition of Blake makes the story even more interesting.
I also liked the plot development and the gradually uncovered world building, and the author´s writing is easy to follow. I would rate the book 4+ stars, and with the small cliffhanger at the end and many unanswered questions, I am looking forward to the next book in this series.
74 reviews
July 2, 2024
Ohhhh wow.
It is less than a minute since I reached the end of this book.

It is a must for everybody’s 'must read' list. Steff has weaved a magic spell and created a new series with a bang. The worlds, mythology and magic she has created, and her trade mark of an FMC drowning in ft gorgeous and totally individual men from two worlds.

The story sets out the ground rules for the series and the background to understand who is who, where they come from and how they all fit together before we run straight to book two and see how everything develops.

This story is where science meets magic, witches, and Fae. Where the Maeve, the MIT student, the scientist, the would-be NASA astronaut meets medieval history and Fae. She tries to put everything she sees into a scientific basis - method - result - conclusion till she finds out who and what she is, then she is forced to believe the impossible and the improbable.

She also starts her road to that wonderful place that Steff writes so well and in such a compelling way. What did she say, why choose one man when there are a number of amazing examples to choose from....which leads to Why Choose..... and her journey to multiple affairs/relationships start. And I cannot wait to see how this develops as well.

But what happens next. Have problems between worlds been resolved? Will there be a backlash? Can Blake be trusted? Will Maeves 'sister' have a big role in the stories to come? And with her knowledge of the castle and events within it I am sure we have not heard the last of Jane.

You must read this to know who the sister and Jane are, then make your own decisions.

A brilliant start and I just know Steff well enough to know we have only tipped the touch paper; the rocket is yet to shoot us into the sky.

Be warned, once you pick this up and the story grabs you, cancel everything else because you will not be able to put this book down till the end.

Profile Image for Anne .
405 reviews32 followers
March 27, 2018

Yes this one got a record from me - probably took me the longest to read. In my defense, I was super busy this week so I only had short periods of free time to sneak a few chapters every now and then. And this one is surprisingly a long ride.

This is my first read from this author and I would like to say just how mad cool your writing is. Neat. It feels a medium burn at first, kind of mellow-paced. Then as it progresses, the burn feels kind of exhilarating. Until it explodes into the climax that is near the end. From writing alone, I definitely would read more from this author.

Now to these 'real' characters. I might rant a few or so frustration ahead of this review. But I want to make myself clear that I'm only preparing how affected I have become.

Maeve, our very own heroine. I am going to admit this first and foremost, I think that she and I are on the opposite sides of a spectrum. Generally, I can't relate at her at all, except for her love for science (physics in exact). She's a nonbeliever. She's a compartmentalize type of girl. She's very factual. She honestly drove me nuts with all the need for empirical evidence and whatnot. But, I have found her strengths too. How she was compassionate and just seemed to know how to act with others. Even those who snarled and sneered at her. She kept her cool composure. She was humble.

I am in awe of the men, mostly Corbin. I have fallen for his patience, kindness and selflessness. He earned and deserved the respect of his fellow brothers.

I would love to get to know Rowan, arthur and flynn better, too.

Also, we need to acknowledge Blake and his patience for all those years he survived in the fae realm.

I wonder if the unseelie king will redeem himself because he actually made sense at to an extent.

Profile Image for CoullCat.
157 reviews3 followers
July 16, 2018
The Castle of Earth and Embers promised to be a good read, and as it’s a RH fantasy with witches and fae with a main character who is a science geek brought up by God fearing parents, I knew that it was going to also be an interesting read. And it was both good and interesting as promised.

Maeve was good as the science geek that both loved and rebelled against her religious parents, but at times I found her to be a little lacking. And there were instances where she did a complete turnaround on her stance on an issue with no reasoning behind her change in mind. I didn’t mind the guys but I also wasn’t too taken by them either; I just feel that there is something missing, maybe I need a little more alpha in the harem. I did like Blake though and am looking forward to reading more about him in the next book.

Where Holmes truly shines is in her world building. She brings the English countryside to life and breathes magic into the world of the fae. I am a huge fan of Juliet Marillier and have always enjoyed a good fae story as long as it’s done right, and Holmes gets it right. There’s no sparkling tooth fairy here, instead we have bloodthirsty Unseelie and Spriggins just waiting to steal your baby and leave a changeling in its place. There are a few editing errors in this book which I did found rather distracting - it’s always disappointing when there’s words missing on page one - but Holmes can certainly write.

There is a slight cliffhanger ending, and it is a medium burn RH with plenty of buildup - Holmes is good at creating tension and leaves you hanging until over halfway through. In all honesty, this series will probably not end up as one of my favourites but it is enjoyable and I am going to read the next book in the series, and if you enjoy reverse harems, witches and fae then I’d recommend giving A Castle of Earth and Embers a go.
Profile Image for Jace.
515 reviews11 followers
October 8, 2018
I'm giving this book somewhere between 2.5 and 3 stars. I did like it, the writing was surprisingly good, despite quite a few typos.
But...i mostly picked this book up for the reverse harem aspect. I was in the mood for that, despite it being not my usual tastes, and found myself disappointed.
There's build up towards a RH, but it doesn't really get anywhere close in this first book.

I found the bad guys over the top, complete with long explanations of their nafarious plans. The good guys seemed to get overpowered so easily, and were always finding themselves in captive positions where we had to listen to said nafarious plans since they were once again immobilized.

I found myself disappointed that Maeve didn't really grow into her magic at all throughout the book. I was waiting for it and waiting for it, but nothing happens. She dreamwalks, but doesn't learn anything about her magic, it just kind of happens. The amazing feat of getting safely out of the dream with not only the guys but the kidnapped babies falls completely on Blake's doing, which once again leaves our MC basically useless and relying on others.

But..i did enjoy the build up between her and the guys. I liked the addition of Blake, and the knowledge he carries that he will hopefully be passing on to Maeve so she isn't so useless and boring. And I'm looking forward to actually seeing the RH develop.
So I'm definitely continuing this series, despite my annoyances, and I'm looking forward to seeing what is to come.
Profile Image for Denise.
3,298 reviews
March 18, 2018
I loved this book. I can't wait to see what happens at the castle next.

I don't want to spoil the book for you so I am not going to tell you much. Maeve is a nerdy girl who has just turned 21 and is excited that she will get out of her small Arizona town with a full ride at MIT. Her family is attending the local county fair when tragedy strikes. Maeve's whole life changes overnight when her parents are killed. She also finds out that she has inherited a house, no, a castle from her birth mother on her 21st birthday. When her college plans fall through and she is forced to leave her home, her sister convinces her to check out her new place.

Briarwood is currently occupied, at least the part that isn't an English Heritage tourist site, by four guys. Four gorgeous guys that can't keep their eyes off of her. Her, the nerdy science girl. Maeve finds herself liking all of them and enjoying her tour of her new residence. A trip to the local pub is also a lot of fun, until they are attacked on the way home. By strange creatures. She must have drank more than she thought. Fae could not be real, there was no scientific evidence, right?

You can probably guess that there is more going on than meets the eye. Join Maeve as she discovers her mother's home and finds out the secrets of her home and parentage. Oh yeah, four hot guys!

I was given an advanced copy of this book by the author. My review is voluntary.
Profile Image for bookgeek607.
322 reviews3 followers
January 10, 2019
***possible spoilers****

First off I have to say, how have I never read anything from Steffanie Holmes before? I got so engrossed into this story that I didn’t realize until the end it was early morning.

The story starts off with the Maeve, who born in England, was adopted and moved to Arizona at a young age. When her adopted parents are killed in a horrifying accident on her 21st birthday. When her life feels like it couldn’t fall apart more she loses her scholarship to MIT, crushing her dreams, and becoming homeless, she receives a letter from an English lawyer. With that letter her life changes more than she could ever imagine. Her sister Kelly leads her to making the decision to go on a adventure.

Holy guacamole is it an adventure! Inheriting a castle with four tenants was not where she seen life heading. Upon her arrival, finding four of the hottest men living there couldn’t hurt right? With very scientific beliefs she is emerged into a world of Fae and witches that go against all of her education. This is where I kinda got frustrated with her, and the not believing stuff even if it smacked her with a frying pan. With the help of her men and the magical pull of the castle, she has to make a choice and accept her destiny. Their goal is to keep the fae in their realm and protect the human race.

All in all I can’t wait for book two to see more of Maeve and her magical men! The ending for sure made me want to instantly start book two.
Profile Image for Danyelle.
481 reviews8 followers
June 5, 2024
Scary Faeries

** Cliffhanger Warning! ** I kind of love this book. It's a fantasy, reverse harem romance with a host of suspenseful situations, fast-paced action, scorching steam, and funny moments. There's a fun mix of fish out of water (Maeve is an American girl in England) with science and magic, fantasy and parascience, history and mythology. I especially like the word building, plot twists, and internal conflict.. The land of Fae as well as Crooks Hollow have been described in so much detail that it is immersive.

Having said that, there are some things that jarred me out of Maeve's new castle. The most distraction is from the TYPOS and grammatical errors. There have been a lot of sentences that I had to read a few times to make sense of things.

There are also repetitive sequences - especially as Maeve tries to explain magical things to herself - and her constant reluctance to embrace the magic that she can see, taste, touch, smell, and hear. BUT if I was in her predicament, I would have a hard time with it too. So, maybe it's just bothering me because I'm reading it, not living it.

I did enjoy most things! I love the characters. The castle is fascinating. The town sounds quaint, aside from the religious zealots. Can't they tell they're surrounded by magic?! On the whole, the story and characters are engaging. I stayed up late reading a couple of times.

I'm excited to read the next book in this magically delicious series!
5,788 reviews30 followers
February 1, 2019
Our heroine is a down-to-earth math geek who inherits a castle, multiple hunky men and witchy powers. Oh, and enemies...

This is book one in a new paranormal series and the first book I have read by the author. I felt that the premise was wonderful and the start was good, but it could use a little more polish to make it great.

To explain, I love the concept and the setting. Both are well written and nicely detailed. And the characters are solid, with unique personalities that make them stand out. The plot also provided some interesting twists and turns that kept me guessing, which was all to the good.

There were a few sections that were a bit repetitive and could have been edited to make for a cleaner read. But one real issue is with the heroine, who hit upon one of my pet peeves. She wouldn't accept what was happening around her, instead continually insisting on rational explanations. I get tired of characters ignoring the obvious because it doesn't fit into their world view.

But minor issues aside, this did not ruin the story for me. I still found it very enjoyable and there were sections where I just could not put it down. Now that our heroine has seemingly accepted the situation, I am really looking forward to the next book.


I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout for review purposes.
267 reviews2 followers
March 27, 2018
Dreamwalkers get all the best dreams

This was a great start to what's going to be an amazing series! Maeve is a very likeable character, but the one thing I didn't like about her was the fact that she had to keep bringing up the fact that she was raised in a super religious, super conservative home. I got it the first few times. All the other times felt like overkill. Regardless, I have come to care about this fictional Maeve; she certainly has her share of problems, yet is still aware enough to help others.
The four 'tenants', Corbin, Rowan, Arthur and Flynn, are a good group of men. They seem to care about others, but they don't realize that one of the best ways to show a woman you care is to give her the truth. I can definitely see how they will be better together than one as the main consort and the other three just assisting. They each have strengths and weaknesses, but together they balance each other.
Blake. Hmmmm. I haven't yet decided. Is he helping or hindering? Is he out for only himself? And if that's the case, why? I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book, and I borrowed it through the Kindle Unlimited program too.
Profile Image for Kayla Pipkin.
782 reviews37 followers
April 9, 2018
Kind of a weird story.

Maeve knows hardships.
Being an adopted daughter to a family of religious people has its own brand of difficulties.
But she loves them.
The night of her birthday is supposed to one of celebration. Of happiness.
Not mayhem, chaos, and tragedy.
To get away from all the overwhelming heartache that has bestowed upon Maeve, she takes a chance.
A chance she was somehow given by her deceased birth mother.
A home that is more like a castle in a far away kingdom.

I struggled in the beginning with this book.
It took a bit before my attention was grabbed and I was sucked in.

There is a big twist in the story and I wonder if it will have any effects in the following books.
It seemed to be kind of concluded in this book, but I have a feeling we will see more come of it in the future.

I loved the male characters in this book.
Their diversity.
Their personalities.
Just their overall persona.

I liked Maeve, but at times she kind of annoyed me.
Sometimes just wanted to reach inside the book and knock her upside the head.

This book is told from multiple points of views.

Ends on a slight cliffhanger.
Not enough where you feel like you are missing out on important information, but enough to keep you interested enough to want to read the following book.

Most of the things are figured out in this book.
It's only the bigger issues they still need to solve.

I'm curious to see where this will lead.
What things are in store for the characters.

I would consider this a medium burn reverse harem romance.

I would recommend it.
I don't think anybody would be disappointed if they read it.
Profile Image for Alisha Thompson.
527 reviews11 followers
April 6, 2019
This was a surprisingly good read. I’ve had a few people recommend this book and I have been holding off but glad I started the series.

Some say that this is a slow burn RH, however I would say it’s more of a medium burn. The men are already predisposed before Maeve turns up to Briarwood because they have been protecting her behind the scenes for most of her life. Maeve is super attracted to the men of Briarwood straight away and in order to access her powers she needs to be stimulated so she is bound to end up with someone from the start. The men need her to choose a magister but given her feelings and lack of knowledge #whychoose when you can have all!!

I like the story even though you can predictively guess some of the outcomes by reading between the lines. Maeve is bit of a crack up especially in her dreams and it may take a little time to get to know the men more but otherwise it’s good.
Profile Image for Dharia Scarab.
3,253 reviews8 followers
April 21, 2019
Interesting but it didn’t have me running to read the next book in the series.

Catching up on reviews. Didn’t realize kindle wasn’t marking these completed.

Since I don't normally write reviews unless I have something specific to say, here's the break down of how I rate my books...

1 star... This book was bad, so bad I may have given up and skipped to the end. I will avoid this author like the plague in the future.

2 stars... This book was not very good, and I won't be reading any more from the author.

3 stars... This book was ok, but I won't go out of my way to read more, But if I find another book by the author for under a dollar I'd pick it up.

4 stars... I really enjoyed this book and will definitely be on the look out to pick up more from the series/author.

5 stars... I loved this book! It has earned a permanent home in my collection and I'll be picking up the rest of the series and other books from the author ASAP.
9 reviews
September 5, 2018
Amazing!! Pleasantly surprised!!

Sooo I just finished book one and I gotta say im obsessed!!!I’m usually a book snob and I judge books based on reviews, and I figure not so many reviews must equal not a good book. I gotta tell you I was a little worried when in downloaded. After reading just a few chapters I was hooked! I love the all the guys, I love the beautiful variety in them, not just the standard huge, blonde blue eyed hero ( even though I love me some Arthur) I love their story, their depth and the way you breathed life into them. I love your story writing and the vision of the story.. I’m not sleeping tonight for sure cuz I’m on to the next book. Thanks for changing my
Mind, thanks for being more than an Amazon review number, and thanks for sharing your talent with all of us! -your new fan 🙌🏽
Profile Image for Phoenix.
512 reviews9 followers
January 3, 2019
This reverse harem is unusual in many ways which hooked me on the first page. Devastation is the main theme in this book thus far. Tragedy and pain can be found in every corner, but there is also a healing that begins. Although all six witches are as diverse and as opposite on the outside as possible being one happy go lucky Irish redhead, a huge Blond Viking, the dark haired bookworm, the ebony quiet Adonis who cooks up a storm, the stolen trickster-Blake-who was raised fae, and finally our main beauty Maeve. This book embraces diversity and unites everyone through pain and abandonment or orphaning. I have already started reading book two but the reason I gave it a 4 was because some of the mistakes made it hard to concentrate and the lust filled beginnings were a little over the top, but I look forward to seeing where this goes.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 102 reviews

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