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Grae Barragns is no hero.
He knows there isn’t a man alive who can fulfill the promise of such a word. But when a caravan transporting a noble family is savaged in the haunted forest of Maug Maurai, Grae is ordered to be a hero. And a villain. It's quite a handful for an officer whose last assignment was capturing runaway orchard pigs. Such is the fate of a commoner among the high-born officer corps of the King's army.
Until now.
Grae is ordered to lead a small squad into the forest to kill the legendary Beast of Maug Maurai. It's a suicide mission, but if he succeeds he will reap glory, a noble title, lands, and, most importantly, respect.
All he has to do is slay the most dangerous creature in the kingdom with the squad of misfits and criminals that he’s been assigned. A female archer that Grae presses into service makes things even more difficult. Her kindness and odd philosophies begin to chip away at his deepest conviction.
Before he sets out Grae receives one last ugly detail. A secret secondary assignment that makes it clear to him why he was chosen to lead the squad. It’s the first order Grae has ever considered disobeying, an order that will force him to choose between his loyalty and his morality. And he’s certain that the wrong choice will plunge the kingdom into civil war.
The Culling is the first of a three-part novel.

175 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 6, 2012

About the author

Roberto Calas

15 books82 followers
Hello there. Thanks very much for your interest. I am an author of fantasy and historical fantasy, and because there is some confusion, my last name is pronounced kah-LASS (emphasis on the Lass). And before I get too far, you can find my blog at http://robertocalas.com.

I'm a voracious reader and have been since I was a wee one. The landscapes of fantasy and science fiction were my usual haunts, but as I grew I developed a keen interest in history as well, particularly medieval history.

When I was fairly young, maybe nine or ten, I accidentally set fire to my best friend's living room while adding burned edges to a fantasy map we had made. Somehow my love of fantasy survived that calamity and I continued to write stories about fire giants and knights.

I graduated from the University of Connecticut with a degree in Journalism and Creative Writing, and went on to work as a reporter and magazine editor.

The skills I learned as a professional writer, writing day after day (after day), gave me a great base with which to pursue my real love -- Twizzlers and Coke. Um. And, yes, writing novels that combine bits of history and fantasy in a potpourri of humor, drama and action.

I hope you enjoy my works. Please don't be shy. Drop by my blog and let me know what you think. I'm always happy to discuss my works, fantasy, history, and Twizzlers and Coke. Or anything else you want to talk about.

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Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 reviews
Profile Image for Adam.
Author 26 books16 followers
February 7, 2013
I stumbled upon Roberto Calas on a guest post he did on another website.

He is going to be a fantasy writer to contend with.

The Beast of Maug Maurai is a short novel that I found very difficult to put down. It was gripping all the way through and Calas has created a world I want to know a lot more about. Actually, I wish the author had taken the reader deeper into that world and described it more but hopefully we will learn more in book two.

Calas' writing is tight, his descriptions evocative.

The book ended very abruptly and I do wish it had been longer but, no regrets, I'll definitely get the next one when it comes out.

If you like George RR Martin, this will fill a bit of that gap.
Profile Image for Rob Hayes.
Author 39 books1,722 followers
November 8, 2018
I was given this to read as a judge for the Self Published Fantasy Blog Off.

The Beast of Maug Maurai – Part One: The Culling is a story from two perspectives. The first is Black Murrogar, an ageing hero tasked with escorting a Duke's household through the feared forest of Maug Maurai. There's a beast known to haunt the forest, a fabled creature that no one has ever survived encountering. So it should come as no surprise that the expedition is ambushed. Murrogar must get as many as he can to safety, all while fending off attacks from the savage beast.

The other perspective is of Grae Barragns, an ageing hero tasked with forming a suicide squad to enter the forest and slay the beast. It's not readily apparent but there is a time discrepancy between the two perspectives. For narrative purposes they run parallel to each other, but Grae is only sent into the forest after Murrogar's expedition is ambushed... apparently. It's not really explained at all.

There's a lot to like about the book. The concept is a good one that you don't see very often these days. There's a beast to slay and Grae needs to form a super group to do it. The people he picks up along the way are the rejects and miscreants of the land, those who won't be missed. Grae's story reads quite a lot like a fantasy Suicide Squad.

The book is well-written with only a handful of grammatical mistakes and misspelled words, and the prose flows smoothly with some great phrases scattered here and there. But it doesn't do anything really original. The two main characters, Murrogar and Grae, seem so similar as to be interchangable. Both are soldiers of great renown with both heroic and questionable deeds to their names, and both are gruff, no nonsense lads. The biggest difference between the two is that Murrogar is brutal as all hells. Don't slow him down or fall behind!

I have to point out right now that the book is not formatted for kindle. Dialogue was framed by hyphens and another grammatical mark I don't even recognise. Lines often ended abruptly, only to be continued on a new paragraph. It made the book quite difficult to read at times.

And the biggest problem I found is that this is not a full book. The copy I was given ends at the point where Grae forms his squad and steps into the forest. Murrogar's expedition is similarly left at an entirely unsatisfying point that isn't so much a cliffhanger, as it is a lull in the action. I have checked on Goodreads and it appears the Culling is simply the first part of a novel that is three parts long. So the book has been split into three parts and each is sold separately. If the full novel had been provided I might have felt a bit more satisfied by this one, though the formatting would have put me off reading a longer novel.
Profile Image for Mich.
242 reviews18 followers
June 29, 2014
The Beast of Maug Maurai is the first book in the hopefully soon to be released trilogy by new author Roberto Calas.
I very happily acquired this book from the author and devoured it. I wish it were longer, and I also wish I didn’t have to wait ::said amount of time:: before he releases book two.
For readers looking to slot this book into a genre, it seems to rest in between high fantasy and sword and sorcery nicely. Roberto creates a wonderful thought out new world in which the characters can really come to life. Those who have fondly enjoyed J. R. R. Tolkien and George R. R. Martin will thoroughly enjoy this book as well.

I typically read paranormal/fantasy type stories, and The Beast of Maug Maurai did not disappoint.
I usually find the first book in any series like this to be daunting,ie-trying to follow the author’s line of thinking and having to re-read every other page to remember what land they are in now, or what god they are referring too , etc.
However, I have to say that this author effortlessly, and near flawlessly lets you into this huge new world in baby steps then throws you head first into the action.

While the main focus of the story is clearly ‘The Beast,” this book is broken down into 2 sub-stories.
First, the reader gets into the head of the dark hero Black Murrogar as he leads some nobles thru the depths of Maug Maurai, trying to escape the inescapable Beast.

While Murrogar is trying to fight for his life there is a second story taking place. We meet Brig Grae Barragns. The “forever” soldier who has been kept down by his less than noble family history. He has been tasked with the job of killing the Beast. Most of the story follows Grae as he gathers some unlikely men, and women to make up his misfit gang of soldiers. Though this book has some needed gore and violence, the lighter moments were wonderful. Sage and Hammer (Grae’s right hand men) added a great note to the story. Some of Sage’s one-liners are definitely quote-worthy.
I adore the characters of Grae, and Black Murrogar and am waiting with baited breath to read the continuation of their story.
An expected cliffhanger with this book, but I can’t see any other way to have ended it !!
Looking VERY forward to book 2.
Profile Image for Preston Ray.
31 reviews21 followers
August 12, 2012
A great start for a new fantasy author. The Beast of Maug Maurai is the first book of a trilogy set in a large well thought out low magic fantasy world. We as readers only have a small window into this world as we follow 2 small groups and see mostly from their perspective (although the author does have historical snippets and commentaries ala Dune at the beginning of each chapter to provide additional color and insight for the story).
The protagonists remind me a little bit of what you would find in a Bernard Cornwell novel - self made competent people of less than noble birth in a world where your position is mostly determined by your station. The world is gritty but the violence is not gratuitous and what little sex does happen is offstage.
I really like that you have a less than perfect world with less than perfect people - no stupid good vs. stupid evil in a world of perfectly obvious choices where you secretly are rooting for everybody to die by the end of the book...
The author has the first chapter online in case you want to read a bit before making a decision.

Profile Image for Karen Patterson.
695 reviews2 followers
March 12, 2014
My only complaint is it was too short and left you on a cliffhanger with no idea of when the second book is getting released. Two stories are told simultaneously, one of a caravan of nobles and their soldiers which were unfortunate to take a "shortcut" through the forest are now being pursued and killed by the beast and the other involving a soldier who has been hired to go into the forest with an army of 10 misfits to kill the beast. Less than 200 pages, but what a powerful read and good set up of all the characters for the second book if I (and they) can make it that long. Loved the diversity of the characters and I've grown attached to some so can't wait until the second book arrives.
Profile Image for C. Coleman.
Author 14 books34 followers
July 25, 2016
The story is interesting, but it's slowed by too many characters thrown in together too quickly to get a good feel for them as individuals. There are so many names that are so difficult to pronounce, it's confusing and slows the pace. This series really needs a map so readers can visually see where the story goes. Also, it's not a stand alone book. There are editing issues as well.
On the positive side, the action and drama are dramatic and well developed. The monster is great.
Profile Image for Ashley Smith.
1 review
October 1, 2012
Awesome book. Can't wait for the next to see what happens. couldn't have been written any better. Usually dont read fantasies but will read whatever Roberto writes. 2 thumbs up!!!
Profile Image for Jackie Hensley.
21 reviews
January 15, 2013
I instantly fell in love with both leading roles, Grae and Murrogar which left me screaming "noooooooooo" at the last paragraph in this book. I am curious to see where the story takes us in book #2.
Profile Image for Bianca.
39 reviews
April 2, 2019
I'm really starting to love this writer, thanks Amazon for recommending him! I read the trilogy of The Scourge and found this. I really enjoy his writing although I miss Tristan and his funny way of seeing life (even monstrous life..). Roberto, please bring him back stand-alone, please!! I like the 2 sides of the story and this new and intricate world he has invented. Am now on book 2.
Profile Image for Diego.
242 reviews3 followers
May 14, 2024
"I'll get 'er sir."
"No you won't," said Grade. "My definition of 'get' doesn't involve an axe."
Profile Image for Jon.
723 reviews7 followers
July 16, 2015
Sometimes when reading a novel by a Goodreads Author I like to creep on their virtual bookshelf to see what they've enjoyed and disliked. After reading the first part to The Beast of Maug Maurai, it's not surprising that Roberto Calas has a fair selection of Stephen King.

The story was quite entertaining. Our perspective switches back and forth between two gruff leading characters and their separate but intertwining plots. I found both of them worthwhile as they helped make this tale intriguing, along with the creepy horror-like nature surrounding their respective quests.

At first I disliked the writing style because it felt overly simplistic with its broken sentence structures, but over time this grew on me as it assisted with the overall tone. However, part one was simply too short. Being under two hundred pages meant that there was just enough time to establish the characters, their missions, and the enveloping ambiance, but there wasn't much time for anything else as the story ended before the real adventure even began. Even so, I found part one exciting enough to want to follow through with it.
Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 reviews

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