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Cambion #1

Beg for Mercy

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Alternate cover edition of ISBN 9781463709037 can be found here

Everyone dreams of that first kiss. Of that magic moment when your lips finally meet those of that special person you’ve waited your whole life for. A little awkward, a little scary, a little hot and every bit amazing. We speculate that the whole world will shake and time will just stop. No one, however, ever imagines that kiss to bring Death himself knocking.

Sixteen year old Mercy Moore's life just got more complicated. The kiss that originally could have meant she would finally have a boyfriend now was the kiss that could have very nearly ended his life. A small detail her mother conveniently never told her will take her life for an abrupt u-turn. Dating, no love, was now completely and utterly impossible. And the boy well, that boy would never be the same.

But life, however cruel, goes on. Far too soon for her taste, Mercy finds herself at a senior party with the elite students of her school and her best friend. And of all things, playing a stupid game that could very well mean the death of someone in that small room. If it were not for her best friend, the hottest guys in school, and a small need to fit in, she may have been able to escape the disaster that was to come. Her worst nightmare, her personal curse, her very life, only gets dangerously worse.

472 pages, Paperback

First published August 7, 2011

About the author

Shannon Dermott

21 books498 followers
Shannon first love was reading, diving into other realities to explore and brave new worlds. To share her writing is the best experience of all. She writes both young adult, new adult and adult fiction. When Shannon isn't writing she loves to shop and watch horror movies that make turning out the lights seem like a stupid idea. You can explore more about her at her website www.shannondermott.com. She can also be found on Facebook, Twitter and her blog www.shannondermott.net.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 307 reviews
Profile Image for Nicole.
Author 1 book156 followers
May 25, 2012
I finished this late last night and it's been a little over 14 hours since I put it down and I am not sure I still know what to write about it but let's give it a go. I'll just start typing and telling you about the story and see where that takes me…

We will start with Mercy; she is a 16 year old high school student who is half a succubus. She discovered this during her first kiss when she almost killed her now best friend Paul. Mercy is a smart girl and one of the fun things in the story is her use of her SAT words. Every day she has one for the day and it is comical how they end up being used. Now I read some reviews and I know there were some issues with corrections that needed to be made, let me just say that Shannon Dermott (the author) gave me the edition of the book and I had no grammar and spelling problems with this edition.

All right now I am going to tackle what I didn’t like so we can just get it out of the way and get back to the good stuff because there was plenty of it, it will be like ripping off a Band-Aid.

I do like a good Love tri-angle but this one is more like a hexagon, I don’t know at what point it got a wee bit ridiculous for me but I do know it got there. Half-way through and maybe even three-quarters through I began getting antsy and irritated with the Mercy’s man fan club. I do realize she is a succubus so yeah … hello boys! But it still seemed a bit much. I tell you this now not because I think it should be different but because if you read this book I don’t want you so get frustrated and give up. I promise the payoff for finishing it will be worth it! In fact I dare to say I think all of that is forgiven.

The other thing that I didn’t like was how much Mercy misses clues going on around her, she is not written as a half-wit character so why can’t she see what is going on around her when it is so obvious that she needs more information form the people around her. It’s like watching a horror film and you just want to scream at the girl running around in her nightgown for doing the most idiotic things.

There were a couple of few minor issues I had with it but I am not going to pick at it.

Ok now back to the good stuff… Let talk about boys now ;-)

Let’s introduce you to the “Mercy’s man fan club”

First we have Paul, first kiss (almost killed him) now he is one of her best friends, kissing thing didn’t work out too well, but of course he secretly pines for Mercy. Paul is our geek chic.


Next let’s go to the boy next door Luke. Luke is the boyfriend, son of a preacher, football star, and all around nice guy.


We have a couple others in the fan club that get little attention and minor flirting along the way but I am just staying with the main men. How about Sebastian now? He is our super bad boy, no moral compass to speak of and is a dangerous beauty combined with a devil may care smile and we have what all girls with Daddy issues would call the perfect man ;-)


I saved my favorite for last! Flynn our resident misunderstood bad boy, yummy!



Oh and it is very appropriate that I imagine Leto as Flynn since Mercy is a big 30 seconds to Mars fan!

So overall I was VERY happy with this book, like I said most of what I had problems with in the end made sense to me. But let me tell you one more thing, at the end of the book my face was like this for a few hours….


I was left with a lot of questions at the end of the book and you could have probably could have convinced me that my nook was missing a few chapters of the book I still feel a bit like this about it…


But all that means in the author did her job; she wrapped it up in a nice package but left you desperately wanting more! I will absolutely read the next one and highly recommend this one.

Rating – 4 Stars!

Recommended for – Older teens and Adults

Thank you to Shannon Dermott, Bravo!!!!

Finally got this one posted to my blog! Follow my blog!
Beg For Mercy Review

January 21st update

Did you see my interview with Mercy? There is also a link to an excerpt to book 2!
Mercy Interview & Giveaway
Profile Image for Megs ♥.
160 reviews1,308 followers
January 15, 2012
I received this book to review for the ReadIt&Reap program in the group ShutUp&Read. Thanks to the mods and author for providing this book for us to read.

This book wasn't the most terrible one I've ever read, or even close to that. I just feel there are so much more negative things to say than positive, and that makes me sad.

Our heroine is a sixteen year old girl named Mercy Moore. She attempts her first kiss with Paul, and during the kiss she almost kills him. She soon finds out she is half succubus, so naturally there is a collection of boys falling all over her. A lot of things confused me, but they were explained more properly at the end. I just really struggled to get there.

I didn't like Mercy that much. Well, her taste in music was superb, but that's about all. At first she started out as a girl who wanted to be part of the Elites, and at that point she was relatable and almost likeable. Then she just did so many stupid things. Also, I think I could have liked her more if at ANY point in this book she took a step back and said "what the hell is going on?" She was absolutely clueless. I know that's not her fault, but she should have demanded more from her mother. Flynn had some decent character development throughout the book, but he's probably the only character I felt anything for. I don't have to like every character I read about, but if I'm constantly feeling the need to shake some sense into the heroine (who I think was supposed to be fairly intelligent) it makes for a less enjoyable reading experience.

Okay, so I have to talk about the love pentagon. A triangle is fine, really. The idea to have 4 guys constantly obsessed with Mercy (half succubus or not) was just too much for me. Sorry. I understand completely what the author wanted to do, but at a certain point I was just like ...Can we chill with this for a minute?!

Now onto what I did like. The story was very different from any other stories I have read. It does have originality and creativity. I also liked the vocabulary words! This book had a great start, actually, but then it dragged and annoyed me. In my opinion the Cambion series does have potential, but definitely has room for improvement. I personally am not interested in reading the next part, unfortunately. Many other people have given this book good reviews, so maybe it just wasn't for me.

3/5 Stars
Profile Image for Shelly Crane.
Author 30 books5,839 followers
November 7, 2011
First thing I can say is wow!

This book was very different. It didn't follow the normal grooves and lines as most YA novels and that is the #1 thing I love about it. It starts off, you understand Mercy and feel sorry for her. she's a little impulsive and immature as most teenage girls are. There were many times in the novel that I wanted to be in the room with her so I could be all motherly and say "Uh, you know this is going to end badly, right?" :) but I loved how the author put truth in that. She was typical in her actions and thoughts as a teenager but it wasn't completely over the top.

The book flowed and never got boring to me. There was SO much going on all the time that you won't have that problem, but it wasn't hard to keep track either. I did not like Maggie but I think that was kind of the point. Maybe. The guys. Ah, the poor guys. It sounds strange to say there was four love interests in the book but they all played a vital part and it worked. Although I felt extremely bad for all of them.

My favorite guy was Flynn, strangely, followed by a close second with Paul. Flynn was supposed to be the bad boy but as we peeled back his layers I loved him and wanted Mercy to drop everything, not string anyone else along and be with him!! He was her kind after all. It would have been perfect. That's why the end threw me for a loop. I did not understand why Mercy was so suddenly upset with Flynn kissing her when they'd kissed several other times in the book. He was glad she was ok!! And poor Luke in the end. I didn't understand why he didn't just tell her what he was. I'm assuming this was why they could kiss and him not pass out. Like I said I can't wait to read book two because I was just blindsided by the ending. I assumed it was Luke who had saved her but it was Sebastian!! Agh!! But I'm liking Sebastian too, though he's a demon. I don't know. All the guys were written very well.

I loved this book! You think you see it heading one way and then it completely went another. And the end was way out in left field! I can't wait to read book two so I can see who Mercy chooses and what happens to her.

5 stars to Shannon!!!! Read this!
Profile Image for Ana .
150 reviews16 followers
November 25, 2012

*Spoiler Alert*
Read at your own caution

This is what it was like when I finished reading this book:


Yeah... It was a bit awkward when my mom saw me like that... MOVING ON!

This was not what I was expecting at all. Hell! I've postponed reading this book for so long and now I don't even know why. Mercy, the heroine is a succubus who can't even KISS without killing (or almost killing) the other person. So, let me get this straight: if my mom knew I wanted to have a normal life and knew HOW I could do that and didn't teach me I wouldn't be as calm and nice as Mercy was. I would probably do this:


and this


Ok... Maybe I wouldn't be THAT bitchy but I would say what I was thinking! Now, I know her mother had her reasons (I'm hoping to find what they were in the next book) and she was doing what had to be done, but Mercy never said anything! I'm not saying you shouldn't do what your mother tells you but say what you're thinking girl!


Not that I don't like Luke, I just like Flynn better. And I actually have a thing for Sebastian, I just have a feeling he will turn out bad. Ok! I know he IS bad. He is a demon! But he was the good guy in this book so... About Paul, what is Mercy doing???


I can't even... Paul is being an hypocrit! He is dating while he is in love with her but doesn't want her to date if she is in love with him. Just WHAT? And Mercy, you love Luke, you know that, so why are you always thinking that you love Paul. Insane, this is just insane.

And by the end of the book I was like


because I want her to stay with Flynn and didn't want her to break up with Luke if she didn't stay with him (Luke is second place in my heart ahaha) and like this


I've waited enough, I'm going to read the next book RIGHT NOW.

EDIT: Now on my blog too: http://chibireader.wordpress.com/
Profile Image for Terri ♥ (aka Mrs. Christian Grey).
1,490 reviews474 followers
January 26, 2012

So I read this a while back and I don’t normal write reviews for book I read for pleasure. But here I am. I generally don’t give spoilers. But oh well. I guess since I really liked this book, I want to spread the word.

Mercy is a half human and half succubus. Being part lust demon isn’t easy on her as some might think. Her first kiss turns into disaster when she nearly kills the guy. That’s when her mother finally dropped the bomb as to what she was. And what was the mother’s advice. Stay away from boys. Well, that’s sounds easy and it worked for her for a while. The boy Paul who previously been her boyfriend before she nearly kills him becomes her friend. That had to suck as she’s silently pines for him.

Then as fate always has it. She ends up at a senior party because her best friend ropes her into it. Somehow she finds herself in a room filled with the most popular of all playing spin the bottle of all things. As you can imagine being a girl whose kiss is fatal, this wasn’t ideal.

The story takes off from there introducing us to a bunch of character including a laundry list of hot guys who are willing to date her. Some make think that the number of guys attracted to her is too much, but really, is it not possible in real life. The guys are all delectable in their own way and even I had a hard time choosing between them. So I couldn’t blame Mercy for her indecision.

I enjoyed the book. If you’re not into love triangles this book may not be for you. But the plot twists are really different and you may just enjoy. Additionally, I haven't seen a succubus play a major role in YA. All this made for a very entertaining book for me. If you are into YA and romance, try this story out.

My book boyfriends Luke and Flynn.




Okay, so it's the same actor. But completely different looks that represent them well I think.
Profile Image for Tana.
619 reviews214 followers
October 29, 2011
Beg for Mercy by Shannon Dermott

I found I really enjoyed this book, I liked all the characters and I really enjoyed the writing style of Shannon Dermott. This is a series I will keep my eye on.

In the beginning of the book we are introduced to Mercy who is a teenage Succubus, Mercy doesn’t know much about being a Succubus because her mother won’t talk about it. After a bad experience with a boy and her first kiss, Mercy knows her mother is right she needs to stay away from boys.

One night her friend Maggie convinces Mercy that they should go to a party where all the popular seniors will be hanging out, and this leads to Mercy sitting around playing a game of spin the bottle. Turmoil inside of her when she realizes the bottle has stopped and is pointing at her and to her horror the boy besides jumps in grabs her and plants a kiss right on her lips. In a panic she runs out of the room, so worried about what she may have done only to find out a few minutes later the boy is fine.

This moment is when she starts to wonder and realizes she needs to question her mother more. Can she have a boyfriend???

Now Mercy has a boyfriend, Mercy is going to have a step brother and her best friend Paul is looking at her different. She meets a few werewolves and a young man named Sebastian who she is not quite she what he is.

Throughout this book the internal struggles and dialogues she has with herself and her inner Succubus is great. You actually start to feel bad for her, trying to figure out if it's her or the Succubus.

This was a fantastic story, I think its better then a love triangle type of story because Mercy is just coming into herself a young woman and a succubus. In the end, I believe she lets go of the one she loves to protect his soul. But I am hoping that they somehow they get reunited in book two.

I would recommend this story to anyone who likes to read y/paranormal romances types of books. I cannot wait for Waiting for Mercy (Cambion #2).
Profile Image for Karla BookAddict2.
358 reviews28 followers
April 9, 2013
deleting reviews if you want to take a look at them you can do so on my blog, link on my profile
Profile Image for P.A. Lupton.
Author 2 books416 followers
October 4, 2011
Two Princes….

Anyone who has read Beg for Mercy will understand why I was replaying a famous song from the Spin Doctor’s in my head over and over. “One two princes kneel before you. Princes, princes who adore you. You marry him your father will condone you. You marry me, your father will disown you.” Now, normally I absolutely loathe love triangles (or in this case I think it would be a love quadrilateral). However, since the heroine is a neophyte succubus just learning to control her ‘demon’, I can forgive that part of the story. In fact, I really enjoyed this book.

I think you can’t help but have mixed feelings when you read this story, but that’s one of the things I like about it. I was drawn into the relationships completely, to the point that I stayed up a few nights into the wee hours eager to find out what was going to happen next. There were bad and good qualities about each of the male love interests in Mercy’s life, and there were bad and good qualities about Mercy herself. I didn’t always agree with her decisions, but I felt for what she was going through. Teenagers have enough to deal with without adding to it a life-sucking demonic power that prevents her from kissing any boy without killing him.

The other thing I liked about Beg for Mercy is that although it is a YA book, it’s not juvenile. That’s one of the reasons I tend to shy away from the YA genre. In Beg for Mercy the story is told from the first person perspective of the heroine Mercy, and she definitely had a more mature outlook, poor romantic decisions aside. In fact, because it is YA, I was kind of glad Mercy was so conflicted. I hate reading a YA when the heroine meets the man of her dreams and falls in the forever kind of love—because how often does that happen to seventeen year olds? It was much more realistic (paranormal elements aside) to read about a teenager that suffered pangs of angst and indecision.

So, if I enjoyed reading it so much why did I only give it 4 stars? I wanted to see more of the paranormal. I did like the mix of paranormal beings in the book. However, I’ve never read a story about a succubus before and I wanted to learn more about their origins, their powers, and their weaknesses. There were times in the story when Mercy didn’t press for answers about what she was, leaving herself and the reader in the dark. I’m too curious by nature, if I were Mercy I would have had to know! Still, that didn’t hinder my enjoyment of the book, I will definitely read the next. I recommend this novel to anyone who enjoys the Paranormal and YA genre.

Profile Image for Alana ~ The Book Pimp.
857 reviews193 followers
February 9, 2012

Mercy is your average teenager, that is, if you are a succubus. She cannot even kiss a boy without possibly killing him. Finding herself at a party with the "elite" crowd from school with her best friend she is suddenly thrust into a game of spin the bottle... and just guess where the bottle lands. This one juvenile, innocuous game played by teenagers is the domino that seems to really stir up the fates, and Mercy's usual MO. No boys, no kissing, and predilection for using the SAT word-of-the-day app... all this is suddenly turned on its head. Mercy finds herself not just in a love triangle....

What I Thought

You can't tell but I am fist-pumping the air over this book! This displays EVERYTHING I love about YA books. I love the angst... and how much more angst can you get than a budding teenage girl filled with hormones, and a succubus that wants to suck the life out of every boy she finds herself attracted to. And there is not just a love triangle, but a "love hexagon" as I've seen Shannon put it. It was such an interesting take on a commonly used literary device. And there was plenty of "boy eye candy" to go around. I even loved the pattern of SAT words preceding the chapters and looking for the use of that word in the chapter. You get a boost to your vocabulary just by reading this book!

I personally found all the characters to seem natural to themselves, and loved the variety between each of the "guys". There were some plot twists that I saw a mile away, with a big neon sign- but I still loved the way it was told. And there were other plot twists I was expecting, but either I was wrong, or maybe, just maybe those possibilities will be explored in the future installments. And quite honestly, I was NOT expecting the ending, so that was a pleasant surprise. The book was well pace and very engaging. Normally, it would have been the book that I would have stayed up way too late reading, but current circumstances forced me to draw it out. I recommend this book to anyone and everyone that enjoys YA. And while there are (obvious) sexual overtones (hello, succubus?) this is still a "clean" enough story to give to any teenager.

I'm left wanting the next book NOW! But, as I hear it should be just a few months away at the most, I will attempt to subdue my inner demon from begging for mercy....
Profile Image for Midu Hadi.
Author 3 books180 followers
November 6, 2011
I got this book to read and review from the Paranormal Romance & Urban Fantasy Fanatics! So what I liked about this book:
how the story began, I've been reading young adult books which don't begin well and it becomes difficult to dive into the story because of that.
the whole high school set up seemed genuine and Mercy wanting to be the part of the "elites" also made her more real to me.
Flynn's character was very well-written and I like his transformation from a jerk to Mercy's friend.
I loved how the author eased us into the supernatural world because if there were succubi, then there sure can be vampires and shifters.
What I did not like:
Mercy's instant attraction to Luke and how comfortable she felt around him. She barely even knew the guy.
The sudden arrival of a mysterious voice that Mercy starts hearing in her dreams. If it was to be an important part of the story, it should have been included earlier.
How a girl as smart as Mercy couldn't have figured it out earlier that her friends were hiding something from her and even after she did realize that, the lack of curiosity on her part was just weird.
Plus she keeps ignoring clues like Miss Gibson or Brent's shifter behavior or Tommy's super hearing abilities. She wasn't written to be this dense. Then why?
Sebastian's appearance. Yes, Mercy's a succubus but it doesn't mean she should go all Anita Blake on us! We already had a lot of guys in the story without a vampire being added to it.
I liked the book, though and would definitely read the next installment.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Alexandria.
625 reviews38 followers
September 19, 2011
One of my favorite books so far this year - amazing!

The story is about a girl, Mercy, who is learning to live life as a Succubus. This proves to be very challenging since her mother won't teach her a thing. The only thing she knows for sure is that if she kisses someone, they could die - her best friend Paul had a personal experience with this. I have to say that I've only ever read about Succubui & Incubui from the Beautiful Creatures Series but even through them I didn't learn a lot. We, along with Mercy, learn quit a bit about their nature here and I can tell there's even more to learn!

This book is long, very long (I'm guessing about 600 pages) and I read the whole thing in 2 days it was so good! You can preview the first 5 chapters online and when you do you'll probably get sucked in just as I did.

Since Mercy doesn't know a lot about controlling herself yet, it's really fun to watch her try. She literally has an inner demon who seems to control her life at some points, which makes situations bad for her but interesting for us. Particularly when it comes to the men. And there's A LOT of different men in her life.

One thing I really enjoyed about this book was that there wasn't a love triangle or even two people working towards one love. Mercy was exploring her teenage inhibitions and with all the hot men running around it definitely kept me interested. I must admit that I have a soft spot in my heart for Luke, even though I understand they aren't really right for each other. This isn't really a spoiler unless you don't want to know much about the other guys but some ppl might want to read the whole book before I say why I wouldn't choose the others: I do want to say that at first I couldn't believe she was getting so many guys. It was a bit unrealistic to me, but then I thought about the raging teenage hormones and it made a little more sense. It didn't say this in the book either, but I think her succubus has a lot to do with all the lust floating around.

There are a lot of characters that I can't wait to get to know more - especially the dauntingly mysterious Sebastian and even Mercy herself. Because even though we were in her head the whole time I still don't feel like I know her very well. She choose to ignore things I didn't think she would, or maybe I just wouldn't have, but I think it did help the plot flow that way.

My biggest problem with the book was all the errors throughout but once those are fixed this book will be golden!

After talking with Shannon, it seems like we are in for a long ride with these characters and I can't wait for the next book!! Sorry this review is a tid bit long but I could talk about this book all day. :)

Bottom line: if you love YA, crazy romances, paranormal, Indie author, or any combo of those, then you'll love this book too!

Profile Image for Charlotte Abel.
Author 22 books430 followers
October 26, 2011
I loved this book! In fact, I loved it so much, I included an excerpt from the first chapter at the end of my own book (with the author's permission).

Usually, I prefer a romance with a clear choice of ONE true love for the protagonist, but Mercy's character was written with such depth, she pulled my own heart right along with her on her journey of self-discovery.

I began the book hoping she'd end up with one boy, but switched my allegiance twice before the end of the book. All without losing any affection for the other boys. (This will make sense after you've read the book). I'm sure my current choice will be tested in the sequel. I can't wait to find out what happens next!
Profile Image for Michele.
89 reviews30 followers
May 2, 2013
Shannon Dermott has done a great job on her first novel. This was a fun read. What made it compelling for me was the different personalities of the guys pursuing Mercy: Bad boy Flynn, sweet and soulful Luke, boy next door Paul, and dangerous demon Sebastian. Because Mercy is part succubus demon, she tends to make some bad decisions that makes it more complicated and difficult for her to decide whom she should be with. It's like a soap opera for high school, lol. By the time I was done with this book, I immediately started the second. I love this series!
Profile Image for Nathalie*.
667 reviews25 followers
June 6, 2016
I sure hope the mom has more a role in the second book! I didn't like that she was so absent from her daughters life... It was crazy that there was 4 boys .. FOUR of them lol I usually like the bad boys cuz secretly they are the good guys but the good guy was a really good guy in this one...

Onto book 2 ;)
Profile Image for Tiffany.
217 reviews18 followers
November 28, 2014
I loved this book. I thought the concept was very original. Most YA books are about vampires or werewolves. It was refreshing to see quite a different creature as the main character. Mercy, who is half succubus, is so real as she struggles to battle her inner demons while still having to deal with real life issues such as parents, boys and high school. She makes mistakes like a normal teenager and this makes you love her all the more.

I was warned by the author herself that if I didn't like love triangles I may not like this book. This was not an issue for me as I love them. This book takes the concept of a love TRIangle and adds a few more sides. Mercy, being an alluring succubus, has four main boys swooning after her. To me, this makes the book all that more interesting and fun. Especially since they are all yummy in their own way!

Along with the romance, this book has elements of mystery and suspense. It seems not everyone is being completely honest with Mercy. In addition, she seems to become involved with a string of disappearances and murders that begin happening around her.

The only small critique I had was the 'SAT word of the day'. I know Mercy was trying to use the words in her everyday life but at times in made the writing seem off as the word was not used in the right context.

I would recommend this book for anyone who likes YA paranormal romances that are geared toward the older YA audience as there is some mild language use and has some sexual content. While it is 'paranormal' Beg for Mercy does deal with normal teen issues as Mercy is still half human!

Shannon has created an intriguing paranormal world with Beg for Mercy. I will definitely be reading Waiting for Mercy as soon as it is released.
Profile Image for Ronda.
887 reviews166 followers
November 1, 2011
I haven't really read much about Succubus and therefore knew little about it. Watching Mercy going through her changes, or rather learning about what she was learning about herself, was like a lesson for me too. I think Mercy's mum could have helped more, but if she had, we wouldn't of had this fantastic story!!

I really enjoyed watching the boys around Mercy, I adored Luke, and Flynn grew on me (eventually) and obviously Paul had to be the friend, and then there was Sebastian! The feelings amongst the characters were quite intense at times and I really struggled with who was going to be my favourite!

This story was interesting from the start, kind of grabbed me and kept me hooked, although I think Mercy should have been a little tougher, I loved her regardless. I must admit, there were times when I became frustrated with Mercy's behaviour but I can probably understand it if I put her teenage hormones together with her succabus inheratance. However, the twists in this story were great, some things I just did not anticipate and I was quite surprised, all of this makes up for any frustrations!

I loved the dictionary! The sub-headings of Mercy's SAT words. I actually think I learned a word or two!

I will definately be reading the second book and I'd recommend this to anyone who enjoys paranormal romance.

Profile Image for Fatima.
758 reviews347 followers
November 3, 2011
I sooooooo wish i was a Succubus .. No wait , i think that's too much to ask for !! But this surely makes you wanna wish that you were a succubus , honestly !!!
Cover - speak : I absolutely loved this cover . Its simple , yet sexy and intimate in its own way !
Beg for mercy is the story of Mercy who is coming to terms with the fact that she is'nt a normal girl but instead is a Suucubus . Turns out , this startling revelation turns Mercy's life upside down and inside out . Life becomes hell for this teenager as she tries to shy away from dates , prom's and parties . But then she meets an incubus and that's when things start to change for her .
The book was definitely soo very different from what i had expected it to be . It was lika a wave of fresh air .
Things i loved about this book :
1) This is'nt your typical love triangle . Infact this is'nt a love triangle at all . There's just Mercy who is surrounded by all these different kinds of hotties!!!
2) Mercy was really refreshing as a female lead . I cant really put my finger on it , but she was sooo unique in certain ways .
3) The male characters in this book was what caught me offguard . Each one different than the other . You wouldnt know who is fit for Mercy as each have their own goodness .
On the whole this book was very exciting to read . I cant wait to read the next book in this series !!
Profile Image for Maghon Thomas.
1,527 reviews1 follower
October 29, 2011
Ok, as usual, my thanks go out to read 2 review, since that's how I got a copy and learned about this book!! Now, boy am I glad that I got my hands on this book!!! When I read the synopsis, I was more on the probably-won't-like side of the fence. Well I was DEAD WRONG, and that little description gives this book NO JUSTICE!! This is a great read! First, I pretty much loved the details of every character, even her mom which I didn't like or understand until the end. And as for all the male candy, I can't choose! I mean I like Luke, but I like Flynn, and I like Sebastian, Paul not as much, for my own personal reasons of course (I know someone just like him). I even like the mean girls! I am also assuming this is gunna continue cuz that would be unacceptable to leave me like that! I also loved the word of the day! I even learned a few new words! And mercy talks like a real teenage girl talks (except the slight genius part (: ) and thinks like one too. I like the differences of supernatural characters and I look forward to learning more about these. And I'm gunna keep thinking about which team I'm on, since I kinda fell in love with them all. I also liked the ease in which the words just flow, which makes for an easy read. I really wanna read more of these, because I wanna see the fall out, so on that note GIMME MORE!!!
Profile Image for Suzanne .
618 reviews166 followers
November 2, 2012
Even better second time around.

Ok, I did enjoy this book a lot but there was just a couple of things that kind of bothered me. For the first half of the book I could not put it down, it was fantastic. Mercy had great guys who were interested in her and I loved them all haha. Couldn't decide which I preferred. But from then, Mercy seemed to just keep doing the same kind of stupid things with other guys, just a in a different place, and Luke kept forgiving her?? There was a secret that everyone else seemed to be in on besides Mercy and the reader and when it did come out, it didn't seem to be that big a deal, I couldn't understand why she hadn't been told, if even just for her safety. I found the ending to be a bit disappointing and a bit rushed. <.spoiler> I felt so sad when she discovered she couldn't be with Luke and when he thought she didn't love him. I also felt bad for Paul and Flynn. <./spoiler> Despite the negativity here, I did enjoy it, as I said, and I am looking forward to reading the next in the series. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes the YA paranormal romance genre.
Profile Image for Shannon Dermott.
Author 21 books498 followers
May 29, 2013
Mercy is getting a face lift. New cover will be on the paperback soon. Audio book in production!
Profile Image for Ana.
514 reviews353 followers
November 14, 2011
I would really give it 4.5 stars, but I round it not just because of the fact I don't have that option here on GR, but because I am really giving credit to the author for really entertaining me with her story.
Mercy is a teenager, but she doesn't have the problems most teenagers have. Sure, she is "obsessed" with boys, but that's pretty much normal at her age. The "only" problem there is she's not allowed to kiss one, because she is a succubus.

"I wish I was a vampire if such things existed instead of a succubus. Based on the folklore, they were just as deadly but possessed the power to not harm anyone if they chose"

Now you see..She is really not allowed to have an intimate contact with a human, because she really doesn't know how to control her powers. The first time she tried to kiss a boy (Paul), ended up in almost killing him. Now, with Luke in the picture she really has to be careful. Not to mention Flynn, that awesome guy everyone loves, and Paul, her best friend, who I must say is my favorite of them all.

I really loved this book! It's a young adult with paranormal elements, and though there could have been more paranormal to suit "paranormal lovers" demands, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
What I really loved is the fact that it was such an easy read that holds your interest until it's last page. It's well written and enjoyable read. Perfect even for those that are not much into paranormal books.
I love Mercy, and though at times she seems confused, not knowing which guy to chose or what she really feels, I could totally understand her! The book sucked me in from the first page and I am really thankful to my buddies from R2R and the author for generously offering me a copy of this book! I am looking forward to reading the next installment!
Profile Image for heather - NightlyReading.
683 reviews93 followers
June 21, 2016
This book was a different twist on demons than I am use to reading. Mercy is a succubus demon and she had no idea until her first kiss which left her best friend lying on the floor and begging for his life.

The writer was brilliant with surrounding Mercy with all types of men which REALLY threw her for a loop. Her succubus side was starting to outweigh her human side and trying to take over. I enjoyed reading about Mercy’s interactions with all of these boys, but I was rooting for Flynn. He is very much a bad boy and only showed his soft side a few times, but I still think that there could be something more between the two??? Luke was just too much of a goody-goody, hence what he really was which I cannot reveal, you will just have to read it for yourself!

The ending was ruthless and agonizing. I was not a happy camper:( The one person that I did not trust through the whole book is who is now holding Mercy’s hand, but, with a sequel in our midst, I have a feeling that it may not be for long!!!

The storyline in this book was impressive and I really could not put it down. The writing flowed wonderfully and the storyline was easy to follow. I enjoyed the headings at the beginning of each chapter with Mercy’s SAT prep vocabulary words and their meanings. I never got bored! There are quite a few grammatical errors which the author is aware of and fixing as we speak, but it did not deter me from reading and actually loving the book!

He leaned down and wrapped me in his arms again and patted my back.

I hadn’t expected kindness from Flynn.

I didn’t think this could get any weirder.

“Mercy, you need to choose.”

Profile Image for Emma.
106 reviews15 followers
October 31, 2011
This book is an excellent read! (Though I didn't really like the cover, the people on it felt kinda old? They don't look YA age). The story line, characters, plot.. everything is written out very well. I really enjoy the writing style of the author, it is something I sometimes miss in new books. She clearly has her own unique style and it is very pleasing to read. English isn't my first language so I can't really say anything about spelling and grammar and stuff.
So, I loved our main girl! She is so cool and she has a very unique story to tell. I feel like Shannon really found a new and interesting YA topic to write about, it's def not the same as all the other stories out there.
The only problem I had was the boys. I'm sorry, but really.. that many?! It might be me, since I don't really like love triangles in books, they annoy me most of the time. Though this one didn't annoy me, it wasn't something I enjoyed reading about. After a while I was like: come on girl! Make a decission! I know your young and all, but pleeease make up your mind. It felt a bit unnatural at times. And I know she's supernatural, but I just don't feel like it is really that hard to make up your mind and choose what's right. It felt kinda selfish sometimes. Other then that, amazing story, love the characters, everything is described just right (I can still see things in my own way) and she acts her age! Really well done and when I started this story I simply couldn't stop reading. I just kept going and going and going!

And of course I am totally on team Flynn! :D Four stars!
Profile Image for Nicole Peterson.
204 reviews41 followers
January 21, 2012

We start out with Mercy, a 16, going on 17, year old girl talked into going to a party with her best friend. They end up sitting in a room in a circle playing spin the bottle. Problem is Mercy found out with her first kiss with her first boyfriend, Paul that she is a succubus. She ends up having to kiss Flynn, part of the "elite" crowd and the schools "player". However, nothing happens to him. Luke also apart of the "elite" crowd is sitting next to her and follows her out of the room into the main party. Luke and Mercy discover at the party that they are mutually attracted to eachother.

Mercy's mom doesn't tell her what she is until her first kiss with Paul almost kills him. And the only thing her mom does tell her is what she is and to just stay away from boys. For 2 yrs she does just that, but that night the kiss with Flynn sets things in motion. Mercy is very book smart, however her mom has kept her so sheltered that she is naive in all aspects of life. Mercy discovers what she has been missing and decides that as and believes that as long as she's careful and controls herself, that she should be able to date Luke.

From there things really take off. I'm not telling anymore. Read it like I did. It's fabulous! I love the take on this story. The succubus/incubus theme hasn't had an overpowering number of books written on it, which makes this a treat and something new and different. I've read many good books recently and this I would have to say would be in the top list, I definitely will be reading Waiting For Mercy as soon as I can!
Profile Image for Jennifer (random jendsmit).
400 reviews24 followers
November 17, 2011
Ohmygod! Ohmygod! Ohmygod! Ohmygod! Ohmygod! Ohmygod!

I love love love this book! I can't put my love of this book and the amazing characters into words... buuuuuuuuuuut here is my try at it! Mercy is smart and strong. Flynn is AMAZING! Luke is the sweetest boy ever, prince-in-shining-armor style! I can't wait for the next book!

Shannon Dermott has put a spin on the succubus demon in a way I've never seen - I can't explain how genius it is to show a character who doesn't want to use power she has for bad - she wants to be good, but she is surrounded by AMAZINGLY gorgeous yummy guys all the time - GENIUS! Mercy is tested time and time again!



Mercy is a succubus, half-human / half-demon, 16 year old high school student. Poor Mercy has sworn off dating and all boys after almost killing her first boyfriend with her first kiss. Mercy finds herself in the worst situation possible because she is a good friend to, Maggie, her best friend. What could be worse than being at a party with the most elite seniors in your high school playing spin the bottle / truth or dare when you could kill someone with one kiss?! That's where this story begins and Mercy's somewhat normal mundane life ends! Her life is thrown into a twisting and turning drama from that point on.


Profile Image for Jessica *The Lovely Books*.
1,251 reviews647 followers
April 30, 2012
So good. As long as someone edits this book, it will be amazing.

Out of all the boys that are after Mercy I had a hard time choosing. At first I liked Luke, but towards the end I think I love Flynn! She should be with him. There isn't anything wrong with taming the bad boy. Plus it's not his fault he has to use girls to survive.

Team Flynn:)

If not him, then I guess Sebastian is another great candidate.
Paul is just out of the question...good guy, but he is human after all.

When will the second book be out!!!
Profile Image for Vanya D. .
362 reviews21 followers
January 18, 2012
I am done reading this absolutely amazing novel, and boy am I STUNNED!!! My review will be published tomorrow, since I really need to lay it off for a while, to kind of understand exactly what I just read LOL

*The next day*

Oh.My.Angel! This book shook my world, uprooted it and tossed it in the deepest, darkest waters!!! I finished reading it yesterday, but was so SMITTEN, I needed to take some time to think it through. It was amazing, it was completely stunning, breathtaking and addictive. I cannot wait for the next installment to come out. So please, Shannon, hurry!!!

Please be aware that the following review may contain some minor spoilers.

Mercy is not an ordinary sixteen-year-old girl. Not in a long shot. But what she is isn't something to be proud of because it's like a fast-spreading poison, like a dagger straight through the heart. In one word, she's deadly. One kiss of hers can take away human life. True, the person may be quite happy about it at the time, but in the end he would just be a crumpled, motionless heap on the ground.

Two years ago Mercy had no idea what she was. So when the time came for her first kiss, and she braved the shame and embarrassment of it all, she couldn't possibly imagine that Paul, the boy she liked would fall breathless at her feet. After that incident, her mother had no choice but to give her the basics. And the rules. Main one is: no boys.

Truthfully, Mercy didn't mind that rule at all after the realization of the danger she may impose upon more intimate contact sunk in. And who could blame her, really? Who would want to suck out the life if their loved ones? You got it: nobody.

So when she gets stuck in a classic game of "spin the bottle" and Flynn, the most gorgeous bad boy of all french-kisses her, Mercy expects the worst. But to her surprise, he's still alive and he's even laughing about the whole thing. How could that be?

After that night, things change dramatically for Mercy. Suddenly, guys are interested in her, girls are jealous of her, and her own containment of her inner demons is about to crack. Especially so when gorgeous blonde Luke steps in the picture and claims her.

Would she be able to control herself around him? Or would he be her first victim ever?

All I can say about this book is that it shattered me to pieces. So much that I actually had to take my time to write this review, because my thoughts were scattered in millions of fragments and it took a while to stitch them back together. Rarely do I feel so strongly about any novel. Only the masters have been able to provoke such grand emotions in me.

So, what I liked about this book was, well.... EVERYTHING. Okay, well yes, I admit there were some grammar inconsistencies, and they did kind of distract me from time to time. But everything else was so brilliant and engaging, I just couldn't put the kindle down.

I love romance/self-exploration stories, and this one was just that. It had lots of kissing and romance scenes; it had light action; it had lessons, breaking of rules and over-the-top excitement. There was uncontrolled passion and self-growth. The constant banter between Flynn and Mercy really cracked me up. The discoveries she made about the male gender were funny, and in a way - unexpected.

In short: I really enjoyed this book and would surely recommend it to anyone who loves paranormal romance stories.

The characters:
* Mercy was a well grounded character. She had her head cleared that she could not date. Perhaps not ever, or at least not until her mother gave her the basics on how to control herself. I loved her desire to strife to know more, and that she used the SAT vocab list in her daily life. I cracked up laughing at the big words she kept throwing at Flynn. I felt her pain and struggle with her darker self all along. I hurt with her, I laughed with her. She was a very real character.

* Flynn was the all time bad boy that every girl ultimately falls for. Mercy isn't one to hold back either. However, the fact that she despises him and his huge ego kind of pulls that attraction back a little. I loved his blaze demeanor, and I loved that underneath the hard shell, there was a core full of tenderness and desire to love and be loved back.

* Luke was the one character who kept me on edge the whole time. Not only was he smart, gorgeous and the ultimate boy a girl would want to wake up next to every morning, but he was also mysterious. So much, that we only find out what he is in the last few pages of the book. Not that I couldn't guess way before then, but I just really wanted to see it stated somewhere. Gosh, every time he held Mercy in his arms, I felt like I was in her shoes. It was amazing!!!

*Sebastian was another bad boy. Delicious and unearthly from the very beginning, he made my blood boil the moment he made his appearance.

*Paul - urghh, well, I really didn't like Paul. He was so self-centered and hypocritical I could barely stand him. Honestly. And he pretended to be the best friend, when he was of no help at all. He's close to my list of dislikes only with the bad guy.

*Maggie - well, she was a nice girl most of the time. She wasn't of much help, unless we count the romantic department. She isn't in on Mercy's secret, but truth is, I'd rather it's kept this way. I feel like her mouth is too big for her own good.

*Mercy's mom - well, what can I say, she must've had her reasons for keeping Mercy in the dark for all her life, and for not teaching her how to control her darker half.

Several quotes that I marked as I read along include:

"You are a pompous licentious asshole, and there is nothing I need to hear from you but thank you for the ride," I said closing the car door maybe a little too hard on my exit.

As I continued down the hall Flynn fell in step with me.
"You could thank me," he said.
Barely turning in his direction, I scowled and rolled my eyes. "I could scream bloody murder too." I said flippantly.

"Oh, I'm just thinking, that's all."
"About?" I said. (...)
He stopped again. "I guess if I'd wanted to fill you in, I would have," he said giving me the eye that said "duh".

I hadn't really wanted to spell it out but here it goes. "Does she know you're sleeping with me?" I asked.
When he stood, turned and cocked his head to one side I realized the error of my words.
"She knows that I'm sleeping at your house but I doubt that she really could comprehend my fantasies," he said, raising his eyebrows as he eyed me up and down.

For more of my reviews please visit my blog here . Thanks!!
Profile Image for Diana Stormblessed.
622 reviews35 followers
January 27, 2012
3.5 stars

This was my first succubus story, and a pretty decent one to start with. The story starts with a little bit of information overload. All of the important people are at a party, playing spin the bottle. (Mild spoiler alert, but this is all laid out in the first couple chapters so I think you can handle the rest of this paragraph). Mercy is afraid to play since a kiss from her can suck the life out of someone. We are then told the story of Mercy's first kiss. Basically she was dating Paul 2 years ago, they kissed (she didn't yet know she was a succubus) , and she almost killed him. Her mom came home just in time to save him. Mom then told Mercy that she was a succubus and could never kiss anyone. Paul overheard but didn't freak out, and they remained friends, although they stopped dating. My thoughts: What?!? Just like that her mom drops this bomb on on her with no more information and she just accepts it? And so does Paul? If I were Paul it would take me some time to get over that. I would definitely be doing some avoidance of the creepy succubus girl. But no, Paul is just like "Ok, cool, whatevs" (not his exact words).

That's where I started disconnecting from the book. I know that some people really are just that passive, but I can't accept that someone who was just given the news that they are half demon would just accept the fact that no further information is given to them, and that they are kept in the dark for their own good. Since I'm already going off on Mercy, might as well take this time to delve into the characters.


I felt that Mercy was very slow to catch on to all of the paranormal stuff going on around her. She seemed to be led through the book, without asking the important questions, and just making excuses for her actions. Instead of being a strong heroine, she acted more like a confused victim. I couldn't connect with her. Throughout the book all she did was bounce from boy to boy rationalizing actions she knew were wrong. I'm not really one for love triangles, but this story was a love hexagon, which made it hard to choose a good guy to root for. I ended up rooting for the good ones to get out of her harem.

Which brings us to the boys. Lets meet our star players (there were more, but these are the important ones).


The boy next door. Mercy's best friend. Sweet and always there for her. He's the smart, good looking geek who still hangs with the cool kids.



The sweet, understanding, patient boyfriend. Cool football player with a heart of gold.



One of the school's hottest men. Bad boy. Every girl wants him, and he lets them have him. But is there something deeper underneath?



Another hottie. He's the real mystery. There's something dangerous about him, but Mercy's drawn to him anyway.


Final Thoughts

This was a fun read, though it wasn't entirely for me. The book was centered around the romance angle, with the plot revolving around it. I love a good romance, but I want the plot to be the center and the romance to be there to make the plot pop. For those that just want a romantic story, this might be the book for you.

For more reviews check out http://nightlyreading.wordpress.com/
Profile Image for Gina -  What She Read.
259 reviews35 followers
November 2, 2011
There must be something in the air these days about books who give us slight cliffhangers for a sequel yet the novel could just be left as a stand-alone as well.

I did quite enjoy this book, however, predictability was a problem. I could guess half of what was going to happen from the very start of the book. There is an exception though, for at the end but other than that it was very predictable.

From the first lines in the novel we already know that she is uncomfortable and that there is something wrong with her that can damage people. We are not yet told what it is but there is little suspense as we don't have to wait very long for the answer.

Already we are caught up with the boys and Mercy's dilema. All we hear about at the moment is Mercy and her struggle to fit in the dating circle. She is cautious towards her feelings for boys but sh ealso want to deny these and start dating. What we want to really know is why Mercy's mother will not teach her to control her succubus self when getting "intimate" with the opposite sex. She should have realised that Mercy will not keep by her rules and try to control her succubus self on her own through experimenting her control over boys.

Suspicions within the novel that I had from the start after the party (wrote down after this scene):


As we go along in the novel we start to see her relationship with Luke develop as well as Flynn backing away. We don't particularly want ot think about Flynn, but we are drawn to his new non-existent nature within the chapters. We see Mercy also thinking back to him and to why he isn't terrorising her anymore, making us wonder what actually transpired between Luke and Flynn that day when they had a fight, supposedly about Mercy. Could it be that they know something of her demonic nture? She is starting to lose control over her emotions towards Luke and wants to go beyond what she should. We also wonder what Flynn wanted to talk to Mercy about and we would think that she would as well on how many times he has asked her that they needed to talk.

As my previous supicions suggested, I was right about the whole Flynn thing. This novel (like I have previously stated) is very predictable yet you want to keep reading to find out exactly what heppens with the others. From each word and meaning at the start of each chapter we can straight away guess, somewhat, at what it is going to be about.

In the end though it was a good book. I despise love triangles but this one was bearable as she didn't constantly mention the boys the whole time and who she should choose.
2 reviews5 followers
January 14, 2012
2.5 stars to be honest. I was plowing through this book.

In modern YA there are some schemes that are repeating time after time, such as love triangles. This time we have a pentagon with a few additional points. For me it's deffinietly too much.

I can't count how many situations there are when she gazes into eyes of a guy and she must remind herself that YES, she already has a boyfriend whom she is falling in love with. Half of the time I wanted to shake her and quote to her V'lane from Fever series: “Accept him or kill him, MacKayla. But choose. Just f****** choose.” (adequate, since McKayla is Mercy's second name).

Going through the boys, lets see:
- Paul, a human, won't survive a simple kiss - forbidden love.
- Luke, a nephilim, half-angel, in danger of soul's damnation - forbidden love.
- Flynn, an incubus, the same species as Mercy, her future brother, as their parents are engaged to be married - forbidden love.
- Sebastian, a full demon with ability to teleport, a complete opposite of Mercy, dangerous - not the best possible love choice.
Forbidden love issues much? Please, take a bet who is her 'true love'.
Whicherver answer you chose you were right. And let me tell you that in the end all forbidden loves are sent away (because they are hurt or it's for their good, or because they occured to be liars. Stays only a heroic demon who came through hell for her - hero complex?)

As for Mercy I didn't get to like her. She has an affinity for toxic relationships of all kinds. I understand that a girl who after an kissing incident swore off men may be a little over her head with all this male attention, but it's not a good reason for treating guys like this (ex. take Brent and how she uses him). What's more a relationship with her mother (yep, she knows her father only from a photo). Everything was OK for a long time and just around the time Mercy starts having lust issues her mother cuts her off completly, refuses to answer her questions and reveals a relationship which was developing for the last few months culminating in engagement dinnner.
Mercy spends a lot of time self-pitying. She's blind to what happens around her, very self-centred. She can't value well people's actions and lacks a long-term perspective. When everyone starts to protect her she gets exasperated. She's childlish in her behaviour, stupidly brave in one moment to be frozen in place in another. She lacks a self-control or a consequence in her actions. She wants something and yet she is afraid to take a risk. And although she's using big words she deffinetly isn't the brightest star. I understand a succubus issue - but a succubus didn't create her character.

Created word is original, imaginitive and full of possibilities. And storyline has something to itself. I just didn't like a heroine and she destroyed it for me.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 307 reviews

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