The Vacationers!



Eeeek! It’s here! It’s here! This is the gorgeous face that Riverhead has given my book. I am in love with it. Out 5/29.

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Published on December 06, 2013 07:47
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message 1: by Jess (new)

Jess Goodreads just suggested that I suggest The Vacationers to you ;) Made me laugh! Loved the book!!

message 2: by Steph (last edited Jun 21, 2016 10:19AM) (new)

Steph VanderMeulen The cover made this book irresistible. I tried to resist but couldn't. I bought it. It feels like a fashion accessory, it's so gorgeous. But the best part? It's laugh-out-loud funny, and Straub, your way with words is totally exciting and makes me envious. I'm truly enjoying this book, and so I bought the equally gorgeous Modern Lovers as well. :) Thank you!!

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