The Housemaid by Freda McFadden

The Housemaid The Housemaid by Freida McFadden

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

There are a few times in life you come across and author that everything just instantly clicks with you as a reader. When it happens it truly is a magical experience. My first book by Freida was Never Lie and it was my favorite read of the year. Then I read The Housemaid and this was even better. There is something about the style of Freida that engages the reader and keeps them at the edge of their seat. The Housemaid is what a Psychological Thriller should be. It was a twisted, engaging story that will make you think "what the ...." I can 100% see this book being made into a movie. This is up for A Goodreads Choice Award and is definitely getting my vote.

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Published on November 15, 2022 23:49
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