New Year, New Book! (Code Name: Serendipity + Giveaway details)

Hello Readers!

Wow, 2021 was rough, am I right? But 2022 is finally here...and I am celebrating with a new book! It's called Code Name: Serendipity, my debut middle-grade novel.

Code Name Serendipity by Amber Smith
If any of you follow me on social, you know I have a weakness/passion/calling to help animals, evidenced by my SEVEN rescues (two dogs, five cats).

So, to all my fellow dog lovers...this book is for you.

It tells the story of eleven-year-old Sadie, a lonely misfit whose life seems to be going all wrong lately. That is until she meets a stray dog and realizes that they have a very special connection: they can communicate telepathically! Sadie sets out on a mission to rescue the dog, but in the process, she might just rescue herself too.

It's pretty different from my young adult books; it's more lighthearted (something I needed while writing this book throughout the course of 2020), yet it still touches on my favorite themes: family, friendship, and the challenges of growing up.

I hope you'll love reading it as much as I loved writing it! It comes out tomorrow (1/4/22).

Sign up for my newsletter to find out how you can win a free, personalized copy: Subscribe Here.

Happy New Year everyone, and, as always, thanks for reading.

with lotsa love,
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Published on January 03, 2022 10:19 Tags: dogbooks, kidlit, mglit, middle-grade-books, middlegrade
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message 1: by Adalee (new)

Adalee Gellar An incredible book good for all ages!

message 2: by Amber (new)

Amber Smith Adalee wrote: "An incredible book good for all ages!"

Thank you!!!

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