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Cath Crowley Cath Crowley > Quotes


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“I had the first line of a new song in my head. A song about a guy and a party and a smile. The words were in my mouth and the tune was in my blood, and it felt so loud I thought: If Alex kisses me, he’ll hear it singing through my skin.”
Cath Crowley, A Little Wanting Song
“But he doesn’t understand that memory is abstract and chaotic. Memory isn’t straightforward. It surfaces in sounds and images and feelings. He doesn’t realize that in getting another person’s memory, he will lose parts of himself.”
Cath Crowley, Words in Deep Blue
“I'm weak-kneed in love with beauty every single day.”
Cath Crowley, Take Three Girls
“I love lying here with you, under the books," he says. And then we fall asleep.”
Cath Crowley, Words in Deep Blue
“He’s got this way of smiling that makes me want to throw him down and kiss him. And yeah, I know that any guy I have to throw down to kiss probably isn’t Mr. Right. Still. I can dream.”
Cath Crowley, A Little Wanting Song
“- Как там замечательно сказано у Диккенса в "Больших надеждах"? "Разбитое сердце. Думаешь, что умираешь, но продолжаешь жить, день за днем, один ужаснее другого".”
Cath Crowley, Words in Deep Blue
“About how love is harder than a sodoku puzzle.”
Cath Crowley, Graffiti Moon
“These must be the most depressing words in the history of love. I tried really hard to love you”
Cath Crowley, Words in Deep Blue
“You are part of my existence, part of myself. You have been in every line I have ever read since I first came here,”
Cath Crowley, Words in Deep Blue
“If the love of your life is kissing a moron, it's probably time o reasses whether or not [they're] the love of your life.”
Cath Crowley, Words in Deep Blue
“Where have you gone, my love? After ten years I think knowing this is more than my due. Write me one line to let me know where you are. So that I do not wonder, for the rest of our lives when I imagine you, what the background is to your face.”
Cath Crowley, Words in Deep Blue
“Mum’s always hinting I should ask him out, but when a girl finds talking as hard as I do and singing in public even harder, that leaves mime and interpretative dance. Don’t get me wrong. I’d be great at both those things, but I don’t think Dave’s all that into the arts.”
Cath Crowley, A Little Wanting Song
“You say that the ocean is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen, and the thing that terrifies you the most. This describes how it was for me to fall in love with Elena. Perhaps all things that are worthwhile are terrifying?”
Cath Crowley, Words in Deep Blue
“I wonder if I'm speaking in present tense, when really I should be speaking in the past.”
Cath Crowley
“A world without time is a terrible thing. There is no certainty.”
Cath Crowley, Words in Deep Blue
“I pull the blanket around my shoulders, and the customer looking at the classics section gives me a sympathetic look. I give him one back because, as much as I love books, if you are in the classic's section first thing in the morning, then there's something not entirely right with your life either.”
Cath Crowley, Words in Deep Blue
“The shrubs and the water move backward in a blur, and I imagine that time is rewinding. Back to when the world was some other place. I look through the windshield and wait for the concrete and the absence of sea.”
Cath Crowley, Words in Deep Blue
“We are the books we read and the things we love. Cal is the ocean and the letters he left. Our ghosts hide in the things we leave behind.”
Cath Crowley, Words in Deep Blue
“Rachel and I take seats and I hand the Walcott to Frederick. From the way he holds it this time, I’m almost certain it’s his, but he tells us, sadly, that it’s not. Even when the shop’s gone, I’ll keep looking, I tell him. He thanks me, and accepts the offer.

‘I think perhaps,’ he says, ‘it’s the looking that keeps her alive.”
Cath Crowley
“Rose walks out of the warehouse and gets into the passenger seat.

‘You’re avoiding me,’ she says.

‘I’m avoiding myself,’ I tell her. ‘I’m sorry. About before.’

‘Me too,’ she says, and takes a breath. ‘So I called Gran. She suggested the value of compromise.’

‘Translated: she said you’re stubborn and you might try listening to other people once in a while?’

‘That’s quite close to how the conversation went, yes. I’d do anything for you,’ she says. ‘Even call my mother.’ She shifts around so she’s facing me. ‘Want some good news?’

‘I would really love some good news.’

‘I think I might have found you a job cleaning at the hospital.’

‘We’re in some serious fucking trouble if that’s the good news,’ I say.

‘Don’t swear. Gran’ll think you got it from me.’

‘We’ll blame Henry. For a guy with a wide vocabulary, he leans heavily on the word shit.’ I say. ‘Don’t think I’m not appreciative of the cleaning job, but I’ve decided to work at the bookstore.’

‘This is why I don’t have kids,’ she says, getting out of the car”
Cath Crowley, Words in Deep Blue
“What would it be like to kiss him? Would he kiss as seriously as he plays? With the same attention to technique?”
Cath Crowley, Take Three Girls
“I hear longing in these notes. They go all the way to the past and forward to some future where I haven't yet arrived.”
Cath Crowley, Take Three Girls
tags: music
“..dreaming's the only way to get you anywhere.”
Cath Crowley, Graffiti Moon
“It was just a slight malfunction of character.”
Cath Crowley, Take Three Girls
“– Ты всегда, с самого детства, называешь это место просто магазином. А ведь это книжный магазин, Рэйчел, здесь особый товар. Книги важны. Зря тебе кажется, что слова бессмысленны. Будь это так, с них не начинались бы революции, они бы не изменяли историю. Если бы это был бессодержательный набор букв и звуков, мы не писали бы рассказов и не слушали песен. Дети не любили бы, когда им читают. Если бы это были просто слова, они бы не заставляли людей влюбляться, чувствовать неловкость, боль или облегчение. Если бы это были просто слова, Фредерик не искал бы полжизни томик стихов Де��ека Уолкотта.”
Cath Crowley, Words in Deep Blue
“I love you too," I say. No wonder the whole world writes songs about those words.”
Cath Crowley, A Little Wanting Song
tags: love

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Graffiti Moon Graffiti Moon
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Take Three Girls Take Three Girls
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Words in Deep Blue Words in Deep Blue
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