The Future Wastelands

Post apocalyptic imagery and literature take residence here. Words are art, and this space is dedicated to them. Here you will find a permutation of eccentric images, art and literature selected by yours truly, Nicholas Sansbury Smith. I'm a scifi author, blogger and athlete. For those who want to know more, follow me on twitter @greatwaveink or check out my website at where you will find all things post-apocalyptic.

2017 in a nutshell…

2017 in a nutshell…


I just got back from a wonderful trip to Ashland, Oregon visiting my phenomenal publisher Blackstone Audio and figured this would be a good time to give you all some updates. 

It’s been a grip since I posted anything here, but today I finally sat down to do a recap of where I’m at for 2017 both with my writing and my life. The past few weeks I’ve been contemplating the events of Las Vegas. I was there, not far from the attack that occurred with my fiancée Maria. What should have been a fun filled night ended in tragedy for innocent victims just trying to enjoy a concern. I’m so very grateful my family is safe and my thoughts and prayers remain with the victims of this terrible and cowardly attack.

I’ve been blessed to be where I’m at with my career and my life. My trip to Ashland reminded me of how lucky I am to be where I am. Every day is a gift. I want to thank all of my readers, many of you who I consider friends, for your support over the past few years. You’re the reason I write, and the reason I continue to write.

Speaking of writing… 2017 has been my busiest yet with the launch of Trackers 1, 2, and 3. The series is about the aftermath of a North Korean EMP and nuclear attack that feels too close to home some days. So close that I had to put book 4 on hold to clear my head, and to focus on Hell Divers 3: Deliverance!

Hell Divers 2: Ghosts hit in July and I was fortunate enough to attend Book Expo of America in New York City with Blackstone Publishing and my fiancée Maria to promote the series. To my surprise, Hell Divers 1 was selected as an Audible Editors pick of 2016 and An Audible best of 2016 in Science Fiction. It also took home the gold from the Indie Forward Reviews best science fiction of 2016. I’m blown away by the popularity of this series, especially in audio, and look forward to releasing the third book, Deliverance in May of 2018.

The Extinction Cycle also saw a new addition with Extinction Lost, the short story bridging the gap between Book 6, Aftermath and Book 7, War. Extinction War will drop on Nov 28th in all formats. The longest installment yet, I really hope readers find it’s worth the wait. My gut tells me they will, as the story is breakneck action from start to finish.

2018 is going to mark a fresh beginning for me after I close out the Trackers series with Trackers 4: The Damned. The Orbs series with Orbs 4: Exodus, and the Hell Divers trilogy with Hell Divers 3: Deliverance. By May 2018 I will have finished all of these series, and while I’m not sure about the future of the Extinction Cycle, I do have two new series I’m currently plotting. I’m thrilled to dive into something different and I hope you will continue to join me as readers. I appreciate each and every one of you that takes the time to read and listen to my work! Thanks again for everything!

Best wishes,



1. The Extinction Cycle.

2. Me at the Blackstone booth at BEA.

3. Maria and I on a police ride along with the NYPD in Jamaica NYC.

4. Me and RC Bray at a reading of Hell Divers 2: Ghosts in NYC.

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