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Stephen King Wiki

The Black Prom is a term used for the massive fire that occurred at Ewen High School in Chamberlain, Maine and for the subsequent massacre in the town.

It was here where Carrie White used her telekinetic powers to exact revenge on her tormentors, but ended up igniting a conflagration within the gymnasium where the Senior Prom took place. Not everyone was caught and killed in the aftermath depending on either version of the story, some students survived in the novel, the episode or in the films. One of those survivors was Sue Snell, Tommy Ross's girlfriend. She was the one who suggested to Tommy taking Carrie White to the Prom in her place. She is the only character known to have survived all installments.

The Prom is known to be the first incident in a trail of destruction that is unleashed throughout Chamberlain, turning it into a ghost town in most installments.

Carrie (Novel)[]

Christine Hargensen and Billy Nolan poured two buckets of pig's blood onto Carrie White and Tommy Ross while they were on stage for the Prom King and Queen crowning ceremony.

After all the students and staff members began to laugh, Carrie White ran from within the gym building, only to return moments later to witness the building erupt in huge flames. Many say that Carrie White was responsible for the fire and the fatalities that resulted. Afterward, an enormous amount of collateral damage struck the city. Power lines were cut and went out of control, electrocuting many lives. The destruction met its head when both the school and a nearby gas station exploded, setting the town ablaze. Many fire hydrants were completely de-bolted from the ground, making it even more difficult to put out the fires. Among many deaths, the few people to survive claimed that the image of a girl greatly resembling Carrie White was burned into their minds. These include those who never met Carrie before. Two of the survivors included Sue Snell, a popular student and Miss Desjardin, the gym teacher. Four notable deaths include Christine and Billy, who both died in a surreal car crash into a roadhouse, Margaret White, who died of a heart attack in her kitchen and Carrie, who died of unknown causes. Sue faces blame from some of the public who believe that she contributed to the disaster. A funeral was held for Carrie White and her mother.

440 people, including 67 senior students on the verge of graduation, died because of the disaster, with 18 more with unknown fates. The event hits America hard and Chamberlain becomes more and more of a ghost town due to the unwillingness of its inhabitants to rebuild it after what happened and whose only attraction have become the ruins that this event caused and the actions of Carrie White. It also pushes scientists to take the theory of psychokinesis more seriously.


Unknown Fates[]


Carrie (1976 Film)[]

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During the crowning ceremony of Carrie White and Tommy Ross for Prom King and Queen, Tommy's girlfriend Sue Snell, witnesses a rope attached to a bucket directly above Carrie's head and attempts to stop it from falling.

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The Black Prom in the 1976 film of Carrie

Miss Collins, the gym teacher, believes she is attempting to disrupt the ceremony and throws her out of the Prom. Moments later, a bucket of pig's blood tied to the rope was dumped onto Carrie's head. Tommy, who was enraged, was then hit by the falling bucket and died as a result. Many of the students were disgusted that someone would pull such a brutal prank, but many of them also laughed. This leads to Carrie's hallucinating all of the Prom-going students in general laughing at her misfortune, and she begins crying aloud on stage. Carrie focuses on the onlookers once more but now is enraged and delusional. She uses her telekinetic power to slam the doors shut right after Billy Nolan and Christine Hargensen exited the building. Freddy and Kenny open one of the doors, but the door slams on them, crushing and trapping them in the process like ground meat. Realizing they can't get out and escape, the students are worried, and others rush to help get Freddy and Kenny out of the door. Carrie then telepathically activates a high-pressure fire hose and sprays the students with the high-pressure water. Everybody in the gym begins to panic and trample each other to reach the exits, but they can't escape. Norma Watson is knocked out cold and presumably killed by Carrie after the high impact stream hit her face. A student grabs the hose and attempts to turn it off, but he loses control of it and accidentally sprays the spotlights, which shoot out sparks on the students (presumably electrocuting a few off-screen). Mr. Morton and Mr. Fromm's attempt to calm everybody down, but the water hits the microphone, and Morton is electrocuted and Mr. Fromm is shocked. Miss Collins and a group of students attempt to find another exit door, carrying Tommy's dead body, but the group is knocked down by a pack of panicking students. Carrie, too delusional to see a friend from foe, sends the basketball goal post to swing onto Miss Collins's waist, killing her in the process. It is revealed around this point that a terrified Billy and Christine are watching Carrie's rampage from the window. Mr. Fromm falls back and straight into the electrical lights. Due to the amount of electricity that is rushing through him, his body explodes into flames, and the sparks from the lights set the curtain on fire. The flaming curtain eventually set the whole school on fire. Students suffocated from the smoke and are burned alive like grilled chickens. Carrie walks calmly through the huge flames, which she telepathically clears to make a path. She opens up the exit door to the school and walks home calmly as the door locks tightly, trapping students inside the burning school, who died screaming in agony and crying in fear. Nobody inside survives from the burning building at all.

The only survivors were Sue Snell, Vance or Towers and some other students who were outside. Billy and Christine then try to kill Carrie with their car, only to have their car crashed by Carrie.



The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh[]

In the episode, they watched Milly rocking the prom with the music. Piglet, Rabbit, Winnie the Pooh and Tigger decided to go home.

Carrie (2002 TV Film)[]

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The Black Prom in the 2002 TV film of Carrie

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A bucket of pig's blood tied to a rope was poured on Carrie White while she and Tommy Ross were on stage for the Prom King and Queen crowning ceremony.

Then Tommy was killed because Christine Hargensen, under the pressure of Billy Nolan, let the bucket fall, which hit Tommy in the head. After members of the students and some of the staff began to laugh, Carrie went into a shock-induced happy trance by doing some jokes as Miss DesjardinHelen Shyres, Roy Evarts, and Mr. Morton attempted to help her off stage, but a mysterious wave pushes them back. All of the gym doors begin to shut close as chairs and tables begin to fly in the air. Eventually, a fire started and a drain filled with water cracked open mysteriously and poured onto the floor. Miss Desjardin helped several students escape through an air vent. Upon noticing the falling stadium game sign, she ordered the remaining students to get off of the ground so that no one died of electrocution. According to Miss Desjardin's story, Mr. Morton, Helen, Roy, and she noticed a happy Carrie standing in a daze at all the events and witnesses her leave calmly as the school fell apart behind her. Coincidentally, the entire town was stricken with disaster after the Prom. As Carrie walked happily home, the town was set ablaze when a nearby gas station randomly exploded. Miss Desjardin, Sue Snell and several other people became the only survivors of the incident.

241 people died in the incident and Carrie's body was never found at all.



Carrie: The Musical (2012 Musical)[]

Carrie got the pink giggles, she giggled and giggled and giggled at the prom.

Carrie (2013 Remake)[]

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Like the other adaptations, a bucket of pig's blood is poured on Carrie White and Tommy Ross after they were voted Prom King and Queen.

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The Black Prom in the 2013 remake of Carrie

This time around, Tina Blake plays a video of Carrie's shower incident on 2 large projection screens beside the stage, causing a majority of the crowd to laugh at her pain, while some feel puzzled. When Miss Desjardin comes forward to try to help Carrie, Carrie suddenly puts out her hand and simultaneously, Miss Desjardin falls backward. Then, Tommy is hit in the head by the falling bucket, which saddens Carrie even more. She notices Billy Nolan's sunglasses above the stage, which supposedly causes her to realize that Christine Hargensen and Billy were behind the cruel prank and that everything was intentional. Several survivors state that they saw droplets of blood rising up in mid-air from her body just before Carrie started to scream out in rage with a roar, releasing an immense shock wave toward the crowd, causing nearly everything to be blown to the back of the gym. Everybody began to panic and ran to the exits. But before they can get out and escape, Carrie uses her demonic powers again. The exit doors then shut and lock tightly, trapping people as they are crushed, hit, electrocuted, burned alive, and killed in the gym. Several attempted to escape using the bleachers, but the bleachers closed at an alarming speed, crushing their legs and possibly dismembering them while others fell from the height. Carrie is also seen throwing Nicki and Lizzy Watson down to the floor like rag dolls with her telekinetic powers as they try to stand up, she forces them to stay on the floor as panicked students trample them to death. A miracle occurs when Miss Desjardin is lifted up from the wet and electrocuted floor and thrown aside onto the stage as Carrie herself levitates off the ground and floats outside, as the students die in the fire.

Carrie walks home, going on a rampage as she does so, destroying the town and eventually killing Christine and Billy with no remorse.


Unknown Fates[]


2013 Musicals[]

2015 Musicals[]

2016 Mexico Musical[]

2019 Musicals[]

2021 Spain Musical[]

2024 Comedy[]

Carrie starts telling jokes.


The Black Prom (1976 Film)[]

The Black Prom (1988 Episode)[]

The Black Prom (2002 TV Film)[]

The Black Prom (2012 Musical)[]

The Black Prom (2013)[]

The Black Prom (2015)[]

The Black Prom (2016)[]

The Black Prom (2019)[]

The Black Prom (2021)[]

The Black Prom (2024)[]


Unused Scenes[]
