Snakebite: epidemiology, prevention, clinical presentation and management

HM Mahaba�- Annals of Saudi medicine, 2000 -
HM Mahaba
Annals of Saudi medicine,
RESULTS A total of 70 cases of snakebite were reported during the study period. Fifty-two
cases were reported during the first year of the study, between June 1996 and June 1997.
They included two cases in which the victims were found dead in the desert, with snakebites
being diagnosed as the cause of death by a forensic medicine consultant.
A total of 70 cases of snakebite were reported during the study period. Fifty-two cases were reported during the first year of the study, between June 1996 and June 1997. They included two cases in which the victims were found dead in the desert, with snakebites being diagnosed as the cause of death by a forensic medicine consultant.
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