Welcome to our blog, the digital brainyard to fine tune "Digital Master," innovate leadership, and reimagine the future of IT.

The magic “I” of CIO sparks many imaginations: Chief information officer, chief infrastructure officer , Chief Integration Officer, chief International officer, Chief Inspiration Officer, Chief Innovation Officer, Chief Influence Office etc. The future of CIO is entrepreneur driven, situation oriented, value-added,she or he will take many paradoxical roles: both as business strategist and technology visionary,talent master and effective communicator,savvy business enabler and relentless cost cutter, and transform the business into "Digital Master"!

The future of CIO is digital strategist, global thought leader, and talent master: leading IT to enlighten the customers; enable business success via influence.

Friday, June 30, 2023


An innovative organization can fine-tune innovation management as a differentiated capability and master innovation in a structural way.
In thinking about the world, we long to bring some kind of order to it, we inevitably see connectivity and the possibility of change for evolution.

 Today innovation can happen anywhere and anytime. It expands both horizontally and vertically. Organizations should appreciate their innovators because they can lift the business out of the stagnation and lead the company toward the next level of the growth trajectory.

Innovation comes with the foresight to envision a need that others ignore and a willingness to forge ahead, in spite of a risk of failure: The shareholders who highly value innovation would rejuvenate creative energy, define the right dose of appetite, and devote more resources towards innovation. The gaps between knowledge and insight are about the depth of understanding. To close the understanding gaps and come up with unconventional solutions, we have to really dig beneath the superficial layer, transcend the interdisciplinary knowledge to gain contextual insight beneath the surface; and come up with better ways.

To truly understand people’s concerns and solve their problems innovatively, it’s important to listen attentively, explore information selectively. see things through different angles, discover special clues underneath or between critical issues, figure out the potential answers or solutions. All of which can open your mind and make communication invaluable for ultimate innovation success.

It’s crucial to make a periodical assessment of innovation personas: Innovators bring up open-mindedness, creative energy and unconventional wisdom. There are all sorts of innovation personas such as idea generators, facilitators, navigators, integrators, implementers, assessors, etc. The open atmosphere is critical for the success of innovation management. In order to build an innovative workplace, learn how to sense and visually interpret energy around us, between us, between us and nature. Assign the roles and responsibilities to people involved in innovation management processes.

Being innovative requires an authentic self, confident attitude, with a beginner’s fresh eyes, with a thirst for knowledge, insight, and wisdom. Beneath the ego is the desire to have meaning and the knowledge to broaden perspectives or deepen understanding. It's essential to have people who can generate lots of original ideas; it’s also important to have people who can implement ideas smoothly. It's equally important to have people who can evaluate these ideas! It's knowing when you are the right person at the right time at the right place, play the right personas to drive innovation successfully. Collaboratively, the commitment is that we are all in this together and have our passions focused on a goal to achieve innovation excellence.

Innovating organization carries a sense of "evolution" which means a renewed understanding of the future of business: We've deliberately aimed our courses to be practical for any company who wants to enable the continued growth through innovation. As we all know we don't live in an ideal world where we can pick the perfect innovation team. Innovation team members exhibit creative traits and complementary skill sets that make them better able to generate good ideas, and have sound judgments upon how to solve problems alternatively; for what can be called "implementable innovation."

So innovation is often dependent on business insight because you can't change an organization without insight. What’re the disruptive trends; how your organization catalyzes innovations and how much better one can do to spur creativity. The customer-centric organizational design has to become much more organic in the sense that it’s melded with business processes, structures, functions, etc, to make the business more dynamic and innovative.

The importance of innovation has increased as the business has the pressure to achieve more from innovation. Innovation has an expanded scope and radical innovation is benefiting the widest audience of the business ecosystem. An innovative organization can fine-tune innovation management as a differentiated capability and master innovation in a structural way.


Successful organizations have a very clear vision and understanding of why they exist and the value they bring to stakeholders and the very reason for business initiative management.
In the rapidly evolving businesses and complex digital economic systems, making disruptive change is critical but challenging for the company’s long term survival and thriving. Building the bridge between today and the future requires vision, belief, enthusiasm, determination, hard capabilities, soft touches, and commitment. 

Organizations need to be organically developed, iterating and empowered to get things done resourcefully; ride learning curves and expand their ecosystem via deliberate planning. make progress impressively.

It's imperative to learn how to shape an objective view of the business without systemic ignorance or neglect of the cognitive layer of the whole: Lack of objectivity or misunderstanding is the big cause of many human problems. It’s critical to gain the contextual understanding of people or things, read between the lines, in order to eliminate pre-conceptual assumptions or unconscious bias. A great organization with a creative working environment & culture of excellence needs both fresh blood and internal talent to balance divergence of thought, creativity, and knowledge; passion and stability. Collectively, organizations can shape objective views, and lead progressive changes.

Being objective means you are not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; but make judgment based on deep observation, unbiased fact, dispassionate examination. People have perception differences. The best you can do for improving objectivity is to be consciously aware that data is filtered and do your best to make sure your filters support thriving. It is beneficial to bring in an outsider who can inject new ideas and see things from a different perspective.

It’s critical to show progress as you go along, raising awareness to difficulties on the way: The clear goals for change should focus on betterment, and upward improvement. There are organizational structural changes, technological changes, and behavior changes. It’s important to focus on the purpose and mission of change. Understanding the essence of changes is critical to improving the success rate of change management. There are significant change deliverables that must be tiered to all change plans. The results produced could be incremental by training, transitional by improving processes; or transformational if it is fundamentally shifting the underlying culture or entire business model of an organization.

The process of business improvement is adaptively rational; the path to excellence is to think more closely about business goals, iterative communication, and multitude of choices. Monitoring the change pulse of the organization is to help the leadership team make an objective assessment of the business’s change capability; and read the organization’s cultural expression, take further initiatives to make continuous improvement.

It's crucial to invite customers and the various ecosystem partners into broader conversations, bring different perspectives, and generate the flow of ideas: Organizations across the industries are faced with fierce competitions and frequent disruptions. Values create value -that are the values a company stands for, besides economical value, there are corporate social responsibility, sustainability; all add value to the shareholders, because they add value to the customer. It’s important to invite customers in the conversation for constructive feedback to increase value driven people-centricity.

Nowadays, customers become much more selective in choosing varying business partners. It’s important to continuously collect customers' feedback; invite customers to participate in strategic conversations and provide invaluable feedback on how to solve their problems with customized themes. Visualizing customer experience enables the business to design and bring personalized solutions that meet customers’ needs, foster better ways that the solutions can perform and optimize every touch point of user experience. It helps the management clarify effective value propositions, align, integrate, engage, collaborate, and harmonize, keep evolving, renewing, and achieving the state of flow and change continuum.

Successful organizations have a very clear vision and understanding of why they exist and the value they bring to stakeholders and the very reason for business initiative management. So, they not only survive the fierce competition but thrive in the expanded ecosystem. The clarity in roles, ownership and accountability are all necessary at all times to enforce change and run a high-performance digital business.


An effective approach to risk management is to integrate risk identification and assessment in multiple management disciplines, enhance the detection of future strategic risks and predictions of future performance.
Organizations face risks every day; the more diverse, the more regulated, the more geographically dispersed an organization becomes, the more important an integrated risk management approach becomes. 

They should standardize or customize their methodology and approach to manage various business risks accordingly, have solid risk management disciplines, and make objective assessments of its effectiveness and efficiency.

Organizations apply the hybrid risk management approach as “opportunity vs. risk” is the “hybrid truth” companies across the vertical sectors need to handle wisely: Becoming a high performance and risk intelligent organization does not happen overnight. It takes information fluency, process coherence and knowledge proficiency to smell and grasp growth opportunities in risks, but also identify critical business issues and predict and prevent potential risks timely.

Business professionals today need to have confidence, candor, and professional humility to understand oneself, understand others, understand surroundings, understand their organizations inside out. There is the risk that you might be stuck with the varying cultural friction, which includes individuals not ready to change, not collaborating with other team members or cross-team smoothly. There are also risks for individuals not inclined to learn how to behave with self-disciplines. not taking a balancing act to explore better ways to do things, for unlocking performance consistently.

On an adventure, there is no risk; in order to accomplish the impossible, one must be able to see the invisible:
In business, every day is a risk, as long as risks have been identified and agreed with stakeholders as per business needs, you can find regularity in chaos, capture trends and opportunities from uncertainty. Always have a clear goal in mind in order to overcome challenges; always observe deeper, see around the corner, see invisible clues underneath business management.

When you place the "To-Be" state first, it creates a paradigm shift in your approach. Capabilities deficiency, hidden risks, performance bottlenecks can be quickly discovered. Organization management for making its own decisions on taking or avoiding risks, and put in place a mandated risk tolerance structure via escalation requirements based on current risk ratings.

Organizations have the right dose of risk tolerance and initiate a balanced approach to manage risks and opportunities smoothly: Risk-tolerance means that everyone involved owns and becomes more aware of their own impact on the culture of the organization around them. It is difficult to do and it's often uncomfortable to hear. But it’s a necessary step and a secret source to lead radical change. You have sufficient information to establish probabilities of alternative outcomes and the expected impact of strategic alternatives. The information based risk management approach makes a smooth transition from risk mitigation to risk intelligence.

Since nearly every decision impacts future events that have yet to happen, and increases clarity of individual accountability for risk management. It’s important to bridge the knowledge gap between socioeconomic and cultural differences to make it happen. It’s critical to increase corporate reputation capital, manage "gray areas" effectively, reduce business friction and handle conflicts or uncertainty smoothly; overcome the fear associated with a variety of risks, and make a smooth shift from risk control to risk intelligence.

For leading organizations, corporate risk management is already an integral compe­tency and top priority for C- executives. An effective approach to risk management is to integrate risk identification and assessment in multiple management disciplines, enhance the detection of future strategic risks and predictions of future performance.


Profound leaders and professionals are open and deep, able to apply multiple thinking processes to expand their perspective of circumstances, and leverage nonlinear logic in dealing with varying situations wisely.
The gap between knowledge and insight is about the depth of understanding. Because knowing something is not equal to understanding it, understanding it doesn’t mean you can communicate and coach it effectively. 

 Here is a set of featured blogs to dig into the “keywords” of the 21st century to brainstorm the future of digital leadership and business transformation.


Innategrace The word grace is overloaded with a wide variety of use cases such as approval or favor, mercy, temporary exemption or reprieve, charming or attractive, sense of propriety or right, quality or state of being considerate. What is grace truly about from interactions, interrelationship, interconnectivity perspective, and how gracefully humans act would add further grace to the system. From our heart does gracefulness flow? From our mind, is gracefulness based on intelligence or balance?

IlluminateGrace Life is still full of inquiries: Doesn't energy follow the path of least resistance? Doesn't nature tend to leverage the flow while people more often than not endeavor to harness the flow to serve their own ends? Isn't there a very distinct difference between leverage and harness? How that would be a landscape maintained relatively effortlessly, with grace, response-ability, appreciation, and diversity, in order to create an aesthetically pleasing, functional, and thriving legacy of complementary natural living systems. As an individual, who are you, what’s your authentic self, your genius factor, your gracefulness

Respect Respect is based on being trustworthy and authentic. The liking has to be qualified and be able to garner respect. Whether getting respected or not depends on how you follow principles, make fair judgment, or make certain accomplishments. There are quite a few ways to get respected and there are many reasons we need to respect each other to improve professionalism.

Innategrce The digital workforce today is hyper-diverse, with cognitive difference, diverse strength, varying personalities, and multiple culture backgrounds. To bridge differences and build competitive teams, organizational leaders should really emphasize five core professional values: Inclusion, Integrity, Accountability, Respect, and Trust, take continuous digital practices for improving manageability, developing unique competencies to deliver impressive business outcomes and improve its performance.

Initiatives As companies across industrial sectors transform themselves into the information-savvy business, their ability to explore intangible assets such as knowledge has become far more decisive to build competitive business advantages.

The blog is a dynamic book flowing with your thoughts; growing through your dedication; sharing your knowledge; conveying your wisdom, and making an influence through touching the hearts and connecting minds across the globe. The “Future of CIO” Blog has reached 10 million page views with about #112,00 blog postings. Among 59+ different categories of leadership, management, strategy, digitalization, change/talent, etc. Blogging is not about writing, but about thinking and innovating new ideas; it’s not just about WHAT to say, but about WHY to say, and HOW to say it. It reflects the color and shade of your thought patterns, and it indicates the peaks and curves of your thinking waves. Unlike pure entertainment, quality and professional content takes time for digesting, contemplation and engaging, and therefore, it takes time to attract the "hungry minds" and the "deep souls." It’s the journey to amplify diverse voices and deepen digital footprints, and it's the way to harness your innovative spirit.


Global leaders and professionals are more open-minded to emerging trends, and novel ideas, embrace the variety of perspectives, develop global cognition for creating multifaceted values and amplifying influence.
Our co-shared world becomes so hyper-connected and interdependent, with abundance of knowledge and cultural heritage. It’s no surprise that we will see more of sharing cross-disciplinarily, think through global dimensions, question assumptions.

Opening our eyes to a spectrum of things with so many different shades and colors of the same world, helps to identify the friction of opposites while interpreting from one dialect to the other, and builds our confidence to become global professionals with differentiated competency.

Global perspective is important in a globally distributed world as it deepens a holistic understanding of circumstances:
Often we cannot control intuition but we can make global influence. It's a holistic view that sees the world as interconnected, interdependent and integrated. Global societal advancement is made through the work of forwarding-looking minds, updating knowledge, fresh insight, coherent processes, and progressive activities.

As the global environment is dynamic and uncertain, global citizens are experiencing the same world but perhaps perceive it subjectively. Global leaders and professionals should develop an advanced mind with clear vision, humble learning attitudes, emotional brilliance, creative thinking, etc. They should motivate people to explore growth opportunities, understand learning curves, seek additional knowledge and experience, so the society as a whole can be competitive enough to keep surging further.

Organizations continue building global competency, developing the next practices for growth constantly: Rapid change and information growth requires that we move from fixed to growth mindset. More transparency in the organizational value proposition to the business plus more engagement and partnership is needed for developing a high-performance global business, inspiring innovation in diverse domains of expertise.

Global growth and development plans need to be well integrated into change management and culture management in order to cultivate global insight, and build collective business competency. It is the practice that has the necessary abilities to engage with the extant flow of change in the global organization and influence its trajectory to unlock the potential of global organization.

A global society has a huge potential to become a highly innovative system in which all sorts of components are integrated dynamically to reach innovation fluency: In the digital era, technologies are the disruptive forces behind the transformation, and information is one of the most invaluable business assets to run a high-responsive and high-intelligent business. Our co-shared global world still has quite a lot of boundaries. Information Technology is the glue to integrate key ingredients into differentiated business competency for solving problems holistically.

With increasing speed of changes and fierce competitions, the trajectory of running a global organization has to operate from the outside-in lens for broadening its impact and enforcing business-IT integration. Information Technology plays as a conductor to ensure that the organization is designed for change, take advantage of on-demand service models, with shortened products/services delivery models and build dynamic global competency.

In order to survive the fierce competition and bridge gaps in the global economic environment, global leaders and professionals are more open-minded to emerging trends, and novel ideas, embrace the variety of perspectives, develop global cognition for creating multifaceted values and amplifying influence.


The innovation management tone should be well set, the talent in charge have brought in an innovation strategy, and with the collective knowledge of the company, it’s likely you can accelerate innovation.
The organization is faster, always “on,” highly connected and super competitive. The real challenge is to understand where and how you can and should improve to get the biggest effect and scale-up across the ecosystem model. 

It is strategically imperative that people are willing to seek out help, refresh knowledge, break down boundaries, harness cross-disciplinary interactions and cross-functional communication, with the ultimate goal to push human societies forward.

Being innovative has critical thinking embedded; real critical thinkers can see around the corner or underneath the superficial layer, apply multidimensional understanding to make sound judgment: Critical thinking needs to combine different thought processes to gather a mass of information, break it apart and reconstruct with a level of accuracy projecting futuristic events, numbers, etc. It is an integrated thought process to make judgment via a broadened lens, looking at another belief from a little less emotional perspective.

Real critical thinkers understand there are different opinions or they are making a mistake. If they uncritically accept the information being received or knowledge being taught, many of them are out of date, they are not a great critical thinker, and keep making ineffective decisions unfortunately.

Real innovative organizations are inclusive, generate novel ideas constantly: Digital dynamic creates many blind spots and generates quite a few gaps because of its “VUCA” characteristics - Velocity, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity. It’s always important to bear the opposite, synthesize massive amounts of information, and hold information flow without getting lost on tangents. Furthermore, no vision and strategy will ever be successful without the input from all staff in the total company.

The homogeneous team setting will make team members more vulnerable to peer pressure, risk avoidance, making biased decisions and sticking to the comfort zone. Focusing on diversity will force people to confront new ideas, new territories and possibly embrace a new concept that they may have never imagined. So organizations are able to become more inclusive and solve problems innovatively.

Innovators are truth-seeking, willing to see the other side of the coin, change their point of views if needed and are accountable for their actions: In modern socially responsible places, it isn't just about what you have achieved, but also about how you have achieved it. Great leaders can inspire, provoke, empower, and enable talent growth, provide direction when needed & give others time, space & freedom to create. They are truth-seekers, willing to change their views, and are accountable for their actions. Furthermore, they are robust and judicious in pushing down barriers to achieve the best possible effects.

It is good to see more awareness is happening about defining the purpose and engagement. Without purpose, engagement is not possible. The innovation collaboration teams embraced multiple disciplines, and understood how systems work, and this yielded competitive advantage. Furthermore, organizations like to provide a career path for employees - but how do you ensure fresh ideas are continually implemented within organizations.

Innovative leaders can bring optimism to influence the organization’s culture, break down the negative thinking box, and linear knowledge: In the digital age, the crowd-sourcing or brainstorming is happening in real time with people and plays spontaneous networks of human and business operational concerns. Innovative leaders often have balanced viewpoints to embrace diverse ideas, and select the best of the best for implementing.

Good doesn’t get in the way of greatness because change includes risk, if executives don't have the courage to take the risks for the betterment of the corporation. Innovative leaders can perceive success and failure objectively, such mental toughness will help an organization become more resilient and risk-intelligent, master intrapreneurship and accelerate performance.

Organization is dynamic and complex, the degree of business responsiveness depends on how organizational subsystems interact with each other, So, without management innovation, companies tend to renovate rather than innovate. The innovation management tone should be well set, the talent in charge have brought in an innovation strategy, and with the collective knowledge of the company, it’s likely you can accelerate innovation.


Isn't a tough journey to- celebrate #11,200 blog postings - to pursue- the digital way of brainstorming, innovating, motivating, story-telling?
The “Future of CIO” Blog has reached 10 million page views with 11,200+ blog postings in 59+ different categories of leadership, management, strategy, digitalization, change/talent, etc. 

The “Digital Master” book series includes 29 books to share insight from the multidimensional digital lens and perceive the multi-faceted impact the digital era upon us is making to businesses and society. The content richness is not for its own sake, but to convey the vision and share the wisdom. Here is the weekly insight of innovation leadership, IT Management, and Talent Management.

Innovation Modern society has the very characteristics of hyperdiversity and interdependence. The future of the organization needs to be solid enough to give some sort of form/meaning and open enough to its environment, allowing fluidity of people, ideas, and information. Innovation is a differentiated business capability. Business transformation isn’t just an extension of continuous improvement of the current business but a radical change on a grand level.

Initiatives It is a continuously changing world with “VUCA” new normal, no organization can afford to stick to its old ways. Organizational leaders and professionals have to deal with constant ambiguity, increasing complexity, rapid change, and unprecedented uncertainty.

Innovation Compared to the business world decades ago, the speed of change is increasing, and the business ecosystem has become more complex and dynamic, to put simply, change itself changes. It’s business leaders’ responsibility to establish an environment with a high-risk tolerance, in which people can grow and develop, and be creative without fear. It means that the business has access to the maximum number of potentially good ideas for building innovative products, services, business models, and solutions.

Innateagile Agile has emerged as a major philosophy and methodology to improve business maturity. The challenge and direction now are to bring agility holistically to the entire business. It's a journey for any company looking to business transformation radically. Agile should be about how to ensure building the right product or service portfolio on value, on time and on a budget.

Initiatereorganization Nowadays, to adapt to a fast-paced change environment, reorganization becomes common practice. From linear to nonlinear management discipline could be evolutionary for bridging silo based industrial age and hyperconnected business reality. It is transformational to “step outside” of the business for having different perspectives to gain an in-depth understanding of business context. It takes an anticipatory approach to manage a high performance organization.

Blogging is not about writing, but about thinking of new ideas; sharing and innovating. It’s not just about WHAT to say, but about WHY to say, and HOW to say it. It reflects the color and shade of your thought patterns, and it indicates the peaks and curves of your thinking waves. Unlike pure entertainment, quality and professional content takes time for digesting, contemplation and engaging, and therefore, it takes time to attract the "hungry minds" and the "deep souls." It’s the journey to amplify diverse voices and deepen digital footprints, and it's the way to harness your innovative spirit.

Thursday, June 29, 2023


It takes a realistic innovation approach by involving every line of people, processes, and resources to create differentiated value.
Every organization is different, every innovation is also unique, there’s no “one size fitting all innovation” practice; that makes innovation still be serendipity for many organizations. Innovation enables customers to participate in developing innovative solutions. 

For every need-driven and people-centric innovation initiative, work closely with clients to articulate their important needs; define the most compelling and novel approach to delight customers ultimately.

It is important to define the most compelling and unique innovation approach in adding all critical pieces for accelerating validation of facts about business ideas: Business managers should look deeply into the future to navigate where to go and how to get there. Look uphill to identify the real problems that matter and on a scale that can make a difference. Often the multidimensional innovation lens provides them the better angle and broader perspective to build differentiated business competency, achieve differentiated value, and drive business transformation seamlessly.

Innovation management is an overarching discipline which needs to weave many key business factors into an innovation competency, and take a stepwise approach to achieve its business value. The desired outcome is to assess the employee's contribution at the different levels of the organizational hierarchy to fulfill tasks in line with the organizational innovation goals and unlock collective potential.

It's important to deploy organizational assets in combination and disentangle dynamic capabilities in clusters of processes and managerial orchestration: Innovation is a differentiated business capability, the business management should readily consider services, information, asset dimensions of the adequacy of the capability to fulfill their business goals. There are multiple perspectives of innovation capabilities. It’s important to gain insight into the condition and relationship or dependency of capabilities to improve innovation capability coherence. Fine-tune emerging technology, people, or process, reconfigure your organization for increasing its "variety" - the ability to match variety in the environment.

It is important to look at dynamic capability from a quite different perspective. In order to expedite innovation capability development, loose coupling makes it possible to adopt module design for integration and optimization, and improve organizational speed. To make wise investment on innovation capability development, describe business goals, scope, outcomes, technical capabilities within scope, approach, costs, time frames, risks, etc, with the goal to develop long term business advantage.

It's important to analyze the benefits per cost of an alternative approach, and quantify why the chosen approach is better than the competition and alternatives: For every innovation initiative, the management needs to ponder: What returns are you expecting? When do you expect them? What risk levels are you taking on? you should work closely with customers to articulate their important concerns; define the central point of innovation, and take the most compelling approach to address the needs; analyze the benefits per cost of that approach, and quantify why the chosen approach is better than the competition.

Scrutinize every expenditure and ask if it can be done more cost-effectively; leveraging demand-side analysis for getting high return on investment. By identifying and visually portraying these touch points of customer experiences, the knowledge held by others can be tapped in monetizing an innovation initiative’s benefits flows.

There is a need for actual work to be happening to understand the basics. It takes a realistic innovation approach by involving every line of people, processes, and resources to create differentiated value. It takes vision, empathy, and understanding of innovation effort set the right dose of risk appetite, improve risk intelligence, manage a balanced innovation portfolio with the right mix of breakthrough innovation and incremental innovation


 Business management aligns key success factors of the organization, streamlines business resources, process, capability, capacity to improve overall organizational effectiveness and maturity.

Organizations nowadays complex, to manage business initiatives successfully, the logical scenarios with quality information are needed to achieve high performance. The bulk of information, methods, and approaches involved speaks in favor of the scientific approach for business initiative management.

It is crucial to build flexible processes focusing on outcomes without micromanagement: Overly rigid organizational structures or processes stifle changes. Breaking down silos and being intentional about developing processes that encourage collaboration is a great first step in bringing about positive change and running a high performance organization. There's nothing to be done about an uncontrollable situation; flexible organizations tend to have managers with the right mix of personal attributes, demonstrate a variety of skills, be comfortable with ambiguity and respectful of processes.

An effective business process management can give you enough flexibility to execute the strategic plans to produce certain outcomes without too much intervening. Business managers truly have a humble attitude to collect feedback, and do enough homework for planning and investing. It should generate the process improvement alerts with historical data.

An iterative way to improve is the best way forward; while the art of implementing best practices comes with collaboration at all levels: Best Practice can mean different things to different personas in business, and how the “best practice” is used is important for running a high-performance business. It’s perhaps the better approach to strive for using good practices - good enough for a specific situation in a certain organization. It’s important to learn from others’ experience or practice, but more importantly, you need to know how to transfer it into your own business context.

More and more organizations are learning and implementing best practices in business management. If the best practice you want to adopt is to be implemented in the same business context, it could work. If the context is different, it is worth understanding how that difference could impact the so-called best practice, what are potential pitfalls. With effective tools or methodologies, it can be used wisely and with the expertise to really add value or lead progress.

It’s important to gain a holistic understanding of the business value of risk management, look at the effectiveness of the risk management strategy, methodology, and practice: In business, every day is a risk, solid risk management enables the accumulation of enough resources to thrive by capturing opportunities in it. Business management needs to ponder: Is your market sector volatile or relatively stable? What are the biggest risks in risk management? How to manage risk holistically by shifting from risk mitigation to risk intelligence?

By understanding the business value of risk management, the approach to manage risk is to look at risk management effectiveness, not just its financial value; manage risk and opportunities holistically. It’s important to scrutinize processes, structures, technologies, people, and the critical success factors of the business. Organizational management sets the right dose of risk appetite, improves the risk attitude of staff, embeds risk management mechanisms into multiple business management disciplines, and increases clarity of individual accountability for risk management objectives.

The very goal of business initiative management is to set the right priority; keep eyes on what matters, identify what generates the most value for the company and express that in strategic objectives, and analyze potential pitfalls. Business management aligns key success factors of the organization, streamlines business resources, process, capability, capacity to improve overall organizational effectiveness and maturity.


It is the aggregation of information and the refinement of the information that creates the intelligence required to forecast the future and define the rules to drive the business transformation.
The aim of modern Information Management has often been described as getting the right information to the right person, in the right format and medium, at the right time, in order to make the right decisions. 

The value of information technology is qualitative, measurable, and defined uniquely by an organization.


Information Innovation

Initiativesofinformation Information is permeating everywhere in the business, and impacts every perspective of human society right now. It has become the "nerve system "of organizations. Information potential directly impacts the business's potential of the organization. In fact, the ability to explore intangible information assets becomes far more decisive to build competitive business advantage for the long term.

Initiatives The tides of change and waves of disruptions indicate that business leadership couldn’t predict the future with a certain degree of accuracy. Winning the digital dynamic means engaging multidimensional thinking, enforcing cross-functional collaboration, building unique business competency, understanding things with accuracy; and taking the proactive approach to lead change.

Initiativesofinnovation Innovation is not serendipity, but a systematic process to transform novel ideas for achieving the business values. There will be bumps and roadblocks along the way in achieving innovation excellence. Thus, taking the right pace is important to strike the right balance of innovation and standardization, to ensure the business can both reap some quick wins and more importantly, build long term innovation competency.

informationalgorithm Enterprises of the future are increasingly exhibiting the “VUCA” characteristics in various shades and intensity. Traditional business management is usually based on a linear logic which implies that the whole is equal to the sum of the parts; that generates silos, creates constraints, stifles information flow and creativity.

Innovation With the overwhelming growth of information and abundant knowledge, potential value depends on how the information will be used again in the future as well as how knowledge can be refined into unique business insight, and this is often exceptionally uncertain. Potential directly impacts business's potential of organization for running a real-time intelligent business. Information potential is an investment, for catalyzing information-enabled innovation, improving revenue, and catalyzing business growth.

The “Future of CIO” Blog has reached 10 million page views with about #11100th blog posting in 59+ different categories of leadership, management, strategy, digitalization, change/talent, etc. The content richness is not for its own sake, but to convey the vision and share the wisdom. Blogging is not about writing, but about thinking and innovating new ideas; it’s not just about WHAT to say, but about WHY to say, and HOW to say it. It reflects the color and shade of your thought patterns, and it indicates the peaks and curves of your thinking waves. Unlike pure entertainment, quality and professional content takes time for digesting, contemplation and engaging, and therefore, it takes time to attract the "hungry minds" and the "deep souls." It’s the journey to amplify diverse voices and deepen digital footprints, and it's the way to harness your innovative spirit.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023


It’s important to reimagine, re-architect an innovative society via nonlinear understanding, interdisciplinary expertise, and hold on to a strong belief that collective progress leads to continuous societal advancement.
Modern society has the very characteristics of hyperdiversity and interdependence. The future of the organization needs to be solid enough to give some sort of form/meaning and open enough to its environment, allowing fluidity of people, ideas, and information. 

Innovation is a differentiated business capability. Business transformation isn’t just an extension of continuous improvement of the current business but a radical change on a grand level.

It will be effective to examine, challenge, and perhaps even shift the underlying culture for scaling up innovation efforts: Organizations are a huge melting pot of various perceptions, potentialities, or personalities. From the people management perspective, the organizational fit is the good balance of the “misfit” thinking and fitting attitude. The business ecosystem is integrated and hyper-connected, just like the whole natural ecosystem is an integrated identity.

A new paradigm arises out of new mindsets, knowledge, and approach. It is transformational to “step outside” of the organization for having different perspectives to gain an in-depth understanding of the business dynamic. Business leaders should keep the team fit, build a heterogeneous team with complimentary mindsets and skill sets to spur creativity and catalyze innovation.

It is an organization's commitment to effectively managing the flow of talent to achieve the innovation goals of the business: Running an innovative business requires maintaining a delicate balance between solid and liquid. To fill talent gaps, organizations today need to discover and develop talent for tomorrow, rather than just hire for yesterday. It is the time to build a meritocracy culture, so talented people can achieve success based on their capability and hardwork.

To improve innovation management effectiveness, organizations must identify the talent bench strength and weakness, flatten organizational hierarchical layers, and increase horizontal linkages. The combination of elements in a holistic innovation management approach enables the business not only to perform well today but also to maximize their potential for gaining long term business advantage.

It has embraced more holistic approaches, studying social phenomena through qualitative and quantitative means to create fresh insight: Modern society has the very characteristics of hyperdiversity and interdependence. We have purposes that we associate with outcomes, these are influenced by our inner motives and manifest as professional and life goals, objectives etc. We also have purposes that arise from our interactions with others. Human science provides a foundation to study social phenomena and improve the overall qualification of our beings.

All generations need to realize they need to keep refreshing their mindset, learn from each other, and co-generate great ideas to build an advanced society. Unfortunately, there are many times, people get confused with means and ends; they complicate things which cause chaos or lead to backward move. The soft touch of human science inspires out-of-the-box thinking and paraconsistent inductive and deductive reasoning. With social collaboration platforms and tools, it's the perfect time to appreciate our uniqueness by learning from each other, connecting wider dots, taking multi-path logic and inspiring mass collaboration.

We are living in an economic system that was created a few centuries ago, and many have a silo mentality shaped in the industrial age decades ago. All generations need to realize they should keep refreshing their mindset, learn from each other. It’s important to reimagine, re-architect an innovative society via nonlinear understanding, interdisciplinary expertise, and hold on to a strong belief that collective progress leads to continuous societal advancement.


It’s important to fill opportunities gaps, put a lot of effort into understanding, inquiring, reasoning, to accelerate growth and lead business transformation.
Now with the uncertainty around with increasing pace of changes, everything is interconnected and the ecosystem becomes more interdependent and dynamic than ever. There are volatile market situations, extreme competitions, emerging technology trends; there are so many factors that need to be considered in order to both understand and handle complexity to make paradigm shifts.

A lot of understanding with the greatest contribution to humanity would be taking the time and the sincere effort: Humans aren't as good as we should be in our capacity to empathize with the feelings and thoughts of others. Things are complex; people are complex, and the world is complex. Therefore, walk in the shoes of the person you're judging. Everyone has something to offer, and it is up to us to allow an equal giving and taking.

Put a lot of effort into understanding the surroundings. Particularly when you look at a situation and wonder how on earth things could have evolved in such a way, this is the clue that you should first seek to understand, then being understood, for building trust. The business leaders and their team cannot afford to be unprepared for the challenges facing them. So business leaders can see possibilities before others, and they can also tackle great challenges with grand consequences over long time spans.

A lot of inquiries can be initiated to make sound judgment and solve problems thoroughly: If there are no questions, there will be no answers. The more we question, the more we know, we are able to learn and thereafter we teach and spread our learning. The attitude behind the questions is very important. Is the attitude behind questioning seeking involvement? Is it sincere enough to respect coworkers' knowledge & inviting contributions? Practice asking good questions and get input before providing opinions and listen before you speak.

Leaders and professionals with learning agile have always been intrigued and they have always asked questions. It's not a matter of whether you should ask or tell more. It's important to do what is right in a situation. It’s the attitude and trust that glue up questions and answers, in helping people to think deeper, and collect invaluable information in order to solve problems comprehensively.

A lot of gray areas that need to be understood for striking the right balance in leading progress: "Unknown” is inherent in today’s business dynamic and it is often caused by the nature of diversity. It’s unpredictable and lacks a stable pattern or order. Information is overwhelming, business “greyscale” areas are often murky, and even frightening. To survive and thrive amid constant changes, companies must learn how to manage the “shade of gray” due to blurred territories and ambiguous conditions.

There isn't always a right or wrong choice in any situation and there are a lot of grays. In order to explore gray areas thoroughly, people can make further inquiries by diagnosing the root causes of problems and spend enough time on scrutinizing varying circumstances. Philosophically, people are seeking to unpuzzle mysteries and paradoxes through exploring gray areas, for which there are no absolute “right & wrong” answers to certain questions, but there are a lot of research worth taking.

It is the paradigm shift from information scarcity in the industrial age to knowledge abundance in the digital era. There are opportunities and risks, confusions and frustrations on the way. The problem is not uncertainty rather, it is unpreparedness towards the efficient handling of uncertainty. Either individually or at the organizational level, there are lots of smarts, lots of ability, and lots of attitudes - very, very little wisdom. it’s important to fill opportunities gaps, put a lot of effort into understanding, inquiring, reasoning, to accelerate growth and lead business transformation.


It’s always crucial to keep building differentiated advantages, and unleash collective potential effectively.
It is a continuously changing world with “VUCA” new normal, no organization can afford to stick to its old ways. Organizational leaders and professionals have to deal with constant ambiguity, increasing complexity, rapid change, and unprecedented uncertainty. 

Business management with contextual fluency is able to understand the whole meaning of functional dialects, close a variety of gaps in order to improve communication accuracy, talent fluency and business holism.

It is important for the organization to identify emergent trends, understand how information is associated with the valued tangibles of businesses: We cannot predict anything beforehand but we can imagine with many experiences involved in the present or in the past. To prepare for the change proactively, you have to look into an unknown future and attempt to define the business landscape with its opportunities and risks.

Organizational management should streamline information flow, encourage cross-disciplinary collaboration, and enable change continuum. Business executives are sensitive to emergent trends, keep balanced views to understand and handle changes from different angles. So business is solid enough to execute well and it’s liquid enough to allow movement - information flow or idea flow, etc.

It is a worthy investment to explore a set of emergent properties and then, tap business potential and build organizational capacity: Organizations are often fluid and dynamic, their boundaries and parts are not clearly defined in the first place. They are destined to look forward, and in doing so, see both the past and the future in front of companies. A forethoughtful organization can take a structural approach to identify and develop potentiality into a more solid form; grow, innovate, resolve the tensions between future possibilities and past experience, and bridge the gap between "where we are" to "where we want to be" A balanced business initiative portfolio can explore the potential growth opportunities of the organization, set clear criteria to unlock potential that are aligned with at least one strategic objective.

Employees’ collective potential decides the future of business. It takes the immense amount of time and hard work that "naturally talented" people have committed to developing their talents, building their professional competencies. It’s more about empowering people to innovate by getting out of their way, amplifying their voice, giving them actual ownership in what they work on. Lead more, but manage less, allow people to fail, innovate forward:.

It’s always fundamentally important to deal with failures and learn from them wisely: Sure nobody wants to fail, but it's going to happen eventually sometimes. Some say failure is a subset of opportunities. There's no shame in knowingly starting something that might succeed, but might fail. Most people fear failure, as they come dressed in many disguises. The point is how to deal with it wisely.

Every opportunity has risks in it. The reality of failure is that it is also a way to learn; address the risk appropriately. You need a balanced viewpoint of risk, either you will go too far one way and become risk-averse; or go too far the other, and fail to make use of the learning or the learning opportunities. You need to build your abilities to fail forward. This comes from first thinking through the work or situation, continually learning, making "non-repeatable" mistakes and taking calculated risks.

Organizations face both opportunities and risks nowadays, they could miss the opportunity if they only focus on operations in low-risk territories and incremental enhancements only; or they solely focus on quantifiable benefits, short-term business results. It’s always crucial to keep building differentiated advantages, and unleash collective potential effectively. Business transformation is strategic organizational alignment leveraging "core capabilities" to achieve business goals with clear ownership and accountability at all levels.


We always need to be humble to increase awareness of our surroundings, knowing our set of strengths and weaknesses objectively.
In today's ever-changing business dynamic, the charm of the newly established business landscape is the fresh insight and a holistic view of the business ecosystem. 

The multitude of business awareness helps business leaders and professionals become more authentic, gain contextual understanding of the problem, and take initiatives to build high performance organizations.

Increase resource awareness- how resource allocation is determined should be understood by important parties: Resource limitations are significant and decision makers who are not cognoscente of what they can or cannot do always make poor decisions. Successful capacity planning and resource management are critical to ensure that resources are available before they are needed. An effective resource allocation scenario helps to get all related people involved, set priorities, take advantage of resources effectively, optimize cost, and keep the process transparent in order to build a high-performance organization.

For any company to succeed in the long term, how resource allocation is determined should be understood by all important parties. It is essential for the entire company to be pulling in the right direction by allocating resources, time, and assets scientifically, rebalancing resources if necessary, optimize cost, and strike the right balance of “running, growing and transforming” business steadfastly.

Increase situational awareness and develop fresh insight of how to run an effective and efficient organization: The more complex the situation is, the more different approaches are needed to reach for understanding. Insight is an understanding of cause and effect based on identification of relationships and behaviors within a model, context, or scenario. Forethoughtful organizations can sense emergent opportunities, predict potential risks, and always have a strong understanding of what the business does, how it does it, and how it could be better; organizational dynamics- conflict, politics, etc.

After gaining the full situational awareness, business leaders and professionals are clear about where they are in the situation currently; define the gap between the current situation and the desired outcome. Top management in an organization defines a clear business vision and strategy, builds a set of core capabilities to enforce an planning- implementing-improving cycle.

Increase change curve awareness is ready to be the step one goes through during change even before the change can take place: Increasing change awareness means to understand the purpose underneath, how the change capabilities are underpinned by processes, people, and technology, and how much change capability is really required for the change effort you are kicking off. Change is not for its own sake, but to make improvement. When change management is too mechanical without creativity embedded in it, the staff becomes like nails; managers like the hammer forcing staff into submission of change, change might turn to be for its own sake, lose its business goals.

Increasing change awareness is not about finding fault nor finger pointing, blaming or complaining about what is wrong. It is about how to ride the learning curve to get into actions in creative, positive ways that educate, support and celebrate every emotional step of the change curve. If you fail to gain the curve awareness and climb the learning curve, you will get static and lag behind. Be prepared, be flexible, and be skillful, ride the learning curve and build change as a dynamic business capability.

We all face difficulties sometimes. We always need to be humble to increase awareness of our surroundings, knowing our set of strengths and weaknesses objectively. Individuals increase awareness of their own strength and weakness; organization can bring greater awareness of the intricacies of organizational systems, processes, people dynamics, resource alignment, etc. They can explore their vision by mining the abundance of information and developing the common ground practices to achieve long term prosperity.


We live in a diverse global society with a multigenerational workforce, multipolar knowledge centers, multi-cultural wisdom, and multidimensional innovation, etc.
We live in a diverse global society with a multigenerational workforce, multipolar knowledge centers, multi-cultural wisdom, and multidimensional innovation, etc. 

Global professionals today have to continue sharing their viewpoint about things or events happening in their surroundings, their perspective of future global society; their roles on making desired changes, their professional strengths & weakness, as well as how to team up for building competitive global team for co-solving common problems at the worldwide base and developing professional competencies.

                           Innovate Globe

Initiateglobalinnovation Our co-shared world has a long history, abundant knowledge, and diverse cultures. The truth is that enterprise is a complex entity that needs to be perceived through varied lenses, and the key processes should be tuned to reduce waste.

InnovativeGlobalist Global society is dynamic, information permeates into almost all parts of the global society. To bridge the gaps of worldwide difference, it's always crucial to challenge pre-conceptual assumptions, traditional beliefs, conventional wisdom, or subjective conclusions. Global wisdom has enriched context, deep historical roots. It's important to clarify the difference between local rules and global principles, common sense and world wisdom, constantly refine knowledge, in order to break down old traditions, stereotyped viewpoints, outdated methodologies/practices, and gain broader perspective and objective perception of varying global events, circumstances, in order to co-build global innovation agenda, and make progress collaboratively.

Innovateglobe We live in a global society with dynamic change, enriched knowledge and diversity of talent; the variety of perspectives opens our mind, harnesses the values that each of us can bring to the global world. Insightful globalists are able to engage with multiple internal and external stakeholders, customers and partners worldwide effectively; abstract various perspectives into world class insight based on an updated global view; facilitate organizational capacities to develop strategic alliances across boundaries, for unlocking potential of the global business.

Innovativeglobalist Our global world is forced to "grow out" of an old paradigm with a silo mentality and overly rigid boundaries. Because of constant changes in the physical world, frequent disruptions, fierce competitions in reality, global societies become interconnected and information abundant. Today's global leaders and professionals need to connect interdisciplinary dots across the global scope, embrace the broader view of human society, and lead progressive changes.

Innovateglobe We live in a hyper-connected and interdependent global society in which change is the norm. Global companies need to renew themselves periodically to cope with change and advance human society cohesively.The world class leaders and professionals should familiarize themselves with the geopolitical, anthropological, psychological effects of globalization in all realms of the global perspectives. They demonstrate intellectual curiosity, knowledge fluency, global insight, and create fresh ideas to co-develop an innovative global society inspirationally.

The “Future of CIO” Blog has reached 10 million page views with about 11100+ blog postings in 59+ different categories of leadership, management, strategy, digitalization, change/talent, etc. The content richness is not for its own sake, but to convey the vision and share the wisdom. Blogging is not about writing, but about thinking; it’s not just about WHAT to say, but about WHY to say, and HOW to say it. It reflects the color and shade of your thought patterns, and it indicates the peaks and curves of your thinking waves. Unlike pure entertainment, quality and professional content takes time for digesting, contemplation and engaging, and therefore, it takes time to attract the "hungry minds" and the "deep souls." It’s the journey to amplify your voice, deepen your digital footprints, and match your way for human progression.


The world of - complexity is- unavoidable; it becomes complex if - things do interact, particularly in -the case of - "nonlinear" interactions..

The world is dynamic,

change is unavoidable,

disruption is inevitable.

there are-

so many things need to-

be changed;

there are -

so many drivers behind changes;

it is nevertheless true,

change itself has become-

unavoidable, unpredictable..

The world of -

complexity is-


it becomes complex if -

things do interact,

particularly in -

the case of -

"nonlinear" interactions with-

unpredictable events;

unrepetitive activities,

unplanned behaviors;

you can't separate -

things properly;

you cannot perceive-

actual effects of-

interactions, straightforwardly.

Failure sometimes is -


but fail-fast,


failure should not be -

an offense,

if there are not a few failures,

you are simply not-

trying hard enough..

innocent people are -

authentic, trustworthy;

learn when they fail;

take responsibility for -

failures, bounce back,

move forward, resiliently...

Tuesday, June 27, 2023


Keep information flowing in every direction, build up trust by bonding people around clear and benevolent intentions, and commit to taking a holistic approach to explore possibilities.

usiness transformation is a tough journey with the bumpy road, it is no surprise that there are many hidden pitfalls on the way. It takes a lot of energy to break old habits and outdated thought processes. It is challenging to overcome silos, get out of your comfort zone, frame the right problems, and solve them effectively.

It takes structured efforts to lead the large-scale of business transformation which is worth its weight because of its high impact on optimizing business performance and leading the business’s long-term prosperity.

It’s important to shape a comprehensive view by ‘looking forward,” “looking around,” “looking behind,” and “looking above”: Whether they like it or not, business complexity has increased exponentially due to continuous disruptions and ever-changing business dynamics. Organizations need to have a structural view- what it consists of, and what is the future of the organization, an in-depth understanding of the gains and pains of business development. Looking forward is critical for today’s business leaders because organizations nowadays have to step into uncharted waters, take proactively planning, evolving, and co-creating in the dynamic ecosystem. Looking behind can teach you invaluable lessons and become well-prepared for the journey ahead.

Looking above makes people humble, as there are still unknown unknowns. Looking around -take a hard look at what's going on inside the organization, including its strengths and weaknesses, doing a “SWOT” analysis- analyze Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats, etc. An integral view of the organization is to determine what the future needs to look like, what the business transformation must look like, how to overcome the roadblocks, close the blind spots, and deal with change inertia. The wrong direction will no doubt lead to the wrong destination.

It’s important to look for something hidden, which is not always obvious, in order to make better assumptions or business forecasting: With uncertainty and complex business new normal, assumptions should be thought of as qualified projections based on reliable information, eliminating presumption or unconscious bias. To move forward, business leaders or professionals need to make good enough assumptions that are based on nonlinear thinking and knowledge-based perception.

Organizations need to have the right dose of risk appetite and high-risk intelligence. It’s important to gain a contextual understanding of surroundings, look for something “hidden,” which is not always obvious, read between the lines, get to know the past to a certain degree and develop business capabilities to tolerate ambiguity and manage risks. Business leaders today must be able to foster a workplace that thrives on cross-boundary practices to transcend the business up to the next level of business growth and maturity.

It is wise to look for a "positive intent" behind a "resistor," and let creative energy flow freely: Resistance is usually from different areas of; your thinking, doubt about uncertainty, or fearfulness, in your attitude or actions. Resistance is mostly about not engaging at the right time with the right people to have the right communication. There will always be some resistors even where the change program has been planned and is consistent with the organization's business drivers. People resist change mostly because they have experienced frustration around previous efforts, lack of compelling stories, irrational approaches, and poorly designed implementation plans. 

Resistance to change is not a problem; it's a balancing mechanism for recharging fresh energy. And it's also one of the change's biggest opportunities to figure out better solutions. At a minimum, authentic voices need to be heard and understood; removing some of the perceived resistance. Better yet, engage people in the design of change solutions so that issues can be addressed early. If you can tap into, better understand, and work with the energy of resistance, you can also accelerate purposeful change.

To explore the emerging horizon and stay competitive, you have to understand what it means to the business, and get to know the external changing connected environment or the entire business ecosystem. Keep information flowing in every direction, build up trust by bonding people around clear and benevolent intentions, and commit to taking a holistic approach to exploring possibilities.


It’s important to optimize business management capability and capacity, harness innovation, enhance progressive changes, unlock business performance and unleash collective potential consistently.
Compared to the business world decades ago, the speed of change is increasing, and the business ecosystem has become more complex and dynamic, to put simply, change itself changes. 

It’s business leaders’ responsibility to establish an environment with a high-risk tolerance, in which people can grow and develop, and be creative without fear. It means that the business has access to the maximum number of potentially good ideas for building innovative products, services, business models, and solutions.

It’s important to respect people’s cognitive diversity and professional expertise, and try to send the message which appeals to them: Real change evolves how to deprogram old mindsets, let go of the old voice or experience, reprogram people’s mind with fresh knowledge, norms, and attitude. To build a high-performing team, we need cognitive differences, levels of capabilities, complementary experiences, the spectrum of skill sets, unique competencies, cultural perspectives, and different personalities.

High performance organizations leverage the powerful collaboration platforms and tools, break down silos, fine-tune the processes, monitor the change progress. Be inclusive and recognize merit and ideas, no matter where they come from. In such a global climate, those businesses that are unwilling to genuinely embrace diversity, are unable to know how to tap their diverse resources, hidden potential.

It takes the time to look at every situation from multiple points, pull all necessary business resources to develop business resolutions: In silo-based organizations, different functional managers perhaps pull the business in different directions. So it’s no surprise that they get stuck and organizations get stagnated. Look at the problem from as many perspectives as possible, leverage systems thinking to generate a variety of options for dealing with problems structurally and solving them radically with less side-effects.

There are goals behind any meaningful business initiatives. It’s important to dig into the root cause, from mindset to behaviors by clarifying: what’re their needs and wants for change, do they focus more on long term concerns or short term needs; can the business management deal with conflicts smoothly, see the patterns of the underlying needs, in order to pull people in the same direction, and lead change towards the same direction smoothly, Etc.

It is important to develop an innovative team with people who do not have the same view of the small part of the world so they can complement each others’ viewpoint: Everyone is valid for brainstorming. they are bringing their existing experiences to the situation. Diversity in the people you socialize with can provide you with new perspectives. It is important to have members of the team who have worked with different systems and platforms. Business leaders should always look for the capabilities and skills that they don't have so that they can build a winning team and complement each other.

The team's creativity is inspired and motivated by leaders, who can see, understand and appreciate the merits of different people and true inclusiveness. If team members challenge each other to have to translate their PoVs into new expressions, then not only is the combined creative output novel, but their individual inputs are also novel. They need to keep making fresh twists, fine-tune methods and processes, and stretch out in every business dimension for deepening their digital impact.

The emotional climate of an organization has an impact on how people feel and on how they perform. People in an organization want to feel encouraged that there are others who support them in accomplishing their task resourcefully. It’s important to optimize business management capability and capacity, harness innovation, enhance progressive changes, unlock business performance and unleash collective potential consistently.


Reliability is the ability of the business to consistently deliver the high-quality products, services, and expected business results.
The gap between knowledge and insight is about the depth of understanding. Because knowing something is not equal to understanding it, understanding it doesn’t mean you can communicate and coach it effectively. 

Here is a set of featured blogs to dig into the “keywords” of the 21st century to brainstorm the future of digital leadership and business transformation.


Innatereliability The digital era upon us is people-centricity. The true value of people, especially today’s knowledge workforce, include many tangible and intangible factors, and their value can be increased through their learning agility and professional influence. Business professionalism can be ripened to maturity via developing professional competency with all sorts of ingredients.

Initiatives With rapid change and frequent disruptions, the business should always be open to, conscious of, and feel empowered to act upon change dynamics. The ambidextrous organizations have to be solid enough to give some sort of form or meaning but amorphous or fluid enough to its environment and respond to change promptly.

Innation With silo setting and knowledge scarcity in the Industrial Age, either individuals or businesses often become so preoccupied with bottom line performance that they lose sight of the human factors that account for it. They didn't pay enough attention to build core competencies and unleash human potential for the long run. Now we step into the knowledge economy and move into the digital era with exponential growth of information and creativity as the most desirable professional quality.

ITReliability With the fast pace of changes and continuous disruptions, IT has been pushed out of its comfort zone as a back office and become a frontrunner for accelerating digitalization. The trend of technology consumerization indeed provides unprecedented opportunities for IT to get more touch base with end customers and improve the top-line business growth. IT is the important and also expensive investment in most of the organizations, whether it is "planning" or "performance," "process" or "people," “Information” or “innovation.” How to run a high performance IT with reliability, flexibility, and profitability?

Innatereliability Reliability is the ability of the business to consistently deliver the high-quality products, services, and expected business results. Quality is to ensure that the organization’s systems are reliable and run when needed and when the users expect them to run, meet the needs of the business, don't waste time or have critical defects. Reliability is one of the significant quality aspects of the business.

The blog is a dynamic book flowing with your thoughts; growing through your dedication; sharing your knowledge; conveying your wisdom, and making an influence through touching the hearts and connecting minds across the globe. The “Future of CIO” Blog has reached 10 million page views with about #111,00 blog postings. Among 59+ different categories of leadership, management, strategy, digitalization, change/talent, etc. Blogging is not about writing, but about thinking and innovating new ideas; it’s not just about WHAT to say, but about WHY to say, and HOW to say it. It reflects the color and shade of your thought patterns, and it indicates the peaks and curves of your thinking waves. Unlike pure entertainment, quality and professional content takes time for digesting, contemplation and engaging, and therefore, it takes time to attract the "hungry minds" and the "deep souls." It’s the journey to amplify diverse voices and deepen digital footprints, and it's the way to harness your innovative spirit.