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For all Europe's contemporary gloom, the continent's leaders yesterday showed that they have a residual ability to stand together – when they really have to. The first-ever EU president, Herman Van Rompuy, was hoping to use this week's brief Brussels get-together to lift sullen spirits, and persuade the club, which has just passed a decade expending every last joule of energy on rewriting its rules, to look outward and forward, and plot a path to a future in which Europe can carry its full measure of clout.

Debido del desesperación de europa ,ayer los lideres de los contenentes mostraron que tienen la capacidad a permanecer unidos- cuando necesitan hacerlo. El primer presidente de EEUU, Herman Van Rompuy, estaba esperando a usar la reunión en Bruselas para levantar las vidas y persuadir la gente quien usaron cada poco de energía reescribiendo las nuevas reglas, para mirar por el futuro y el exterior, y crear una nuevo camino por el futuro en que Europa puede influir por el máximo.

Alas, it did not quite pan out that way, but it was hardly going to in the midst of the most serious turbulence yet to befall the continent's currency. The Greek strain of flu in the bond markets threatens to mutate into a Spanish and even an Italian strain, with the potential to finish the euro. National leaders devised only the merest outlines of a remedy, but they at least recognised that the eurozone might well, (con el tiempo) eventually, stand or fall as one. The outcome, however, was a fuzzy declaration of readiness to take "determined and co-ordinated action" if required, which in practice would most likely involve Paris and Berlin underwriting some Athenian debt in return for additional austerities.

Por desgracia, nada pasó exactamente de esa manera,pero dificilimente iba ocurrir en medio de la turbulencia más grave