Unit Testing in Beam: An opinionated guide

Testing remains one of the most fundamental components of software engineering. In this blog post, we shed light on some of the constructs that Apache Beam provides for testing. We cover an opinionated set of best practices to write unit tests for your data pipeline. This post doesn’t include integration tests, and you need to author those separately. All snippets in this post are included in this notebook. Additionally, to see tests that exhibit best practices, look at the Beam starter projects, which contain tests that exhibit best practices.

Best practices

When testing Beam pipelines, we recommend the following best practices:

  1. Don’t write unit tests for the already supported connectors in the Beam Library, such as ReadFromBigQuery and WriteToText. These connectors are already tested in Beam’s test suite to ensure correct functionality. They add unnecessary cost and dependencies to a unit test.

  2. Ensure that your function is well tested when using it with Map, FlatMap, or Filter. You can assume your function will work as intended when using Map(your_function).

  3. For more complex transforms such as ParDo’s, side inputs, timestamp inspection, etc., treat the entire transform as a unit, and test it.

  4. If needed, use mocking to mock any API calls that might be present in your DoFn. The purpose of mocking is to test your functionality extensively, even if this testing requires a specific response from an API call.

    1. Be sure to modularize your API calls in separate functions, rather than making the API call directly in the DoFn. This step provides a cleaner experience when mocking the external API calls.

Example 1

Use the following pipeline as an example. You don’t have to write a separate unit test to test this function in the context of this pipeline, assuming the function median_house_value_per_bedroom is unit tested elsewhere in the code. You can trust that the Map primitive works as expected (this illustrates point #2 noted previously).

# The following code computes the median house value per bedroom.

with beam.Pipeline() as p1:
   result = (
       | ReadFromText("/content/sample_data/california_housing_test.csv",skip_header_lines=1)
       | beam.Map(median_house_value_per_bedroom)
       | WriteToText("/content/example2")

Example 2

Use the following function as the example. The functions median_house_value_per_bedroom and multiply_by_factor are tested elsewhere, but the pipeline as a whole, which consists of composite transforms, is not.

with beam.Pipeline() as p2:
    result = (
        | ReadFromText("/content/sample_data/california_housing_test.csv",skip_header_lines=1)
        | beam.Map(median_house_value_per_bedroom)
        | beam.Map(multiply_by_factor)
        | beam.CombinePerKey(sum)
        | WriteToText("/content/example3")

The best practice for the previous code is to create a transform with all functions between ReadFromText and WriteToText. This step separates the transformation logic from the I/Os, allowing you to unit test the transformation logic. The following example is a refactoring of the previous code:

def transform_data_set(pcoll):
  return (pcoll
          | beam.Map(median_house_value_per_bedroom)
          | beam.Map(multiply_by_factor)
          | beam.CombinePerKey(sum))

# Define a new class that inherits from beam.PTransform.
class MapAndCombineTransform(beam.PTransform):
  def expand(self, pcoll):
    return transform_data_set(pcoll)

with beam.Pipeline() as p2:
   result = (
       | ReadFromText("/content/sample_data/california_housing_test.csv",skip_header_lines=1)
       | MapAndCombineTransform()
       | WriteToText("/content/example3")

This code shows the corresponding unit test for the previous example:

import unittest
import apache_beam as beam
from apache_beam.testing.test_pipeline import TestPipeline
from apache_beam.testing.util import assert_that, equal_to

class TestBeam(unittest.TestCase):

# This test corresponds to example 3, and is written to confirm the pipeline works as intended.
  def test_transform_data_set(self):
    expected=[(1, 10570.185786231425), (2, 13.375337533753376), (3, 13.315649867374006)]
    input_elements = [
    with beam.Pipeline() as p2:
      result = (
                | beam.Create(input_elements)
                | beam.Map(MapAndCombineTransform())

Example 3

Suppose we write a pipeline that reads data from a JSON file, passes it through a custom function that makes external API calls for parsing, and then writes it to a custom destination (for example, if we need to do some custom data formatting to have data prepared for a downstream application).

The pipeline has the following structure:

# The following packages are used to run the example pipelines.

import apache_beam as beam
from apache_beam.io import ReadFromText, WriteToText
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import PipelineOptions

class MyDoFn(beam.DoFn):
  def process(self,element):
          returned_record = MyApiCall.get_data("http://my-api-call.com")
          if len(returned_record)!=10:
            raise ValueError("Length of record does not match expected length")
          yield returned_record

with beam.Pipeline() as p3:
  result = (
          | ReadFromText("/content/sample_data/anscombe.json")
          | beam.ParDo(MyDoFn())
          | WriteToText("/content/example1")

This test checks whether the API response is a record of the wrong length and throws the expected error if the test fails.

!pip install mock  # Install the 'mock' module.
# Import the mock package for mocking functionality.
from unittest.mock import Mock,patch
# from MyApiCall import get_data
import mock

# MyApiCall is a function that calls get_data to fetch some data by using an API call.
def test_error_message_wrong_length(self, mock_get_data):
 response = ['field1','field2']
 mock_get_data.return_value = Mock()

 input_elements = ['-122.050000,37.370000,27.000000,3885.000000,661.000000,1537.000000,606.000000,6.608500,344700.000000'] #input length 9
 with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
                             "Length of record does not match expected length'"):
     p3 = beam.Pipeline()
     result = p3 | beam.create(input_elements) | beam.ParDo(MyDoFn())

Other testing best practices:

  1. Test all error messages that you raise.
  2. Cover any edge cases that might exist in your data.
  3. Example 1 could have written the beam.Map step with lambda functions instead of with beam.Map(median_house_value_per_bedroom):
beam.Map(lambda x: x.strip().split(',')) | beam.Map(lambda x: float(x[8])/float(x[4])

Separating lambdas into a helper function by using beam.Map(median_house_value_per_bedroom) is the recommended approach for more testable code, because changes to the function would be modularized.

  1. Use the assert_that statement to ensure that PCollection values match correctly, as in the previous example.

For more guidance about testing on Beam and Dataflow, see the Google Cloud documentation. For more examples of unit testing in Beam, see the base_test.py code.

Special thanks to Robert Bradshaw, Danny McCormick, XQ Hu, Surjit Singh, and Rebecca Spzer, who helped refine the ideas in this post.