‘The View’ Says Trump Is “Extremely Triggered” By Kamala Harris Running For President

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The View is celebrating the swift rise of Kamala Harris, but that doesn’t mean they’re backing off of Donald Trump. On this morning’s episode of the talk show, the co-hosts watched Harris’ new Beyoncé campaign ad and contrasted her message with the words Trump has been saying at his rallies.

After playing Harris’ ad about freedom, Joy Behar told the panel, “There’s a shiny, new candidate in town, and someone’s tighty-whities are in a twist,” before cutting to footage of a recent Trump rally.

In the clip, the former POTUS says, “We have a new victim to defeat. Lyin’ Kamala Harris. Lyin’: L, Y, I, N, apostrophe. The most incompetent and far-left vice president in American history.”

After hearing Trump’s words, Behar joked, “Lyin’, L, Y, I, N — he had to use spell-check for that, you know.”

She then asked the panel, “How triggered is he now, do you think?”

Alyssa Farah Griffin, who used to work in the Trump White House, quickly replied, “He’s extremely triggered.”

She then said, “Listen, he thought he was gonna run against Joe Biden. He was kind of riding high on this wave of doing better and today, the first general election poll from Morning Consult came out that has Kamala Harris ahead of Donald Trump, and she’s been in the race for like five days.”

Alyssa Farah Griffin on the view
Photo: ABC

Her last few words were drowned out by cheers from the audience, who was clearly thrilled to hear Harris is pulling ahead in the polls.

Once the applause died down, Griffin continued, “The dynamics of the race are fundamentally shaken up and I have to give her credit. I had wanted Biden to step aside and pass the baton. She wasn’t my first choice, because I was worried she was gonna run to the left. And she is running a smart general election campaign message.”

She later proclaimed, “This campaign is fire.”

The View airs weekdays at 11/10c on ABC.