Queue And A

‘Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles’ Star Josh Altman Is Thrilled His Wife And Business Partner Heather Altman Is Taking On A Larger Role: “Audiences Will See How Much Of A Boss She Is”

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Slicker than ever, Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles is back for Season 15 on Bravo. Even though our favorite agents—Josh Altman, Josh Flagg and Tracy Tutor—are operating at the height of their powers, they are up against powerful adversaries. No, not hotshot competitors or unsellable listings. Their enemies are high interest rates and LA’s “mansion tax” which adds a 4% charge to all property sales above $5 million and a 5.5% charge to all sales above $10 million in L.A.

Luckily, a familiar face is stepping into the spotlight to help Josh Altman maintain his successful and ever-expanding real estate agency —his wife and business partner, Heather Altman. “It’s definitely been a volatile market,” said H. Altman. “It’s a fight to get every deal done these days.” J. Altman is pleased that his wife is taking a larger role on MDLLA in addition to her everyday responsibilities in and out of the office of the Altman Brothers. Ultimately, J.Altman wondered, “Why is Heather— who sells more than all of us combined—not on the show?” Indeed, her emergence this season has been a revelation. “It’s new for audiences to see how much of a boss she is,” said Altman. “Nothing new for us over here.”

“I feel I’ve been kept behind the scenes for too long now,” added H. Altman. “Obviously, I’ve always been a part of show, but I really have been able to have a voice this season.” Good thing since J. Altman’s friendship with colleague Flagg is publicly on the outs. “Our relationship is not where it used to be,” admitted J. Altman. “He runs his business the way he wants to run his business, and we do ours a totally different way.”

The Altmans spoke to DECIDER over Zoom to talk about the upcoming season, the increased interest in the Orange County real estate scene, and why the power couple would welcome their young children—Lexi and Ace—to the family business someday.

DECIDER: Season 15 of Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles feels different. Did you ever expect the real estate market to move in the way it did with the luxury tax, etc?

HEATHER ALTMAN: It’s definitely been a volatile market. I don’t think any of us could have seen this coming with the Mansion Tax. All of us are still in complete shock. It’s been difficult. It’s a fight to get every deal done these days. The Mansion tax really impacted the $5M+ market, but it also trickles down to the homes for sale under $5M. We’re also dealing with high interest rates and low inventory in addition to a difficult international climate. Everything is just up in air right now.

In the face of the new difficulties, the show itself has gotten an upgrade production-wise and cast-wise!

JOSH ALTMAN: Sure, I’m pleased with the look of the show, but I’m more pleased that it’s got more of Heather [laughs].

Heather Altman and Josh Altman/ Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles

Heather, I was so excited to see that you are delivering solo confessionals in the season premiere. It’s been a long time coming! How are you feeling?

HA: Excited [laughs]. I feel that I’ve been kept behind the scenes for too long now. Obviously, I’ve always been a part of show, but I really have been able to have a voice this season. Viewers will be able to see more of what I do every day for our company, which is nice. I really do love the new visuals too!

JA: The visuals do look amazing. We watched the first episode together.

HA: I would’ve loved to have the blue background in the confessionals since I have blue eyes, but I’ll take the orange screen. It was a lot of fun to film, and to be part of the cast photo shoot with Josh at the beginning of the season. I finally feel like I am a team member this year.

JA: Heather used to run Madison’s [Hildebrand, former MDLLA cast member] business. She then came over here and is now running the Altman Brothers business. I had to wonder, “why is Heather— who sells more than all of us combined—not on the show?” It’s nice to see it; however, her contributions are nothing new for us over here. Nothing new for anybody who has had any involvement in real estate in Los Angeles, Newport Beach, San Diego, Vegas, or Scottsdale, which is where our offices are. It is new for audiences to see how much of a boss she is. It’s fun to finally have her get the recognition that she deserves.

Going back to the new visuals, I think you two have the orange background screen in your confessionals because you two are the King and Queen of Orange County real estate.

HA: I like that.

JA: Like that [laughs]. Take that.

With the mansion tax being what it is, we’re seeing realtors like Tracy branching out into Orange County. What are your thoughts on these interlopers?

JA: There’s always plenty of real estate to go around. We stay in our lane and do our thing and do not worry about what other people are doing in their businesses.

HA: I think we’re always trendsetters. Everyone saw us going down to Orange County six years ago. We have a second home there and are official residents. Selling homes in the OC is just an organic expansion of our business for many reasons. One: I personally wanted to be down there, and on the show you see me pushing for the move repeatedly. Two: the real estate market down there is insane which we foresaw. We’re so excited that we were the first to start planting our seed down.Other agents have followed in our footsteps. We’re in it for the long haul. We already have two office locations in Corona Del Mar and are still in the process of building our dream house down there now.

Josh, it’s no secret that you and Flagg are on the outs this season. Can you tease how that dynamic is going to play out ?

JA: To make it as black and white as possible, our relationship is not where it used to be. For many years, it was not great, and then it started to get better over a five-year period. Now, it’s not great again. We’re amicable, though. Being friends with anybody in business that you go up against is tricky. There are going to be lots of highs and lows. He runs his business the way he wants to run his business, and we do ours a totally different way. You’ll have to tune in because the deals this season change where we’re at relationship wise. It’s interesting.

On to a happier note, we saw you two sell Heather and Terry Dubrow’s “Dubrow Chateau” for $55M last season on Real Housewives of Orange County. Will we see the other side of that sale on MDLLA this season?

JA: Yeah, you do get to see the other side of that, which is nice. We always have a good time filming with Heather and Terry because they’re pros. They’ve been in the game as long as we have. When we film, we’re just ourselves. It’s great. I think people will enjoy it, especially the crossover. We just have so much fun hanging out with them and trying to keep up [laughs].

Matt Altman and Heather Altman and Josh Altman/ Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles

They’ve been on TV for a long time as have you and Heather. In the premiere, we flash back to the first time you two met, which was on camera. How special is it to have these moments to look back on?

HA: We actually have that moment printed in a frame along with what we were saying to each other, which is so embarrassing [laughs]. I was 23, 24 years old at the time. I’m 39 now. It’s wild that we’ve been filming this long. The first time we met, dates, babies, weddings—everything has been captured on the show. That’s just a blessing for us to have that footage to share with our family.

JA: I get excited watching that. It’s cool. I can’t wait till our kids, Ace and Lexi, are old enough to understand the show and get to watch the literal moment their mom and dad met and then the next 15 years of our life.

HA: And how cheesy we are.

Your favorite Bravolebrity and agent, Maurico Umansky, is bringing his daughters into his business on Buying Beverly Hills. Are you hoping your kids will follow in your footsteps one day?

HA: Funny enough, Ace is already in the process. He calls himself a “real estater.” That’s what he thinks our job titles are [laughs]. He loves to get up dressed up his dad. He throws on a shirt and his cute little vest with his skinny leg jeans and comes downstairs saying: “I’m Josh Altman. I’m a real estater.” It’s fun to see that he’s excited about what we do and wants to be like mommy and daddy. Lexi’s here at the office right now. We love exposing them to business and working. Do I want them to become real estate agents? I don’t know. It’s a hustle. It’s a grind, and it’s 24/7. I’m on the fence because it’s a lot of work. It doesn’t come easy, but we love it.

JA: If they want to, they have a nice office waiting for them. If they don’t, it’s all good.

HA: We just want them happy and healthy.

Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles Season 15 airs Wednesdays at 9/8c on Bravo.