What Song Plays at the End of ‘Outlander’ Season 7 Episode 8? Lyrics and Meaning of “Tha mi sigith ‘n fhogar seo”

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There’s no denying that Outlander loves a good Scottish song to stir the heart and soul. After all, one of the most iconic parts of the Starz megahit is its infectious opening credits track, “The Skye Boat Song.” The plaintive Scottish standard sets the stage for Claire’s (Caitriona Balfe) time-traveling journey with a melody that feels spiritually connected to the Highlands. Now, the Outlander Season 7 mid-season finale ends with one specific Scots Gaelic song and, of course, there’s a deeper meaning to this specific needle drop within the context of the show’s ongoing storyline.

**Spoilers for Outlander Season 7 Episode 8 “Turning Points,” now streaming on Starz**

Outlander Season 7 Episode 8 “Turning Points” ends with Jamie (Sam Heughan), Claire, and Young Ian (John Bell) finally arriving back in Scotland. After his cousin Simon Fraser (Angus Macfadyen) dies during the Second Battle of Saratoga, Jamie is told that part of the Redcoats’ surrender included a request that Simon’s body be returned to Scotland for burial. Jamie is asked by the Continental Army to be their courier for the task. This means that he, Claire, and Young Ian are granted passage on a British ship all the way home.

The final shot of the first half of Outlander Season 7 is of Jamie, Claire, and Ian taking in the welcome sight of the verdant Scottish shores. Punctuating the emotion of the moment is a stirring Scottish ballad. But what is the name of this beautiful song? Who sings the song at the end of this week’s Outlander? And what do the lyrics of this Gaelic song mean in English? Here’s everything you need to know about “Tha mi sgìth ‘n fhògar seo,” the song playing at the end of the Outlander Season 7 mid-season finale.

Jamie and Claire in Outlander Season 7
Photo: Starz

What Song Plays at the End of Outlander Season 7 Episode 8?

The beautiful song you hear at the end of this week’s Outlander is called “Tha mi sgìth ‘n fhògar seo” and the singer is Griogair Labhruidh.

According to The People’s Voice: Scottish political poetry, song and the franchise, 1832-1918, a cross-institutional research project led by the University of Glasgow’s Dr. Catriona M. M. Macdonald, “Tha mi sgìth ‘n fhògar seo” translates to “I am weary of this exile.” The song is usually attributed to a Scot named John MacRae, or Iain mac Mhurchaidh, who found life in Scotland difficult after the Battle of Culloden wiped out the Jacobean forces. He eventually made his way to North Carolina in the early 1770s and found himself fighting for the English in the Revolutionary War. (Sound sort of familiar?)

MacRae (or mac Mhurchaidh) allegedly wrote “Tha mi sgìth ‘n fhògar seo” after the Redcoats were defeated at the Battle of Moore’s Creek in February 1776. He became an outlaw and legend has it was brutally murdered by the rebels who eventually captured him. He never made it back to Scotland, but his songs did.

Claire looking upset in 'Outlander'
Photo: Starz

What Do the Lyrics of “Tha mi sgìth ‘n fhògar seo” Mean in English?

According to The People’s Voice, the Gaelic lyrics for “Tha mi sgìth ‘n fhògar seo” are as follows — starting with the chorus:

Tha mi sgìth ’n fhògar seo,
Tha mi sgìth dhen an t-strì,
 Seo i ’n tìm dhòrainneach.
 Tha mi sgìth ’n fhògar seo.

Ged a tha mi fon choille
Chan eil coire ri chòmhdach orm.
Ach mi sheasamh gu dìleas
Leis an rìgh bhon bha chòir aige.
Thoir mo shoraidh thar linne
Dh’ionnsaidh ’ghlinne ’m bu chòir dhomh bhi.
Thoir mo shoraidh le dùrachd
Gu Sgurr Ùrain,’s math m’ eòlas ann.
’S a’ Bheinn Ghorm tha mu coinneamh
Leam bu shoilleir a neòineanan.
Thoir mo shoraidh le coibhneas
Gu Torr Luinnsich nan smèoraichean.
Suas is sìos tro Ghleann Seile
’S tric a leag mi ’n damh cròic-cheannach.”

So what does that mean in English? Here is the translation provided by Dr. Macdonald and her fellow scholars:


“I am weary of this exile

I am tired of the strife
This is the tormenting time,
I am weary of this exile.

Although I am an outlaw
No crime could be proven against me.
Only that I stand loyal
To the king, since he had justice on his side.
Bear my greetings across the sea
To the glen where I should be.
Bear my sincere greetings
To Sgùrr Ùrain, I know it well.
And to the Green Mountain facing it,
Its little daisies were clear to me.
Bear my greetings with kindness
To Torr Luinnsich of the thrushes.
Up and down Glen Shiel
I often felled the antlered stag there.”

When you first hear Iain mac Mhurchaidh’s story, it’s easy to see him as a corollary to Jamie. Like our hero, he’s been far from home, struggling in the Carolinas, and stuck in a sort of self-imposed exile.

However, closer inspection of the lyrics reveal the song choice could be a requiem for poor Simon Fraser, an honorable man and brilliant commander who died fighting for the English.

Either way, the song is a beautiful, if not also devastating, lament for Scotland.

Who is Griogair Labhruidh? Meet Bear McCreary’s Go-To Dude Singer for Outlander

Griogair Labhruidh is a Scottish singer and songwriter known for mixing Gaelic traditions with modern arrangements. He first teamed up with Outlander composer Bear McCreary for the Outlander Season 6 soundtrack, including a Gaelic version of “The Skye Boat Song.” His first album is due out later this year.

You can keep up to date with all things Griogair Labhruidh by visiting his official website or following him on Instagram @griogairmusic.