Ana Navarro Praises Parkland Parent For Interrupting Biden on ‘The View’

Yesterday, President Biden held a gathering in the White House Rose Garden to celebrate the recent gun bill passed by Congress, which Biden signed into law last month. In the midst of his speech, Biden was interrupted by Manuel Oliver, the father of Joaquin Oliver, a high school student killed during the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida. On today’s episode of The View, after watching footage of Oliver criticizing the President for not doing enough about gun violence, guest host Ana Navarro applauded Oliver for standing up to the President on the White House lawn.

“I was thinking as I was watching, because [the Olivers] were actually born in Venezuela, and I was thinking, if we do that, if you are screaming at the President in Venezuela, or in Nicaragua where I was born, or in Cuba, or in so many countries, you would probably be in jail or worse,” Navarro said. “I’m so happy where we live in a country where a grieving father can get up and scream his peace at the President of the United States in the White House Rose Garden.”

Oliver stood up and interrupted Biden’s speech, which was celebrating the fact that the U.S. passed the first new gun legislation in decades, to criticize the President for not doing more, suggesting that the President name a director to oversee new gun legislation. “I think what he was asking for, that there be a special director named at the White House level to deal with the issue of gun violence, liaise with the states, with the counties, with the cities, is a good idea. We need to do everything we can because this is now an epidemic… I think the White House missed the boat on this celebratory tone.”

“There’s been 50 shootings since this bill was passed,” Navarro added. “We have nothing to celebrate when it comes to gun violence.”

Guest host Ginger Zee agreed that the tone of Biden’s speech was a problem, while Sunny Hostin added, “I don’t think this legislation was this huge step forward, and I think what it did and something that Mr. Oliver said, was this gives Republicans on Congress the pass that they wanted to say well, we did something.”

In an impassioned speech, Navarro ended the segment saying, “How many more parents need to lose children? How many more children need to lose parents? How many more loved ones need to die for all of us to say, this is our problem and we’ve got to stop electing people who are obstructing progress?” And for once, the entire panel of The View seemed to agree.