Meghan McCain Skewers the “Severe Cowardice” of the Republican Party

Meghan McCain is not mincing words when it comes to House Republicans’ vote to keep Liz Cheney in her leadership position. Thursday morning on The View, McCain skewered the “severe cowardice” of fellow Republicans who are only willing to diverge from former President Trump in private. “There’s a lot of people going on TV saying different things than they’re privately voting on,” said the outspoken conservative. “It is a bizarre reality to live in.”

The View has been debating the growing rift in the GOP for weeks, but on Thursday, the co-hosts finally had something definitive to discuss following the House’s vote to keep Cheney in the No. 3 leadership spot, and Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s decision to keep QAnon supporter Marjorie Taylor Greene on the education committee. McCain was clear that each political storyline offers a different path for the Republican Party, although it remains unclear which the GOP will take. “Last night I was texting my friends, ‘This is like the most dramatic [The Bachelor] rose ceremony ever,'” recalled McCain. “This was one of the more dramatic moments in politics that have happened in the last few years.”

“Liz Cheney has had the living crap beaten out of her by her fellow caucus members, by people in the media in Trumpland, saying that, basically, she should be stripped of her chair because she dared to vote for impeachment against Trump,” recapped McCain. However, despite the Trump faction’s claims that they “had the votes” to successfully remove her from leadership, Cheney was “voted by a whopping 145 to 61 to stay” after a private vote.

“By the way, one person voted ‘present.’ What are you doing voting ‘present’ in a private vote?” continued McCain. “It shows that there’s validation for people in the party, the vast majority in Congress, that say that the QAnon-Marjorie Taylor Greenes are not here, that it’s okay to vote for impeachment, that Liz Cheney did nothing wrong, that she’s a valued member of leadership, but they’re doing it privately. They’re not doing it publicly.”

McCain added that doing so is incredibly cowardly, and explained that it won’t sit well with the 30,000 people who have disaffiliated from the GOP in the weeks since the January 6 attack on the Capitol. “There is a bunch of people in this country in swing states, a bunch of women specifically in suburbs, in places that we have lost a bunch of Republican voters, who are not going to get on board with this QAnon crap that Marjorie Taylor Greene is spewing,” she concluded. “If we are of any value to you — and I put myself in this category — you will get rid of this as soon as possible.”

“This isn’t something that we can walk in the middle of, walk a high wire act,” she concluded. “It is one or the other! There is no middle ground on this, or there’s sure as hell no middle ground on it for me.”

Watch Meghan McCain lay into the Republican Party in the clip above.

Where to stream The View