Watch Elizabeth Warren Guess Every Single Billionaire on ‘Colbert,’ Except Scrooge McDuck

You can’t get one over on Elizabeth Warren, especially if you’re a billionaire trying to buy the election. We’ve seen that in debate after debate, as the hyper-prepared and unflappable Democratic candidate has held her own against big spenders like Mike Bloomberg and Tom Steyer. But there’s one billionaire that might just be able to get one over on Warren: Scrooge McDuck.

The reveal of this surprise blindspot came during a segment with Stephen Colbert on The Late Show. Colbert caught up with Warren ahead of the debate in South Carolina, Colbert’s home state. During the “Hometown Hospitality” segment, Colbert played a game that Warren should have dominated—and she mostly did!

Warren was tasked with guessing the billionaire based on comically shady clues given to her by Colbert. What’s funny is seeing which of Colbert’s clues finally tipped off the billionaire to Warren; she initially thought the “bangs cut by toenail clippers” clue was Bill Gates and not Mark Zuckerberg, but she knew it was Steyer’s turn the minute he mentioned that one tie. And then came McDuck.

Granted, the DuckTales tycoon was the first and only fictional billionaire in the bunch, but the clue about swimming in his own cash should’ve tipped her off. But then again, maybe she thinks the wealthiest people in the world do literally swim in their money! Wait—Elizabeth Warren does the research, so maybe she knows they do?

What’s great, though, is that as soon as she finds out Colbert’s talking about Scrooge McDuck, she calls out the most salacious thing she knows about the richest Disney duck: “He doesn’t wear pants!”

Don’t even think about getting in this race, McDuck. Warren’s onto you now.

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