Whoopi Goldberg Reportedly Scolds ‘The View’ Audience During Donald Trump Jr. Interview: “The Booing Is F***ing Us Up”

The View‘s Thursday interview with Donald Trump Jr. may have been a full-on disaster, but the backstage drama was even more bonkers. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the co-hosts spent the commercial breaks sparring with the audience, whose members alternately cheered and booed as the panel threw down with Trump Jr. and his girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle. After one particularly heated segment, moderator Whoopi Goldberg reportedly lashed out at the crowd, saying, “The booing is fucking us up. It’s messing with everyone’s mic.”

When Trump Jr. and Guilfoyle joined the panel, they were met with a warm welcome from a vocal group of Trump supporters sitting in the front row. “We got 10 tickets out of about 150, so we figured we had to stack the deck a little bit, right?” said the first son. According to THR, which had a reporter sitting in the audience and taking notes, this group of Trump supporters was consistently combative during commercial breaks, and they used their close proximity to yell at the co-hosts.

During one off-camera interaction, a woman in the audience reportedly interrogated Goldberg about a remark she made more than 10 years ago about Roman Polanski, who was charged with raping a 13-year-old girl in 1977. After a back and forth, the woman told The View‘s moderator, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Fired back Goldberg, “Then be quiet and listen to me.” THR’s Jeremy Barr reports that after the show, the woman said of Goldberg, “I definitely riled her up. She was so upset.”

Trump Jr. resorted to the same tactic towards the end of the interview when he called out Goldberg and Joy Behar for old comments. “We’ve all done things that we regret,” he said. “I mean, if we’re talking about bringing the discourse down, Joy, you’ve worn blackface. Whoopi, you said that Roman Polanksi, it wasn’t ‘rape rape’ when he raped a child. So, let’s talk about serious things.”

Later, another audience member repeated a Trump Jr. conspiracy about Jeffrey Epstein. “Who killed Epstein?” a man in a Trump hat yelled during one of The View‘s final commercial breaks.

According to THR, the audience was so rowdy that Goldberg eventually scolded them. “The booing is fucking us up,” she said during another commercial break. “It’s messing with everyone’s mic. You can grimace and all that. All we hear is booing.” Goldberg’s warning was ignored; a few minutes later, the show’s warm-up comedian tried again. “No booing, no yelling out,” she told the crowd. “No booing, everybody.”

For more on The View‘s Donald Trump Jr. interview, read our breakdown.

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