Who Shot Gary Cole on ‘The Good Fight’: Eric Trump or Don Jr.?

The Good Fight has become known for the playful way in which it pokes at national events, but in the Season 3 premiere, it might have gone a little too far. I’m not talking about how Diane Lockhart (Christine Baranski) moves closer to being the female Michael Avenatti. I’m referring to what happens to Diane’s poor husband, Kurt McVeigh (Gary Cole). Mild spoilers, but Kurt’s been hunting with Eric Trump and Donald Trump, Jr. and one of them shoots Kurt by accident.

Here’s the situation: You’ll remember from both The Good Wife and earlier seasons of The Good Fight that Kurt McVeigh is a well-known ballistics expert. His and Diane’s odd couple courtship has been one of the more delightfully compelling storylines in the “Good” universe. He’s an old-fashioned conservative obsessed with guns, and she’s a proud feminist and liberal — and they love each other!

Kurt has recently fallen on hard times and in the absence of a real job, he’s been going to the shooting range with Eric and Don, Jr. The two Trump sons are so enamored of Kurt’s teaching style that they hire him out to go on safari with them. Obviously, Diane wouldn’t approve, so Kurt tries to hide this, only to stoke fears in her that he’s having an affair. As it turns out though, things go a wee bit awry. Kurt returns home early from the safari and Diane learns that the trip was cut short because one of the Trumps shot Kurt in the back with some buckshot. Kurt can’t reveal who it was because he signed an NDA, which really sets Diane off, and soon she starts seeing a talking President Trump in Kurt’s blossoming bruise. (Look, you have to see the episode to really get it.)

But who shot Kurt? Who is responsible for maiming our beloved Gary Cole? Was it Don Jr. or Eric? I think Diane is leaning towards Don Jr., but in my heart I believe it was Eric. I don’t know, I just think it’s possible he’s his own kind of dangerous. Obviously this is all fictional, but this fake crime might be the Trump news I care about the most.

Where to stream The Good Fight