Comedy Central’s ‘The Other Two’ is an Early Contender for Funniest New Comedy of the Year

I had high expectations for Comedy Central’s The Other Two. Premiering on Thursday, January 24 at 10:30 p.m., the series follows two struggling siblings whose lives are upended when their 13-year-old brother, ChaseDreams (Case Walker), becomes famous overnight, which is a fun, fresh plot brimming with comedic potential.

I watched all ten Season 1 episodes over Christmas break and, somehow, the series managed to exceed my already lofty expectations. Created by former SNL co-head writers Chris Kelly and Sarah Schneider, the show features comedy vets Ken Marino and Molly Shannon, so I knew I’d be entertained, but The Other Two isn’t just good; it’s an early contender for funniest new comedy of 2019.

The success of The Other Two starts with Kelly and Schneider. The duo’s comedic credentials are unrivaled (SNL, College Humor, Broad City), but their new Comedy Central series steps beyond the velvet rope into exclusive must-see territory thanks to its deft mix of sweet and sour humor. The Other Two is more emotionally grounded than traditional Comedy Central shows. The eponymous other two — Drew Tarver’s Cary and Heléne Yorke’s Brooke — portray fully-formed characters with genuine goals and emotions. Yes, they both want to capitalize on Chase’s newfound success for their own personal gain, but that desire never comes at the expense of their brother. For all of Cary and Brooke’s late-bloomer coming of age foibles, we never question their genuine love for Chase. The lazier (and honestly less interesting) way to do this show would be for Chase to be a plot device as opposed to a character, but The Other Two eschews cheap humor and instead focuses on layered comedy.

Chase doesn’t become an overnight celebrity and then suddenly morph into a pretentious adolescent who’s too cool for his family; he’s still just a vulnerable teen who looks up to his older siblings. This extra layer of emotional depth — which should come as no surprise considering the success of Kelly’s inspired 2016 indie dramedy Other People — goes a long way in making The Other Two more emotionally nuanced than its counterparts.

It also helps that the cast is… how to say this? Ah yes, I believe the professional term is “bananas.”

If you watched the trailer this should go without saying, but Tarver and Yorke shine in The Other Two. Anyone who disagrees is an actual dummy. Molly Shannon playing a mom who navigates the choppy waters of celebrity culture and says yes to life is just as delightful as it sounds, and the decision to make Ken Marino Chase’s manager is the casting equivalent of a chef’s kiss. The main ensemble share a crackling comedic chemistry and the writing provides a preponderance of literal laugh-out-loud moments. Not the normal “lols” you use to terminate a boring text conversation; I’m talking about the real deal. Actual guffaws.

You can tell The Other Two is written by legitimate comedy professionals because it excels at the little things: Ken Marino isn’t a slick manager; he’s hysterically aloof and immensely insecure; Richard freaking Kind plays Cary’s terrible agent; and Brooke’s ex-boyfriend Lance (Josh Segarra), a character that on almost any other series would be one-note, is one of the most endearing aspects of the entire season.

The Other Two does a tremendous job of skewering celebrity culture without overly relying on it. Yes, Chase’s fame drives the story, but at its core, it’s a warped family comedy with real emotional stakes. Also, did I mention it’s insanely funny?

Ken Marino and Case Walker taking a photo together in The Other Two
Photo: Comedy Central

The Other Two is a comedy nerd’s dream. It works better as a binge, but at least the week-to-week offerings give you something to look forward to. With Workaholics, Nathan For You, and Detroiters gone and Broad City about to enter its final season, Comedy Central needed a new hit. They found on with The Other Two.

The Other Two premieres Thursday, January 24 at 10:30 p.m. ET on Comedy Central.

Where to stream The Other Two