Stephen Colbert Rips Donald Trump For Cancelling White House Christmas Party

Last night on CBSThe Late Show with Stephen Colbert, the host opened his monologue with excitement for it not only being Friday but two Fridays before Christmas. His festive joy, however, quickly turned serious as he mentioned that “some people aren’t having a holly jolly Christmas.”

Donald Trump has canceled the White House Christmas party for the press,” Colbert said, to which the audience responded with boos. The host drew attention to the President’s hypocrisy, reminding viewers that one of Trump’s campaign promises were that, “we’re all going to be saying Merry Christmas again” if he were elected.

Colbert smirked, adding, “Just not you, Jim Acosta!”

The holiday tradition, which has been around for decades, Colbert said, is something “the press really looks forward to.

“The Fox News people really love kissing Trump’s ass under the mistletoe,” he half-joked. He then concluded, however, that it might be for the best since Christmas with the Trump “might not be that fun” after all.

He mentioned Melania’s “forest of blood trees” and also called up a clip of Donald Trump Jr. explaining to a TV camera how his father is a serial regifter, particularly when it comes to him since they have the same initials.

“There was one Christmas where he may or may not have given me the gift that I had given him the year before, because I monogrammed it,” said DJT. “And it was like, I know you didn’t get this,” to which Trump Sr. replied, “How do you know that?

“Because I gave it to you last year…” said Trump Jr.

You can check out the clip from last night’s episode of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert above.

Michael is a music and television junkie keen on most things that are not a complete and total bore. You can follow him on Twitter@Tweetskoor