Roseanne Barr Tells ‘Hannity’ She Was Not ‘Mentally Balanced’ Prior To Racist Tweet

Last night on Hannity, Roseanne Barr’s highly anticipated interview aired, providing the disgraced television celebrity with a platform to yet again explain the source of her racist tweet about Valerie Jarrett. The interview was technically Barr’s first television appearance since she was fired from the ABC reboot of Roseanne for comparing the former White House official to an ape.

During the interview, Barr spoke about her mental state while filming and promoting the ABC reboot of her show, which she diagnosed as having a dissociative identity disorder. “It was scary, Sean. I told ABC that I don’t feel like I’m in a good mentally balanced place,” she said, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Barr insisted that she had become “Ambien dependent” prior to the show’s air date and would wake up finding food in her kitchen that she wouldn’t remember eating and “eggs cracked on the wall” from a baking attempt gone wrong. “Ambien does that to people,” she said, again inferring that the insomnia drug was partly responsible for her internet outburst. She had also blamed the sleep medication the same day she posted the note to Twitter.

As the second part of her appearance continued, Barr said that she had promised the network that she would see a doctor to have her meds reassessed. “I don’t absorb vitamins and I found out I was really depleted and that affects your mental health,” she said, claiming she did not follow medical advice to go for treatments to have her vitamins replenished.

“I wanted that show. I wanted a second season so bad that I worked myself almost to the end,” she said.
Ultimately, Barr claimed ignorance as the true source of her woes as a result of her racist commentary towards Jarrett. “Her skin tone is like mine,” Barr told Hannity. “I didn’t know that she was African-American.”

“I didn’t [know better]. I made a mistake. It cost me everything, my life’s work. I wish I worded it better,” Barr said, again stating that she has “apologized, explained and asked for forgiveness.” During a recent podcast with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach at the New York Comedy Club, the actress claimed that she feels she has been forgiven for her actions.

As for what is next for Roseanne Barr? The actress stated: “I’m just loving doing stuff in my own studio. I do want to go back on tour and do my standup… I have a really diverse audience of fans and I’m really proud of that.”

Michael is a music and television junkie keen on most things that are not a complete and total bore. You can follow him on Twitter@Tweetskoor