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‘Unsolved Mysteries’: The 10 Weirdest Cases Of All-Time

Long before The Jinx and Making a Murderer burst onto the scene, Unsolved Mysteries was the undisputed king of true-crime television. Premiering in 1987, the series produced over 500 episodes during its 14-year run and was responsible for helping to place hundreds of scumbags behind bars. Host Robert Stack was like Batman and the world was his Gotham City. Countless ’90s kids lost thousands of hours of sleep thanks to this televised beacon of justice, freedom, and frightening cases of unexplained phenomena.

Honestly, the show may have single-handedly kept the nightlight industry afloat.

For years, all the passionate Unsolved Mysteries fandom had were memories. Well, memories and the copious amount of reruns that would air on Spike TV or Lifetime. But then in true Unsolved Mysteries fashion there was an update: A trove of old episodes were added to Amazon Prime (12 seasons) and Hulu (77 episodes). Not only that, these classic episodes included new updates on old cases.

The person or persons responsible for this is a literal hero.

The frenzied Unsolved Mysteries fanbase still hasn’t given up hope on the possibility of all-new episodes, but until the day this true-crime trailblazer is finally paroled, Decider is here to share a few of our favorite cases. Earlier this year, our own Brett White wrote about the top 15 UFO episodes, and today, we’re going to take a look back at ten of the weirdest cases in Unsolved Mysteries history.

Pay close attention. Perhaps you may be able to help solve one of these extremely weird mysteries.


"The Rain Man" (Season 5, Episode 18)

Photo: Amazon Prime

No, we’re not talking about Shawn Kemp, but I’d love to see an Unsolved Mysteries episode dedicated to the former Seattle Sonics great.

Extremely accessible opening jokes aside, the peculiar case of Don Decker centers around a man who, according to multiple witnesses, fell into a trance-like state as water began dripping from the ceiling (and walls, even traveling horizontally) of his friend’s house. The strange phenomenon began after his grandfather’s funeral, who had physically abused Decker.

Nine witnesses (including multiple police officers) saw streams of water materialize out of thin air for hours on end. Many believed Decker, who was on furlough from the county jail for receiving stolen property, was possessed. Adding to the mystery, the odd occurrence also happened at a restaurant Decker visited later that night.

When Decker returned to prison, the rain again materialized, drenching Decker and another inmate in his cell.

Two quick points before we move on. If you ever want to know more about an Unsolved Mysteries case, you should definitely visit the show’s gallery (which boasts a truly insane comments section) and/or Wiki page, which posts modern updates.

Stream "The Rain Man" episode of Unsolved Mysteries on Amazon Prime


"The Disappearance Of Craig Williamson" (Season 6, Episode 23)

Photo: Amazon Prime

My desert island Amazon Unsolved Mysteries episode is the Season 6 finale.

Craig Williamson went missing while on a business trip to Colorado Springs. His wife, Christine Reinhard, was adamant that Craig, who had recently suffered a concussion, was still alive and suffering from amnesia. The mystery is captivating on its own, but the post-case update adds a whole new wrinkle.

Craig really was alive and claimed to have lost his memory after being beaten and robbed by two men. The couple eventually reunited, but Craig had no memory of Christine, which unfortunately led to the two divorcing. Perhaps most interesting of all, investigators are still suspicious of Craig’s amnesia and believe that he staged his own disappearance.

Stream "The Disappearance of Craig Williamson" on Amazon Prime


"The Perplexing Case Of Bill & Dorothy Wacker" (Season 6, Episode 23)

Photo: Amazon Prime

One of the most terrifying cases of Unsolved Mysteries is the decade long psychological torment suffered by Dorothy and Bill Wacker at the hands of an unknown assailant. Also featured in the Season 6 finale, this heartbreaking case follows an unassuming elderly couple forced to endure constant mental, and at times physical, harassment from an unknown perpetrator.

What makes this case so perplexing is that Bill and Dorothy had no reason why they were being targeted. The couple experienced years of attacks, menacing letters, threatening phone calls, and sick mind games until they eventually passed away.

The case is the personification of cruelty.

Stream "The Case of Bill & Dorothy Wacker" on Amazon Prime


"The Circleville Writer" (Season 7, Episode 6)

Photo: Amazon Prime

The baffling case of The Circleville Writer is one of the most complex, intriguing segments in the history of Unsolved Mysteries. The case started when a series of threatening letters were sent to a bus driver, Mary Gillispie, who was allegedly having an affair with the school superintendent.

You need to watch the segment because a description of what happens next won’t do it justice, but the case is so unique that Unsolved Mysteries even received a letter from the alleged “Circleville Writer” while filming their story:

“Forget Circleville Ohio: Do Nothing to Hurt Sheriff Radcliff: If You Come to Ohio You El Sickos Will Pay: The Circleville Writer”

The mystery remains unsolved, but there’s an interesting update on the case available to read on the Unsolved Mysteries Wiki page.

Stream "The Circleville Writer" episode on Amazon Prime


"The Taos Hum" (Season 7, Episode 20)

Photo: Amazon Prime

One of the strangest unexplained phenomena is the mysterious unidentified humming sound, known as the Taos Hum, heard by thousands of people around the world. This bizarre case chronicles how a bevy of different individuals from across the country (but a great deal of people in Taos, New Mexico) can hear an extremely low frequency humming noise that most of us can’t detect. Is it all in their minds? Is there a scientific explanation?

The mystery remains unsolved but there is additional information about the case available on the Unsolved Mysteries Wiki.

Stream "The Taos Hum" episode of Unsolved Mysteries on Amazon Prime


"The Case Of Bobbi Parker" (Season 7, Episode 20)

Photo: Amazon Prime

The best Unsolved Mysteries segments are the ones in which the updates add a whole new layer to the mystery.

Bobbi Parker, the wife of the deputy warden of the Oklahoma State Reformatory, was kidnapped by inmate Randolph Dial. But this wasn’t an open and shut abduction. Thanks to a prison arts program, the two had been spending a lot of time together as Dial helped convert Parker’s garage into a ceramics studio. Due to their relationship, there was speculation that Parker wasn’t kidnapped but left voluntarily with Dial.

Incredibly, after ten years on the run, the two were found. Dial said his relationship with Bobbie was never romantic and that she lived in fear that he’d harm her or her family if she tried to leave. The update ended with the news that Dial had died in 2007 and that Parker had been reunited with her family. But the show’s Wiki page provided additional information.

Charges were eventually brought against Parker that indicated the two were romantically involved and that Parker helped Dial escape. She was later convicted and served six months of a one-year sentence. She was released and has since moved back in with her husband.

Stream "The Case of Bobbi Parker" on Amazon Prime


"Chupacabras" (Season 8, Episode 18)

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Photo: Amazon Prime

Friends, you haven’t lived until you’ve heard the word “chupacabra” delivered via the velvety vocals of Robert Stack.

Described as a “a kangaroo-like monster with reptile features and strange scales,” this episode follows a spate of unusual attacks on various livestock in the Puerto Rico area, including a goat with two small puncture marks drained almost entirely of its blood.

Why explain what this mythological creature looks like when we can show you? Here’s an artist’s rendition of a chupacabra (based on eye-witness descriptions) that aired on Unsolved Mysteries.

Photo: Amazon Prime

Wow. I’ll say what we’re all thinking: Who knew chupacabras were so sexy?

Update: The Unsolved Mysteries wiki reports that in October of 2010, University of Michigan scientists determined that chupacabras were probably just diseased coyotes.

Or are they?

Stream the "Chupacabras" episode of Unsolved Mysteries on Amazon Prime


The 'Unsolved Mysteries' Boners Segment (Season 9, Episode 12)

Photo: Amazon Prime

Few things on this crazy planet of ours bring me more genuine joy than the fact that Unsolved Mysteries took a break from catching murderers to tackle a segment on boners.

The case followed Charlie, a man who visited his doctor in the hopes of curing his recent bout of insomnia. After his appointment, he began nibbling on some chocolates that were left out by reception. Blatantly ignoring the unwritten rules of proper candy dish etiquette, Charlie consumed a handful of chocolates before he was informed that they contained “South American herbs known for giving the libido a lift.”

How difficult is it to make a sign, doc?! “Chocolate Aphrodisiacs. Do Not Consume Unless You Plan To Have Sex.”

Photo: Amazon Prime

The “dessert” was sex.

“Charlie was already halfway to paradise and probably could have left Dr. Watson’s love drops on the mantle,” Stack said in his voiceover, probably thinking about his Academy Award nomination. “But Charlie wasn’t taking any chances.”

Some viewers claim this is the “worst segment of Unsolved Mysteries” ever. But what if it’s the best?

Photo: Amazon Prime

Nope. Way closer to the worst.

Stream this episode of Unsolved Mysteries on Amazon Prime


The 'Men In Black' Episode (Season 9, Episode 17)

PHOTO: Columbia Pictures; Courtesy Everett Collection

Many of us think of the Will Smith action film when we hear the term “Men in Black,” but for two people who claimed to have seen a UFO, their minds go straight to a series of odd encounters with what could be a clandestine government agency.

These men, who may or may not even be human (what?!), inexplicably appeared to intimidate a number of people who’ve claimed to have had close encounters. Is the agency real? Are they friend or foe? Are the Men in Black galaxy defenders who are our first, last, and only line of defense against the worst scum of the universe or are they themselves aliens?

We don’t know… probably because they won’t let us remember.

Stream "The Men In Black" episode of Unsolved Mysteries on Amazon Prime


"The Tale Of The Skunk Ape" (Season 10, Episode 5)

Photo: Amazon Prime

Bigfoot? Not interested. I’m all about that Skunk Ape, baby!

“Skunk Ape? Just the sound of it brings a smile,” Robert Stack notes during his intro. As per usual, he’s not wrong. Described as “a creature larger than a gorilla with the odor of skunk,” the elusive and smelly Skunk Ape is a well-known part of Florida Everglades folklore.

Photo: Amazon Prime

Purportedly seen by many, the Skunk Ape is similar to Bigfoot. The only difference? You guessed it, the creature smells like a skunk.

Stream the "Skunk Ape" episode of Unsolved Mysteries on Amazon Prime