My First Time

I Watched ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit’ 30 Years After It Made Me Run Terrified From The Theater

30 years ago today, Who Framed Roger Rabbit debuted in cinemas. It was a landmark film that bent the rules of animation and showcased some truly innovative artistry. To this day, it’s one of the most critically-acclaimed Disney films, and it may just be one of the first true cross-studio movie team ups of its kind. Sure, everyone freaks out when Sony and Marvel work out contract disputes to give us Spider-Man in an Avengers movie, but what kind of meetings took place for Donald and Daffy Duck to play dueling pianos?

But Who Framed Roger Rabbit is also mired in infamy. At least in my personal biography it is. 30 years ago this summer, I begged my mom to take me to see Who Framed Roger Rabbit in theaters, and after about 10 minutes of screen time, I begged her again, this time whisper screaming and whining, to take me home. Who Framed Roger Rabbit scared the bejesus out of me. I was frightened of the crass humor, put off by the film noir aesthetic, and not a fan of the darkly lit nightclub. Worst of all, Who Framed Roger Rabbit featured a pet peeve of mine. (OKAY, FINE. PHOBIA. IT’S A PHOBIA OF MINE.) You see, I really get uncomfortable when cartoon characters and human beings interact. I don’t really like it onscreen, but I hate it in real life. I was one of those children who went to Disney World and spent the day screaming in fright whenever a giant character came to hug me.

So I spent my childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood shying away from Who Framed Roger Rabbit screenings. Pop culture forced me to see all of the film’s most iconic scenes — out of order, and out of context — but I have since managed to weasel my way out of start-to-finish watch.

Until today. In honor of Who Framed Roger Rabbit’s 30th birthday, I decided to give the film another chance.

Photo: Everett Collection

Does Who Framed Roger Rabbit Hold Up 30 Years Later?

Who Framed Roger Rabbit‘s biggest claim to fame is its mind-bending visual effects, which seamlessly integrate the world of cartoons with the world of living, breathing human beings. While the special effects in some films get crusty with age, others pass the test of time.

Luckily Who Framed Roger Rabbit stands the test of time. It remains a visual marvel that plays upon convention and cliché with equal abandon. The film is chock full of witty allusions, snarky callbacks, and genre “in” jokes. Who Framed Roger Rabbit makes merry of the wide and wild world of animation as much as it tinkers with the classic detective story. All of the beats of an old school noir are here — the down-on-his-luck detective, the sassy girlfriend, the femme fatale, and the crooked cops — and the film really loves to tear some of these conventions down.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit most notably tears into the misogynistic vision of the femme fatale, a beautiful vixen who is often either a villain-in-disguise or doomed for death. Jessica Rabbit gets neither of these fates, and the film does all it can to honor the more salacious traditions of the part, while absolving her of real sin. Jessica Rabbit is constantly challenging perceptions of her, and that’s pretty darn cool…and as modern now as it was 30 years ago.

Also, I should note: Bob Hoskins makes for an unlikely hero, but he delivers a nuanced performance while still selling us on his character’s heart of gold.

Photo: Everett Collection

Did I Like Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

It would be really sweet to be able to say that after three decades I was finally able to watch a film and see the beauty in it. I appreciate the technical artistry

While it is a beautifully made film, full of inventive splendor and satiric edge, I…did not really care for it.

I know, I know. It’s probably thanks to my predisposition against it, but I found the story to be boring. The 1947 film noir elements reminded me a little too much of Chinatown, which is never a bad thing, except it made me wonder if this was really a film for children. Furthermore, the film’s barrage of cruel comedy only reminded me of how much I didn’t like Looney Toones growing up. (Sacrilege? I know. But even as a kid I thought those cartoon animals were too mean to each other. Remember? I was an overly sensitive child who had to leave this movie because the lighting design scared me.)

So, my feeling on Who Framed Roger Rabbit is…eh??

Photo: Everett Collection

Do I Wish I Had Seen Who Framed Roger Rabbit In Theaters?

The big question for me was whether or not I would watch this film and regret not sitting through the entire film. Years later, Jurassic Park would test me, and become one of my all-time favorite movies. To this day, I regret running to the bathroom during the T-Rex attack (out of fright).

To be honest, I’m glad I didn’t see this movie in the theaters 30 years ago. It’s a dark, challenging film that needs its audience to have years of pop culture knowledge at their disposal. 30 years ago I was THREE AND A HALF YEARS OLD. For the last 30 years, whenever Who Framed Roger Rabbit has come up in conversation, my mother has rolled her eyes and complained about how I begged her to take me and then I begged her to leave. I’ve always felt bad about it until today because…WHY WOULD YOU BRING A THREE YEAR OLD TO THIS MOVIE?

Photo: Amblin Entertainment

Are preschoolers into Bob Hoskins’ back hair? I mean, it’s a bold choice that celebrates the man’s natural state, but also…it this a movie for preschoolers?

Where to Stream Who Framed Roger Rabbit