Arie’s ‘Bachelor’ Bride Was Engaged Before… Twice

After this week’s controversial Bachelor finale which saw Arie choose Becca, then dump Becca, then opt for Lauren B., who is now his official one true love forevermore, it’s Arie Luyendyk and Lauren Burnham who are under the microscope. One particularly eyebrow-raising detail that’s emerged is that Lauren was engaged to be married — to an NHL player, no less — as recently as July of last year. The Bachelor began filming in September.

Now, obviously, the heart wants what it wants, and there’s nothing more or less legitimate about Lauren now that we know she’s been engaged (twice, actually) before. It’s not like she’s been engaged nineteen f*cking times or anything! Still, it’s funny that after all this hubbub about Lauren being Arie’s second choice, that it’s actually Arie who might be the rebound man.

All of this information has come out as Lauren has gone under the microscope since Monday’s shocking season finale. And just in case you ever even considered going on a reality TV show (particularly one about dating), London’s Daily Mail is here to provide a one-stop deterrent, publishing a suuuuuuper slut-shamey article that manages to impugn Lauren for having the audacity to … wear bathing suits? Take selfies? Remember, nobody ever uses the term “risqué” unless they are trying to make women feel ashamed about their sexuality.

Anyway, the engagement — to pro hockey player Christopher Crane (who was drafted by the San Jose Sharks in 2010 but has seemingly yet to play an NHL game) — began in 2016 and was still on as recently as last July, a short two months before Lauren stepped out of her limo and into the waiting room of Arie’s heart while he went through the motions of being in love with Becca. Lauren and Christopher are apparently still registered at Crate and Barrel, and while we’re definitely not advocating this, how funny would it be to send Arie and Lauren a gift from Lauren and Christopher’s registry? DO NOT DO THIS. But still.


Where to stream The Bachelor