Chelsea Handler Blames Donald Trump’s Campaign on The Kardashians

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Much like a large swath of the population, Chelsea Handler is still attempting to make sense of a Donald Trump presidency.

Days after Trump’s victory, the Netflix talk show host famously broke down in tears during an interview with Senator Barbara Boxer after beginning her show by admitting she was “sad, disappointed, and confused” over the election results. The subject of politics was once again broached during Handler’s recent interview with Variety. When asked about what the media could have done differently during their election coverage, Handler remarked that the media treated Trump as “an entertainer first,” comparing it to a reality show, before placing the blame on the family ubiquitous with reality television: The Kardashians.

“I blame the Kardashians, personally; the beginning of the end was the Kardashians,” Handler said. “The way these people have blown up and don’t go away — it’s surreal. Everyone is for sale. We’re looking at a man that gets mad at Vanity Fair for reviewing his restaurant poorly. By the way, have you ever been to that restaurant? It’s the biggest piece of garbage you’ve ever walked into. That place looks like a Southwest airport lounge. It’s the worst.”

While we’re sure there are many fine establishments inside Southwest airport lounges across the country, Handler’s larger point is clear: A world that’s become increasingly obsessed with reality culture has elected a former reality television star as their president.

After saying she’d never want to interview Trump, Handler spoke about the possibility of impeachment.

“But how would they even get him out of there? He doesn’t abide by laws and rules,” the talk show host continued. “They’d have to physically remove him. It’s becoming clearer what a sociopath he is. I think our job as entertainers, or my job, is to reach across and figure out the people who are so disenchanted that they voted for him, and try to find some common ground.”