‘Togetherness’ Recap, Season One Episode Three: “Insanity”

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Brett finds solace in a robin, Alex realizes he has feelings for Tina, and Michelle has a night on the town, which starts off slow at a boring tapas bar and ends with her Googling a divorcé: this is “Insanity.”

…previously on Togetherness.

The episode kicks off (literally) with a workout montage depicting Tina (Amanda Peet) training Alex (Steve Zissis) to be the next leading man. As an out of shape Alex soon descents into near cardiac arrest, there’s a knock on the door from the mailman, wielding premiere tickets for the crappy crime drama Brett (Mark Duplass) has been working on for the past couple months — the same drama directed by the douchebag who humiliated Brett for stepping on his toes. Though Brett is reluctant to make an appearance at all (shocker), the foursome decides to go as a unit with Tina seeing this as an opportunity to get Alex closer to Hollywood’s inner circle.

After the babysitter falls through, Michelle (Melanie Lynskey) takes one for the team and stays home with the kids. But just as she’s getting ready to put the little ones down for the night, the babysitter comes to the rescue and tells Michelle to get lost and have some fun. Instead of heading out to the premiere, however, Michelle suits up in her finest fishnets and heads out to a bar by herself. After very explicitly disclosing to the bartender and the audience that she’s going “to see where the night takes her,” Togetherness has its first unsettling inciting incident and, for once, we’re actually on edge, waking us out of our lazy voyeurism.

 The demands of motherhood and tireless efforts to reconnect with her distant husband have taken their toll, and as Michelle strolls through the nearly abandoned streets of L.A. suburbia, we see a fresh, youthful side of her who revels in being on her own. Slinking up to a group of teenage skaters, Michelle pushes us further to the edge when she asks for a cigarette: doesn’t she know this could be dangerous? There are like six of them! But she’s��playing up the dominatrix thing again and shows no fear, only playfulness, as she blows smoke in the face of a young razzer who commented to his friend, Miguel, that his “mom looks hot tonight.” But without trying too hard, it’s clear to them and to us that Michelle is, in fact, still cool and wants to feel like the woman she barely remembers being before meeting Brett.

Cut to her walking into a city hall meeting regarding charter school education for the Valley’s youth; something Michelle supports and Brett doesn’t. After chatting with local councilman and handsome single father David Garcia about her desires to enroll her daughter in a community-oriented public school rather than private school, David gives her an innocent lift home, but the chemistry is palpable. Later that night, we see Michelle Googling her new friend, only to close her laptop immediately in spite of her inquisitive betrayal. Michelle knows what she’s doing, as do we, and this is certainly not the end of this plot line.

Meanwhile, at the premiere, Tina and Alex are hamming it up with a hotshot producer (who also happens to be Alex’s idol), Larry (played by Peter Gallagher) after worming their way into the VIP lounge. While Tina is her usual bubbly self, Alex is truly the life of the party, and for a second we think both Tina and Larry just might be smitten with him and his Jimmy Stewart impressions. Which is why it was so surprising when Tina goes home with Larry instead of Alex. “I didn’t even realize it was happening,” Alex admits to Brett, who picks him up in his eco-friendly Nissan after having a creative breakthrough listening to a robin sing atop a streetlight, “I’m such a fucking idiot.”

As soon as Alex loses that confidence he’s spent all night building, a flash of fury comes over Brett’s face, causing him to pull over and give a genuine, out of character pep talk using a Rush anthem as his muse. “This song is called ‘Tom Sawyer,'” he explains as he points to the radio, “and it is about a magical, amazing, and inspired person who lifts the spirits of everyone around him by the very nature of who he is.” For those obsessed Duplassians, this scene may have posed as a fun blooper, being that Mark Duplass and Steve Zissis have been best buds and collaborative partners for almost a decade now (he’s kind of like the third brother of Mark and Jay). But for those just getting to know the creative BFFs as onscreen BFFs, this scene, in which they reenact their own rehearsed version of Neil Pert’s epic drum solo, allows the audience to see the duos’ history shine through for the first time.

In two weeks, Togetherness will air its fourth episode, “Houston We Have a Problem,” in which Alex accompanies Tina to Houston so she can gather the remainder of her stuff and officially move to L.A. Prepare for Alex to play hard to get and for Tina to finally get jealous. Brett is trying to reconnect with Michelle (after his enlightening robin encounter that’s disguised as one of those moments when you’re totally defeated and look for a sign in something, anything, that might lead you to the light at the end of the tunnel), who might still be distracted with her encounter with David.

Whereas Episode Two focused more on each couple and pseudo-couple — Michelle and Brett, Tina and Alex — “Insanity” was more of a character teaser. And although the foursome is shaping up to be the most enjoyable Sunday night watch, it’s disheartening to realize they’re all becoming better versions of themselves without each other.

Catch the next episode of Togetherness on HBO and HBO Go February 8th and read the rest of our recaps:

Togetherness, Episode One: “Family Day”
Togetherness, Episode Two: “Handcuffs”


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Photos: HBO